I Performed INSANE EXPERIMENTS On Human Volunteers in People Playground

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz and this right here this is kevin he's my very best friend in the entire world the throne button as i was saying he's my very best friend in the entire world he is so excited for you to be here today that he just respawned himself yeah so you know what to do make sure you hit the like button so the jukebox can turn on and kevin can start dancing oh yeah it's time to dance my friend look at that he's got some great dancing skills but if you don't hit the like button do you know what's gonna happen bad things might happen to kevin really bad things this is what's gonna happen if kevin ever walks over there again oh my word that's what happens right there if you don't hit the like button what is going on with that jukebox though hot ding um help my ears a little bit oh kevin's head just exploded it's actually kind of exciting oh and short circuited well my friends that's what happens when you install an industrial generator to power up a jukebox makes kevin's head explode also hit the like button because that's good science speaking of fun science me and my friend kevin we have lots of fun scientific experiments today one of them is rocket science kevin do you remember how much fun it is if we strap you to the side of an industrial-sized nuclear missile i bet you do let's strap you on with some duct tape real quick fast in a hurry i promise it won't hurt too bad and then we'll go into slow motion hit the launch button oh he's having so much fun let's follow him until he goes up into space yes look at this nuclear missiles you know what the other fun thing about nuclear missiles if we press this button everything explodes violently oh no look at kevin parts of him are still flying up to the moon parts parts of him also it's kind of weird that the missile didn't quite deconstruct like it's still solid but the nuclear bomb inside the payload it it broke that was i like science science is my favorite hobby wish i had a nuke in real life i also wonder what happens if we launch multiple nukes at once let's fire up all these missiles and see what happens pause fire fire oh no what else should fire them all right the shortcut go oh that's a satisfying sound i like it whoa okay ready get set and detonate okay that was that was satisfying that was real satisfying this isn't even in slow motion the game is just like happer i don't work anymore i also like when you clear everything oh there it goes everything just goes back to normal now sometimes scientific experiments go too far and kevin meets some old friends this one i'm gonna call him old friend number one he's like nice to meet you kevin and kevin's like um a little bit scared because you have like weird biomechanical arms and teeth that look very creepy but you still like to shake hands because you're a nice adult there you go shake hands nice robot man it works now nice robot man you remember what we told you about eating humans let's not practice on kevin eating humans is not a good hobby to have also this guy's very hard to drive so you gotta leave me alone like quit whining that like you made him and he's really cool because it is really cool but hot dang are these arms difficult to control oh no your arm got stuck on your pelvis did you just die and i'll spawn a new one that's easier to use and then we'll pretend that he's gonna get eaten anyway because that's always funny oh no kevin's like don't eat me bro don't eat me and the robot's like i think it's that derpy like fateful face like me i will eat you kevin i will eat you actually no it doesn't work because this teeth these teeth didn't have enabled collision on them and they're kind of junky teeth we're gonna try it we're gonna pretend oh we are going to eat kevin's head or you know his teeth are just gonna fly out and the robots just it's gonna stab him just gently stab him with with the tooth and then because he's their friends remember yeah that worked fairly well good job good job robot you're a bad science experiment we're just going to delete you and pretend you never happened now we also got a lot of interesting comments in the last video mainly about this thing right here do you remember this maybe you didn't see the last video if you didn't you need to go watch it i promise you'll like it this thing is very very very interesting machine i also put that backwards we couldn't read it there we go let's connect you to there and then we'll fill it up we'll fill it up with liquid and this liquid is something very fun it's called tritium it there it is tritium c you know where tritium comes from yeah tritium comes from atomic bombs if we go ahead and we suck out all of the juice out of atomic bombs we get tritium juice it's kind of exciting i wish i had some in real life and once you get all of that removed from inside of here you get a nice little tank of tritium entirely tritium but you guys in the comments told me about something very exciting and i didn't recognize it before but we take that water breathing syringe we can make like this weird liquid thing but if we take the mending syringe and we pull the juices out of this thing we create something very exciting actually not it's just mending juice which is fun and all but it's not that great what really is great is when we combine the two [Music] so if i combine the mending juice that's the wrong string if i combine the mending juice and the tritium together we get something very very very interesting [Music] just at extremely low quantities [Music] but we'll hook this up to over here we will push it into that thing and we will see what kind of contents we have inside of here let's do a little activation and four percent immortality serum oh my kevin is gonna have so much fun now the biggest problem