I Accidentally Gave ALIEN TECHNOLOGY To Humans on Purpose in Worldbox

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hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a beautiful little game called world box you know the one where you get to take elves and then dump them nicely into the middle of a volcano and watch them scream in horror as their legs burn off actually they're not really doing that they actually sound pretty excited which which is good for me because i really like that sound it's one of my favorite sounds in the whole world you know what my other favorite sound in the entire world is is taking the tsar bomber bombs and then you know making a giant splattering and then erasing all life forms from the entire planet even the grass and the sand and everything else until we make the entire planet gone and a nice beautiful new palette for us to cause more paint and suffering i say that all loud i don't feel like you can say stuff like that out loud hey look a beautiful new landscape i don't know what's happening to it but uh oh look there comes the water that's actually kind of satisfying i wonder if anything survived world age two years old 53 deaths nobody's life oh i mean what else do you expect i just nuked the place but there was something kind of unique and interesting in this latest update i mean one of the updates i don't know if it was the latest one or not but if i call in a ufo if i can find it anywhere why do they have to keep changing things on me ufo where are you are you really in the people zone oh you are there's a ufo unidentified flying object that flies around in the air obviously thank you genius and then let's say we blast you with lightning until it crashes to the ground and then look we have a little friend his name is zoutu i'm going to name him kevin because he seems like a friend of ours and kevin also has this thing which is called an alien blaster attack plus 30 he's got 20 attack speed and 10 critical hit which doesn't really mean much other than he's immortal he can't die from old age he also likes to dine on doritos and mountain dew specifically which is why he has acid blood that's what happens if you drink too much mountain dew but he's acid proof wait hold on i feel like one of these is not like the other so now kevin can just live off the end of his days on this little island all by his lonesome nah just kidding who heard a nuke him too yay kevin and now what we have to do is make a nice beautiful ufo looking world is that satisfying looking i don't really know but what i do know is i can highlight parts of this ufo to make it even look more ufo like and then we'll fill in a nice area down here and that is beautiful it's a perfect place for kevin's memorial so you know we'll do the next best thing is see the entire planet so there's nice food and water here and it'll just pretend to be a ufo and it will change the time so it's super duper fast can you go super duper fast go super duper fast thank you that's not really it's not let's be honest that's not really super duper fast but if i open up the settings menu and smack the burger a bunch of times eventually it turns the debug mode on if i click up here then i can make things go even faster also i can turn greg on i don't know what greg does but we need greg sonic speed go world populate yourself wait creatures have spawned and i didn't do it it's waff what is waff what what kind of animal is waff oh woof woof is it a doggy boy oh that's adorable we got little doggy boys running around and i hear some sheep by ellowing too to sheep billow i don't know they're going to get eaten by humans soon but before we do that we'll splatter in some gold give them a little bit of silver in the world i suppose they also need some stones and a nice little southern pole splattered with the volcanoes to sacrifice more elves to it's all fiery and dark and sad inside a perfect place for elves to live they don't really live what happens if i put one there how long do they live he's actually still alive uh for just a little bit just oh there he died now i'm just gonna properly water this ufo and then we'll bust out the trusty rusty auto clicker to repeat 100 times and then we'll drop this down to maybe one millisecond beautiful now there's a hundred people all standing right on top of each other including one guy who's absolutely gigantic let's put that a few more times and soon enough cities shall flourish oh look oh i love it when those waves of people just kind of spread out and they're like oh yay we're surviving also there's a weird demonic rabbit thing up here that kind of looks strange i don't like that and the first city has begun now you're probably saying to yourself you're saying blitz but they're all gonna kill each other unfortunately i had to turn off some different things like diplomacy yeah they don't need to declare wars and treaties they also don't need rebellions or kingdom expansion none of that actually we can turn that one on yeah they're not gonna steal borders though and they're also not gonna do whatever that does maybe i should make them not eat or die of old age too that'll be fun oh there's also eternal lava which also sounds fun we're gonna leave that on just to make this island really amazing place to live isn't it nice we have one two three four five six beautiful little cities that are flourishing they're even doing dumb stuff like growing fields even though they need food so what we'll do now is we'll turn on sonic speed and these things should grow nice and big and hopefully cover up the entire map just because this is a ufo and it looks like it's sucking something up i feel like i need to draw a cow here i'm really bad at drawing things so we probably just need a cow cows have four legs i think usually we'll give them spots because cows have spots right i'm not a cowologist but i mean that looks pretty good does it need a black eyeball yeah look at that i mean i made a cow and then we'll water my cow and we'll plant some various seeds all over it by infinity times and i kind of want to give it to the elves because i don't i don't know why maybe not elves what else should i put here turtles millions