Rain Storms and Snakes - Wet Weather Camping Adventure - Tarp Camp with Weird NatureHike Tent

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[Music] uh my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor group review i just got here to lone wolf mountain started with the sony it started raining now i'm here with the gopro what i need to do is to set up a tarp real quick then we can talk a little bit more i love trips like this all right everyone a good start to the trip i got the tarp set up i have a dry spot at least for the time being and i say that because the winds could pick up later on today who knows here in the mountains anything is possible [Applause] while i sit and wait for the rain to cease i might as well do it in comfort and sit in a chair the weather for this trip is going to be a mess it's going to be wet it's going to be damp just the way i like it you know what i mean [Applause] here comes the rain again i came out for this trip thinking that it was going to rain later on this afternoon but as you all can see it is on and it feels good it's cooling things down right now the temperature is around 61 degrees which is very comfortable my plan is to go ahead and set up my tent to begin with and i'll do that underneath this tarp i have the dry space why not use it that's a benefit to carrying a tarp with you here in the united states at least most tents do not feature a fly first design so you have to set them up basically in dry conditions otherwise you'll get water on the inside of the tent the tent that i'm using for this trip is from nature hike this is the bayer ultralight 2 tent this is very very interesting and you will see why in just a minute these poles everyone they are ridiculous they are so incredibly long with this tint it does feature a fly first pitch but i couldn't remember if i shut the doors or not and it doesn't look like i did so if i got it out in the rain the inside would have gotten wet [Music] this is a weird feature to this tent so you have this pole that basically gives you something to attach items to on the inside of the tent so it begins up here at the top on the outside there's a hole and it goes through that hole into the body all the way across to the other side and then out it's really strange i've never seen this before look at that there's a hole in the side of the tent and it goes through then the pole goes over here through another hole and then connects over here [Music] in addition to testing out this tent i also have a new sleeping pad this one's from teton sports [Applause] oh that is the one thing that i did not charge for this trip i am now sealing up the fly which is on the inside of the tent now i'm shutting up the door that's right folks this tent features an internal fly just like the skyena tent from one tigress i just looked at the radar and it looks like there's more rain on the way so i'm going to go ahead and get my bed all set up i do have a full gear list in the description box down below if there's something that you're interested in i mentioned a moment ago that this tent features an internal fly let me explain what that means exactly you can see you have this lip here right this is part of the fly but when you go down to the door the rest of the fly is on the inside of the tent which means when it's raining the water comes down hits this mesh hits that fly and hopefully does not go inside of this tent [Music] i want to show you all something rather interesting once i show this to you i'm only going to talk about it for just a minute because i want to talk about it in more detail later on but i was coming down here to take a look at the sky when i found this what is so interesting about this is that this is the second black snake that i've seen today i saw a slightly larger one earlier before now that's a black racer and again i'll talk about these snakes in more detail in just a minute first there's something that i want to do i have a nice flat location right here for my chair but i need something for my table and i think this is going to work just fine but what i need to do is level this out because this is rather steep we are on the side of a hill here so [Applause] perfect perfect conditions so what i'm going to do here is make some lunch we might as well make some coffee too this is one of the most unique stoves i have ever seen i've had this for numerous years now it's from soto which is a japanese company i absolutely love it it is so unique so strange it's special to me i really really like it so this is a cassette stove soto check this out look at that how different so so my friends cheers cheers to you all oh yeah that is actually quite good [Applause] to me some people may say that's disgusting i don't know but i like it now with this trip now that i have time to sit down and actually talk to you all this is just a simple camping trip here at lone wolf mountain originally my plan was to come out camp here at lone wolf mountain and i was going to focus my attention on the spring i was going to begin working on it i don't know if i'm going to do that or not it is so rainy so wet so sloppy i could go work on it but i would be covered in mud by the time i'm done because it's so sloppy so i think i'm going to hold off on that for now and i'll do that in a later episode but as far as this campsite goes you all may remember this i started working on this maybe four or five months ago something like that with this location here it is sloped it is on a hill but i've always liked it i've always liked the view from here so i decided to turn this into a campsite so i leveled a spot for the tent i leveled a spot for my chair and that's pretty much all the time that i had so i stopped there this is without a doubt a work in progress i need to dig a fire pit and decide where i want that exactly i'm still not 100 sure yeah i'll figure that out in a little bit i have some rock for it over here if you all remember in that episode i also put down some mulch on the ground and that's because the soil here features a lot of clay so it becomes really really muddy as soon as moisture falls the mulch itself really does