I keep getting harassed by Dream in Exile

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i am in exile on dreams minecraft server and it is so lonely people don't get exiled from minecraft servers this whole experience is just so unusual also thank you all so much for all the subscribers at the moment most people genuinely find me really annoying so all of you subscribing is just so crazy thank you all so much if you don't find me annoying please consider subscribing anyway today just got worse because dream showed up huh why are you here every time you've been here you've done something destructive i i've not done anything destructive everything's been fine i haven't destroyed anything hello you take your armor off and drop it down here no see this is what i told you about that you're destructive to me tommy i'm not destructive listen you gotta drop it why drop it down i only just made this set minutes ago just drop it down oh there's a baby's arm in the chicken attack oh my god you're so weird you're such a big [ __ ] i do not listen to green punks okay okay okay okay okay okay drop your diamond sword down there too actually i don't have a diamond sword i saw you holding it please can i keep it just right just worship a prayer what would vickstar do right now he'd want me to keep it he'd want me to keep it you know the drill you're right i've worked so hard to get that you already so what have you been up to today you know he got he got given a compass that leads to you actually no he didn't he did i gotta give one at least to him i mean he hasn't i no he's not allowed that's why he hasn't came no he came here earlier just when you were offline he actually he got some primes he was streaming he went he looked at the prime log oh god dream does he only like me for my primes no all the ladies on snapchat they only like me for my primes so how many primes have you got this week i go 300 they go oh that's so hot i go what what about my personality they go no no no no i think i've realized why no one's came to see me it's because there's not an easy way to get to me and i'm gonna make an easy way to get to me today i mean if you boat here it and it took me two minutes like no no one wants to use the boat it's too far it's too far for people you know what tommy i'll do you a favor you know what no no you we already have a ball yeah but this one's even closer to your but it's gonna mess up all the links and stuff no it won't i promise this will just make it even closer so there's no excuse if they don't come visit here you know what dream i reckon you're right dream have you ever uh been on a boat or sailed iron you seem like the type of guy that would drown what i would drop like the guy that died the type of guy that's dad would throw him overboard as a joke and then he would drown what hey don't shoot the messenger pal i'm just saying i mean i was just what are you eating ice what the [ __ ] really dream you seem like the type of guy that when he finishes a drink that has icing you awkwardly stick your hand down the cup and try and pull out all of the ice you seem like that type of guy i bet when there's a lemon in your drink you suck on the lemon for like two minutes afterwards no i don't know i don't really like lemons that much like they're too sour oh you're such a [ __ ] yeah no you you definitely do seem oh look oh you were right so dream texting a lot of girls lately obviously what do you make of the nether is this small tie this is a small talk well it's very awkward considering you you exiled me and uh have banished me from being around all of my friends and now they're trying to side with me it's kind of tell me what do you mean from all your friends i'm your friend yeah dream what do you make of my bridge it's beautiful you should extend it out the way it's even more safe people aren't afraid to come to you why would they be afraid of this long obsidian path we're gonna need some more because we need to get all the way over there i have wood we're in the nether sometimes i think are you really you know you know well my iq goes down when i'm in the nether that's just that's how it works i watch this watch this charlie log out log out look out do you have any um blocks or else we're going to be some block shot okay i have i have some but it's wide it's going to break oh no i don't want anyone there's i think there's i think that they're yeah use those no they're pity drugs why are they pity blocked did you just throw that oh i need them dream okay well how are we gonna don't see all right fine you know what you know what i'm gonna throw this pearl you get one time to hit me off okay hit me up hit me up just die just die i'm not gonna die i'm not gonna die don't worry okay well why the [ __ ] are we the hell okay go back there go back there all right now come back through [Music] oh what you're so clever dream connection iq is just so big that was so stupid wait break this one here break this one tommy oh wait i'm about to get him hugged wait wait oh wait oh okay there we go there we go you've just grieved me you've just grieved me you bastard you