and millions of sea turtles it's gonna be sea turtle you know what i don't think so we need bears it's a bear island the bears are living on a cow and now they're gonna eat all the turtles well it was a turtle island until the bears decided to eat everything except for that one turtle there's one left what are you doing little turtle how are you still alive did the bears eat everything else i don't know why but there's something very satisfying about building an island that's full of wild animals that the bears will eat if unless they don't want to then i'm not going to pressure them into eating if they don't want to but our civilizations are looking nice look at this sweet island isn't it cool we have nice little cities built up there's tons of soldiers that are all slamming around and then i get to pick which one i think is the nicest color i'm gonna go with the purple i'm kind of a big purple fan today and now i get to use this fun tool called the life eraser removes all life with a single touch oh it's so sad goodbye aki hendrimani i don't even know what that word is but you're dead now why is there one person left oh there it goes yes and now the um um are gonna move over here probably unless i get rid of the dew empire we don't need those and the great yees and probably the i dick because that's just a dumb name just two people in the wrong faction nice now we just have one gigantic kingdom who should spread over this entire ufo island they're straight up 930 people who live here is that the king we need the king where's the king at essotica a kataka that the name he has a golden tooth i don't really understand that but he loves eating berries yay if i click on him a bunch does he get mad at me he does he's like stop it why are you clicking on me what happens if i put like three doors on this island oh they get eaten by bears what else did i expect we need more until all the bears are gone maybe the elves will be friendly oh yeah they're building a town look at that the elves are building a town with the bear people this isn't good i didn't really want elves in here because it was a human-only kind of video today also how are they surviving with bears okay i don't really understand this they shouldn't be stood alive wow they have like all sorts of statues made to me this one's like a giant finger they're like yes blitz is the best deity ever the giant finger in the sky hasn't blown us up yet yet it's a magic magic cord oh that bear kind of blew things up oh wow the bear ate somebody i need more bears i just there's something satisfying about this game about dropping down pestilence on humanity we're just training them against the great war on the bear island i'm feeling the need to uh to force a war yeah or to do it you got to go to war with the humans even though they have like 20 times the civilians that you do okay fine you guys go to war too you're both at super war now no they just made peace with each other you're not allowed to make peace it's wartime we have to battle this out now stop making peace with each other you dorks yeah declare war do i seriously have to build a gigantic land bridge down to the cow would you stop making peace with each other we're gonna make a nice rope down to here uh-huh just like that and like that and then all of our civilians will be able to come down here they're not civilians if they make war are they yeah that'll work and then we'll click on the war button and then we're gonna force this civilization to make war perfect and unpause come on oh there they go they're actually battling each other they were kind of we got to turn this off so i can see what's happening oh the humanity they're like oh we don't like elves at all all they eat is trees and stuff and they have pet bears they don't really have pet bears anymore oh no king d's of great mara has been killed oh that's too bad oh no the elves are extinct again that's too bad just kidding i don't really care the king the king just died probably burned to death i'll hail the new king enchilada you know it was a fun idea to have an island of the elves but we really don't need it anymore especially since we're gonna summon in swarms of very hungry piranhas here to take out the army oh it would be a shame if somebody were to eat you so let's play a little game how fast can an entire humanities army be wiped out by 1000 piranhas uh looks like it's going to be pretty quick oh yes they are definitely hungry little boys i'm so sorry this guy's like no i just want to swim away because my name's hop and i don't like water and the piranhas are like nah dude you're not going anywhere then they just eat them that was fun but people are trying to make it down here to this island now they're going to live forever on the cliffs of mordor so now that all the piranhas are down here trying to keep sauron away from middle earth we are going to summon in the ufos because that sounds fun oh little ufo be that unidentified flying object that we need teach these humans how to do things like using blaster weapons oh yes that was satisfying okay it's down all right that's good news we have two little aliens oh the blaster bolt has fired uh oh i just summoned in another one i didn't really want to do that but four sound good now the objective is to try to figure out if we can get the hands of these weapons into the hands of the humans and because i'm a nice guy i'm gonna make the fire stop you stop trying to burn down my cities i'm just trying to give alien technology to humankind all right there's zud this dude's a sweet name he's also really not happy right now because he's on fire okay zu zu zu just got nuked i think nope or zood there's dude okay oh zude are you gonna make it bud dude did he die i feel like zud died now the question is can the humans get those same weapons because i feel like they're starting to use them oh yeah somebody definitely has one of the guns did you see that i didn't know that was possible that's amazing oh there's another one up here i think either that oh i want my king to have an alien blaster because it sounds so much fun restore all the health by raining down blood summon in more ufos we can have more blaster