STORM ARWEN SUMMIT CAMP 100mph+ Strong Winds and Snow at 910m in a Broken Tent WILD CAMPING SOLO UK

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so this video shows me pushing my own personal comfort zone please understand your comfort zone may not be the same as mine i've spent my whole life practicing survival skills so know my own limits and understand the risks involved through my experiences and my physical and mental abilities i find adventures such as this beneficial for my own personal growth i learn constantly and adapt appropriately to any situation to maintain my own mental and physical health safety and well-being i move on through my life as i choose please take care with your own lives and understand your own personal comfort zones risk is inherent in all adventures at no point during this that i feel blue or i were unsafe we were always warm because of the equipment we were using always use equipment appropriate for the conditions if my tent had catastrophic failure and we were exposed to the elements then i would have adapted accordingly now then well do not be uh led into a false sense of security with these uh blue skies behind me i am walking straight into storm irwin it is called uh it has been hang on a second let me just open this gate good boy so i'm here with the dog and uh we are expecting 87 mile an hour gusts that's what it says online there's definitely gonna be high winds i know that um luckily it's really dry up until the point i'm gonna get ready and pitch my tent so i'm quite happy about the weekend weather to be honest overnight though it is gonna be seriously strong winds um definitely some rain and good possibility that there's going to be a snow tickler snow on the tops where i am i'm currently heading up towards great end so i'm now uh on what's this called greying's gill so i'm heading up that pathway up to sprinkling town from seathwort and then from the sprinkling town i'm gonna go the direct route straight up onto the top of a great end which i've walked down before i've not walked up it but um anyway it's not too bad a walk it's steep but not a problem we'll be fine with that it's just the winds later on anyway i need to test my kit like always and there's a certain part of me that wants my kit to fail um just so i know exactly uh how far my kit can actually go um and also um it's good to let you guys know that as well but also just to uh you know test test them on i am you know i spend a lot of my time uh in my comfort zone doing some pretty radical things but i like to just sort of push my limits a little bit so this is hopefully gonna just push me a little bit which i'm excited about anyway it's time for us to get on and walk up here cause we've only got about two hours of light left um i don't really want to be pitching the dark that's all so anyway let's skid idle up this mountain [Music] you know what i can't be doing that it's just one of them dares i just need to make sure that i'm safe and sorted it can't be wasting time and i have also got a very very laden backpack which is 15 kilos plus the water i've got two and a half bit liters of water so it's 17 18 kilos this so let's just get up eh no messing about and get this tent up to take this weather i don't think i'm right in ed you know it's currently two degrees it's set to get to minus six tonight with a wind chill of minus 18 and i'm looking at pools that i can actually have a dip in oh look at that perfect place for a dip is that one i would uh oh look at this as well a little flume so there she is that's great end it's quite an epic place from this side a big rocky outcrop and you can start get around two different ways really or along the top from scafell pike exciting on this very much so so i'm gonna wiggle my way up past all this uh rockery here then end up on the sprinkling town and then from there straight up onto the top already i've shed the layer i've got rid of a layer from under this one uh because it's hot and i've opened my uh leg vents and my trousers because obviously even though it's about two degrees it's still hot when you're climbing up a steep hill with a massive backpack on so but number one thing always keep your hands warm you have to do you lose your hands you lose all your kits every single item because you will not be able to use it so anyway it's waiting for me let's carry on so about out of the kill and now it's just up and up and it's getting a bit windy got sprinkling town here and you can see the wind just pushing the water along there but yeah it's definitely uh starting to turn as it's weather he did say it would come in really about sort of seven o'clock tonight where it'll be really bad like storm force wins but anyway first of all i've got to get up here all the way up that to the top a great end if you look here we've got great gable and then green gable just next to it and they just look fantastic in all this and when i'm up there i'll be able to look back over everything and just uh just see what's happening watch that weather coming in hopefully but oh yes just getting stuck in a nice blue call them fetch it come on if you want good boy well definitely got to be careful there's been no sign of human activity i've not seen anybody so a couple of people on the way down there's nobody up here normally at sprinkle in town there'll be a few people camped out but not tonight but if i uh have any