I Built The ULTIMATE Space Ship in Space Scavenger

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hey everybody i'm blitz welcome to a little game called space scavenger where you can imagine we go around in space and scavenge stuff that's even a word oh look little tiny little space alien blobs that look like pickles oh what is this hey that looks like an abandoned spaceship if i blast it oh i get a spear i totally want a spear right on the nose of my ship no no you gotta turn my dude no no no okay fine if you're gonna be that way we're just gonna have you this way weapon stab your enemies my favorite kind of weapons that's kind of fun get stabbed oh wow spiked armor that's awesome give me that too we'll put that on my nose oh no i have a spiky armor if i drive into something like this planet will the planet take damage no but i can totally scan it which is kind of cool do i get something free for scanning this place of course not that's not exciting but i'm going to totally ram this thing i drove over it that was fun and drive over you perfect warp away oh that was cool and now we warped to here that was awesome all right spikey boy we have spiky nose we have oh what are these things i don't like them they spit at me oh actually that's not bad at all would you not be alive anymore thank you now that thing also looks terrifying ooh he gave me an engine that sounds like something fun to attach to my butt i don't know what it does but it makes me faster oh i can even break the the little asteroids that's cool hello yes would you like to die i totally got another spear oh and armor oh give me the spear and i kind of want i kind of like the spiked armor better oh so i can recycle it nice all right whoa oh whoa my spears on the wrong side we need to switch that sorry bud we got to turn you right around i can't turn you right around why can't i turn you right fine you know what on second thought i think it's cooler this way not like a blender of death oh yeah totally a blunder of death yes everything's dying in front of me and i found a planet with uh like garbage on it and by garbage i mean traffic cones i can't words properly today is there anything cool here no but i'm attacking the planet maybe this planet will have something exciting for me and it totally doesn't but there's more space aliens and pickles i'm gonna totally attack this moon hey get dead oh wow i got something exciting out of it and warping to the next area all right kill all of these things you know the drill and i scan the planet and i get a beam yes that's exactly what i wanted where to put the beam over here and if i rotate it properly i don't know what it'll do except make this thing look weird and i also have a solar panel that i can attach to the front okay i'll take it maybe that'll give me more power wow this is amazing i want one of these in real life oh yes destroy this thing get all sorts a saw i totally want to saw what do i do with my solar panel though maybe i get rid of the spiked armor and i get a saw instead oh oh yes i hate to say it but i want the spiked armor somewhere else too maybe i'll just get rid of this oh yeah i have a saw oh there's a desert planet to explore why is my spaceship almost bigger than this planet oh i got something a body attach the butt and then i guess we can just slap that on put this guy somewhere put the saw over here and that up front looks cool it also makes me sad that we got rid of our other thing but the good news is i know of asana cut up little stuff yes it is satisfying oh my even big stuff against sod that was cool oh no it came alive do i get something else fun from this planet full of treasure wondering off no oh i warped to a shop we got beams large engines booster and a shield drone i kind of like the idea of having a shield drone but i think it's too expensive but i can refresh the shop for one money i'm gonna do it oh a beam a laser i like the idea of having a laser i'm gonna totally buy a laser can i laser can i flip you why not that was annoying i guess we'll just slap the laser on over here oh a little bit of a range attack i like that oh dirty this planet looks nasty and so do the enemies okay not used to having big attacks on the outside like that oh now i got an extra body and a beam nice let's grab this i don't even know what i'm gonna do with the body and the beam i feel like making my ship longer and then like that and then just shoving that somewhere it's like pokemon you gotta collect them all am i right oh what is that thing i don't like it kill it oh it gave me a furnace i like that idea i don't even know what it does but i need a furnace radiates extreme heat from its center okay wow whoa that's something alive that means i have to do something different we need the saw on the front yes yes oh no no it's farting on me good thing they die really quickly just get sad to pieces ow ow it hurts i don't even know what it was but it hurts so bad and those are like space fish i don't like