bastard i know your mother so i can't make jokes about killing your family can i that would be out of pocket as the new yorkers say are you from you i bet you're you seem like the type of guy that's from new york i'm not where am i are you like right here perfect now it works yeah i've gone down like seven iron blocks today that's not good who's that no one oh it's rainbow no what do you mean no you told him to come out wait is it not rambo oh it's it fills it yes you know what's interesting i don't know if you know this actually there might be new information you know technically lives over there like the way phil is going [Music] what it's actually not that far it's like i don't know a thousand blocks something just straight that way you hit his base why would you put me in a place that's near technobaby i i didn't know i i had no i would you put me in a home that is near the blade the only person i hate equally as these bones away cannibalism that would be too far they always said to me they said whatever you do whatever you do on live stream do not cannibalize it's the one thing that is just is just generally frowned upon in the twitch community and i went if you insist guys hey do it for me dream all right twitch prime i'm gonna keep doing this if you this how i make a living how is that how we wait how are we making am i a stripper now is that cannon one guys you said an all caps dream hot i mean i mean dream you've actually uh no one actually knows remotely what you look like what do they do you don't know one person they might not know me in real life or something you don't know are you hot i mean that's that's up for you oh my god you are the least humble man i've ever met dream you're a wanker you're just a woman yo wake up dream you're a wanker that's what you sound like you go tomato tommy where's tommy hey tommy hey tommy turn me he said he's going to come and visit me and then he's just well it's not easy now you're making it easy join our core laser oh nice you you're thickening it out look at us go why don't we just hey why don't you just unexile me you know what she's gonna well i think i i think maybe there's a possibility at least in the future that you could you could you know visit her oh really you told me it was permanent before i'm so glad visitors pass i'm thinking of visitors i'm so glad watch this [Music] hello mate mike i've been looking for you why do you um sound like that oh you know it's just like from birth mate well i mean technically you didn't you didn't sound like you can't get a you don't have an accent at birth technically oh hey hey hey what do you make of my bridge is it easy to use is easy and accessible after yesterday's events i've been terrified this entire time come with me come with me later look how easy it is to use okay now i'm less scared now yeah thank you see i told you it was the it was because i didn't have a bridge no one was coming to visit me dream honestly i did think about visiting you earlier but i was like too hard i'll you know what i'll leave you two alone for a little bit i have something to do real quickly i'll be back in let's say 10 minutes or so so what's it like being australian pretty good it must suck it's like england but we have nice beaches beautiful women little animals space well i could have beautiful women if i wanted to yeah based on your location i'm not sure don't have a girlfriend i do but you know i'm totally okay i'm going out with muselk's sister i am that was a major dub what was so major about it i'm gonna make my mind known what was funny about it dating your friend sister it's kind of funny if you have any friends left tommy you like you could probably find one of their sisters i don't know i don't know do not make that joke with me there is that is literally the only person on the internet who you should not make that joke with just one of my things is making those videos with people's sisters so it's kind of a bit strange for you to say that so how how how did you explain to musa that you've started uh dating his sister i i didn't really ask or explain anything it just kind of happened that's a huge dick move love is love mate i'm not sure if you have a good morals so how did he how did he feel initially about that um i mean well yeah like he didn't have a choice yeah doesn't sound like you were very good friend well i mean i i'm an insanely respectful individual and i love his sister very much so he was happy that uh someone who's a good dude was dating his sister sorry there was no problems are you gonna get married probably i kind of like her a little bit hey you know if you don't get married i'm gonna i'm gonna clip that and send that to you every day she dumps me you're just gonna say yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna or if it's like you know like she died or something i'll send that to you every day what the [ __ ] jesus that's not a great energy you don't have a girlfriend tommy there's a beam what do you have multiple girls multiple how did the cause you still go to school right i saw that video on your channel oh yeah you seem like you seem like