trouble whatsoever on the top sprinkling towns where i'm going to drop down so it's my safety net but i've just found this glove but this is to show how cold it [Music] absolutely frozen solid anyway we're off up there now uh look at this little pockets of snow ah i do hope it snows tonight actually i love a good snowy camp blue just out there chilling excellently quiet for this little gully blue get on climb good lad i don't do it that easily yeah he's a lot better on his four feet than i am on my two for definite i never worry about him not at all look at this though fantastic snow yes that's why stuff does make you excited that's my kind of white stuff i love that whoa yeah the wind's picking up a bit but this uh path i've come up it's not really a known one it's it is sorted down on the maps but not as like an actual footpath uh just because it's quite a scramble and you can easily go wrong on it there's quite a lot of different routes without any sort of guidance or markings no cairns so you just have to make your own way down thing you're all there well ah dear anyway that was the summit of greater 910 meters and i'm just in the little shelter that's just by it and it's really nice actually it's totally out of the windier i've just been licked by the dog which uh he's just been licking and chewing on a dead sheep which is nice gross and to be fair me uh hand i ate a chicken and wild mushroom pie on the way up not on the way up here but on the way up in the car hey blue and uh that chicken and mushroom pie got all of my hand i washed my hand wiped me on got rid of it all anyway i just sort of smelt my hand and it honestly like you know when you're a kid and you thought i'd love some chicken or mushroom soup and then yeah you open the tin you smell it and tip it in the pan and it looks like um like some embryotic sac well that's what man smells like it's absolutely gross so and there's nowhere to wash it up here anyway anyway anyway anyway right i'm going to be uh careful now jackets on i've got to keep myself warm and i'm going to find myself a decent place to get some pegs in the ground although the ground is frozen so it's going to be a bit tricky anyway we'll see how we can get on but i mean look at this sunset over here well just coming down off the summit and if you can see in the background there the scafell pike it's got a sprinkling of snow all over it always looks beautiful from this this angle i love it from this side anyway i'm gonna have to try and find myself somewhere to picture ten and get us pegs in i mean all this area this is quite flat ground it's just making sure that we're gonna be able to actually get a peg in [Music] [Music] [Music] sun's going down in the background there and i've got this uh tent pitch to perfection hopefully winds are staying down a second now so i just started a quickly video but every peg i put a rock on top of just hold it in place so it's absolutely rock solid all night hopefully it's going to do the job i think it's a bit windy already i'll say everywhere we put rocks on just to make sure that it's holding these pegs down oh look here's bluey dog in already just chilling not feds at all so there we go time to get inside what an amazing night though fantastic just beautiful absolutely beautiful totally frozen so we're gonna have to make sure that he's uh tucked up nice and cozy tonight and i've got a couple of special things for him which i've used with him before but not on a mountain just in the woods so anyway he's got his own baby bag i've pitched the tent perfectly honestly it can't be anybody done any better i'm really happy with it i've got no qualms at all with how i've pitched that the pegs are in really solidly i've made sure i took my time making sure everything was absolutely bang on perfect and there's rocks on every peg just to make sure um also what i've done is i've cinched this down so as you can tell it's really low as this so like i think the normal standing height on this is about 95 centimeters this must be down to 70 somewhere around there just so it allows the wind to flow over the top of it a lot easier and hopefully not um make a kite out of it while i'm in it but happy days eh as i say it's done perfectly so this is going to be the ultimate test for this tent i've never had it in winds to this extreme as i say it's given 87 mile an hour gusts up on top here tonight which that's pretty much that uh if it can cut if it can withstand this then this tent is the bomb absolutely the bomb so anyway it might fail we never know yet we'll just have to uh see if it does i'll be quite excited about that too because obviously that then makes the scenario where i have to um sort myself out and make sure that i stay safe and the dog stays safe that we survive the night but hopefully it won't come to that and the tent will do its job i've got everything ready just in case my boots are ready to just slip on i will ditch the lot if i have to uh just to save obviously uh me and blue um so that'll be main thing is you cannot lose your boots your boots are your main thing when you're up here you to get off a mountain if you need to also a torch if it's nighttime um other than that the rest of it i mean obviously i'll have a waterproof jacket i don't know what have you windproof jacket but um the rest of it i'd happily just ditch it won't bother me at all so anyway i'll show you blue