I am Alone in Exile with Dream

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/zipskipsWasTaken 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
today was my first proper day in exile on dreams minecraft server and dream showed up and you all know what happens when dream visits no [ __ ] you and you're going like also most new viewers find me really annoying seriously so if you're new and don't find me annoying you still might but if you don't then please check the subscribe button to see if you subscribe the support of the moment has been just crazy and i can't thank you all enough enjoy hello do you have uh something you wanna you wanna put on the floor here yes what the how did you just how did you just mind that that quick you're evil nope you're evil by the way you're an evil man you're an evil groomer i know there's something else you want to drop down here no there um i don't reckon there is what do you look like your armor tommy well no this is i actually earned this myself just drop it in the hole tommy or no no no he can't just come and demand things from me i've i've been exiled i've done your [ __ ] what do you mean tommy what okay okay okay okay okay okay huh anyway i was exiled you are a dumb [ __ ] you're a dumb heydream stand right there stop oh stop right oh yeah dream won't you just leave the poor exiled man alone you're just like rubbing it in his face yes exactly i mean i mean that's pretty cool you're the biggest [ __ ] side switcher of all time man [ __ ] yourself why are you here why are you here how could you possibly want more from me i'm just i'm just you've tortured me and i've done you tommy what does that mean you don't listen to me ever you're the only person who doesn't ever listen to me if i tell you to do something you're like no [ __ ] you and you go and like do like the exact opposite you're like a little annoying bug in my room and it pissed me off and so i take you and i put you outside and that's what i did and now i'm just making sure you stay outside you're all [ __ ] other than bad boy halo he's he's the meanest one of them all right every time he says muffin where's my mind you know what he's really saying yeah bad bad racist slurs that's my tommy we're still friends okay just because they exiled you doesn't mean we're not friends just because your friends and family doesn't mean we can't be broke oh it's true why are you why this is so weird man you're all just stood watching me yeah it's entertaining it's weird i think watching people play video games is weird well you're just mining iron and stuff that that that's weird there's some form of correlation with my lack of things and and people around me and this big exile thing that happened because of you okay at least admit you're annoying just we say i am annoying i'm annoying dream dream most people when they first meet me finally annoying and then they realized i am the best people that when they first moved finally annoying so if that's you then subscribe no no no no it wouldn't have opened with that i'm sure oh there's some diamonds down here i'm gonna take these no no no televised brother go to hell [Laughter] why is this isn't fair this isn't fair man i'm alone i'm like a some like a sad little spider all i'm saying is if i had eight legs i would [ __ ] you all up hey quench [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] say stop dream i've always wondered like what does he consider a cursor because there'll be some times where i say some word and he'll say a language and it was like the dumbest word ever you know once i said i said girl and he went language and i went oh no no you guys gotta be appropriate okay he just says he doesn't know what to say it's like his little is his little like guys we can say boob boom language that's not a we can no longer say boobs why is my day going like this listen closely listen closely [Music] and just screamed we should we should head back why because ghostbusters on oh ghostburg oh he's trapped sorry we ought to go then again okay let's go tommy let's go okay well i need to go up oh wow hello this is a great house yeah i love it i love it i'm actually like this whole area how long did it take you to build this like like an hour oh you have a lot of blue sap not you would not believe the the ladies say i'm inundated with blue i put mine in my ender chest so i have some what ladies are you talking to oh they haven't seen one of these in a while should i not have done that dream why'd you break i had to say because you didn't break it you placed it down an entry chest in front of an exiled man why are you why are you there i have a gift for you oh i like gifts let me see show me what a book you're wrong thank you so much stream do you have a spare book whilst we're out here in the woods having some clarity time i have a novel i need to write do you wait so you want my best you're going to steal his book no no do you have a spare one do you have a spare one well listen it's the is the world that one can write your novel tell me you better not be writing how to sex i might be i might be there do people need to know where else how would they know how to sex without me without my guidance that's gone on deaf enough that i mentioned that i think like his mom came in he's like you need to get off minecraft and get a job in there imagine naming your son bad boy halo no can you all leave please i just want