help keep that mud down so i can walk around on top of this mulch and i don't have to worry about mud which is incredibly nice while i have my lunch i figured i would go over some of the questions some of the comments that i've seen in the videos namely in regards to the setting up of this campsite and also some recent adventures because the channel's so big and there's so many comments i can't go through them all and answer them so when i see a theme i will address them in videos so so to start off when it comes to this campsite here that i built again it's on a slope i noticed that some viewers stated that i should have built basically a retaining wall for the camp pad for the tent pad in that episode i mentioned something very important i stated that the soil here has a very high clay content there's a lot of clay in it it's because of the high clay content in this soil that i did not need to do that let me show you all what i'm talking about this is where people were saying that i needed a retaining wall but as you could see check that out this has not moved since i leveled this out and that's because of the clay in the soil i don't want to get too geeky about this so i will keep it simple when it comes to soil it's composed of three different elements sand silt and clay it's the percentage of each component that determines the overall texture of the soil and also the water holding capacity now just in case you don't know this the water holding capacity of the soil is this basically it's it's the soil's ability to physically hold water against the forces of gravity the easiest way to explain this is this take sand for an example sand gives up the water between the pores much easier than silts or clay and because of that sand could be easily washed away when you have clay that's not the case clay has the ability to physically hold water molecules much more tightly and because of that clay does not wash away to the same extent again i did all this maybe three four five months ago and it hasn't moved at all another series of comments that i saw which i thought i would mention or address was the mulch for some reason people thought that was going to attract ticks first off you should assume that ticks are going to be around no matter what so make sure to treat your clothing and your skin properly with that being said this mulch is a combination of pine and cedar now here's something interesting cedar oil which comes from cedar bark will kill ticks it liquefies their body fat and causes them to die of dehydration so you will not find ticks on cedar bark that's another reason why i put this down but again everyone that really doesn't matter even if you do something like this yourself for your own campsite you should go ahead and plan for there to be ticks around you for there to be ticks present so treat your clothing your shoes your socks and even your gear if you want it's always better to be safe than sorry next my friends in a previous episode i came across a black racer snake and i shared that with you all there was only one comment on this but i thought i would share this information with you all just so you can know the difference that individual stated that the snake i saw was a blue racer not a black racer that individual was wrong and here's why blue racers and black racers they are different snakes completely and when you know the difference between the two you're not going to confuse them as you all could see there are differences between the two first off when it comes to black racers black racers are completely black and they have smooth and glossy scales blue racers are bluish greenish gray and even sometimes brown in color the color of their skills is very flat not shiny at all and here's one of the most important things there aren't blue racers here blue racers are generally found in the center of the united states not in the east in the east we have black racers another difference between the snakes is that black racers are quite a bit bigger than blue racers i think the record for a blue racer is like six foot where like the record for a black racer is around eight maybe even nine feet black racers can be huge huge snakes and that one that we saw was gigantic talking about snakes as soon as i got here at lone wolf mountain i came across one in the road so that was further down on the mountain i stopped the truck got the camera filmed him just a little bit that is a cool snake fast forward a few hours it just got done raining i went down to the truck to get something and what do you know there's another black snake a different one the one i saw down there i think was around four feet this guy was around four and a half feet five feet he was pretty long it really does make me happy to see these snakes because black snakes black racers they are terrific they're very good snakes to have on your property and i've mentioned this before so i won't go into it again but they're good to have by the way for lunch we have a real term at mule this is reindeer stew and it is fantastic [Music] [Music] let's go see if this tent has leaked so far so good folks no leaking from this tent so far everyone there's been no leaking from the nature hike bear tent and i really didn't expect it to leak nature hike knows how to make waterproof tints my biggest question is how bad is the condensation going to be because this is a single wall tint and yeah condensation is going to be a factor with this tonight we'll see just how well it goes or how bad [Music] [Applause] check this out everyone a viewer sent this to me this is pretty neat it unfolds like this so that you can carry firewood in it to the viewer who sent this in thank you so very much your name escapes me at the moment but i will flash it on the screen thanks buddy the sun has popped out for a second here i think i'm going to use this time to gather some firewood so i sure do love the smell of this soil i was talking about clay earlier it's amazing what you can do with it it's amazing how strong it can be as far as this material goes it's damp so [Music] so so because these showers can pop up at any time i decided to go ahead get this