weapons yes it's fantastic i'm gonna try to summon in the ufo right by the king and maybe the king will get the final kill or maybe the king will get vaporized by the ufo that kevin made we're just gonna summon in a few more of them like a whole buttload more we're just gonna summon in the rain everything's gonna be nice and easy people are dying but that's okay because our king needs a blaster weapon the king's building a new house dude you gotta kill the ufos quit being a king and stuff oh no the king died again stupid all i just want to do is give the king a blaster weapon oh hell king aqua disney who has a monster sword not what he what are you supposed to have so after multiple decades and me killing off plenty of the kings of the civilization trying to get one with a blaster as my king it's not working right i think we need to take a slightly different approach to this whole situation the idea is that we're gonna find somebody with a blaster and we're gonna point them king by killing everyone else did i say that out loud i feel like you can't say stuff like that out loud oh someone with a blaster where are you you get to be the chosen one now the king's just like hanging out here with a gigantic hairdo of amazingness what is that the perfect spear of power and the bad armor i i'm sorry dude i just can't let you go along living that life that way you're just gonna have to erase it oh and everyone else that was not intentional i just wanted a little one whoops just kind of killed like 70 people and there's the next king who also doesn't have a blaster and the next king who doesn't have a blaster and the next king who also doesn't have a blaster neither do his friends we should just get rid of everyone who doesn't have a blaster don't worry you don't need any traits here in the blitz topian civilization the only thing you need is to have a blaster to become the king the new ones like yeah i've got these sweet traits like i'm a good miner and i'm a pacifist and i like war and i'm honest and wise if your peasants don't like you you vaporize them with alien technology it makes me wonder if there are any more people in the civilization with blasters so we might as well summon in another alien strike it with lightning to sink it down and then they're going to destroy these little guys the aliens coming out of it and then somebody will get their blaster after they kill it all of you people that are burning that's fine as long as you have don't have a blaster i see it's a blaster here it is congratulations edikoo you you're the chosen one all of your friends all around you get deleted but you will survive don't worry they don't feel anything they've been living for literally 500 years i almost feel bad about this i mean almost not entirely oh those boats get blown up okay i see you running around yeah you're there's only like four people left in this entire world and you're one of them can you become the king now i've given you full power you can become the king i promise nothing bad's gonna happen to you unlike your family members now you're the only person left except the one child who just was born somehow i don't even know how that works but you're the only person left can you become the king please maybe if i change rules slightly and allow like border stealing and angry villagers and like diplomacy random events to happen just just maybe they're gonna create war with each other but then for some stupid reason he just went out and swam in the ocean with the piranhas again and lost their blaster that was smart of him so that i destroyed humanity and accidentally lost our alien blaster at the bottom of the ocean we have to get it back again come on somebody just shoot down the ufo you know what second thought i'm i'm good at blasting things goodbye ufo oh it just broke our city capital that's okay somebody's gonna have good enough strength to kill that thing and then we get another blaster back where's that blaster did the king get the blaster who got the blaster i don't know oops that was lightning i was gonna call it another ufo and then strike that with lightning you will be the chosen one i will protect you with a bubble uh oh never mind that didn't work right um you get to be the chosen one i'm gonna protect you in the bubble there you go bud wait why does the alien have a bubble this wasn't how this was supposed to be written oh that's fun my friend with the bubble died here bubble shield we're going to halo mode yes kill the alien run run after it go king go do your kingly snooties yeah yeah run over there kill it what was that oh there's just a bunch of boats there somebody's got it did the king get it oh the king's gonna die this guy's got it just generic carl over here he's like hey my name's shugi and i've got a blaster with literally nothing else going on for me i'm gonna make him my favorite he's gonna have a star above him at all times when i delete everyone else in the world he's not gonna get deleted oh no way no way it's actually gonna work sugar is now the king we gave the king alien technology and it's fantastic except he turned it into an adamantite sword i don't really understand that he got rid of alien technology for an s word so i'm gonna have to do whatever benevolent ruler does and nuke the entire world yet again you guys failed my experiment and i am failing you anyway thanks for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it i did this game is quite fun so keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters including alan h apollo bunny out of dave ben dickie j teddy epis desby eagle arc maxer whipped it good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m rail splatter sax iffy sphere joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow and doug rules 2.0
Channel: Blitz
Views: 491,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, worldbox, blitz worldbox, worldbox blitz, worldbox nuke, worldbox tsar bomba, worldbox update, worldbox alien invasion, worldbox alien update, worldbox timelapse, worldbox gameplay, worldbox ep 1, worldbox playthrough
Id: x-DMzRf6syQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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