here is that we actually have to remove the immortality serum from the rest of it to get like pure immortality syringe or something so i take a couple empty syringes [Music] and we hook them up somehow over time we can purify this combination don't really ask me how it works but it went from like this nice cool green to this weird looking lemonade flavor i literally have zero idea how this scientific experiment works but i accidentally figured it out on my own i promise i didn't even look at the forms or anything i actually figured this out by using my brain don't be surprised i do have one between my ears doesn't really have many wrinkles in it but there's still one there all right so let's try this out we have yellow liquid now we're filling up the tank and initializing 100 immortality serum so we'll pull that back out into a brand new tank we'll take this we will copy it and we will paste it and we will paste it again that kind of looks like a cursed lava lamp and will we combine all of these into one nice tank and we'll have an entire vial of immortality fuel to give to kevin because he likes it so much he drinks it for breakfast it's also what i had for breakfast today that's what you call toast with peanut butter on it so we will just save this as immortality serum and i will publish it to the steam workshop for you because that's always fun and then we get to have some fun with this thing oh yes kevin's favorite contraption in the entire world we'll get rid of those because we aren't going to need them we'll pull this over into here then we will spawn in kevin looking the proper direction i will take you and go like such as and then make you go like flat pose make you lay down right here and then we'll bring you over here and i will go like this and kevin will go sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep little kevin let's go to sleep i think that i think that worked are you guys you guys go play out here for a little bit kevin you're not supposed to kevin did you not learn from the destruction that just happened it's sleep he'll be okay i promise we'll just give him a little bit of this one there you go nice life serum we'll bring you back 100 it's okay i promise he likes it and now because he likes it so much we're gonna make sure he's properly attached to the table with just a little bit of the old duct tape yep just like such as and then we will hook up this to there make sure he has a pulse 66 beats per minute wow that's a decent resting heart rate my dude he must be like an olympic athlete so we just need to take a little bit of scientific example here out of him maybe about 25 of his yep that'll work good good we're good we still have a heartbeat so our scientific experiments are going well and then we will change this to push and then load him full of the immortality serum we're going to create super kevin it's working it's working oh okay heart rate seems normal relatively blood amount blood pressure internal temperature integrity everything's good we've done it we've created the immortal kevin he's gonna have so much fun i promise let's bring you back here kevin no that's the wrong thing again let's bring you back here kevin very nice can you walk that's the real question can you kevin can you walk kevin can you walk oh he can he's alive he's alive oh no kevin what are you doing dude wait he's burning he just likes touching things that are on electrical and it's not injuring him it's not injuring him at all he's still 100 alive 100 conscious slightly shocked uh still has good integrity stop it it's kind of awkward bro don't don't touch the sparky battery thing definitely immortality syringe is not good to give you brain juice doesn't improve your iq at all it just makes your body not break also if you are wondering i did upload immortal kevin to the steam workshop so you can play with him too now i'm wondering unreal scientific experiments does this hurt it didn't seem to affect him at all inspect he still has it didn't affect him at all my voice just cracked let's try a flintlock pistol i also pushed that the wrong way is it a little shock he's got adrenaline that didn't stop him either what okay what is this thing machine blaster that was my nickname in high school here we go ready get set and pow that was to the face and it didn't do anything okay i got another idea how about a detached laser cannon if this won't do anything we're gonna have to build a better machine a much better machine and i have just the idea because this thing looks very shiny ready get set fire oh that's going to be painful let's go slow motion because that sounds fun oh my word hey wait he said he was dead for a half a second and now he's not dead anymore kevin where are you going bud you're gonna be okay he's still fully alive he's trying to walk oh my word he doesn't even have bottom limbs and he started trying to walk um um just stop it won't stop it that's insane like literally makes me wonder what happens if i give him zombie juice where oh where is the zombie juice where oh where could it be oh wait what there we go get a nice nice shot of the zombie juice in your life okay he's rotting did i just make an immortal zombie he is 100 rotten and 13 burned with three gunshot wounds but he's still alive so i was searching around in the new content from the latest update and i found this thing it's called the arc helix caster and it looks really amazing look it's got a rainbow of death on it that's always fun but check this out if i were to fire one bullet watch this oh and that sound effect oh it's so satisfying but you know what's even more satisfying i bet you read the words here it fires heat seeking projectiles and thankfully we have a crash test dummy right here beautiful kevin just kidding we're not gonna we wouldn't do that to kevin we'd like kevin get eaten by a