the type of guy that's seen a lot of videos on my channel i've watched two as you said in the start of your videos most people when they first watch you find you very annoying i'm still just trying to get over that phase you know ah yeah i can't believe i just made a joke about your girlfriend dying and got away with it does she watch me bringing you a gift no tommy i bet she does hi most women obviously she definitely does not watch you we were just talking to our laser beam you know he's uh apparently there are lots of jokes about my girlfriend dying so i'm not really sure how i feel about this wait did you die no no dream no no energy being put into the universe like what's up now i've been in isolation for so long i'm starting to get dark humor so i i would understand that joke if like yeah we broke up or something like that but like if she died dude he was sending me that every day it would be it would be for the lols though what the hell is wrong yeah i mean i've got dark humor now it's your fault that you put me in exile society did this to me all right i've watched the joker where's the one like really being like dark humor laser beam i don't think dream's very funny i'm actually very funny you think i'm funny ladies do you think i'm funny oh 100 yeah i can i can tell you my my classic joke once you're back laser and and tommy can see too what's your classic joke it's the best joke is the joke gonna be hey tommy put your armor in the hole i reckon in real life you look funny i am funny in real life i don't know about funny looking but i reckon you're funny looking well i mean i know you're funny-looking that's why you don't show your face tommy no you guys are in the right right now not only are you holding me captive but you're uh insulting my appearance to my face hey you had a cousin no no no i mean as listen listen as an insecure 16 year old i i understand that dream now let's cancel him what the hell it's wrong i'm gonna write a twit longer [ __ ] let's go i've just got some more stair stream let's head back check my sword tommy yeah can you come back to the nether suit [Laughter] laser in a box what will he do no let's let's just leave him there oh my god i was ringing a bell in this tent and then out oh my god here look i'm going to show you the best joke in the world you ready [Music] [Laughter] it's rubbish what did you find funny about that joke come on look at his sad sad exactly because it's because dream not everyone knows your minecraft skin well enough to be like oh nipple change nipple change basically basically gonna he's body shaming people and he thinks it's funny wide nipples that sounds like a twit longer all right tommy do you think you're funny if you're good at jokes then name every joke see even even that dream was you're just the king of being it was funny so how are you connor i'm over here do you have any more obsidian oh what the [ __ ] what my heart can you move out please well there's no i mean it's kind of vacant so i was like all right well that's my hope well you know i'm gonna need to move back in when i'm unevicted soon uh-oh well connor if i ever get unevicted and if i if the day i'm unevicted you're still in my home i'll slay you i will give you a thumbs down on our vrbo what's a vrbo it's part-time stays wait so am i is my home being rented out as an airbnb it's definitely on the on the cards i think that yeah it's like oh i want to stay in the tommy unit house it's like all right well that's 3k at night it's nice tommy doesn't want to fall off and die wait laser when we do it why don't we do a tommy rescue mission log out tommy look out log out tommy oh there's fire i never die i'm so good at this game [ __ ] this is why i gave you that kiss oh yeah thanks laser i don't hope your girlfriend dies yeah i'm going all the way around that's weird no it's the right way to go it's not it's the slowest way possible but it's not the slowest way possible let's not be idiots here let's not be anything let's use fact over feelings idiots i don't like hanging around people with low iqs like you dream what's your iq connor um well it's like a good more than mine that's not true it's a good one that's not true mr beast said in his title monster thousand yeah he's through that pretty sure he put in this time one time that mine's one we have the second oh you dropped the same like i mean if mr beast tells you your iq you're not gonna you're not gonna try and disagree with him but i'm pretty sure i was also in a toast video title and it said 8 300 iq in my one appearance in the new video he just kept going johnny are you stupid like that over and over which which really uh is a really interesting juxtaposition to your two's [Laughter] 900.
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 5,539,406
Rating: 4.9510937 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, lazar beam, dream war, dream smp, fun, exile, dream smp exile, tommy dream exile, lmanberg, ghostbur, I keep getting harassed by Dream in Exile
Id: lSewwlHjzz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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