something about your aurier smells so much of body odor maybe for dreams what do you smell like sam nut i smell good oh yeah really what do you smell like i smell like your mother's perfume why would you why would you buy the same perfume as my mother why are you coming to england to have relations with a child's mother that's so weird she'll also probably come in and shout at you no she would never shout at me well i think i want to make myself a little tense as opposed to this dirt shack i want to make it here so i can look out over the sunset we do have a tent already you don't need to make a second no i want to be able to look out at the sunset it's very important to me we are on vacation i mean that is fair enough yeah tommy this is awful this is not a very good turn no watch this now it's being held up but they're not even attached to the tent use role play what a great team i'm ghostbusters pretending to be a high-pitched guy i vouched for this tent it's the best tent ever this is ugly like wilbur's gonna have to come and fix it what the [ __ ] it's cause i'm not finished with it it's gonna look like this you have a sign that says this is a tent in the way of a block people know some people know okay do i like this or not you know i i sure as hell don't like it turn red i'm just taking it down i'm not generous wait so how long is tommy supposed to be here like a week oh it's not bad no he's here forever for uh oh like a week wait wait wait wait dream yes i'll i'll be allowed to go to the nether weren't i um yes as long as you don't enter the portal into dream smp then you're fine but technically this just this is the whole point is you just want to stay as far as as far away as you can so okay okay i need to go get diamonds one second palace fellas fellas if we get that we can have a quick wave to the smp and back so we could maybe visit our friends once in a while i'm going to go caving then i'm if i can get some diamonds dream what was your childhood like was it a bit problematic yeah i was a problematic child i was a problem child for sure what problems did you cause i i did i caused a lot of problems i did a lot of what's the worst thing you've ever done to another human being i was very young i was very young i uh like where this is going i i i cut some of my sister's hair off did you know apparently i once blew up a nation and killed everyone why did that one tickle you so hard man i don't know it's just funny like it's just funny because i i'm it's funny it was funny anyway um like my sister i was married my sister and she was like she was like uh why were you mad at us like i don't even remember something so dumb she was like sitting on the couch and i walked in behind her like was it just like cut it with scissors like a lot of her hair oh my god it's wrong i know i was messed up i was a bad [ __ ] i know it is it's bad it's really bad i feel i thought i feel horrible how else do you feel would you say would you describe yourself as happy now yeah why what what is there to be happy about i don't know my fans me neither friends my people who support me what about your fans makes you the happiest they cheer me up and say nice things make me happy how do you know they're not lying to you because they would never lie see i think they would sometimes that's true they could lie it's just they only lie about the bad things the only way about them that's even worse yeah what bad things do you reckon they lie about your fans when they say like oh he has a big ego or something i know they're lying then you think you do have a big ego well compliment yourself oh come on of course i don't i have the smallest ego i've ever seen what history compliment yourself why do you describe myself in two what's your strongest quality small ego i think my strongest quality is how small might be the first words correct yeah what's your strongest quality my strongest quality is being amazing okay my strongest quality is knowing when people are lying oh wow so we have two gifts for you come in the house tell me come in the shack wait whoa look at how good it looks tommy can't really uh oh oh it's because i was stood too close it was getting all blurry very far back and swim back and squish and imagine quite hard as well and also i got you this is sexy should i read it yes dramatic reading not all of it i'll tell you when it's gonna get you cancelled and you can stop reading i can't be canceled i don't know what i wrote because i was um off my ed how to sex babies be like yo i came out of the vagina chapter one how to sex you like sex yeah me neither but let's read this book so we can stop the sinners do not have sex with terrorists that's true that's true but let's tell bad to unmute it's so bad don't mean i'll read it i'll read this line again if baden yes wait should i go on this mic when i read it like how loud would that be you have to quit it might get linked up to tommy you might not be able to get back it's gonna okay oh you should test it and just make sure you can you can give it yeah it's it's made a completely new portal did you just use logs to bridge stop it well yeah tommy it's our own portal it's completely isolated that's awesome we're gonna make a t-shirt how to improve your tent it's it's just like a perfect triangle thank you it's perfect that's never you want it to be like taller than it is wide right i'll do one side and you just copy it on the other