I GENETICALLY MODIFIED The Secret GOLDEN Tree in Planet Crafter

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well it's time let's get into terraform of planet got a lot of plans for today because we have nearly unlimited power that we created in the last episode these little bad boys here they're expensive but they give us 1800 kilowatts per second and unfortunately the game's like why are you destroying my planet we're just gonna raid in meteors on you actually i'm not destroying your planet i'm fixing it i'm making it green and junk can i have cool things what kind of cool things do i get there's literally nothing cool here really oh there's something cool iron just kidding these are the worst i have tons of iron like actual literal tons and tons of iron so i think for the first order business today i want to upgrade our iridium mines to like level two iridium i think that's a good idea so we'll come in here i'll make up one of those oh i can't make up two we'll place these back in here i'll grab an absolute buttload of super alloys because i have an absolute buttload of them and what else do i need hello blue shiny rocks you guys are like herpa derpa blitz you're dumb because you aren't putting in the right kind of things here so you know what i'm gonna grab all of that gross why do i get so much trash we'll just put some of these trashy items into here and then make it go the way of the dinosaurs like pressing the button it goes box and everything disappears grab these hit the r button twice and go whoop neat that worked pretty well then we'll we'll put this one in because yes science neat and then i don't know how much more i can upgrade but hopefully i can upgrade more we'll grab you take your trash out of the trunk press the red button grab the rest of the trash out of the trunk hit r again i'm gonna get this eventually i'm gonna figure it out and by the time i'm done i never need to do it again i don't have any more oh that makes me sad inside of my life i think i lost something but the good news is i did get more iridium so i can make that into one and then we'll build another one oh come on link please link why aren't you linking oh that's annoying fine i'll make you there and i'll grab you bloop so i'm thinking four of these mines is probably better than the three tier one mines that we had yeah we're starting to get a lot of iridium out of it and that's good because we need a lot of viridian to make lots of rockets and to go with that beautiful amount of iridium we probably need some more osmium oh shoot i don't have a grinder here so we'll just eat all of the garbage right away into the wasteland goodbye garbage wonder if that goes away eventually i hope so just gonna clog up my game with millions and millions of garbage laying on the ground thankfully i made it back home just before my oxygen ran out and now i've got a big stockpile of garbage we will throw the aluminum in the aluminum hole osmium back in the fuel tank here we'll let this extra fuel rod hang out with its friends and fill up the super alloy just a little bit more again beautiful and now our objective is to get our oxygen level high enough that we can get a tree spreader tier 2. now we can do that a couple different ways but i think one way that i want to start is just by building up a bunch of drills i know that doesn't really work right but it's good for super alloy and osmium so i have a lot of those and this is going to be wonderful not exactly sure where to put all these drills so we're just going to slap him over here hello drill tier 4 yes ruin the planet drill to the core release the kraken or something my goal is to have about 10 of these puppies and then we'll launch a buttload of rockets into space there's three four five six seven and i can only afford up to eight right now before i go get more super alloy thankfully we have a ton of super alloy left so i can bring this beautiful total up to ten things are so bulky and big but they destroy the environment so i like them actually they create environment by destroying things or creating them i'm not exactly sure kind of wondering what the other point of this game is like when you hit a certain threshold the air has to be breathable right like we're terraforming the planet do we ever get to take our space suit off and we have this cool space suit on but like do we get to do we get to take it off for a little bit and breathe the air that we've been making so now this game just comes down to resource collection gather iridium and refine iridium gather osmium deposit osmium gather super alloy and create more tier four drills you know i probably could have spread these out a little bit more but i mean there's something kind of weird and strange about having all these drills just drill into place and while we wait for the super alloy to start building up again let's create some giant heaters we just need a bunch of super alloys some explosive powder and iridium rods yes bake that environment nice so this should put me up to nine of them the goal is to eventually have 20. that looks fantastic if you ask me i also saw a lot of comments saying hey blitz why don't you just make super alloys with all the things you have don't worry i have been it just takes a lot of time but don't worry time is all i have being lost up here on an abandoned planet all by myself with no friends to talk to and nothing interesting to do other than terraform the planet and the whole time i've been building those i've also been working on creating more algae spreaders which is kind of weird because our entire leg is nearly grown over with slime and realistically you don't like slime when you go swimming because it's weird and it gets stuck in your toes and it feels like a monster is eating your leg and i just thought to myself i said self wouldn't it be a good idea if i just grabbed all of the things from here made sure we didn't have anything left in this one or this one or this one and then instead of running back all the time to craft things up we could just build up an advanced crafting station right here probably maybe definitely not the game was just like haha you're dumb you have to build that inside oh my food level's though why can't i build it anywhere be nice to me game i'm trying to win i don't know why i can't craft outside but it doesn't matter at this point because i can make a crafting station inside and la da da da bam so i'm going to craft up a couple more explosive powder because everybody needs that in their life grab those nice beautiful radioactive uranium rods we just created go ahead and steal a butt load of super alloy and now my friends we should be up to 18 heaters and by 18 i totally mean 14. you know sometimes i think people just kind of look at planets like what is that planet rather than how is that planet and right now i think my planet is kind of happy because it's growing grass it's heating up nicely with the heaters we're drilling into its core to increase the pressure and things are going well oh