he's just uh chilling out there i've actually got a um like a gore-tex bivvy bag that i've made to fit him and i made this about must be four years ago and what i do is i use it when i'm in the woods like for bushcraft and everything and then it's just like i've done it so you can actually put a stick in which forms like an arch like a tent pole um and then he can get inside it and obviously it just keeps him uh out of the wind so that's the main thing so i want to get him now in get him in that later just to make sure that he's nice and warm i've also got a foil blanket for him as well which will just add to that toastiness but generally as long as he's dry he'll be totally fine in all this he really will he's got such a thick coat and even though it's only early winter he's the winter coat is coming on strong it is so ah this is exciting on top of great gable nope on the top of great end on my own no one else around just me and my beautiful dog blue surviving the night in the storm brilliant eh it's pretty exciting is this anyway i'm gonna have to cook some dinner now um i have some steak and vegetables some extra vegetables and i've also got some smash so i'm going to attempt to make some smash as well just to go with it um yeah it's pretty crazy to be honest it's i've just sort of laid here in the dark for the last sort of hour or so and now i'm getting hungry so i thought i'd better start to make some food but um it started to snow as you can hear because it's driving hard it's just smashing against his tent and not only that it's actually blowing up so i'm actually getting i don't know if you can see this in fact i'll put this on one sec but here on the inside of the tent is snow so it's blowing up the outside section um underneath obviously and then onto the ins in a bit here so um yeah that's not very good is it and also it's like if you look down here all that that is just snow and blue obviously chilling out but he's just totally happy i've wrapped him in um a foil blanket and he's actually inside the um gore-tex baby bag that i made him so he's actually quite uh happy in there look at him look at my little boy hey he's a good lady but as i said look at this snow actually coming in and that's purely because it's just so wild out there it's just blowing at all angles at the tent and underneath it and everything so anyway i will uh do my best to make sure that i'm toasty um and the dog is happy as well yeah that's the snow can you see all that snow that's coming in then i'm gonna have to shut up shop properly i think i'll say this is why i brought this baby bag for the dog to go in just because he's totally a set away from everything as well so anyway let's try cookie yeah i'm not doing too well at the minute this is not doing great snow on the inside look at blue's cover here total snow all over it i'm going to attempt to light this now anyway just try to get this going whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa jeez that's not doing very well i'm currently not trying to burn the tent down my gas thing's not working right at all oh dear there we go yeah this is mental this is snow inside and if i just show you this as well this is just outside here where blue is look at that he's under there somewhere he's totally happy there but um yeah covered in snow i've just had to shut this because this snow's been blowing in like crazy so i'm just gonna try to sort myself out i've brought my boots in because these are the most important thing i will need if i need to get off this mountain i cannot lose my boots so they are inside with me ready to go on if needed so i'm just gonna try to organize myself and uh hell oh my god this is the next level definitely brilliant well the weather the weather forecast wasn't wrong a moment to push up on this central pole i'm surprised it's actually not snapped yet crazy look this is snow on the inside for me so this is the second time this has happened have to start that again well i'll shut the door again but that's it's gonna keep blowing undone and uh i think it might actually compromise the tent by having that open because it just allowed too much airflow through it but i mean it's pretty ridiculous as it is to be honest yeah never again never again eh oh man i only have to last till morning and then at nine o'clock the sun comes out looking forward to that definitely well i just had to fix the door and like straight away look at my hat two minutes and then i thought that won't snow on me anyway i'm hoping the door will not open anymore oh well i was waiting for a catastrophic failure the tent has collapsed i don't know if the uh pole has snapped or what but this is now just laid on my head so there we go catastrophe luckily um about half an hour ago before this actually happened i got the dog so he's uh he's laid under my legs now so we're both nice and warm the main thing is keeping warm and we're both pretty hot to be honest so that's all right but this tent has collapsed and that is me oh damn me tested testing eh anyway this is gonna be a very very long night quite strangely now that i know that it's got to a failure point i actually feel more relaxed i feel that um i'm not trying to maintain perfection with it and having the tent working properly i don't need to worry about it now it's already damaged and i can just almost just relax and chill out chill out so i can't say that i'm