right now it just looks obnoxious now it looks like it now it looks like it knows more than me it probably does what the [ __ ] the tent probably was more than him what the hell that's it i'll just do the same thing it's a bit more homely a bit more roomy it's got a bit you just added more depth oh i can get a bed on the left hey on the right i know what we need trap wire hooks how do we craft them uh it's with string stone and oh something i don't remember oh tripwire iron iron i think every ingredient you said was wrong wilbur the ingredients are wood stick and iron and you said something completely different he said stone string you'll miss hearing me you've got to work with your hearing actually what should i call this i reckon i go short and simple what the [ __ ] call it big t oh oh you oh you didn't have to do that that thank you it's me why are you doing that i need to throw up the whole new table no no are you pooing he's a jackpot he's what oh he has speed oh wait no he's going to get how fast he is i've taken so many drugs someone tell bad boy halo oh yeah what if we cuss in the chat he can't run from that yeah i feel that he's done so many drugs wow over censoring himself why are you censoring yourself over i've spoken to him once ever and it was very nice and i feel like swearing at him is not the way of making friends with him well but you know what we need now you know what we need now okay no no no no what the hell is spamming a dream you should make a pact right dream when was the last time you had a good cry [Music] don't ignore me we should make a pact and our pact is that we make a book and we put that that uh that that saying muffin is a slur and then we we present it to him with a signature from everyone on the server like if he continues saying it we cancel him like we make it we make it within the lore we make it lore that it's a slur what is he gonna do then what is he gonna do then he's the most evil man on the whole at that point you've just destroyed my entire home actually what home yeah this was your new home well yeah but i had an old home as well that i was quite content with can i go back to record for like an hour and see all my friends tommy think of it this way whenever like you're in prison you can't just go and visit your friends but they can come and visit you i think that you can go to the netherlands you can be like a messenger pigeon my facets have been compared a lot to a pigeon so that's fine with me you can't attack pigeons you can you can't but but they retaliating groups they're retaliating big big hate groups hate flocks wait i just realized this is a dream this place is really close to the what happens if i go through it you kill me but say if i go through and you're not there and then you catch me what do you do then i come and i kill you and you'll be dead i will make sure one hundred percent that it is a plot point he might kill you three make it part of your character development then it has to be dwell after killing tommy dream says i've had character development and then it's kevin he's dead you guys i am the learned you completely changed your character yeah just start speaking spanish after that it's just it was the moment that happened tommy you'll be canonically killed and then you'll be you're gonna let me just see it you can see it it's fun i genuinely think it's quicker to boat home than it is to run through this netherlands i don't know where you've gone tommy tell me watch this watch this comment tell me i'm lost are you jealous hey you don't need to be jealous oh my gosh i'm home oh it's so beautiful there's a giant tree a christmas tree can i go and look at the christmas why didn't you why didn't you guys go through and take a photo and come back tommy i'll be there for christmas actually i want to see the christmas i wanna yeah just tell me stay here look where let's get it it's so beautiful it's right over here oh oh yeah it's across it's across the community house that is cool i'll bring it back you tell me i'll bring it back give me let me in the picture let me in the picture you can always look at me come on it's not your time to die yet tommy it's never my time to die can i can i not just have one little walk along the prime path no can i on christmas day um yeah i i mean i consider it an exception maybe i'd consider an exception but probably not if i killed you now you just die i have got apple so i wouldn't but wow why is this saying the url is incorrect what's wrong mommy very dark i just want you to die i don't think i asked very much home home sweet home sweet home hey tommy i've got you a polaroid photo tell me look christmas do you see me at the top i'm the little angel christmas christmas can i go and see the tree i mean you can to go and see the tree why don't you let him just it's not in la manberg why don't you just let him see the tree and then escort him back it's not in la manburg but it's in it's in dream smp so tell me how about we build our own christmas tree in lobster chip yeah that's a really good idea
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 11,903,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, wilbur soot, dream war, dream smp, fun, exile, dream smp exile, tommy dream exile, lmanberg, ghostbur, I am Alone in Exile with Dream
Id: vQrcfRTf2IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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