It's Raining. I'll Sleep in the Japanese Import Toyota Land Cruiser Tonight - Overland Camp

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[Music] thank you [Applause] thank you foreign my friends I hope you all are doing well welcome to this episode of the outdoor group review this episode marks the beginning of a new series here on the channel this series involving a 1992 Japanese Toyota Land Cruiser it is over 30 years old and this is its maiden voyage pull over here for a second and show it to you just briefly there you go everyone 30 years old that is a 80 series Land Cruiser already this trip is off the rails the forecast said that it was going to rain like after midnight but that's obviously not the case for now I guess we're gonna be stuck inside of the vehicle that's okay While We're stopped here let's talk about this for a second and some of the nuances so since this is a Japanese vehicle imported from Japan it is right side Drive that has taken some time to get accustomed to so far since I've had this vehicle I've driven it 201 kilometers that's something else that I've had to get used to the kilometer speedometer constantly I'm doing the conversions from kilometers to miles and to be honest I got tired of doing that so I downloaded this app here which is a GPS speedometer and it seems like it works pretty well I've done 42 miles already on this trip average speed 33 miles an hour maximum speed 55. another Oddity inside of this vehicle is this right here down here we have an ice maker we have a refrigerator they call this the cool box with this vehicle there's a number of oddities and weird features all from Japan later on I'll talk about those in more detail but for now let's drive [Music] foreign foreign it's crazy so far I haven't seen a soul out here it looks like I may have the entire place to myself now speaking of which I am out here in the Linville Gorge right outside of the Linville Falls the Linville Gorge is considered to be the Grand Canyon of the East Coast this is a very rugged location it could be very dangerous in places and at the same time it's just stunning I mean it's just such a beautiful place for now everyone I'm just going to drive this road look for a campsite for the night the time is 3 52 and it's 43 degrees it has been years since I've been out here and this place hasn't changed a bit the road is just in the worst shape ever which makes it kind of fun actually it's a good test for this vehicle some of this road is so worn I mean it's just nonsense [Music] [Applause] [Applause] as I'm driving along here I'm looking for a campsite preferably one with a nice view even though I'm not really sure if that matters because it's supposed to rain so I don't know I guess more than anything I'm just driving to drive I'm driving to get accustomed to this vehicle namely with the right side drive that's pretty different here in the United States you're on the left side you're standing next to the yellow line with this vehicle you're right next to the edge and that does not feel right at all to be honest it's not that bad I'm getting used to it pretty quick [Music] wow holy let me show you all this spot I'm not going to Camp here I might Camp over here but wow yes it does this when you put it in reverse check out this View that is nice look at that I'd like to wake up seeing this so I might go across the road here and take the campsite that's right over there [Music] foreign [Music] foreign let's see if this works that's not bad at all and it's almost level am I going to level this out heck no I'm not going to waste my time the thing is when a vehicle is not completely level you just switch sides that's all you got to do or if you want to use your jack don't build a big pile of rocks don't use fancy equipment all of that is just nonsense since it's not pouring at the moment let's go ahead and talk about the Land Cruiser 1992 Japanese Land Cruiser it has the 4.5 liter V6 in it also known as the monster engine also known as the tractor engine this is the exact same 4.5 liter as the American version getting an engine where you can easily get parts for that was important for me so I wanted the 4.5 that's what I got it's pretty funny in Japan in 1992 the engine was in the Land Cruiser at the same time it was also in a forklift the transmission was in a bus it has 129 000 miles on it which is incredible considering this is 30 years old this is older than a good portion of my viewers going back to engines I did consider the diesel I love diesels you guys know this I had moose the old army truck but I didn't want to buy something where Parts could be an issue from what I understand and I could be wrong getting parts for the diesel is not the most complicated thing in the entire world it can take some time though I should mention this when it comes to talking about a Land Cruiser I'm repeating what I've read I'm repeating what I've been told many of you all know more about this vehicle than I do check this out everyone a factory winch directly from Toyota foreign strange features for This Land Cruiser a bed platform a seating platform this panel here moves back here so that you can lay down you have a table and underneath this platform we have a stove and a sink foreign I opened up the back here locked the tire carrier that's a nice feature I also try to open up the back windows here and I kind of got them open they're going to need a little bit of TLC I don't think they've been opened and closed for a really long time yeah everyone this is nice 3 45 and my watch actually says it's 36 degrees I don't think it's actually that cold maybe at the weather station that's around here it's that cold but definitely not here before it gets too late let's go ahead and make coffee and let's just fire up this Japanese stove sink thing and let's see if this even works all right foreign something about that stove is not functioning correctly the way that the butane