going to sleep much though oh dma oh what a life eh what a life i'll tell you what it makes you appreciate what you have at home definitely and it makes you appreciate how humans survive the ice age is just non-stop relentless and they have this for 10 000 years yep we're very uh pathetic nowadays aren't we we're doing one night in it something like this and like you know this is as crazy as it gets in life now and all these thousands of generations before us they put in the hard work they put in the hardship to get to where we are now total total respect for all those generations thankful to the monkeys eh standing up on two feet and getting us where we are today oh brilliant time to lay this look i'll see the in the morning hopefully well i've made it through to about seven o'clock in the morning it has been relentless this tent i'm actually glad the tent failed because it just made it lay over the top of us so um the wind at least has a chance of going over us rather than trying to go through us but it ain't stopped it just has not stopped at all and i literally will not be able to do anything until the wind dies down if i went out there now this most of the time i would not be able to even stand up it would be very dangerous if it did get out of the tent i think i made exactly the most viable safe choice to uh stay in the tent and just keep warm i'm not bothered about the tent it's not about that it's about just making sure that i'm safe and the dog's safe but anyway i've got to say though i'm really glad that i've got all the kit i've got if i didn't have this uh external sleeping mat by thermal rest i'd be freezing cold if i didn't have this sleeping bag i'll be um freezing cold i'm glad i put the baby back over the top of it all just to keep the wind off because otherwise it will be stripping heat from this sleeping bag i'm just holding the tent up for the minute just by my hand here but at times um it feels like somebody laying on top of me because the pressure of the wind pressing the whole tent down on me at least it stops knowing the dog's happy though um he's in his little baby bag and what i've done with him i've put him underneath my knees so i'm sort of protecting him and keeping warm so i can feel his heat which is good and obviously he's uh protected from everything as well but i'm gonna have to lay here and ride it out i don't think ever again i'm glad i tested the tent though test it to breaking point so well it's just starting to subside a little bit now so i've just uh done the hard job of getting some leggings on underneath my trousers so i've got an extra layer and what i might do is put my wing my waterproofs over the top just so it keeps the wind off blue is ready to go out at your blue dog boy yeah he's desperate to go out now so i'm just gonna let him out for a quick wonder i slept in my trousers and all night i've been thinking i need to get my leggings on underneath my trousers and then put these on top and now i've done that i feel so much safer the fact that i can get out and um hopefully stay put on anyway i've got the dog back in he's happy he's just desperate for a wee that's all as i am right i'm gonna get a few bits together and i'm gonna have to try to get out of here right it's time to bear it i try get out wow one place what a beautiful morning a proper morning flower seawall doing goodbye so well back in just for a minute just to get ourselves together and have a think about what to do he's absolutely mental out there that just uh obviously was desperate for a wing so i went for a wii obviously abide by don't piss into the wind and it did not matter it went all over me and as soon as it hit my trousers and hit the uh jacket honestly it was everywhere it was actually my face in the lot and as soon as it hit it it froze so i've actually got frozen piss all over me complete nightmare absolute complete over right then i'm all packed up ready to go blue's already outside he's just totally chilling out there laid in the actual snow he loves it honestly i've got my bag done here um and i've got blues bag outside the only thing is when i'm packing this tent away obviously i've got all this snow that i need to move oh look that's that glove i found yesterday yeah i better take that with me as well anyway let's get out of here [Music] wow well that was an arduous task putting that tent away in this weather was about as difficult as you get luckily it wasn't raining because that could have made it worse but my god it is windy at times you kept wanting to sort of blow me over and i got tangled up in the um guy lines a few times which was a bit dangerous i guess because i could have tripped or had it round my neck or anything anyway all gone i'm just in the uh summit shelter actually just out of the wind i've got 10 meters that way it is ridiculous you can't actually stand up so what i'm going to do is i'm going to head back down on the back side of this mountain um which is hopefully going to be a little bit more uh my god it is windy those clouds are flying past yeah hopefully it's gonna be a bit more sort of uh shaded whatever the word is i don't know you guys can think of that word you know what it is um my brain stopped working that's all ah here he is look he's a happy dog yeah he absolutely loves these conditions as long as it's dry um he loves it he's been rolling around in the snow and everything so thank you