fire going we will enjoy this as long as we can we still have a little bit more than an hour of light left before it's dark as far as the day goes for you all it's only been raining a few minutes but for myself it has been raining all day but i tell you what that's okay because i've had a great time i've been chilling underneath this one tigress tarp having a good time there's nothing like it there's nothing like just being underneath the tarp listening to the rain it's really really nice really really nice and now we have the fire going here in a minute i'll make dinner as far as dinner goes let's see what have i got we have another real term at meal this one is pulled pork with rice this stuff is so good it's so good let's don't wait let's go ahead and make it [Music] [Applause] here's a little tip for you all when you're using a tarp that has a lot of tie off points take some cordage and tie from one center point to another center point once you've done that you have a line that can hold your lantern your headlamp it could even dry out your clothing and your gear the other day folks i was at my friend's house my neighbor and he was showing me his latest like exercise machine i have to say it was probably one of the coolest pieces of equipment i've ever seen in my entire life it is truly an advancement in technology based upon how cool it was i'm sure the thing cost a fortune it is a machine called tonal the tonal i don't know but basically it looks like a television that has been like tilted straight up and down and on the sides you have these bars with like pulleys it is incredible it is incredible i did a quick 20 minute workout on this thing that has left me so sore i should look it up and see how much it costs but i'm not going to it is pretty wild have you all heard of one of those or tried one or have one if so comment down below or shoot me an email i'd love to hear your thoughts on it my neighbor he loves his and i can see why i think one of the coolest things to it is that like there's a certain mode to it where as you're like working out you're doing whatever it progressively gets harder and harder as you're doing it so it just stacks on that weight so you can end up getting a better workout with this machine simply for the fact that you don't have to make any adjustments or get heavier weights it automatically does it for you that is incredible it is so slim so small i was super super impressed again i'm a little bit concerned about the price i'm sure that thing cost a fortune it's pretty slick and plus this day and age everything costs a fortune so the most important thing you have to keep in mind when it comes to working out well actually there's a few things first off don't push yourself too hard you want to push yourself but not injure yourself also it's not all about just lifting weights and muscle you have to focus on your heart the heart is the most important part when it comes to your entire body you have to have strength you have to have stamina you have to be able to react i think that's so important and oftentimes that's overlooked anyways dinner is almost ready pulled pork with rice this is really really good and if i remember correctly it kind of tastes like pizza i know that sounds weird pulled pork with rice it tastes like pizza for some reason it does it's not like it tastes like a pizza i guess like full-fledged pizza but like there's something about the sauce that's very pizza-esque no matter what it is really good though with the fire here as you saw before i dug a small hole that way all of the embers and the coals will form in the bottom it's a great way of gathering a source of heat and let me tell you it is hot it is super super hot even though the fire itself is rather small the heat is rising it's reflecting off of this tarp i'm toasty hot ah here's a little tip for you all if you don't have a bellows with you take your fingers and put them together so you have a tiny little diamond within those fingers put it up to your mouth and blow it isolates the air basically creates a jet stream you can move your fingers forwards and backwards to determine the direction it works incredibly well as you saw [Music] [Music] that's the last of the firewood i think it's going to get rather chilly tonight low is around 48 something like that for this time of year that's a little chilly yeah it's almost nine o'clock and let's see if i can check on the radar looks like rain is on the way should be here in about an hour and i can't wait i love it nothing is better than being inside of your tent at nighttime with it raining it's the best sleep that you could possibly get my plan is just to hang around the fire here for just a few minutes and then call it a night okay so i just got inside of the tent here and i was opening it up and i i see a problem i see a problem this door has had time to dry the wind's been coming this direction drying the door off the problem is this door this side is completely wet it's so wet in fact that i can't open it up not without getting water inside of the tent so that's that's interesting that greatly limits the airflow coming into this tent i can open a small part of the top and that work but i certainly can't open the whole thing it is amazing how big this tin is though i will give it that i think for wet weather conditions this is not the best choice but for drier situations absolutely there is a ton of space inside of this it is waterproof at least with my testing with the rain that's fallen so far it's been moderate and consistent i mean it's rained for hours and hours and this tent has not leaked since the night is so young what i'm going to do is watch a movie one of my favorite movies open range with kevin costner that is an excellent movie if you haven't seen it i highly recommend it if you have seen it comment down below share your thoughts what do you think about it oh good night for now oh man that moment when you get inside your tent you close your eyes you're just listening you hear nothing but like the crickets man that's sweet i hear absolutely nothing tonight that's pretty nice here comes the rain i'll see you guys in the