gorse instead oh poor fella yeah that's uh that's very nice of him it's not actually damage oh he kind of is but what happens if we destroy the gorse by using the arc helix caster oh whoa did you see that it just flew up into space that was cool do it again and oh that was a wrong way i wonder how close i have to be before it starts seeking boop okay turn oh that's really close oh there it goes oh that's so neat looking oh sorry kevin i didn't mean that one to be for you oh that's neat i like this gun i need to make an array of them also we need to test things for scientific purposes you guys know the drill if there's something like crazy and fun we need to find something to crazier and funner to make it even crazier and more fun so let's take a one of these things we'll turn this on oh yeah this is an industrial generator it overpowers everything so maybe it'll work oh no that's wrong button ready get set fire oh it didn't really work all right it didn't really do anything except making sparkly inside which is always exciting would you stop like seriously stop vibrating this is not the time to play games like that and i'll better it stop vibrating this also sounds fun oh it's a slow-moving projectile oh and it ends at a time that's kind of neat i like that what happens if we vaporize our friend kevin with this thing ready kevin catch with your chest oh i should slow it down it'd be even more fun we did a backflip he's in the olympics look at him go is he gonna is he alive wait how is he alive oh we gotta identify this [Music] 38 of his body burnt with that ion whoa oh it exploded up top integrity 91 much like myself but no that's not why we're here we're here to chat a little bit words to test out these things seems that you guys really like it when i make these weird like portal things so guess what we're gonna do we're gonna make one of those weird portal things i know i'm predictable and that's okay i also forgot to freeze them and now my portal things all disappeared that sucks would you not do that we're trying to make a video here that's also interesting we have to have something in the middle to absorb all of the pressure so i'll just put in like a metal beading rod inside that'll be fine and if i turn it about oh you know what i should just turn it 45 degrees and then everything will work perfectly boop nice freeze and now if i fire these things oh it didn't work we need a bigger rod there we go oh yeah that's so much better okay we need these to back up a little bit that is way too close to the target oh yeah that looks good i like that how many clickies were one box two box three four five six boxes away one two three four five six so that looks good oh that is so cool looking we'll just have to get all of these grouped up together and then we'll get all of the angles just perfect so we can place these guys in at the right distance away and i believe if i set that angle to 45 it'll go to the next one very nice like such as place you in the spot and then we'll change these guys out to have a different rotation number 45 it's not working that is not what i wanted you to do oh no so i think if i save these as helix then i should be able to come into here where are you helix one and if i place you like that perfect then i can just delete you delete you and then move all of you beautiful little things into place about right there or so and then i can save you as helix 2. is that going to work yeah i think so i can put you in the game too i can't flip it upside down can i nope all right that's fine delete and we'll delete you and we'll delete you and then i'll take all of you friends like this and i'll go [Music] and then we hope and pray everything is right and usually it's gonna be based on this little fella right in the middle here so that looks straight up and down i think i've done it let's make sure everything's frozen into place do a quick unfreeze and a new refreeze and now uh-huh oh that worked okay we just have to make sure it hits the x everything's going to hit the x everything's in the x it's beautiful and now we get to do the fun thing since it's kind of a yellowish purple color these will fit perfectly inside because they're purple oh that actually looks really good perfect and then i'll just place all these in also a big shout out to the people who recreated the creation i built in the last video because i accidentally deleted it and then you guys uploaded to the steam workshop like you guys are awesome thank you for doing that so the question is do i want yes i do that was the answer no the real question was do i want to hook up everything around at the same time and i don't think so i want to hook up all the lights first so it kind of looks like it's charging up and then after it's charged up then we can make it work differently all right beautiful we got the first charge and then you will charge to that gun and then you will come over here i can't say the g word on the youtubes people playground violent game can't say the g word i'm kidding you can and this isn't a violent game they're crash test dummies kevin isn't real is he i hope not please don't demonetize me oh balls those weren't frozen into place that was like eight minutes worth of work i mean does it work though if i cr oh yeah oh yeah that looks good and then okay that'll be satisfying i like all the the neon gas that's just kind of in space here that's real good and if i yeah propagation wire no i don't want to remove those oh those are the ones i needed though fine just ah poop nuggets it's always fun and games until someone drops your neon pipes to the ground and blow them up i gotta clear the debris now go away pink goop so we'll try this again push button activate that's not right push button activate okay that's better neat okay cool so this one is supposed to connect to that one aha so if i