space fish oh they blow up and it had a thruster on it hot dang would you stop doing that large solar panel that's fun large solar panel will be very nice i can even put the other solar panel on here it's probably a bad idea i'm excellent on bad ideas though so in we go to a brand new world again okay all right there's a lot whoa the fishy guy i don't like the fish because they spit no oh no i'm stuck i'm stuck oh it burns that was not good okay here we go here we go oh oh no it's sucking me in okay everything's dead everything's dead i like it i like it oh you can bounce off the edge of the world that's kind of cool let's see if we get any upgrades from this planet and a bunch of bad guys anything come on where's my upgrade there's my upgrade golden solar panel i just want more solar panels because there's so much fun i figured out the trick we're just going full on saw mode whoa okay maybe not maybe not full stop mode but i should be able to get a good upgrade from that planet little planetoid nice nice come on give me some research stuff oh come on i need to break it i got it and another one i'm getting a little bit reckless though my health is down to 110 or 101 i don't like that so we got to play it safe we got to play it easy we got to get all of these planets scanned come on something cool come on nothing cool there we go found a little ship that's broken down what is that little squid thing i don't like you also i don't like you got it break that cool okay what do we get out of this please be something nice please be something nice another saw do i want another sock i mean i don't know why not so i'll rearrange my ship a little bit differently yes that's cool we still have our little laser for long range attacks i actually feel like i'm a little bit faster what is that blue thing can i touch it whoa i don't know what it did but it did something bad fish bad fish bad fish i have no idea what that does but i can destroy this thing come on give me something cool a little a little light there's nothing cool there so we'll warp into another planetoid this one's got something interesting on it i don't know what it is but it's something interesting oh it's another store a beam a spear a mining drone oh i have six i could get another spear i kind of like that idea i could also repair a little bit um all right let's try another spear we're gonna buy this i'm gonna move that away oh shoot we need to put it on the other side spear a come over here put this down there we'll put a second spear on the left side a little bit of armor right there grab this thing and then put that back i could get rid of this it's just a typical green laser can i recycle it i kind of want to if i recycle it maybe i can afford the mining drone oh yes i can probably a dumb idea since i probably needed to repair myself first but this will be funner got the saw blades ooh wow okay i don't know what that does but that's a big laser hot dang i had this from before and i didn't even know about it all right we're gonna try this i don't know if it's gonna work i also don't know how to use a mining drone but we're gonna figure it out real soon oh yeah okay that works really really well does a lot of damage okay it might not be as nice as we originally wanted because i have to get closer to him i think let's scan this planet and see what we can do oh yeah we totally need to get closer not a huge fan of that come on something neat no but it does work fairly well i'm not gonna lie that's a lot of output right here oh a shotgun this was what i was afraid about oh an observatory too that does a ton of damage i mean i just want to collect it can i just collect it i'm going to do it i'm going to recycle the spiky armor that we got right away and then we'll switch this out for the shotgun i just want to see oh my word that's stupid oh yes go little mining laser i love you okay what is an observatory oh yes free health boom okay that might not be as dumb as i thought it was that's legit unless something i'm getting here is attacking me do i get ammo for this though oh that's nice oh but this thing gets me ammo right oh grant's bonuses i like this i don't know where to put it though uh that's a bad idea oh but i can add things to it okay not so bad oh i got a second thing how did i get a second thing okay i like the shotgun we just have to shoot things before they shoot us yes it's working so nicely oh hello i forgot to scan you wait hold up oh in more ammo the planet was like hey we want you to come in and give us ammo another shotgun shells ouch in space ouch oh an ammo crate i want that every day all day no no no you're not allowed ow oh another engine too this has been the best world ever except i don't know where to place an engine down this is stupid why are there so many things i want okay i'm gonna do it i'm getting rid of the ammo crate i'm getting rid of the shotgun we don't need those i want to put this up front and then i can put another one of these over there i