I swore EVEN MORE at BadBoyHalo...

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bad boy you are being a [ __ ] i swore so much at a man that hates swearing how angry can i make bad boy halo before i make everyone upset he completely lost his mind also only a small percentage of people who watch my videos actually click the subscribe button so if you like this then please subscribe it's 100 free and you can always unsubscribe later enjoy hey bad hi yeah i saw you had a call but i wasn't at my computer where were you uh playing fetch with rap is your dog been really named rat i know that's just a nickname [Music] anyway what might you call do you want do you want to know the nickname for my dog sure [ __ ] wow language tommy why what is it with you and language bad why is it [Music] why is it with you and swearing what happened is it like some childhood trauma where like someone swear at you and then you're like someone died or like what is it like i just like to keep content that i'm in family friendly my content is not for family nor friends it's not for family or friends no then why would anyone watch it don't you want your friends to be able to watch like you stream i don't mind what words i say instead of swearing i want to be educated the worst ways i know are [ __ ] wanker start penis isn't technically a language listen we've had this talk now if i okay if i'm a doctor and i'm operating on someone's if i became a surgeon and had to operate on people and had to refer to their body and you were going language language how is that going to reflect how they they'll fire me on the spot that's they'd fire me on the spot and they and they they pissed that they piss on me that's completely different did did you see this yeah i did it was very nice i have a little i had a little problem with it though by the way yeah i know that's why i built it my problem with it is you made my head hollow yeah [Music] why did you do that why don't we place down some signs for things that i think about oh that's actually a great idea do that and we need a torch in here by the way keep mobs from spawning hey no no no no well this is what i think about you're destroying my memories you're destroying my memories what are the swear words start with a p yeah look look these are all this is the alphabet i stopped wow this is a medical term now i don't care it's very offensive to all the doctors in the in the audience i suppose it's a form of torture because you're not letting me think about what i want to think about and what i want to think about is the word whatever you want your head i'll build a statue of you okay i'll add your eyes i bet you have small eyes yeah i'd say that kind of looks like you [Music] that's what you think i look like okay come in come in please please in i am i'll give you some signs i want you to i want to hear your thoughts there you go oh boy halo who's lucy that's my dog what'd you eat what no your dog's rap lucy is my dog you got a girl on the go bbh no yes my father's name amen okay i mean this nicely you seem like quite an unstable character um i don't think so [Music] i built you this very nice statue does that look like someone who wasn't stable could accomplish this amazing feat yeah just watch the tutorial in it you notice well no no i'm staying what potatoes no does this thing look like a potato well i'm holding a okay a bow no this oh the disc yes yes my desk yeah it's my music disc that you stole from me i have one in my hand yeah it's mine and i have it now for hitting two million subscribers instead of giving me my music disc which you have and can give me you built a statue of me holding it yes that's [ __ ] weird that way you just give it to me you are being a [ __ ] i built you an amazing statue it's you know what disc stands for don't you what dick is [ __ ] come on hand it me back can it be back you've got that in your ender chest keep this up and i'll barbecue it we have a barbecued chicken yeah i have chicken see so you've barbecued a chicken so that means oh hannah you've barbecued [ __ ] hey wait a minute you don't want to be honest you place chests there you're doing you're so bad at running your brain is so so screwed you're so screwed i don't need storage i've got these two double chests your brain is all right you can't even open the chests i didn't realize that your brain just doesn't make any sense to anyone hey that's it okay see that's an example of a mean thing don't say saying things anymore try try things that are are encouraging halo you smell so interesting thank you see this is great tommy yeah yeah i kind of like this well i need to go cut down some trees and repair this path just don't cut any from down there i renovated down there do you remember how it was all like exploding and awful so you left this huge hole here though well i didn't do this bit i wonder what does 69 mean because everyone laughs at it i know that that's like the mr beast number or something no no no there's definitely something more but i don't know what it means everybody says like nice like the nice number i think it's the sex number no language that's the problem tommy you ever had a girlfriend language tommy how many girlfriends have you had language tommy what do you mean i'm just asking you about your question i'm gonna break you of your naughty language habit every time you say something that is just remotely language worthy you're getting the language why is that why is girlfriend language how sensitive is your list this is the language stick and you're going to get hit with that halo get your stick away from me why don't we use a different word for stick let's call it the language [ __ ] hit me with it then that's how isn't this your house over here yep you can go that way i'm going this way [Music] didn't it look great you swore you swore it says your name under it as a quote and it says the word [ __ ] oh my goodness you're what oh my god get this house down we need to go and take down this house we need to go there are swears there are swears there are swears