CAMPING in RAIN STORM - Elevated Tent - Freezing Mountain - Dog

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I can't believe it Frozen retain as much of the waffle as  possible and much of the maple syrup   oh great success welcome back everybody to another  camping with Tony and Bruno who is just here in   the truck uh we're on a mountain with about 1300  meters it's winter here in New Zealand it's free   it's freezing cold it's just above freezing um  is a breeze we've got rain coming in maybe a lot   of rain and maybe snow so first thing I'm  going to do is get Bruno out get his treat   um and then let's get camp set  up so let's get Bruno out first boy and for those who don't know this is Bruno he's  a puppy he's 10 months old coming up to 11 months   old now he's just started his training um uh  as you might know my other dog Bruce passed   away not long ago a few months ago and uh we had  Bruno already so the first thing Bruno's gonna   want is a treat does Bruno want a treat that's it  you're gonna sit for your treat good boy that's it so give Bruno his treat and  then we can get camp set up   we've got to get a move on because the weather's  coming in okay sit Bruno good boy wait wait up   go on then good boy all right it's cold man it's  cold okay let's get on with this so I've got a   um a special kind of tent it's uh odds  tent rs1 it's what they call a swag in   Australia but first i'm going to get  the awning out get that all secured   um and then work out where to put the tent  once I've got the awning up because I want   the rain cover so let's get on with  that now and let's get the awning up thank you thank you just to secure this awning with I don't  know how high I'm going to have them yet so I'll use my special tie-ops which can punch through Rock of which  there is a lot here a lot of Rock   and I've got my guy lines so  let's get this set up it probably   might be better to have this setup  quite low actually not too high I'm thinking the tent is going to go under here yeah so we might set it up quite low   okay so we're gonna want this out  at a 45 degree angle on both sides okay that's one let's use the r shot okay same on the other side or I could just whoops I've pulled it over too far she's on the other  side first okay a silly design floor with this   awning is it slides off the end really easily  I don't know why they've made it like that it should lock into place but it doesn't   it's quite irritating so let me do that  again see it should be all the way over here okay so what I might do is this guy is not  even guide us um into the ground I will just strap it to the front of the truck because that's plenty strong enough okay yeah this will work Just Talk Amongst yourselves starting to lose feeling in my hands because it's so cold now Bruno is a border collie he's a purebred   border collie he really  doesn't feel this cold at all and you know what that looks good  okay now let's redo this side okay that's better now I could actually put the strap I could put the strap under the awning  just to give it a bit more strength   so let me do that as well okay we're good and this will actually stop the  awning from slipping off as well   perfect okay in case you're  wondering what that bird is it's a bell bird it's just sitting up here beautiful  song all right let's get the tent okay so the tent we're using is the oz10 rs1 it's  a technically a one person tent but good for uh Anna's dog comes with a stretcher bed that lifts it off the ground now you'll  have seen me those in on my channel   use this tent a few times four actually  I've used it in this exact spot as well   and the reason I'm doing this again is it's  just made it's made for a place like this it's actually perfect for a place like this Bruno you can't see Bruno but he's just exploring  but I've got to keep him in vision   uh because the sheer drop  off so I'll show you later so you might wonder why I don't just set the  tent up on the ground well it's so Rocky here   I want to have a bit of comfort okay now I always get this one wrong there's a long end and a short end okay so short end goes in first it doesn't matter which end you put this on that's it right and then this is the long end that  you have to grab to put it on and it is a   from memory it's really difficult there's  like no tolerance in this thing at all but you never know it might have stretched  over time so it might be easier now oh I've got this thing upside down  all the way around and upside down there you go okay okay so short end is here that goes in okay and then long end yeah  it's hard as I remember all right tell you what I remembered it's so hard this  tent to put in you've even got   this handle here to pull but it doesn't  help it's still ridiculously hard to do ah there you go oh what that does  mean is it's under a lot of tension   okay so I want to put it across here like  this so I'm going to put the anti-sway bars up that's these things they stop it  from rocking front to back side side but there really isn't much else to it and you're going to do that at both ends all right Bruno this is not going to be  a home for the night isn't it okay so I want to leave enough room oops oh no I want to leave enough room to  access that door if necessary with the tent on I think this will work this might be sitting on the tent I'm not sure   the strap oh we'll work it  out right let's get the tent yeah so this is the Oz tent rs1 and as I said I've used it a few times  okay so it's got some poles for the awning   but I don't know if I'm gonna  use and then the main tent   that I've got to go and put on there  hey Bruno oh it keeps running off hello you're having fun Okay so yeah I am worried  that this is going to get in the way but we'll see very very simple to set up this tent and beat you literally get inside the tent  you pull it up and then you're good to go and that's it to be honest that's all you need to do   there really isn't much else to it you  could strap it down if you wanted to so I will probably now peg this out um  actually I'll just strap it to the bed   okay uh the strap isn't in the  way and it's not touching the tent   that's good and if I wanted  to I could use the awning but I don't think there's any need I think  we're looking good just the way it is   wow okay that worked out well  so the mattress goes inside it Bruno come on you keep disappearing over the hill okay mattress okay I'm going to tighten up the straps  and I'll bring you back okay I've got   everything strapped up I have guide  down the tent um and I've I've bought   the awning up a bit as well just to give  me some Wind Block give me some protection   um I've got some plans I need to work out  where I'm going to sit I've got a fire pit   um I'm probably going to have the fire sort of  about here uh there's no worries this is a diesel   uh with a special tank so there's no problems  with fire all right so I've got my bedding in here at Bruno's bedding ah I know where that is right this Bruno's bed I got my fire pit I've got a chair and I've got my table so the chair is the click chair c-l-i-q this to be one of the easiest and most comfortable  setup and this is the high back high back one there you go check it out comfy chair so I'm probably going to be sitting about here  because this is where there's least amount of wind   so I'll be setting the fire pit  up here I need to get my table out now we'll see how high I want  to have this it can go higher but right now it's pretty good like that or serving height just need to level it with  these things at the bottom okay now I might have to move it  if rain comes in from the side   that's another stupid thing about this  awning actually you know what I'm gonna   have to move it anyway I'm probably gonna  have to just put it here against the wheel ideally I'd have an awning where the rain  doesn't come in at the side here but none   of them seem to do that so whatever is  what it is okay I've got food to get out but most important I need to get the  fire pit lit so let's get on with that so I've only got charcoal with me so  there's not going to be any massive flames   so I can actually set it up under the awning there we go yeah so I can  set it up under the awning   it means the firework to put it that water if  the rain won't put it out if we get a deluge it's got a little charcoal insert like so that's it okay so I think what we need to  do is get this cranking quickly fine I've got a grill to go on  top of it stuff like that as well um yeah we need to get this lit because it's going to be freezing soon really freezing so I need a small bag of charcoal like this I think that should do it and then I need some gel okay some gel and some matches Bruno come on he's exploring which isn't a problem I  just I just need to be with him right now   okay mind out Bruno come on  over there good boy mind out okay so what you do with this  is ah no Bruno away go away squirt this into some of the gaps Bruno go away new matches should just use my lighter okay let's see if this works oh great  instantly I snapped the flipping match now this gel is not the easiest thing to light now I'm gonna have to do this the old-fashioned  weight or I should say the Modern Way we actually have to use my lighter because it's just too windy okay let's do this okay and then I think we'll just put  a bit more of the charcoal on top trying not to put the Flames out all right okay so I might need the liquid again uh what else have I got I've got  my food and everything in here all my cooking stuff is in there food and I've got a starlink with me just in  case there was no signal but I think there is   a signal got more food here and I've got  more charcoal in the back here as well and for cooking I'm going to  be cooking on this tonight so we should be nice okay what I need  to do is just get myself sorted out   get everything plugged in uh and then  I'll bring you back again for a coffee   okay welcome back everybody so let me put  a little matte Bruno's bed down for him he's got a stick Bruno it's okay this is your little bed is that  your bed come on then come on you'll earn it   you're gonna play with your stick no he's got no  interest right so this little spot I've got here is pretty much perfect the wind is  as you can see from the Flames is   coming across like that the tent  is shielding me from the wind I just want to make sure that Bruno is  where the fire come around Bruno come on   because he's not really used to fire um Okay so we need to put the kettle on so  I've got my eco flow battery bank here and   it's fully loaded up that's what I'm going to be  running everything off ah now have we got plane   I think we're getting there  I think this is looking good coals have taken and the wind that's blowing  through is really making them catch as well okay so that's good so I'm  running everything on battery it's just easy no gas I like easy you could call it  glamping I don't care whatever glamping though