connect you again will it give it a second pulse oh it will i like that what happens if i hold down the activation key will it continue to fire not quite so we might need to do something else in here because this sends out a rate right becomes unpredictable when powered oh oh that sounds exciting i like unpredictable things all right let's freeze you into place and where okay so you connect to there let's delete that wire and we'll connect you to here and then you to here i think that'll work are you frozen okay turn you off okay yes yes oh that looks so cool oh i really like that oh that looks amazing hahaha i wonder if we can change the frequency of the metronome set macronumerate two what does to do that's cool i really enjoy that i need one of these in real life actually that's a bit fast i kind of wanted to be like let's let's set the metronome rate to like 1.5 maybe okay i like how it just pulses around in the corners that's cool all right all right all right all right everything's looking cool and the purple lights go metronome goes yes yes that's beautiful so there's something else i noticed about these guns they kind of go from yellow to orange purple and then to the purple right pink purple words are hard i really feel bad for you colorblind people like that would be hard like no joke hearts out to you guys all the colorblind people in in chat all right here we go we have yellow red purple blue so i kind of want to make a big charging thing here so we have yellow red blue is on the inside and then purple is right here right yeah okay so if we do it this way we can resize these to be kind of different and unique so let's try this out oh that was fun it's just even with the sounds it's exciting i feel like i can change the amount of time in here but oh there we go set time gate duration let's go like five so if i go boop okay did you all right that didn't do what i wanted it to do but it made cool sounds so we got that going for us oh is it working no okay so if my scientific purposes are correct i press this button that's the wrong button i press this button yes i love it i love it and then one shuts it off again oh that's cool that's awesome okay i gotta save this before i accidentally delete it what should i name it helix portal and you wanna know what else uh where's the helix portal at he looks too he likes portal there we go you guys can have that it should be on the steam workshop oh well this is hard um electronics fun you know why it's fun because we should be able to take this out and then place kevin inside oh no kevin don't jump it'd be fun i promise now the interesting thing will be these are all heat-seeking missiles so how is this going to react i don't really know just regular old kevin about to be obliterated oh no i am frying it oh that looks cool though okay is he gonna be alive turn it off everything's off i don't know it's kevin gonna be okay i love how there's like oh is he still alive oh no of course not detailed you detail come on hey hey i want to know what happened to him oh yeah uh-huh numb 12 broken bones really internal temperature negative negative 200 degrees celsius that's exciting so i guess here's the real question we've we've made up this portal of amazingness what happens if we kind of remove this thing and we just pop in immortal kevin that we made just a little bit ago i feel like i need to turn him about 45 degrees and then freeze him where's the center is that the center that's the center and then we'll freeze him in place because i mean it's immortal kevin he can be dismembered but we need to test it for science right so let's do it let's go slow motion because i think that'll be more exciting ready get set go okay i should have hooked up sound effects to this kind of felt like there were side effects that's what we used a little the little beepers for okay here we go you ready for this oh yes yes oh that is so cool oh but we're shooting lasers out the other side which is also kind of cool and those are heat seeking okay fast motion we just have to infuse it with like four bajillion bolts of arc helix reactor yes yes it's working and turn it off so here's the real question is kevin our friend still alive he looks frozen i think he's frozen inspect internal temperature of 22 degrees he's dead is he dead though that's the real thing because he is immortal unfreeze cause he's frozen get it and we're gonna bring him down to the ground i really want to see if he's gonna become like alive again it says he's dead but he's still conscious which doesn't make any sense to me walk oh no we made a portal that no he came back to life oh he came back to life that's creepy i do not like i promise that was no editing or no cuts what the actual world is going on here what i don't know my friends that is a very very weird way to end the video but i'm trying to drive him over the tank and see what happens yep he's immortal oh that's incredible anyway thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters especially spider sacks joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow dave rules 2.0 junk boy 76 skunk chest link hue at 46 magma games 22 so it's you the accordion l h apollo bunny auto dave ben dicky j teddy hippies despie eagle arc maxer spencer t whip it good baron fox sarnoff deegan jason m and ray
Channel: Blitz
Views: 533,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, people playground, blitz people playground, people playground blitz, people playground black hole, people playground best mods, people playground game, people playground gameplay, people playground destruction, people playground electricity, people playground explosions, people playground kills, people playground mods, people playground portal
Id: rYxfyK-kuRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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