can slap on the other rocket i probably also don't really need this so i'm gonna recycle that might have needed it i don't know now i got these pokey things back i got saw blades back and it should be better nice another level i like it okay why is the why is the thing not working anymore whoa what was that i don't like that i'm in trouble i'm in trouble oh no okay okay that was bad maybe i don't want saw blades everywhere maybe that's what's hurting me right now maybe i should have kept that armor ah this is all hard nope nope not allowed to attack i should have maybe kept everything i wanna can't be everything i'm just a hoarder quick scan the planet give me better resources give me some bonus or something dumb or just more ammo oh it gave me 10 health that's kind of nice and a shield thing i'll take that all day a few more bugs get stabbed i'm not a huge fan of that harpoon oh especially when it i have to get so close oh yeah oh no no that was bad no no no no no no no no no no i'm too young to die i definitely need to use some of my points in the next level okay i need to use my points to heal okay that was so close i don't like that don't do that again no no no we got a strafe oh that was dumb what is that thing for i just got to keep strafing strafing maneuvers except these bugs don't like strafing uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh just keep attacking good good street strategy jones is my nickname in high school okay and then straight yes that worked well that worked well give me an attack and another attack and then oh yeah you're gonna die you're gonna die and then these things are gonna die don't don't you dare don't you dare try to cag me the thing with these harpoons is they just do so much damage which is amazing oh yeah here we go and get some health from there i got another shotgun back ah the shotgun maybe is better i don't know all right i'm not using the shotgun ah this is probably a dumb idea but i already got rid of it oh big squid big squid oh reflective armor that's what i like to see all right reflective armor i'm going to sell this thing and we're getting a reflective armor in the front one more bad guy oh don't kill me now don't kill me now oh i made it i made it we got a warp and i totally made it to another shop all right beam homing missiles no i got to get health we got to get health i got to do this at least twice and by twice i mean like seven times and i kind of want to buy the homing missiles i do i'm not going to lie homing missiles sound fun i feel like i can purge some things like i can get rid of my saw blades which is probably not a good idea i can also get rid of this thing the furnace it does good damage but i don't really need it especially when i can get homing missiles and i'll strap that there nice we have these on the left and now those on the right oh that's dirty i'm also going to change out that in that so this can be on the side and maybe that'll start getting me some things from drones okay i can get two more attacks here let's repair and repair i like this i like this a lot and now we're in a fire world i don't even know what's in the fire world but i can totally kill things here oh homing missile oh those are so cool do it again i have missiles now yes oh man there's a lot of bad things here oh and another one of these nice torpedoes i got torpedoes whoa why do they have fire oh i don't like this okay oh am i in the planet don't drive into the planet it's deadly and hot it also kills things that's kind of neat spam the homing missiles oh that was satisfying is it gonna blow up it did okay you know what i feel like homing missiles is probably a better idea right now than having my my low range other thing here oh and another thruster oh i need thrusters yeah we definitely need torpedoes okay whoa whoa whoa bro that is illegal on 13 colonies okay blow up and stuff i got to get back to my torpedoes why are there why are there space turtles torpedoes i need you okay we're getting rid of these because i don't want them anymore yes torpedoes death from below interesting so i can fire whoa why is it going besides me that's a little weird that does a lot of damage though let's see if i can put this thruster anywhere i can oh this is bad i'm in a bad location oh that would have hurt no no okay and i don't like the direction that that torpedo is launching i might have just really not done good things to myself right now okay i need to switch this torpedo it said death from below so i'm assuming if i put it there it'll shoot the torpedoes in front of me yeah i did we have bigger problems i don't have any bullets oh okay maybe i can go find some somewhere but i don't have oh i should have kept like the saws anyway don't worry i still have my sparky boy it doesn't do much but it does something we just have to play smart whoa yes sparky boy you did the work you are doing the work no no no no bad spark turtle why would you do that to me what did i ever do to you these things