technically is when  everything is already set up for you okay so let's get some water in here the fastest  boiling Kettle in the world yeah this thing boils so quickly  it's insane great cup and a coffee now because it's so cold I don't really have  to worry about refrigerator on this trip so I   didn't bring one with me Bruno oh no go away stop  begging it's not for you where's the stick Bruno but it is cold I tell you my legs are getting  freezing so once this Kettle is boiled I've got   the coffee done I'm going to put my insulated  pants on and change my top to insulated top and we should be good I'm wondering whether to  take you all for a walk just to see where we are I might do that after I've had my  coffee and I put my insulated gear on so I told you this thing was so quick Bruno come  on your bed come on come and sit down right down   go on right down down go on  all the way down good boy this was to play at the moment but I just  want to get this done there we go boiled ah oh it's gonna be way too hot right now Okay so   I've got a couple of chores I need to do I need  to put the hanging lights up so let's do that now so yeah I've got these poles to hold the lights it seems as we're by the side of the  road I might set one up here as well just so people can see and I can clip one on here and then just hang the  light here as well just to light the whole area up and that will hang on there I've got my lights so these things are waterproof if you're interested in them I'll put a   link there's a link to my Amazon  page where I get everything from but these things are quite cute but  they look a bit Christmassy to be honest there you go and I'll light those  later when it's uh starting to get dark   so I've just got to make sure that  no rain is getting in anywhere don't think it is oh we're looking good if some rain  really kicks off up here I've got an   umbrella that I could put up actually it's trick before I don't know why they don't make these more secure I have no idea so this umbrella absolutely  does the trick look at that yeah that works there you go right now we're completely covered hey  okay that's still too hot what I'll do is   um I'll grab the GoPro I'll give  you a little tour of the area   okay welcome back everyone right let's go for  a little tour Bruno let's take them for a walk   so first of all just to show you camp there it is all set up just  to give you some perspective not bad not bad at all look at that  secured it at the back of the tent   as you can see I've got guy lines running  here and there all the water is beading off   this thing it's waterproof I've got a couple  of guy lines here uh to a peg here just just   for uh this tarp here just to give me a tiny bit  more like another foot of clearance and then out   with my gear inside which is covered but my eco  flow stuff my battery bank and everything else   starlink but yeah don't need it got signal up here  camera and Bruno and Bruno Bruno's been playing   over the edge here so we are what I say yeah I  think we're 1300 meters I have been up here before it's a sheer drop straight down so if I could level the camera that  is level so you can see the drop it's quite High   it's a heck of a drop and the weather is now starting to come in oh you're such a good boy and I drove up here  yesterday at today I mean tomorrow what I'll do is   I'll put the Drone out and hopefully you feel me  coming down here uh because it's quite spectacular   and then up here come on Bruno let's go the main mountain is this way go go the wind is really howling over here I  think we've got some awful weather coming in   I'm glad I'm hunkered down now actually  I'm glad I have guide everything down   just more spectacular views there's  a lake just over there you can't see   it in this weather though okay  it's getting windy it is so cold yeah so I filmed camping before way on the  other side of that mountain there up in a   little clearing that we found that was uh one  of the last ones with with Brucey that I did   um that's a treacherous road I didn't really want   to do that bit in case there was a  lot of snow tonight come on Bruno and you can see I'm tucked  in tucked into this corner   just a little bit of it is exposed to this wind but it's not bad at all look at that now I could  have parked the truck on the other side and being   sandwiched in between the truck and that rock but  I'm filming for YouTube you don't get very good   I I did think about it and I thought  no it's just not going to look good   it won't look good and you want to be able to  see me and also I want to be able to look out well listen to the rain on the top on the awning yeah chucking down and grim   these are my insulated pants so I'm  going to get those on and have my coffee okay I'm gonna put these pants on the rain is really coming down and the problem  is it's flowing in from the side   it's trying to put the uh trying to put  the fire out I'm not gonna be successful   so the beauty of these pants is these are over  pants so you just pull them over your shoes   and I have managed to pull  these over boots before as well I can't remember who makes these I think it's  Corinthia and these are pretty much Arctic pants there we go not a very good shot for you guys I'm afraid ah what a difference that makes and you zip these things up hello Bruno and we're good look at that toasty oh yeah okay so yeah the  the wind is causing problems it's really pushing the rain onto the fire but it's charcoal so it gets so hot that  it shouldn't be a problem but I need to   put my warm puffer jacket on as well so  let me do that right I've got my beanie   now the thing is I'm hoping the  Fire gets so hot quickly that I can take my puffer jacket off I'd rather not have to wear it okay puffer jacket and I'm gonna put my beanie on man it's cold oh that's better let me show you where he is Bruno come on here he is slow down slow down slow  down and get the fire he's so funny   okay you know what I'm starting  to feel a bit human now now I had to move his bed a little bit back  to here you gonna lie in your bed he's not   interested hello Bruno I know mind your tail oh  Bruno no come on come around here you're soaking   wet come around here come on go somewhere else  Bruno no round this way Bruno here on your bed   go on on your bed so he's still learning  he's still learning let me pan it down a   bit so you can see him stay Bruno  I mean he's only a pup but yeah   come on lay down lay down now lay  down Bruno down come on on your bed good just stayed at him he's still  learning you know it's it's a lot for him   to understand what's going on me talking to the  camera gets him all excited so I tell you what   um even though it is freezing cold I mean really  cool just above freezing I'm sure this is going to   turn into snowboat tonight in which case it'll be  very interesting because it's just going to come   blasting in everywhere there's nothing you can do  about it with snow it goes absolutely everywhere   and so later when it's if it's really  snowing I'm probably gonna have to put   my chair right up against the tent  here and bring the fire over here but even though it is snowing start  raining and it's freezing cold I'm happy   got a hot drink he's gone he's  walked off you might see him   occasionally go all over the place  can you see him I don't think so thanks for coming everybody see yeah so I have to explain usually to a  lot of people in the northern hemisphere that   here in the southern hemisphere  it's now winter it's June and I'm at 1300 meters so it's definitely cold  and we're not even in full winter yet it gets much   colder we get a lot more snow up the tops so it's  just a question of when is that going to start now I've got something coming for this fire for  the snow peak fire that goes around the top uh   the edges and would actually stop this what's  happening now with the rain and it generates so   much more heat there's walls it's got a floga  it hasn't arrived in time I bet it will arrive   on Monday or Tuesday or whatever and it's the  weekend now so it hasn't arrived in time but   whatever my plan is to get this thing so  hot I've got a great dinner to cook on it get it so hot that it just  fills this whole place with heat some awning walls would have been nice just  to block the wind but and anyone who knows   my channel knows I hate the wind really hate it  it's the worst thing about camping is the wind but hey ho all right everyone I'm gonna chill out   I'm gonna have my coffee I might  have another coffee on some noodles and I'll bring you back a  bit later thanks everyone thank you thank you thank you well it's just getting heavier and heavier I've  brought the fire from there over to here   I've done some changes to the awning because the  water was pouring down here so I've I've guide   it down there lowered it a bit so now all the  water is pouring off of that front edge there but it's just so cold and so wet and Bruno will  not come and lay down he's having so much fun   out there he's only sitting here now if you can  see him I don't know if you can see him here um   he's only sitting here now because I'm eating and  he's begging and he hasn't learned not to beg yet and he's confused because I'm talking and he thinks I'm talking to him steep learning curve so I'm wondering if this rain will turn into snow  tonight who knows in some ways I hope it doesn't just because snow gets in everywhere you  cannot stop it you would have to be completely   hunkered down you would have to have awning walls  everything but just a little bit of Breeze and   snow goes in everything covers everything will  just be caked so that would be quite grim but   it would look good on YouTube  be a good thumbnail for you   so who knows it might no it might not I don't know kimchi noodles for the whim I don't know if you can get them where you are  they're Korean big Big Bowl it's really original ah we've got a a rest bite in the rain nice so the fire I've put more coal on and  it's giving off a ton of heat it really is this is going to make it livable tonight and my jacket keeps getting wet every time I go  outside to move the camera in the rain so I need   it to dry off so in front of the fire it will  dry quite well I don't know if you can see him   let me turn the camera a little bit see  if you can see him just hang on okay we'll see if he does it again but he's   there's water dripping off the top here and  he's trying to bite it or he was no Bruno no he might do it I don't know he's  such a puppy all right everybody I'll bring you back for dinner welcome back everybody so uh let me just zoom you in a little  bit so you can see what's going on there you go right it's quite  a bit later it's almost dark   uh I think it's time for a few things  to happen I need to put the grill on   here we need to put Bruno's light  on Bruno let's put your light on oh okay come around here here Bruno come  here come on come around good boy okay   