shiny meteorites give me the things that my heart desires i don't even know what you're about but i'm about it oh what is that hey what are you i have no idea what's going on right now are these more super alloys it is i was just going to collect those no shiny rock i like shiny rocks i wish i could have a super alloy in real life hello yes game please stop shaking violently it's hard to collect resources hot dank that's a lot of alloy all of these little pebbles are like baby dinosaur eggs i just want to collect them all and then hatch them all inventory's full let's drink that quick beautiful the war chest has been restocked and we're immediately getting hit by another meteor storm is this one iridium this might be iridium oh glorious game give me the iridium my heart desires or you know just boring regular iron again gross oh that makes me sad inside of my heart my baby dragon eggs all despawned now according to my brain juice i need five more of these to hit the tier 20 that i wanted not really here but just the artificial number that i made up in my mind not saying that 20 isn't the real number i'm just saying i don't really know how many of these i need and 20 is the one that sounded good number four going in wow okay and i just need a few more super alloys and then i'll have 20 tier 2 drills oh great the world's going pink again i've got four there and then 5 6 7 8 9 10 18 19. what oh great would you stop making the sky all scary and junk i'm trying to work here game yeah that's totally 19. okay so i just need that one more and i hit 20. beautiful day in the neighborhood 20 mines what it what's falling from the sky this time i really want to know nothing nothing's falling from this guy please give me some loot is that another dragon egg it is come here little buddy don't run away on me come on come back thank you ow i just got struck by a mortar ah go away i'm gonna die aw packer note to self don't get struck by a meteorite also aluminum i like that game's like oh no you died here thank you i like how there's zero repercussions about getting struck in the head by a meteorite so i just had a kind of an interesting idea you guys know this thing it's got the dna genetic sequencing for the trees i thought i saw a comment about creating a golden tree and i totally forgot about it until right now because my energy levels are so low my oxygen levels are low and i'm only like one percent of the way to getting insects even though it's not in the game yet but i need oxygen i need to increase that oxygen and we will get that better when we get better tree spreaders and this one 7.5 we're at now we're at 5.5 so we have a long ways to go to get there what would happen if i tried to make a golden tree uh i need to find the gold flower is this the gold flower yeah gold in the scene okay i'm just gonna steal that real quick i might as well just put a derpy other seed what do i want to put in there oh well let's put a tuscan in there there you go tusca because it's 600 percent versus 400 stop raining meteors on me game and i believe i need a mutagen or something oh how do i make that i don't remember but yeah bacteria sample using algae and water i'll just snaggle some of that from here and then create a bacteria sample and then i'll use that bacteria sample to make a mutagen and then we'll come over here i need to go ahead and join some tree bark real quick in here if i combine like this wait i don't want to research those i forgot to do that last time i guess i want a golden seed mutagen and tree bark research is it working oh start sequencing it is okay we can make a golden tree it sounds fun oh glorious dna manipulator please manipulate that dna i'm so excited it completed oh plioym oxygen multiplayer 200 percent okay polyum that's my nickname in high school if you're wondering play them i want to go find a nice special spot to make this golden tree i don't even know where i feel like this might be a good spot no yeah the cove the cove right here so we can cover the whole area okay tree spreader all balls and we'll slap it right about here yes make me golden trees whoop and then we'll shove you in the in the booty right like that oh we're gonna make golden trees did it plant them i want them planted oh the little golden tree is growing if we stand here enough oh it pops up like that that looks cool i like this i wish i could have a tree that makes gold in real life look at that thing i wonder if it has like little gold coconuts aren't these the same as over here though yeah these ones are those the same they might be i don't know i'm not a triologist i also wonder if it generates the amount of oxygen based on how many trees are in the ground or if it's just like pile i don't really know but what i do know is our oxygen levels are going up very nicely and i think we probably need to launch up some very very nice rockets like maybe a hundred rockets or something stupid like that because we have these that increase our biomass this one increases our oxygen which we really need maybe we should launch one of those real quick because i want to so if we look here quickly our oxygen is at 29.295773 okay 295773 mark that down in turn put that on the video so we know exactly how much okay a seed rocket oh yes two nine five seven seven three was that the number oh it's pretty launch yes i love launching rockets that one looks cool i wonder if i can launch the golden seed out of it blasting off oh it's green and it's spreading goop down below okay now it's at whoa balls it went from two nine whatever to five nine hot dang that like doubled it and that's supposed to be a thousand percent increase or something okay that's nice we need to do lots more many more maybe like 10 of each type of rocket oh now the planet's all green and stuff because it's like yay we have spores all over us that is fantastic anyway my friends that's gonna do it for today's video i hope you enjoyed if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank all of the patrons and youtube members including autoday beanater ben dickie james moonstorm teddy hippies eagle art destructo man maxor spencer t vc engineer whip it good baron fox darnoff deegan jason l rail whiskey splatter sex joe b doug rules 2.0 fury arrow nerdy geeks come chest the quarian link human brad always rob the king kdf delta c blair b psycho t helvora mrm gaming terrarian gamer and raviolp
Channel: Blitz
Views: 235,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, the planet crafter, planet crafter, planet crafter blitz, blitz planet crafter, the planet crafter blitz, blitz the planet crafter, the planet craft gameplay, the planet crafter tips, the planet crafter drill, planet crafter base, planet crafter base design, planet crafter heater, planet crafter heater t4, planet crafter upgrades, planet crafter trees, planet crafter tree spreader, planet crafter golden chest seed, planet crafter secrets
Id: Dkt9zmgX9o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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