mounts inside of it there's something messed up in there I was able to actually get the can inserted without it leaking any gas but like just touching the canister it would start up again so bad thing I think is well past its prime when it comes to the sink that is an oddity folks so inside of this case is a container that has a lid on it the thing is I've looked this thing over and I've not been able to get that jug out I can lift up the stove there's some like hinges on the side but I can't get it lifted high enough to move that jug in the end this is an interesting idea but this is not going to stay I I want this out of the way I do like the platform though and I think taking another piece of wood and just making like a table top over here that makes a whole lot more sense or I could even just set up a table here I mean whatever plenty of options [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] I think it's cool to think that this vehicle used to be halfway around the world somebody else used to camp in this they built this interesting platform here they put in the stove in the sink that's different and now here I am doing the same thing camping in it I'd love to know who had this before me who was the owner where did they have it where did they go it's interesting in Japan Land Cruisers they're popular but they're not super super common because it's a big vehicle in Japan it's more popular for smaller Vehicles especially when it comes to like the like off-roading over Landing that sort of stuff from what I understand 90 of the population goes with a chimney instead of a Land Cruiser and that's again because of the size of these the cost of fuel and also the cost of the vehicle [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] well my friends dinner is made we have jasmine rice with Hawaiian chicken and pineapple oh my God it smells so good so good I've been looking forward to doing this trip so I can have this meal anytime that I go out for a trip I like to cook really really good if well I should say this if I'm going out for like an Overland sort of trip or going to the cabin I like to cook really good most of the time it doesn't always work out if I'm going for a backpacking trip that's when I want to do a meal first off we have a lot of predators in the woods so it's not a great idea to cook and Camp following the triangle rule all the time is not easy because we have Bears Bobcats the occasional mountain lion coyotes on and on and on and on plus most people don't go on a backpacking trip with like a steak or something like that as you all could see it's dark now evening has come it's around 7 P.M it's been a good afternoon I just been kicking back drinking coffee listening to the Rain and now it's time to eat the stove and sink thing it makes a fantastic little table but this thing has got to go first off the stove doesn't work the sink thing is interesting there are multiple versions of this combo here I've seen some that have like electric pumps so you can have water and whatnot yeah I'm going to get rid of this I'd rather have a table that I could put up and also take down if I want I guess in Japan they have a number of like Land Cruiser Overland setup models I believe they call it the active vacation and it'll have like the bedding in the back most of the active vacation models have the stove and the sink am I going to eat all of this yes yes I am every single bit here we go oh my gosh I've come [Applause] as far as the Land Cruiser goes this is the first trip out with it I love it I absolutely love it this is such a cool vehicle I mean it's it's so rugged I mean there's almost a foot of ground clearance there's no place that this vehicle cannot go it's full-time four-wheel drive it'll climb a tree this has the center locker but not the front or the back Locker for myself those lockers aren't that important this vehicle is not going to be a rock crawler and in truth for the most part I plan to leave it the way it is not only will the resale value of this stay higher if I just leave it alone leave it stock as soon as you begin changing things you alter the ride quality it's very easy to take these vehicles and make them incredible off-road and make them terrible on-road for myself I like a balance on-road off-road good enough but there are things that I want to do here for an example the radio has to be switched out it does work but it was designed to pick up Japanese frequencies so that thing's got to go I need some music in here plus I want something with some Bluetooth connectivity next the windows they all need to be tinted Limo Black and I'll do that pretty much all the way around not only is that going to keep this vehicle cooler in the summertime but it's going to provide privacy that's super important especially at trailheads you don't want people looking inside of your vehicle to see what's in there something else that I'm going to do is install a reverse camera they're super helpful I definitely want one from there we will figure out what to do with this vehicle together so if you have any recommendations any ideas comment down below again I'm not going to turn this into a rock crawler or anything like that it doesn't need a snorkel I'm not going to be forwarding rivers or anything like that so laughs [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] everybody well about 11 o'clock it's time for bed as you walk in here it's just raining way outside it's been doing this basically all afternoon all night it's been quite Pleasant actually it has been incredibly quiet this evening not a single car on this road I mean I feel like I have the entire mountain range here all to myself all right I'm going to sleep I'll see you all in the morning good night everybody [Applause] good morning everyone good morning not entirely sure what time it is around seven ish but yeah I slept great last night really did this platform here incredibly comfortable