you're learning he's getting  there it's a slow process actually it's quite quick he's doing  very well it's being a bit mean there go on then go and have fun right  let's put thank you he just soaked me um so I'm so okay Bruno come on away I'm so warm   now that uh actually I can lose  the beanie I've taken the coat off I don't even know if I need these on   um but I'll keep them on anyway  so I need to put the grill on here I don't know what he's doing  under there he's looking for   morsels he's going to get in all sorts of trouble and the rain is so the rain stopped for  a little bit while I was having noodles   and it has just started up again okay so the way this works is just it sits on like so oh hang on yeah I  definitely recommend a good pair of fireproof   gloves to do oh I've got it inside out this way  twit did that last time as well there you go okay good and then the grill fits in the middle like this and there you have a stable platform for cooking  on isn't that brilliant okay now I hope you can   see me uh I hope these lights aren't too  bright above me and everything hopefully   they're all right um I need light to be able to  see what's going on here so I think what we'll do is we'll let that get hot which shouldn't  take long at all I need to chop up some   these chop up some vegetables and then I need  to get the meat ready and put that on as well um yeah so let's chop up some vegetables on here and then and then I can get on with making uh yeah the vegetables okay let's do that   yeah Bruno's being a nightmare maybe I should give  Bruno some of his dinner now let's get his bowl okay now the thing with Bruno  is he's just not fire aware for a horrible moment there for a horrible moment oh hold on let me just turn  this around so I can see what you're looking at yeah for horrible moment I thought I'd forgotten  his dinner it would have been a nightmare okay it's coming down now okay I'm gonna give him this and then later he  can have a little bit a little bit of my food let's give him this out of the rain there you go Bruno come on  come on have your dinner sit good boy go on then all right let me  make it a bit brighter around here all right we're getting there ah you can see  him having his dinner and you can see me about   to make mine now can you see me yeah you can  all right okay so what we need chopping board and knife here we go okay now I have  said before about this chair   the only thing I don't like about it is it does  recline a lot and you can't bring It Forward again   it doesn't hold it is meant to be just a chill out  thing sir whatever okay I've got a potato pepper   onion and some garlic now Bruno's not  getting any of this stuff this is just for me   but he will be getting some of the  meat which I'm doing separately okay you've got to mind your fingers  on it you know my knife has just   um I have got a knife sharpener with me but it's definitely lost some of its potency all right we're gonna do the garlic okay I'm just going to throw that in like that  I don't care about the skin that much   there okay we're gonna do half an onion wow imagine if this turns into snow that'll be pretty impressive uh potato listen to him it's all done Bruno all dumb all right so what I'm going  to do is put this all in foil jangle it all up a bit double layer the foil  because I'm sure it's going to get damaged now you can't see Bruno but  everything is scaring him   right now the noises that I'm making everything okay now I have got wet wipes with  me in case you're wondering all right now what I need to do  is do this as Loosely as possible okay it doesn't need any oil  or anything else in there and I've got seasoning that I'll  put on when I have it when I eat it okay let's just put that on excellent  so that'll steam basically nice it might burn a little bit oh hey you know what I'm missing oh my God  I can't believe it oh it's definitely time for a glass of wine and today we've got the  last Shepherd syrup Hawkes Bay from New Zealand oh cheers everybody cheers oh that's nice yeah that's nice okay and  for the peace to resistors I've got some lamb rack of lamb now I've got  two in here with ice blocks I bought two just in case stranded here  another night and I would cook up another   one but to be honest I doubt that's gonna  happen because I just checked the forecast   and I just don't think it's gonna be snow now obviously this is going to trigger him  go away Bruno got to learn got to learn   okay now this is all gonna go on the rubbish bin so that's leaking so I've got issues here with   my panel window I have to close  this because it's dripping inside yep yep okay that should fix it so  that's all going to get soaking   wet in I think that just got wet  in there then doing that all right there we go okay sorry about that a lot of  crotch shot but I had to close that panel window okay let's season this it's a bunch of salt listen to that rain I could use my fingers but then I've got to go  and clean them straight away okay salt more salt more salt now usually I put  Rosemary on all sorts at home   but I'm not going through the stump right we're  looking good okay let's put that on the grill and that's it dinner is in all is good I am warm in fact I'm  toasty so I've used pretty much   a whole 10 kilo bag of coal on this but  it should last a long time this charcoal um it's going to be their long  burning stuff we shall see ah okay so wet wipes okay I feel human now that I've  got dinner on got a glass of wine   feels pretty good I have to  say now am I getting wet behind   nope it's good the umbrella is doing its job it's  a bit wet over here but that's not bad at all excellent oh I can smell that lamb already in  fact I might have to just move it   over the edge a bit because that's  getting incinerated way too quickly and I just want to sear it over the hot stuff actually yeah I want  to sear it first trap some of those juices now the vegetables are going to take quite  a while but they're steaming away I can see   the steam coming out so it's doing its job it's  working it might be a little bit burnt in there   but it's all working it's all looking good oh tell you what there's a  little Brie a little draft   a draft just coming down the side of the car side  of the truck here typical I found the little draft let me move a little bit there we go all right oh that's better  okay now we're working the heat coming   off this fire is incredible and the  beauty of it is with charcoal no smoke the smoke you're seeing now it's  just because I'm cooking the lamb okay oh that's searing nicely  let's just see the bottom I mean it's so hot that the rain  just isn't going to do anything to it all right you know I'm actually looking forward to the  rest of this Camp I'm actually really excited   this is such a great setup now if you see a  couple of drips of water that's just because   the umbrella is is wet that's on top of  the camera it's not that the awning is   leaking or anything like that there's  no leaking going on at all touch wood amazing I am happy and I've got a  surprise for in the tent tonight although   now I come to think of it I'm  not sure how it's going to work   but I've got a little oil  heater with me a mini oil heater   and you know like a little radiator and I  was thinking of putting that in there with us   just down at the foot end  I'm putting on really low   just to burn off any condensation that  might form in there because these tents   are condensation magnets they're  the worst I've I've been in any tent even if you open up every single  vent it's terrible in there   I don't know why that is it is cozy though I do  like this tent it's there's something about it um   especially on the stretcher bed it's easy to  stay warm in it it is waterproof and it's not   that much hassle to set up is so easy yeah  so the last time I tested when I was tent   was the at4 the air tent which is a complete  and utter disaster oh that's a terrible tent wow it is now coming down okay well it's not a problem I'm dry so all right everybody what I'm going to do is   this is going to take quite  some time to cook come on Bruno um he's just having so much fun playing  out in the rain he's just like Bruce   but he's not triggered by the Light which  is amazing he's absolutely drenched and you   know he's going to shape these don't shake right  nope it's gone straight back out into the rain and in case you're wondering he's got  water it's just under the truck there   he's got lots of space to  hang out he's got his bed here you know he's he's happy he'll have  a little bit of lamb later tiny bit   because I don't want to encourage him either all  right everybody we'll pick this up again later   when the food is ready thanks again for coming  everyone this is a good one I'm really happy   even though it is so Grim so Grim I just  checked the thermometer so I've got this   Wireless thermometer it has actually I think  because it's raining it's warmed up slightly hell oh god I've got a fire going on here fire that's all that was   lamb fat so I've got a monitor attached to  it uh to my thermometer around the corner it is saying four degrees Centigrade some heat from from the fire pit as well  but it's saying four degrees Centigrade   um yeah that's pretty cool it's called Eve  it's got an app and it talks to the thermometer   so four degrees Centigrade so it's warmed  up slightly but that's cold enough for its   snow I'd say in in a couple of hours if the  temperature drops again then it's cold enough   to snow so we'll see all right everyone  bring you back when we're ready to eat there's water I must be pooling a  little bit here it's just gushing okay I think it's time to check and see  what's going on there with the dinner so I've had to uh I've had to tie Bruno up because  well this is a mountain and it's now night time   it's pitch black out there he does have his light  on so I could find him but if anything happened I'll never forgive myself so I've tied him up you'll just have to accept it  it's not punishment it's just   it's for his own protection all right let's check  on this lamb it's been cooking for some time now   let's see if it's done now I've sharpened the  knife a bit so hopefully oh yeah that's better   oh my the lamb it is perfect wow I don't know  if you can even see that oh it is chucking down   I don't want to get really wet but look at the  rain look at that it's absolutely perfectly done   can I get close I don't know if that's showing  up but I'm getting wet just showing you   because it's chucking down  absolutely chucking down now so the heat is being reflected oh so  the awning is leaking a little bit   from the seam but the heat gets reflected  off of this silver thing if I moved it closer   to here to a brunoise it would be even more  okay so what I want to do is slice these up the last time I actually cooked lamb  rack of lamb was also in an oz tent the big one the uh RV three three person one God I  don't know if you can