blue okay yeah ah right get off then come on you know i'll tell you what though that tent i know it failed as in it snapped a pole but if that was double pulled actually it might not have started a chance anyway but every peg was still in the ground um all the guy lines were totally sound there's no rips no tears or anything there's only one tear where um the paw went through the actual sleeve and all i did was jump pull the shorter pole into the ground and it actually just allowed a little bit of a um arch over the top of me really which was good um but it didn't really matter because the wind just kept blowing it flat down against my face anyway so ah that was the longest night i've ever had though i slept to be fair in that with no earplugs i slept probably i reckon i've had four hours sleeping all that which is unbelievable but to be fair i can't sleep in a washing line so there we go right then let's skidaddle so there we go leave no dress i don't even want to go just absolutely loving this just do we don't want to leave amazing absolutely amazing so ah just coming down to this cross shelter oh park ourselves down eh sit in this snow drift just out of the wind for a minute what an adventure on absolutely epic adventure i really wanted to sort of uh test test myself i think and obviously the kit as well and um being in situations like that potentially it's really really dangerous so you've got to be so careful um i had all the gear that necessary that would keep me safe and survive but you know there are things that could have gone wrong definitely and the tent pole snapped um i was waiting for it to snap but i'm glad it did because as soon as it did i dropped the uh lowered temple into the ground and jammed it in and then it just kept like a lower sort of a section over my body um which it didn't really make much difference but because you know the actual wind was just pressing the um the tent down onto me uh the dog was happy he was just laid under my legs in his little baby bag and i was really warm all night that was my only concern i did not want to get cold because getting out in that and trying to get down the mountain would have been just impossible so yeah in those situations really what you want to do is stay with your tent just because you've got all your gear you're nice and warm and to navigate yourself off a mountain in um storm blizzard conditions like that was pretty much impossible so unless you have an absolutely catastrophic failure where your tent rips to the point where you are exposed to the outside stay with your tent i would say ah it's been brilliant though it really is i didn't want to actually come down off the summit i was just clocking then um there was 80 mile an hour winds even now and it's died down so it just shows you last night was well over 80 miles an hour with the winds i think it even touched 90 just then so unbelievable anyway i've learned a few things from this um i'm not going to do that again it's just nice to sort of test myself in the kit and i've also learned that when you go for a wii in high winds it pretty much goes everywhere so yeah it just spread literally all over me didn't matter which direction i weed in it went all over my jacket all over my trousers and uh because it was so cold up there it froze straight away and just stuck to me so that was really nice so i've got some washing today when i get back oh but yeah um the dog was totally uh sound all night i was quite happy with him he's always really good when it comes to the cold sort of uh um cold environments he actually quite thrives in it i'd say and um his coloring matches perfectly to the surroundings when it's sort of like here look i'll show you you know when you sort of got rocks and snow around it's just like the perfect winter dog i'd say anyway if you like this video this extreme video which i won't be doing i don't think this extreme again maybe i will i might get caught out again who knows but just give it a big fat thumbs up um and also if you haven't subscribed already subscribe and pretty much just just join me on my adventures and hopefully i'll give you a bit of inspiration to get out and a bit of knowledge and know-how of you know what to do in certain situations what i would say is do not try this at all this was just um a ridiculous one an absolutely ridiculous one but um i've enjoyed it the dogs enjoyed it and hopefully you've enjoyed it sat at home with your nice cups of tea anyway it is my turn to get back make a cup of tea and um yeah i didn't even have breakfast i'm gonna have to go make myself some food when i get back but anyway take care then guys all the best [Music] you
Channel: BUSHMAN and BLUE
Views: 447,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camping in a storm, storm Arwen, camping in heavy rain, camping in a thunderstorm, wild camping Lake District, summit camping, Wild camping Uk, wild camping Snowdonia, wild camping Scotland, Best one man tent, Wild camping kit, Camping in a snowstorm, Storm in America, American storm, Snowstorm in America, Snowstorm USA, Camping in strong winds, storm Barra, Hot tent camping, storm camp, Camping in Alaska, Fjallraven abisko lite 1, fjallraven tent, Fjallraven Keb
Id: o5cBNDsP9no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 37sec (2977 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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