the mattress that I used the dod mattress it's awesome but it's too big for it it worked this time but I need to get something different yeah everyone what's up great just been a rainy night just rained all night long it's been super quiet out here I can't believe it but not a soul has gone up and down that road not one that's pretty rare for this area because it's pretty popular yeah it's time to get up get some coffee oh man I'm sorry did I get you I haven't done that a long time foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign right here cheers my friends cheers by the way check out this cup a viewer had this made for me thank you so much my friend I really appreciate it I use it all the time cheers to him cheers to you all it is a nasty day out there the temperature is right around 40 degrees right now it's windy still raining beautiful too all at the same time last night I did a search about this area and I came across an interesting article Charlotte North Carolina women's SUV found near the Linville Falls they believed that she came out here for a hike or something but she is still missing let's see she went missing on May 17th her name is Francis Apperson her vehicle was found in the Linville Gorge parking area and it sounds like they've searched this area relentlessly they've used drones I don't know stuff like that happens this area over the years has had a fair amount of missing people at the same time there's been quite a few deaths this area is very popular for rock climbing and so on people get lost get off Trail some of the trails are really poorly marked before we get on the road this morning let's talk a little bit more about the Land Cruiser I already talked about the plans that I have for it tint the Windows replace the radio the backup camera some of the quirks that I'm getting used to so this vehicle is right side Drive instead of left side the signal and the wipers are on the opposite side of the wheel than what we're accustomed to so anytime that I go to make a turn I end up turning on my wipers every single time that's kind of funny with this vehicle the carpeting I'm not sure if this is like stock Toyota or if the previous owner did something because like it is so plush it is like shag carpeting in here like it's super comfortable I like it I'm not going to take it out but it is a little bit retro I mentioned at the very beginning that I know there's tons of people who know more about these vehicles than I do is to those who know is that stock or is that something someone did comment down below another little Quirk about this vehicle there's no cup holders I mean not a single one I don't think anyways with my coffee cup I have to like set it between like the cool box which is like the refrigerator thing in the seat itself so uh yeah I'll have to work on that so far I really really like this and I hope you all do too please consider a name for this vehicle we need to come up with something at the moment I don't have any ideas I'm not very clever so and it's early I'm going to break everything down put it up let's hit the road it's time to go there's no real point of staying here unfortunately there's just not much we could do here today the winds are picking up everything's soaking wet so there's no fire oh oh oh oh uh something else that I need to add to this system is a tarp I was watching a Japanese camping video the other day this guy he had like a sort of I don't know it was a funky little truck thing I've never seen anything like it anyway so he had these clips that he used to attach to the side of his vehicle and he was able to set up the tarp that way I contacted him and he was able to tell me the name of the company that makes those clips DOD Outdoors these clips they're not available in the US yet maybe in the future but they can attach to the side of some vehicles and they will attach to the Land Cruiser I contacted a Japanese outdoor seller on eBay and I asked them if they could acquire some of those for me and they can they did and I purchased them from them I tell you what the Japanese people are super awesome anytime that you need anything just be super polite reach out to a seller and usually they can hook you up I've done that over and over and over throughout the years in the future I will have a tarp awning sort of setup on this vehicle and that's going to be nice foreign let's do a quick walk around here beautiful morning foggy and perfect laughs there's no reason to send up the Drone you're not going to be able to see anything [Applause] I like the spot right over here though this is nice [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I would not recommend this for like a car or even a small SUV you're going to need some good ground clearance to get up here but luckily the road's not muddy that's a big surprise I've been out here before where like it'll be super muddy just a big mud pit [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign my friends thank you all very much for joining me for this trip it's time for me to go home if you enjoyed this episode hit the thumbs up I do appreciate it let me know what you think we should call this thing hey folks I'll see you around soon strength and honor bye for now foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 168,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camper, camp, cooking, survival, surviving, survived, wild, wilderness, woods, mountain, offgrid, off the grid, adventure, winter, Ice, cold, weather, Freezing, Backpacking, winter camping, off grid, forest, Stealth adventure, winter camp, truck camp, truck camping, Vehicle Emergency Kit, Stranded, thunderstorm, Truck camping in a rain storm, van life in rain, truck camp thunderstorm, toyota tundra camping, rain truck camp, land cruiser camping, Japanese Import, Import Land Cruiser
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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