see all this water honestly   the screen is so far away I'm wearing a wireless  microphone but I I just can't tell if you can see   all right now tricky bit let's see what's going on with the vegetables let's have a look his fingers crossed they're okay and that they've cooked I've heard so much gurgling coming from in  here oh a lot of smells of onions and peppers   wow strong smell of peppers that looks good hang on let me check oh perfection  wow I can't believe it absolute perfection oh I'm so happy are the potatoes done oh yes  the potatoes are done good stuff oh it's just all so good now Bruno's  being a very good boy sitting there and   he deserves a little bit so he will  get a piece of lamb small piece of lamb just not the bone so don't think lamb bone is safe okay so we'll put that in his  bowl and see if he notices he's asleep at the moment oh what was that Bruno what's that I hope you could see him I can't tell he's  he's here you must be able to see him all right   everybody Bon Appetit let me um let me Zoom you in  just a little bit uh out into the rain oh man yuck oh got wet so quickly just doing that I'm going to   leave the grill on for a bit just to  burn off any of the fats from the lamb oh no Bruno no you're gonna  get burnt he's just not aware okay let's get some seasoning  on here we've got some pepper slather it with pepper and I did salt the  lamb but I know it's going to need more because so much of that got burnt off  and the vegetables were not salted   I like my salt all right Bon Appetit  everybody let's get into this oh there's so much juice oh my God I forgot I've got mint jelly said no one ever I've got mint jelly you can't it's like mint sauce but  it's jelly I guess that made sense gotta have some of that on with your lamb  oh that smells good that smells good now   the lamb tasted good but then I realized it  was missing something the mint the mint sauce   okay now let me try this with the mint jelly on it oh my God that's so good oh I must be the happiest man alive I am in my element loving it now I'm sure there were some of you that  are triggered by my eating and hate it but sorry not sorry um this is absolutely delicious the lamb is perfect it's it's firm but not too firm she said I don't think I've moved to dinner down to  Camp dinner damn as quickly as this before   can you believe I've got a table with  me and I'm eating on my lap still it's just a force of habit I can't help it oh that mint jelly I need more  mint jelly where is it there it is if you have never had Lamb with mint jelly hmm you've got to go and try it okay rack of lamb mint jelly roasted vegetables fantastic bottle of wine and my puppy who's half on his bed so I bought him in because I called for 20 seconds  it was calling he was way up the mountain there's   a pig behind me quite high he was all the  way up there he'd gone exploring thing is   if anything happens to him I'd be devastated  so as much as I want to let a dog be a dog   and I trust them to do the right thing  he is a puppy and he gets in trouble   he can get caught up it could fall off a  cliff it's night time I'd never find him so I'm just not willing to so I've  got a time up I hate tying them up   I I hated tying Bruce up I never really tied Bruce  up but I could kind of trust Bruce he would stay   and I know he wouldn't really get  into trouble Muno though he doesn't   he's not really that aware  yet so anything could happen so don't be angry at me for tying  him up it's just for his own safety and if there is a troll out there that  want has something to say about that   you know what come and say it to my  face don't say it in the comments   I'm sick of these coward trolls with their  stupid comments that wouldn't have the balls   to say to your actual face but they can feel brave  enough to say it with a non-anonymity on YouTube lovely wow oh my god I've just  demolished a whole rack of lamb I could have actually done two  I do have to another one I could   have done two but that would have just been greed and I've got some lemon drizzle cake  from Anne my wife that I need to have to fill that void look how comfortable he is even though his head his head is on the rocks he's  got a whole bed there cushioned but he's chosen   just like Bruce does to pull  the lead as long as possible   and his head is is on rocks and  yet he can fall asleep like that   he's not cold even though it's freezing cold  because he's not curled up I am watching him because you've got a puppy coat just becoming an adult coat but not fully  there yet so I do have to watch him and if   I feel he's getting cold and I'll throw  a blanket on him but he's not gone fetal so they go fetal when they're cold that warms them  up they shiver if they're really cold that's when   you really gotta sort them out and cover them  up and those are the telltale signs right I'm   going to pick my way through these bones now I'm  going to spare you that I'm not going to film that   thanks for coming everyone I am oh my God I am so  happy right now in these conditions I'm winning I don't know if this is on  the camera I guess I won't   find out until I edit it but there's a  stream of water just coming off the top extracting it's right here oh yeah maybe it'll become snow who knows right  everybody bringing back for cigar time welcome back everybody to Cigar time   um I think what I need to do first is Stoke  this fire get some more coals on it get it   piping hot and maybe bring it a bit closer  as well so let me just take the grill off that you'll see in the background that young Bruno is now in the tent the reason for that is he curled up a bit um so he was a bit cold because now he wasn't  running around but I can't have him running around   so he has to just stay there it's harsh but he's a puppy  gotta keep that in mind now am I going to have a fire  in the morning I doubt it which means I could put more coal on I don't know if I need to this  is giving off so much heat it really is okay oh oh there you go okay I'm  down and I know he's watching me   okay let's let's sort this in what do I  need I need first I need to top up the wine oh gosh it's hotter I really wish I had these  these walls so they they come up to about here   all around and it just pushes the heat  out towards you you can see how cold it is   you see my breath let's check  the temperature actually   let's have a look based on the thermometer at  the back of the car I've moved it all the way   around so it doesn't get affected by the fire  so hopefully that's worked getting a signal let's have a look uh 0.5 okay it's cold so I've got a few things uh I want to  have a hot drink as well as my wine   so let's put the kettle on and that's more salted caramel or  whatever it is I've got here yep you see he knows how anywhere now so  he's just accepting it he's toasty warm comfy he knows it's all over okay hot chocolate all right and I've got next to that some  lemon drizzle cake that Anne has made for me   yum oh you know what I'm gonna have a bite  of that now because I need something sweet   anyone else like that you've had a massive meal  it's been fantastic lots of meat proteins fats   you suddenly need something sweet and  lemon drizzle cake is one of my favorites oh yeah well she really went  to town on the drizzle um okay stop I'll have to eat some of that  after I've done cigar time okay hmm that's dangerous all right so I've got a cigar from a subscriber and he knows who he is he sent  me his monthly subscription oh no I just got dripped on this stupid awning I might have to look for another warning it's just the scene ah it's just the seam actually  it's a bit unfair it's not actually looking at the   awning it's where the um it's where the side  awning looks in where it slides into that slot   that's leaking and I did think it would because this side the fixed side is fine it's just  the other side it's just got a drip there he's fast asleep look at him right so yes  subscriber sent me his cigar subscription   for the month it's fantastic of him   and it's a plus Placencia from Nicaragua  I think from memory if I read that right now am I out of the way of this I hope I am let me move this way a bit I hope you can see me okay it's all good all  right let's toast this thing so my last cigar time I talked about yeah I just got drips on damn  it I'm gonna have to move up I talked about my um vacation Vegas Spain the UK Singapore Ann is already  booking her return trip to go and see Brandon   in the UK he's going to be working at St Andrews  so if you wanna if you want Nielsen Andrews and   you like golf St Andrews in Scotland Brandon  my 18 year old son is going to be teaching wow that is smooth that's very smooth it's such a different  flavor to Cuban now what I want to do is how do I want to do this I don't  want to sit back any further I don't want to sit next to him because  oh God please don't spill anything   all I need to do is move one inch this way look I'm getting dripped all over my arm crazy look at that I don't know if you can see it okay that's better I'm away from it now yeah he's teaching it's in Andrews he's teaching  the kitties golf etiquette and things like   that my son teaching us at Andrews so he she  will be there in August late August with him I'll be here with Bruno and we'll be doing  some camps hopefully uh in the snow yeah so um first of all I want to thank  everybody as usual um four buying merch um being members on YouTube being  members on buy me a coffee and buying coffees   and treats and now for Bruno buying treats  for him and me um I want to thank you for   all of it patreon members super thanks  everything all of the financial aid   as I've said before all of this gear is  very expensive and this all goes to it and   the treats go to uh treats for him and for me  and um it just makes it that much sweeter much   easier I'm sorry if there's a whole lot of  water streaming in front of you but there's   nothing I can do about it unless I move the  camera away you're getting an idea of just how   much water there is coming off the start now so  I'm keeping it there because I'm keeping it real   I just think it's entertaining to have that  Fountain of water to give you an idea of   just how much rain there is so yes thank you  very much to everybody it's much appreciated and I want to thank you again for the all the comments  about Bruce and how much you missed him and how   much you loved him thank you again for that and  for everyone that watched that last video and   yes I know I got emotional um it's the first time  I'd spoken about it since it happened and yeah it   really got to me so I'm sure when I go to Barry's  ashes or scatter them it will get to me again   because again I haven't talked about  it since I can't even look in the box   there's just too much for me to process  so we'll see when that happens he I think   his coat is almost ready for the tops in  Winter almost maybe give it another month yeah but we'll see he can still go