morning wish me luck hopefully the condensation won't be too bad inside of this uh yeah it's already forming on the walls but that's to be expected condensation when this thing is sealed up is it's gonna be poor but luckily as i mentioned before it's so big it's passable all right goodnight everybody see so ah man how'd everybody sleep last night did i get you oh man i slept pretty good but it took a while for me to go to sleep i don't think i've mentioned this in any videos but recently i switched over to contacts so i've mastered getting them in but i have not mastered getting them out so it took quite a bit of work to get them out and with this eye i think i like pinched my eyeball or something i don't know it still hurts i don't know if it's red or not but it aches but uh yeah so yeah my eye was just hurting last night it was hard to fall asleep as far as this tent goes i think this is more of a dry location tent namely because the ventilation is so poor inside of it when you have to seal it up now last night started raining again it rained for numerous hours it's yeah it's damp in here it's pretty dang damp luckily in between the showers i would unzip the doors just enough to get some airflow the hanging pole inside of this tent is really strange the fact that it goes through one side and then out the other there's literal holes in this tent because of that this tent is not 100 bug proof ants and stuff could get through those holes maybe small spiders too but that being said though this tent is waterproof it did not leak at all so good job on that front nature hike very very interesting design to this tent it's definitely different it is huge there's no doubt about it i would say the only real con is that it's somewhat difficult to set up the poles themselves crisscross and it's very easy to get them mixed up it would have been nice if the company would have color-coded like the sleeves with the poles to the clips because oftentimes you'll get them backwards and it does not set up right and it's one of those things where you're not going to notice the mistake until you basically have it set up right it is coffee time [Music] so [Applause] good morning everyone good morning the day doesn't officially start until you have coffee in hand cheers that is really good really good the perfect combination i'm an expert trust me what we have here is some french cafe from south korea we have some funky folgers which puts hair everywhere and we have some folgers noir coffee golden dusk sounds good yeah actually it is good it's a really good combo let's check the radar real quick right before i got up it was raining i want to see what exactly is going to take place today ultimately what the weather is going to do does not impact what i'm going to do i have a plan already what it shows here is basically a 90 chance of showers and thunderstorms starting around noon now what i'm doing today is rather important i need to go home because i'm having a party not for myself but for lucas our son he is leaving the house come next week he is gone he's off to college life is about to change i mean the kids are completely gone it's just susie and i what are we going to do what are we going to do i don't know i can't wait let's go ahead and give breakfast a shot we have a real term at chocolate muesli which is like oatmeal sort of thing i added a ton of water so i can actually just drink this from the bag that is ridiculous good talking about gear for a second i've already discussed the tent the sleeping pad from teton sports did great no issues very comfortable also very inexpensive that's more of a summertime pad the r value is very low when it comes to the one tigress tarp it did an excellent job someone was asking me about this the other day that's the reason why i brought it out i needed to do more testing i still have more testing to do but so far so good completely waterproof excellent size too with a little japanese stove you know i love it have you ever seen any other cassette stoves that's the only one that i've seen it is so unique it's almost weird but [Laughter] i love it i think it's just so so cool so neat if you know of another cassette stove contact me let me know i'd be curious to take a look at it hmm sure is getting dark folks okay you know what i think i might hurry and wrap this up packing all of this up and breaking it down is going to be easier when it's not raining than when it is so i think i'm going to wrap this up everyone thank you so much for joining me for this camping trip i really appreciate it this has been an excellent trip out in the rain did me some good it did all right everyone i'm done for now i hope you all have enjoyed this episode thank you so much for going camping with me if you have enjoyed it hit the thumbs up because it does help the channel if you want to support the outdoor gear review you could do so on patreon you could do so on youtube you could join the wolf pack also a merch store has been set up and you can get hats jackets coffee cups mugs hoodies and so on plus more is on the way plus patches are available on the website everyone thank you so much for everything take care be well strength and honor let's go celebrate lucas yeah lucas i love you buddy i love you i'm so proud of my kids anyways everyone i'm done strength and honor bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you make it work [Music] i still have that old worn [Music] maybe we should [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 344,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoors, hike, hiking, camp, camping, hiking gear, camping gear, camp fire, solo camping, camping adventure, backpacking, Solo camping, bushcraft camping, mountain camping, forest camping, wilderness camping, backcountry camping, Hot tent, Hot tent camping, Camping in a hot tent, Winter hot tent, pomoly hot tent, big hot tent, storm camping, rain camping, camping in a thunderstorms, violent storm camping, tarp camping, tarp storm campoing, tarp rain camping, naturehike bear
Id: SrlfA95PRis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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