you wanker you wanker get my blocks i'm gonna add my friend to the call cause he'll he'll teach you hello hi phil why won't he swear i don't know i don't know i feel it's so weird ask him how many girlfriends he's had how many girlfriends have you had i don't want to talk about it i don't get the language treatment but youtube tommy yeah why does that make sense is it because i'm old [Music] is he because he's old because he is very old aren't you phil i mean i'm not that old are you are you a good speller bad boy halo it was indeed [Laughter] can you hear him in the discord yeah he's just real okay watch this filter hey bad boy halo no i'm not saying that no here's the read i'm getting on you i'm getting the read that you hate kids no listen well because whenever i swear you go like a witch but whenever filzer over here does you go oh i don't swear in this conversation at all phil [ __ ] nice i'm not saying that swearing is never called for i'm just saying i just i just okay and don't take this personally i just i think you're a [ __ ] swear swear my friend please just let it out but i imagine it just wants to see the real bad boy i want to see the real bbh let him out let him out i don't swear like even when i'm out and about okay it's not just like on stream like you've never sworn no no i'm not never but i'm saying oh [ __ ] if i look at bad boy halo swearing compilation that was literally you what do you mean it would be i'm sitting here holding a [ __ ] breadboard i heard it bad boy halo you've got some explaining to do tommy you still haven't told me whether you like the statue i built okay we struck enough we did yeah we okay yeah sorry yeah the statue is very good there's a place for content that is swearing and there's a place for content that doesn't okay are you streaming right now no but oh tommy's streaming and he he's he swears i know so who are you who are you protecting right now no i'm saying that tommy is a swearing muffin that is okay he's his own special person he's a very unique person listen to me pal you muffined up what i'm gonna you know i'm gonna stop swearing because your words are just swears but you've just changed the word of us it's like if instead of saying [ __ ] i just go dirt block now you're talking about a dirtball [Music] please call me a [ __ ] no i said you see like you see i think bad boy just called you a [ __ ] i think you just got me oh i'm gonna put this in my compilation you you [ __ ] up i can't believe this oh my goodness they're all calling me [ __ ] in it now because of you bad boy halo i'm never going to stream again no tommy no no no no there's no point there's no point this is my legacy now [ __ ] in it you should stream your streams are always fun to watch but they have so much swearing in okay but that doesn't mean that people can't enjoy them do you enjoy them there might be some people who don't if we're not gonna talk about swearing then i get it okay let's talk about women bad boy halo how many have you ever had a girlfriend cause i sure know i have believe just believe you're so insane i'm asking me questions because you're an intro i just want to learn more about you oh eric oh yeah you don't need to you just killed a woman feeling good let's just move on you ever killed a woman no really what type of question is that i sure know i have smash like it doesn't matter because i what i said don't cut these trees down i don't see any oak trees around you cut down the one set of trees i said not to cut down well look at this look at this growth and repair my friend excuse me excuse me yeah i'm gonna have to no put it in the middle it doesn't matter it's just no it does matter i set up this garden are you all right oh i'm not all right you're breaking my tree but i'm replanting them and they grow back stronger and better than ever so i don't understand what's wrong with you i just just let me plant them there what's wrong with me you language [ __ ] language you broken down [ __ ] dreams the dream stat checks like i felt damn time yeah guys please please guys i'll i'll go and i'll kill people if you don't like that no just say something okay convince me to sub to you right now hey tommy you should please sub to me that would be great i don't want to okay because you don't swear okay that's fine would you swear for a sub no so you hate your subscribers i know i just wouldn't swear [Music] i'd swear for my subs remember that remember that as you hit the subscribe button i'm gonna put down my trespasser signs to keep trespassers out [Music] tommy yeah you're censoring me you're censoring me please don't come in without asking see that doesn't have enough of them actually out yeah i like that i like that keep it keep it please please please please please no but it's important or else people how will they know that they'll [ __ ] die oh my goodness just saying it's not descriptive well i'll kill well no because that's not that's not what i will do they'll just die what they're just gonna magically die yes let's go add some more trespassing signs it's true okay this is not how you spell well you well listen you had the word [ __ ] in front of your property so i don't know why you'll be you did have it i did not you did and you're not even defending your language because you know you know what no i language i'm taking this sign and give me all your signs no okay okay fine i'm just taking that one okay i'll craft more right now [Music] yeah that's got a good ring to it no pricks on my property oh my goodness there you go i fixed it you're welcome this is weird what what is wrong with this song explain it's just your whole you just you're just a very sus man i'm
Channel: undefined
Views: 11,717,300
Rating: 4.905036 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, badboyhalo, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, dream war, dream smp, fun, I kept swearing at BadBoyHalo…, I swore EVEN MORE at BadBoyHalo...
Id: un38j-pKLWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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