up there he's still got  a decent coat it's just I would have to   prepare differently and take take more gear  for him to keep him warm and protect him but he's got a great coat already a  lot of insulation in there okay so   what are we talking about ah yes   this happened while we were away covert mandates  finished in the states and everywhere else   it was fantastic it was just oh it's nice not to  have to deal with it not to have to wear masks but not to have to show if you've been vaccinated  and blah blah blah blah blah oh let's just move on   I know people are still struggling with it but we  still have we have to live with it it is what it   is we've got to live with it and for too long we'd  let it we've let it just ruin society and ruin   everybody's lives is it ruining some people's  lives yes of course it is but does that mean   that everybody else should suffer as well no of  course it doesn't the same reason that this just   happens with any virus or illness you know it  doesn't mean that everyone has to pay the price um did I just get dripped up no I didn't and now I'm imagining it   now I am imagining it nightmare yeah so  that happened and that was good it made it   much easier to go through the states because you  didn't need uh the mandate to get into the states but I'll tell you what still a lot of a lot of people wearing masks even  though the who has now come out and said actually   they don't make any difference isn't that amazing  people have really taken to it some people have   really now think that it's going to help them  I never liked the masks and I always questioned   their efficacy especially if you've got a beard  or if they're not like a vacuum seal to your face I always question do people who are actually  sick should they wear masks yeah probably   that makes more sense but everyone else what  difference will it make you'll still breathe   it in through the sides yeah whereas people who  have it uh they're less likely to project it out   anyway whatever I think covert to death   um look how fast the sleep he is he's so cozy and  yeah he does have his lead on and it is attached but he looks happy uh what else is going on  oh U.S elections or whatever next year 2024   I can't believe it's gonna be Biden  Trump again but that's what it's looking   like is it I don't know who knows but it  seems to be that's what it's going to be   does DeSantis have enough followers I have no  idea is there anyone gonna challenge Biden anyone   that has any credibility I can't believe  what's the collective age of Biden and Trump   what is the collective age what is he now what  is Biden 83 what is he what is Trump 70 something   this is rid what is going on is this really  are these two guys the best that the US can do   it it stinks that's what it does it stinks of  corruption stinks of ious old school just oh man   who are they representing and whatever it's just  God come on I can't believe we can't move on from   this what did I see today oh yesterday Biden  fell over on stage at a at a an academy an Air   Force Academy blamed it on a sandbag and he  tripped and he went bang down to the ground man he is a he's a great  Granddad looking guy I mean he just doesn't look capable what a mess the world's a mess I can't  believe this is the situation we're in now   we need someone tough to stand up to Putin and  to she there's got to be balance you've got to   have balance you can't just stick your head in  the sand and let them carry on the way they're   going there's got to be a balance so uh an ah  anyway whatever mess it's a mess and I just can't   get my head around the choices that that people  have got and that that's it those are the choices just the world over we seem  to be putting up this crap   politicians just crap what else happened  while I was away oh oh so yeah I was in   London for the uh the coronation  King's coronation King Charles now anyone that knows me knows I was a fan  of the queen because she's she's a job for   so long and it is a job and I think she's  done it admirably a couple of hiccups Maybe   but that's not bad going uh considering the  amount of years that she was on the throne   and she did a great job for Britain and the world  showed class and everything else so I was there   in London for the coronation uh not to go to the  coronation but I was there staying with friends   and what I noticed was that there  really wasn't that much excitement   um a lot of people did go to the coronation I  saw it was you know a lot of people on the street   but for people I know no one  seemed to be that excited about it   so what is the future of the monarchy  under King Charles I don't know   I don't know how popular he is I don't  live there anymore so I honestly don't know   I couldn't really care less anymore about  the monarchy now that the Queen's gone   um part of me says that it sort of went with her and do we need it anymore but then I see the  problems that the world is having where they've   got presidents and don't have monarchy and I just  think oh my god do we really want a president   they are abominable they're terrible  they're just leche politicians   so would you take a politician over a royal I don't know I don't know honestly don't know   I don't know what's better but nobody seems very  happy right now with the current status quo so anywhere is that democracy failing could be but  everyone seems miserable so New Zealand is just   um got further down the misery index  look it up Google it Google it um   who was the least miserable you know I'm  gonna do something now it's going to trigger   all of you probably trigger all of your phones  hey Siri who is the least miserable on the misery   index and I'll say hey Alexa who was the least  miserable on the misery index anyway it will   show you that New Zealand is really bad right  now on the misery index I wasn't aware of this   but people here are apparently  quite miserable a lot of issues here a lot more since Jacinda ardern was in  power um and she's left quite a mess here so   I don't know what's going to happen here either  God what a mess let's stop talking about politics   and by the way it's just me talking about it  it you'd have to get offended you can agree to   disagree uh you don't have to get hostile don't  have to get angry one thing I've noticed is that   um people love to get angry about politics if you  don't agree with exactly what they think and I   don't understand that why get angry about other  people having a different opinion if we you know   I I don't understand that can you imagine  what a boring patient is everyone if everyone   agreed with you and there was no debate no  difference of opinion whatsoever I think the   people they get really really angry when you  just have maybe a different thought process   um I think that's that's an IQ problem sorry  to say it but I really do uh I just don't think   they they think things through properly  and that there might be an alternative   to the way they think and I'm talking  about Left Right middle whatever   um I'm kind of indifferent now I think they're  all corrupt I think they're all a waste of space   um so I just said no politics anyway whatever  agree to disagree just don't get angry about it   remind other than get that just don't watch you   know if you don't like it if you  don't want to hear it don't watch oh yeah the the algorithm YouTube the channel um I want to thank you all again for watching  and making it what it is the channel is is   it's doing so well beyond my wildest dreams it  turns out that quite a lot of people like to   watch a normal guy with his dog go camping  and talk bollocks for 45 minutes an hour   um and I guess a lot of people find something  comforting about that and the channel is doing   well because of it who would have thought it  um so thank you again for everyone who watches   and subscribes and likes I know some of you  struggle to uh subscribe you don't know how to   um or you don't know how to find my videos you  have to go to my home page uh you have to click   the Subscribe button and on my homepage  are all the videos on the YouTube channel   um that I've done and the easiest way I do  it is I go to an individual's YouTube page   I click on videos and then sort by newest  and then I see the ones that I've missed   and that really is what you have to do you  can't trust YouTube the algorithm to keep   you informed of videos that come  out it just doesn't work like that so please go back and see if there  are any videos that you've missed   um because we do a lot of stuff we talk  about a lot of stuff and obviously before   Bruce was always very entertaining um and I can't  believe how many people just don't see the videos   even though they're subscribed they still  don't see them and that's why so you have   to really go find them you have to go to  the channel you have to click on videos   and you have to find them but thank you very much  for the success of the channel it's it's fantastic   uh what else oh let's do something light oh  I know we'll end it on this so TV what have I   been watching on TV well two things I've watched  two things that I wanted to talk about first was   um air about Michael Jordan and well really it was  about the marketing team and Michael Jordan's mum the marketing team at Nike and  how they did the initial pitch   uh Tim Michael Jordan for the most  successful um Sports icon brand of all time and Air Jordans and it's how they  got him how they got Michael Jordan   to sign with them and until you watch this you  have no idea that Michael Jordan had no interest   in fact he didn't want to have a meeting with Nike  he was Zero interest it was Adidas or Converse   uh it's just amazing just amazing what Nike  went through to get him even in the room they   they went and spoke to his mum but to get him  in the room and then everything they did for him   and then sold him on the dream of what  could be and what he could be with Nike   and it turned out to just be incredibly successful  and I think he makes now 400 million a year   from that partnership 400 million a year and  he doesn't even have to do anything anymore   just the right to use his that logo and  his name and his mum negotiated that amazing so yeah I thoroughly recommend that  movie air I think it's on Amazon Prime very good   the other thing we're watching and um I know I  know it's we're late with this one is succession   again superb and we're only on the first season  and we're in the first season the second season   honestly I don't know superb I'm assuming it's  modeled on the murdochs a bit of satire in there   but I'm assuming it's modeled on the murdochs um  but what a brilliant show I can't wait to get to   the finale Now understand that this video that  I'm filming now what is it it's the beginning of   June this is going to come out middle of June  so I would have watched it I'd have long gone   watch this and everything so when you write  in the comments