have a case of the dumb they're just attacking random pieces of space oh this sparky turtle is the one that turns in circles interesting that's a weird move for a turtle to make here have some holding missiles my dude killed it ow oh there's fire there oh that did so much stupid damage wow this game is so hard oh yeah that works really nicely oh i'm stuck in here i'm not quite stuck because i can kill everything come on hit him nice it worked okay i found an escape by escape i mean an area that probably is gonna be worse for me we're gonna fall back get all the bullets nice oh good job mining guy why did you ever fail me in the past no stay away fire this is working so much better now oh that's so cool okay hit them with the torpedoes nice oh we got a second round of torpedoes that's awesome oh i'm stuck do i want oh look at all that loot okay another round of torpedoes oh this would be so nice to have over here yeah i like this got a little bit of weird turning happening oh dirty oh dirty my gertie that was awesome quick hit whoa that planet's exploding and i don't like that that's fine i have the observer i'm all right as long as it doesn't do that to me oh balls oh i thought more torpedoes i found more of them i'm just gonna be blasting torps for days oh yeah that's very nice i feel like i go through a lot of bullets but that's okay do i share the same bullets on both groups boom get wrecked i really don't like the location i got myself in at all bad turtle bad turtle bad thing go away oh this is so bad oh i need i need more i need more loot did i get it i got it i got it oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa abort mission we're falling back free candy i got free candy these planets are so nasty i got it yes more ammo did i get any modules here no anything down here oh i like that but my ship is all exploding in junk i don't like that die little turtle it died and it gave me some ammo that i can use oh whoa that was close oh no no no no no no no okay you can spit things so can i yeah yeah yeah yeah oh those were really not good shots kill it thank you kill this one too i'm gonna come back this way uh-huh and attack oh that was beautiful that was a beautiful shot do it again nice i only have 22 hit points i gotta scan this whole planet and destroy all these bad things got him take him down very good okay all right over there good one more one more and it's dead one morning is dead good it's dead one more this one's dead two okay die fire turtle no no no no stop spitting at me die die die die die die die i told you to die why aren't you dying it died yes yes okay scan the planet scan the planet i got i'm done with this place and i can go heal in the shop i think i did it i didn't do it all the way yet got it yes now the problem is oh rapid laser sounds fun i kind of want oh double laser double laser sounds funner than rapid laser let's uh open this up i do want to get rid of maybe the these things does i feel like this might be better no we're gonna get rid of this one now i have seven points and i can use that to buy a double laser then i can use the double laser on no i gotta use it on the front i feel like that thing doesn't work here we got double laser and we have torpedoes double laser goes oh that's satisfying okay repair that's not enough repairing we need to sell something else this reflective armor or to sell the reflective armor do i want to i have to i feel like 25 hit points are better than that all right we're going we're dropping pachinky yes yes okay i like that and then we can use this too to do like a bullet spam that's awesome if i see a lot of things together i'll just drop a bunch of things on them that works perfectly plus i have long range on this laser beautiful oh yeah this is working really well this is working really well it was working really well until i did dumb and went right in the middle of bad guys and now i have 21 hit points to do this whole less to the isle level oh it just flew into the sun oh dumb killed by lava no ah what a fun game i hope you guys enjoyed our adventure today in space scavengers if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the youtube supporters and patreon sponsors for supporting the channel this last month including splattersacks if he sphere joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow doug rules 2.0 nerdy geek pyro h max m of alan h apollo bunny otto dave ben dickey h teddy hippies desby eagle ark maxer whippin good spencer t baron fox starnoff deegan jason m and real
Channel: Blitz
Views: 344,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, space scavenger, space scavenger game, space scavenger gameplay, space scavenger steam, space scavenger blitz, blitz space scavenger, space scavenger ep 1, space games, space scav, space scavengers, space sim, space game, space scavenger review, space scavenger bot
Id: 4a68fIOEPUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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