blah blah blah blah blah just   understand that it's now the middle of June  and I filmed this at the beginning of June I do that because I need to stack up a  couple of videos to release gradually   um just to take pressure off me to produce a  video and I like to produce them now in advance   rather than on the day off or whatever because  that was just too stressful doing it where   um I'd go on the camp upload and then  release it was too stressful so now I   want to give myself some breathing space in  case I'm Ill injured on a holiday whatever   and I and yeah I've just noticed that  we're now in the cloud you might not   be able to see it but I can see it  against the lights we're in clouds this is going to be a wet night and  I'm sure we're gonna have a lot of   condensation in here I've got to work out a  way to get this mini radiator to work in here without it falling over anyway succession thoroughly recommend it uh I think it's HBO Tom um one last thing comments I re-enabled  comments on the videos I did that because   YouTube have given us this new experimental  tool to try and limit spam and scam   so I said okay I'll go for it guess what it's the  spam and scams are still out there but this tool   does seem to be capturing them more now so I'm  gonna leave them on because it has made it easier   and it's even highlighting certain trolls  there are some out there who are just not   very nice people uh also very judgmental armchair  experts on everything and forget that this is   just a YouTube channel not an instructional uh  channel in terms of trying to educate people how   to Camp perfectly I don't do that and anyone  who knows this channel knows me knows that I   make mistakes all the time I never claimed  to be the expert or Bear Grylls or whatever   this isn't a perfectionist  Channel this is things go wrong   is there anything going wrong on this one  oh yeah I'm getting dripped on that was it um so you get some really horrible comments  from some people yeah uh I saw something about   an older video just saying you clearly don't  know what you're doing blah blah blah blah   so oh my God what what have you really gotten  nothing else to do with your life then to watch a   YouTube video that's just entertainment where I'm  clearly having a bit of fun and it's for YouTube   so I have to do things in a certain way so I can  film it um but yeah that's sad I'm talking to the   trolls now are you that sad do you really have  nothing going on in your lives I think you need   to get out more yeah rather than writing these  stupid comments because you know what happens   is I I read the first few words I realize what it  is and I just block you you're gone you don't know   you're blocked but you're blocked no one can see  your messages I can't see you anymore you're gone   forever so I I have a pretty much zero tolerance  to this now anyone says anything bad about   Bruno or Bruce dogs anyone says I'm not feeding  them enough or I should be doing this or I need to   do this or obviously that dog is cold or blah blah  blah blah blah blah I just have to I just don't   deal with them anymore because it's my channel and  I don't need to I don't need to listen to those   comments because these people don't know me they  don't know Bruno they didn't know Bruce really   um so and you're talking about a handful here  every month a handful maybe ten yeah out of   thousands thousands you're talking about  10 sad little cowards that I have to block   so and I call them cows because they could  never say this to your face because they're   not these are not brave people you know they're  not big people so that's why I call them cowards but I do enjoy blocking them there's something satisfying about clicking that  hide user button and the fact that they don't   know they've been blocked it's not censorship  by the way no it isn't because nowhere nowhere   does it say that this is an open forum for  me to cop abuse and everyone else to read it   so it's not censorship it's just I don't like  that I don't like that comment I'm deleting it   because well I don't delete them I just block  the users it's not censorship it's just me   saying that's not a nice person and we don't  want nasty people on here so there you go rant   over goodbye trolls you're all idiots you're  all cowards and you will be blocked forever   uh every time I see them blocked and I thoroughly  enjoy doing that so I always get the last laugh   but I'm going to end on talking about the comments  from all the genuinely nice people and the genuine   followers and the people that enjoy these videos  and see them for what they are thank you so much   I really appreciate it um I love you guys honestly you don't I don't say it enough you're fantastic  and I really really enjoy reading the comments   and loves reading the comments um we love the  feedback I did miss having those comments when   I disabled comments but I saw them on Facebook I  saw them in Instagram and Twitter go and follow   us on Instagram Facebook or Twitter I'm there  hosting regularly um and because there are fewer   comments there I tend to respond more on those  channels than I do on the comments on the videos   because there's just hundreds and hundreds on  each video it makes it very difficult to respond So yeah thank you very much on that note  wow the rain is falling I'm happy I'm warm   I cannot overestimate just how hot this  fire is like that's burning hot and I'm   a foot and a half away that's too  hot oh look at him all curled up that is one snug warm happy puppy if he wasn't tied up he'd  be out in the rain right now but once he's tied up just like Bruce he  accepts his fate and just deals with it   and now he's happy I've got to find  some room to fit in there later so yeah I'm gonna have my wine have  my hot chocolate the rest of the scar   I'll catch you at bedtime thanks  again everyone see you at bedtime oh okay welcome back everybody right  it's freezing now I put my jacket back   on because the fire is really dying down but it  is now bedtime so we've got to set the bed up   now I've had the heater running in here I'll  just turn this battery on I've had the heater oh it's warm in here it's warm   okay let's just tuck this door out the way  for now so you can see what I'm doing okay now Bruno knows that his bed is in here  and he knows it's bedtime so he's loitering   and he's gonna try and jump in I think but I  mustn't let him because he's soaking wet and I   have to dry him off first and I've got a pump my  bed up first yeah so I've had the heater running   in here for about 20 minutes so everything in here  will be nice and warm you can see by my breath   it's it's cold even with the fire running here  and here's my little my little radiator here   so it's pretty hot but it's  not hot enough to melt anything okay let's put this light on  so you can see what I'm doing okay so what we've got is oh can I sit in here  there we go can you hear me okay so I need to pump up the bed and you know what I've just realized is  I'm gonna have to use this light to do it   because it's the flex tail light okay let's pump this up so  hang on let me undo this okay now it doesn't take long so see how long this takes hello Bruno just wait Bruno's desperate to  come in you probably can't see him you could   probably just see the top of his head he's  right here and who knows it's bedtime now oh careful Bruno so the the bed that I'm using oh you know what  I'm going to tell you after I finish pumping it up okay that's almost done just see if it's straight nope okay a little bit more to pump up I know it's fascinating okay I'm just going to blow it up a bit okay all right that's good pumped up all right let's  get this light back on oh sorry Bruno careful oh do you like my planning here is it the Gizzy good look this this is reality oh  God when you're trying to film   not necessarily reality when you're actually doing  the camp yourself because you're not filming so   you'd have to worry about it okay right what do we  have Okay so we've got the Zen bivvy core bed here it's an attached bed so it  attaches to the mattress and so they full disclosure they sent it to me to test   this is a synthetic bed in other words  it's synthetic material it's not down so you just attach it to the mattress and to be honest it's a lot easier   than I'm making it look it's I'm  doing it in a very confined space but it gives you the best night's sleep you can   possibly imagine you've seen the  green one I've used the Moto bed   and that in itself is comfy but I've tested this  and it's very very comfy and exceptionally warm yep okay and that's it it's done now I  can clip it to the mattress here as well   let me find the strap there we go just to stop it moving in the middle of the night there we go so there's a strap just there clip it on so this the mattress and the  sheet are actually two different things it does   you can't buy this mattress they sent it  to me this is the minus 10 no no it's not   what is this 10 degrees Fahrenheit kit I've got my  pillow goes into the insulated pillow cover here   and that's it and you get in through these hoops  at the side which I can undo fully now and then   do up once I'm in bed so it gets it's easy to  get in yeah look at that and this is good down   to 10 degrees Fahrenheit uh so I think it's is  that Comfort I guess so yeah um was it limit   I don't know one of the other but anyway it is  a winter bag and it's synthetic so it's not the   lightest they have a light version which I'm going  to test as well I've got the light version which   is for wild camping but for car camping I think  this would be really good the Moto bed is huge   that thing is colossal this thing is a lot lighter  and also the motor the Moto bed only goes down   to 30 degrees Fahrenheit this goes down to 10  degrees Fahrenheit so I should be snug in here   and as you can hear the rain just hasn't let  up okay what I need to do is dry Bruno off   and it is quite snug in here together now  usually I have I'd had busy down by my feet but Bruno will be at my side I'll dry them off and  let's put him into bed let's see how this goes okay Bruno come here come on  your collar off that's all right it's not gonna go well hang on hang on wait okay let's put your collar down there let's dry  you off you'll see him in a second everybody   he's just here getting nice and dry because he  is drenched I mean soaked so he came back out   of the tent last time you saw him he was  in the tent but you know I let him I took   a second I took the lead off him he was out and  he was just running all over the place exploring staying out in the rain showing no interest  to coming inside until I told him to come over what can I say he is like Brucie okay Bruno  good boy good shake up up come on come on   come on up good boy here here lay down good point  so he's lying on my bed which I knew he would do   all right there you go stay in stay in good boy okay all new for you isn't it all new   okay lie down it's bedtime thank  you for my kiss lie down down good boy okay good boy all right you  stay there all right and he's in yay we'll see if that lasts okay all right everybody  I will bring you back when I'm in bed too   good boy ah welcome back everybody  well we're in bed and it is snug   I'll tell you that much it's very  snug we're on top of each other here we'll see how this goes I got a feeling he's gonna   try and get up and walk off  in the middle of the night yeah wearing a cocoon can you see  him I'll just move that down a bit um   I've taken the heater out because it was too hot   it's too hot in here with the heater on now I know  for sure we're going to get a lot of condensation   it's a single wall tent and it just is what it is  even with the vents open which I've got all open   everything all the vents are  open I could open the outer doors   that might have to be what I do uh but I just  know we're gonna get a lot of condensation in here   a wet dog me and a single skin  tent it's just gonna happen   so yeah I'm warm in here gosh I got hot  immediately that I got in this thing   the zembivi what is it called core bed very comfy  very comfy it's got these flaps down the side   so no air gets in so it's like your home duvet  but you you clip it in so that no air can get   in down the side amazing we'll see how it is  in the morning after I've had a nice of it   the problem with this tent is on the  stretcher you end up in the middle   so we're going to be on top  of each other I can just tell even if I move him up a bit which you won't like yeah even if  I move them up a bit we're going   to be squished together in here  I can just tell it's gonna happen   yeah that's the only problem with the  stretcher is you end up sinking in the middle   one person not a problem and this is a one person  tent technically it is this is just for one person   um it might be better if I put Bruno down the  other end by my feet but then you wouldn't see him   and I know you want to see him all right everybody   we're gonna hit the sack and let's  see how oh hang on I've lost you oh we'll see you in the morning unless anything  major happens hey let's hope for some snow but I   don't think it will happen because it's just  chucking down with rain all right everybody   night night Bruno hello Bruno all right  all right everybody see you in the morning Bruno okay sit rep that's only about 20 minutes later  and I felt a drip a wet cold trip down my arm   and it's leaking I can't believe it and in this weather as well so from what I can see apart from  the condensation multiple leaks   but one big one which is right here where  there's a Velcro strap like this one here and the water was just dripping down   so the seal is given way or there was  no seam sealant on the other side of it it's just that Bruno's blanket up there  uh his towel so that's soaking it all up however much there is there's another something  going on up here as well I don't know what   it's not as bad though there's only one drop there so I'm  looking all over for anything else I haven't seen anything but  that's very disappointing lucky I felt it on my elbow otherwise   could have gone all night if it'd been the  other end so yeah it's this velcro strap I just can't believe it oh Austin this is the tent that I trusted you on  I've read reports that are not fully waterproof   they miss certain things and I think that's  what's happened here is they've missed it   and not sealed it whoever itself  to the morning I'll have a look everywhere else is really thick seems  healing really thick like here's tons of it   there it's just not there the  condensation is building up in here it's gonna be sopping by the morning just tell  all right everybody oh anything else happens I'll   bring you back it's peaceful actually but he's  over here and he's taking the blanket off him oh so he's on the mattress but he's off of his bed I might put the blanket on him  just because he's a bit wet still what do you think yeah anyway I'll get this  done and I'll see you in the morning morning   everybody morning Bruno morning  my lovely morning morning morning I know morning morning everybody oh that was  a rough night it was a really rough night   I was comfy in the bed but it's so crammed in  here with Bruno wiggling around all the time   that he just kept bumping into me all the time oh yeah not much room in here and there's lots  of condensation which I figured there would be   I didn't use the heater   and it is cold out there hello my lovely  morning morning morning morning morning so yeah I think it's I know you want to go out  any morning all right morning morning hello   give me a kiss all right everybody  I'll bring you back for coffees let's let Bruno out first let's go out   hold on hold on hold on hold on wait  wait Bruno wait let's go on them oh all right bring you back in a minute everyone oh okay I'm up I'm up for my  cozy bed out into the cold   it's chilly it's really  chilly what's the temperature zero point five on the car 96 humidity oh  yeah feel that wind is oh my God the wind   oh the wind chill it's yeah I saw the  forecast said it was minus 10 wind chill   man can't stand out here along with  your hands exposed I'll tell you that   so the snow did fall just not on us there's  loads and loads of snow up there loads of it   oh the snow on the peak just here  next to us as well what a morning isn't it Bruno could do with  some sun to warm us up a bit oh man that feels cold with the wind but  actually the wind isn't getting us in Camp   so you can see the trees moving here just  there uh but it's actually just calm here   so it's a fortuitous spot it looks like the  wind is we're whipping over the top here   I'm going straight down  but missing is just in Camp   which is a good thing so what I might do is get a  kettle on and then we're going to do breakfast and   got to get Bruno's bro oh oh it's  frozen wait hold on let me check this ah this will be interesting  packing up the whole awning is frozen solid yeah oh this is gonna be fun  are the guys Frozen no but this is all solid   oh no look at that hmm okay this is gonna be a tricky I'm  gonna have to wait for the sun to come   out to thaw it out because you can't pack  this thing in when it's frozen just won't fit   right back uh maybe I could put my radiator  on I could put my little heater on because   I don't want to light another fire  so I could put my little heater on   uh and that would uh melt it all but then it  would start dripping on us and it's frozen here yeah all right and the bit  where the tent leaks last night was really weird it was I guess it had to be here somewhere here  that's where it leaked so this seam gave way   and that's frozen oh look at  this even though we're in here   the tent is completely Frozen is  it frozen here no wet wet Frozen yeah okay it's a chili one Bruno he's happy   he just doesn't feel it all right let's get the  kettle on let's get Bruno's breakfast in him   uh yeah I'll bring you back on the  big camera okay welcome back everybody I need to get more water  we need to sort out Bruno's breakfast put the kettle on  first okay Bruno's breakfast hey Bruno wait Bruno wait where's your breakfast oh man I I just touching the camera just makes  your hands just go so cold because it's all metal I camped in colder but it's just   I don't know something about something  about here and how windy it is I could put my thick gloves on but they're huge   I think once I've got a hot  drink in my hands I'll be okay go on then I'm not gonna bother making him wait because he's too hungry to wait I'd say so Camp held up well the only fail really was  the leaking tent so I'll have to go around that   with the seam sealer the thing is though um  I might be done with the tent I might sell it uh yeah I might sell it just because  sorry Bruno I need to just get hit I just don't see myself using it  much now because of the condensation and the condensation is so bad  always no matter what you do in the Oz tent you know the the ideal situation would be I use that platform for a different  tent uh like my Una my hillberg Oona   which I think would fit on there I'd have  to try that out yeah I'm I'm just I think   I'm just done with oztent now I've  got the big one which is the um rv3 that oh I've used it a couple of times and  the condensation actually rains down on your   head it's that bad um I've got this one the rs1  again it's it's wet in there it's completely wet   I don't know what it is with them and  even if you get the outer covers they   still the condensation is horrendous  it always is so I'm thinking now   that they're just no use I think they're okay  for the Australian Outback or summer really   summery summer conditions but I don't I don't  want to camp in something like that in summer   um it's just too heavy canvas too hot in there  like a lighter tent camping in summer Bruno is afraid of the Wind you know what I could do is I could  bring his blanket use his blanket yes as long as it's not too wet which  I don't think it is because he's yep it's dry okay gotta say this one Tigress blanket  has has stuck around I've used it in   all all areas of New Zealand and  it is a lifesaver it really is   oh you don't have to get one Tigress you can get  any camping blanket but just make sure it's down   or a good synthetic synthetic might be better um  because it it still insulates even when it's wet but it's warm instantly feel the warmth of  this thing and I've worn this on the tops   up in the minus eight or whatever I've had it  wrapped around my legs and I've had uh I shared   it with Bruce where I've had it over my legs  and over Bruce when he's been on the pad as well yeah was that nice breakfast Bruno yeah it was thanks Dad he's off exploring  now I feel so much better now I can see him   uh last night I turned around and there was  a light up on the left about 20 feet above us   and that was him he'd climbed up the ridge but I  couldn't actually see him yeah uh it looks like   it's gonna be a cracker every day oh gosh look at  the Moon look at the Moon let me just send turn   the camera around so you can see the moon I don't  know if it will turn up but let me show you this bear with me hello Bruno okay so in between  those two peaks let's have a look you see that oh it's snowing I just got  a Snowdrop snowflake on me uh yeah that's   the moon just where I'm looking there just  there amazing it looks massive all that snow and then you got Bruno Just having a  great time hey Bruno you having fun   yes he was up there up that Peak there thing is it's a sheer drop if if I'd lost him oh   anyway right we bring you back so it's  starting to snow but that can't be because I can't be right there's no rain or anything well oh camera problems hang on   nightmare oh that's cold holding the camera  okay I'm back you can tell I haven't had my   coffee properly and I'm a bit discombobulated  with everything and nothing's working right there's not enough Cloud for it to be any  snow or rain it's quite it looks like it's   gonna be a clear day but there's a couple  of flakes just random flakes coming down I think it did Snow a little bit here uh  at about 3 A.M I stopped my head out and   it looked like there was some snow coming  down but uh not much it's a tiny amount it was a lot of rain last night oh man and this   warning is frozen solid I don't  know how I'm gonna pack this away I might have to put my heater on and just  melt it all I could light the fire and   then that will melt absolutely all of it but  then it's just going to start dripping on me and a charcoal fire takes ages takes ages to  get cranking and then it stays hot for so long   um it wouldn't be safe because I have  to dispose of the ashes you see this is   this is out oh no there's still some  red poles in here oh my gosh still hot but not giving up any noticeable Heat yeah so it takes so long to go out as it is I'm gonna have to douse this with water  when I empty it over the side just to make sure   did well though that kept me warm last night did a good job oh man so yeah I really didn't sleep  well because it's so cramped in there   and I made the mistake of having  Bruno up beside me when actually   I should have put him down by my feet but  he wriggles around so much he walks around at one point uh uh middle night he  just put his head right on my head yeah so with Bruce I always had him down at  my feet so maybe that's what I need to start   doing Bruno um but we just didn't fit in there  properly so I think um there's a lot of compromise   with this tent you can't really do much in it you  can't kneel up in it so I'll probably sell it yeah it's rugged I tell you that it is  rugged um Bruno stop digging holes hey what are you doing at least I can see you now you've got a weepy eye because you've been sticking your head  in the bushes so happy so just like   with Bruce when the weather's cold like  this the Border Collies just come alive   and they're they just get so frisky so much energy I've got a clue where he is what everybody I'm gonna have this and then I'm   gonna have another one and then  I'll bring you back for breakfast Bruno out of the rubbish come on out   leave the rubbish alone no no leave it cheeky  morning that's the Food Bag oh you're so cheeky ah bring it back everybody what you got a stick if you've got a stick you're happy aren't  you oh man what a beautiful morning I'm just on my second cup of  coffee oh it's cold though   this wind chill is ridiculous  it's not affecting Bruno oh chill the actual temperature now because it feels  like it's getting colder oh 0.2 96 humidity   and the wind chill makes it about minus 10  minus 12. you can't leave your hands out long oh it's cold it's cold look at Bruno's  standing right on the edge of the cliff   look at him that's what Bruce used to  do okay I've got to put the camera away   I can't feel my hands oh that was  cold okay bring it back for breakfast   okay welcome back everybody right it is  time uh for breakfast let's get this done Bruno has been away playing the whole time  but the second he hears the word breakfast   he's back his head pops up you've had  your breakfast my lovely okay so what   we've got for for breakfast is we're gonna do  waffles and that's it just simple nice and easy waffles with maple syrup oh  everything's so cold to hold gosh Bruno yeah so I've got my waffle maker oh I'm making a mess Bruno why are you under there hey  come on out of there nightmare all right let's get this done because I'm desperate for some hot food desperate for hot food right so waffle maker is ready let's Crank that up to  full it will beep when it's ready okay so I need   a pancake mix waffle mix  whatever you want to call it I've got my maple syrup which I might put  on here because I think that gets quite warm it oh it's just frigid I can't be bothered  to walk around to the temperature probe   at the moment so let's see what  temperature it's stating now   it feels like it's just getting colder and  colder what was it last time 0.2 I think it was   let's have a look it is now oh yeah so  if you're interested in one of these   weather things I got it on Amazon it's  in the link it's it's called Eve Eevee oh it's just gone under zero  okay so it's like minus point one   that figures feels like it's getting colder   I might even have to put my insulated pants on  I'm not sure yet we'll see because the sun is   trying to come out if the sun comes out then  it'll make all the difference in the world but it definitely feels like winter is here now  I know some people will be living in areas where   it gets to minus whatever some ridiculous number  and there's plenty of videos out there just like   Luca outdoor boys just showed one where it was  I think it was minus 21 and it was a fail and   everything else I know that but for the rest of  us that don't live in the states or Canada or   those sorts of areas where you get those  massively cold Winters this is cold for us   and a lot of those guys have  hot tents and things like that   I've never used a hot tent I  wouldn't mind trying it one day but   I don't know when you see people in hot tents they  usually just stay in the hot tent and that's it   they don't go anywhere else they cook on there  they cook in there they don't sit outside at all   so I don't know that doesn't seem like fun to  me um Matthew poser does a lot of hot tenting   in Winter and yeah he just ends up staying  in in the tent um so I don't actually end   up watching those ones just I don't know what it  is about hot tent yeah I just find a bit boring but sure they're comfy nice to be warm  better than being freezing cold like this   uh so why I'm waiting for the waffles let's get  a couple of things out the way again comments I   just read comments just now um some angry people  out there and uh you know being accused of not   knowing what you're doing or whatever or can  I give a suggestion this time hook it up this   way this way and this way look I'm going to  say it again at the risk of repeating myself   I have to set these camps up with YouTube in mind  for filming um it's it's just entertainment it's   not an educational show if you want a camping  educational show you need to watch somebody   else that's not what this is about Bruno  no no no no that's not what this is about   this is purely entertainment we're just having fun  I'm bringing you along for a camping but I have to   have it set up so that I can record for YouTube  and believe it or not I've been doing this now a   couple of years it's it's it's pretty hard to get  that perfect angle you've got to keep moving the   camera uh to keep people excited can you see Bruno  here he can smell uh the waffle maker heating up   um and I've got the dog so I've  got to be able to watch him   it it's not easy doing this okay so it's very easy  to judge from an armchair um hey hey hey hey hey Bruno that's what you were waiting for wasn't  it he wanted a stroke but my hands are so cold   they're in here he wanted a stroke so he pounced  tried to kiss me no he's a nightmare like he's   got me all muddy he does that to Ann as well it  drives her nuts you'll watch and watch and watch   them boom it's like a game so yeah look go easy on  the comments please it's this isn't easy stuff and   um yeah and I got yet another couple of  comments about someone that's just the   stupidest comment honestly why is oh you  gave Bruno so much less food than you had and you know what these aren't trolls  some of these people are just genuinely   that annoying they really are so I  weigh what 200 just over 200 pounds   Bruno weighs 37 pounds you do the maths you think  you should have the same amount of food as me   of course not can you imagine if these people were  actually dog owners which obviously they're not   um and then I got another comment from  some woman in Wales or something saying   claiming that her mother has looked  after Border Collies for 40 years and   and she's never heard her mother say anything  about these certain things or whatever so so   what maybe your mother wasn't very good at  looking after Border Collies what do I know   I've got a clue I don't know you I don't know  those Border Collies all I know are my Border   Collies and what I've been trained to do and  how they behave and how they behave on camera   and everything else and you saw Bruce show  how intelligent it was it's how loyal he was   um and he knew his place so again look it's just  this is what it is okay it's an entertainment   Channel people shouldn't take everything so  seriously and lastly I gotta say this there's   still the odd person that thinks that uh they they  know everything that's going on you're seeing a   three three and a half hour snippet of 24 hours  plus I've got the rest of my life that I live   you know someone accuse me of never playing  with Bruno this is the stupidest comment ever   um you don't know me you don't know my life  you don't see me at home you see a snapshot   tiny snapshot and I'm sorry if your whole life  uh revolves around watching other people and   you think that that's you know you're getting in  you know involved in their life this isn't the   Kardashians I'm not letting you into my home I'm  on a camping trip for 24 hours and you're getting   a three-hour glimpse of that I'm not gonna film  absolutely every interaction I have with Bruno   and what I do there's a lot of sitting down  time a lot of Play Time a lot of walking time   so look to all those people that just write  these stupid comments you just get blocked so   don't bother doing it you're going to get blocked  because I just I have zero patience for it now and   comments represent less less than one percent of  views people who comment so it doesn't affect the   channel it doesn't it doesn't at all I personally  would rather just see the nice comments from the   nice people the genuine people the people who I'd  like to hang out with and I could be friends with   not these other people because I would never  hang out with those other types of people anyway guys I've had two rants about  stupid comments in this in this video   just makes you wonder why I re-enabled them  again you know just I'm a sucker for punishment   all right this is ready here we go okay  so we turn it down to okay keep it on   Max first right now the trick with  an awful maker is do not overfill it do not overfill it and you  know what I've gone and done   as I've gone and overfilled it I reckon we'll see let's hope not okay turn it down to four there you go right so I've  got an idea what I'll do is   when the waffle is ready I'll lift it up and  I'll pour the maple syrup on leave it on there   for about 30 seconds then take the whole  thing off and put it in my plate now you   can't see Bruno but he's playing in the steam  he's not seen steam before he's going nuts uh let me change angle so you might see him  come and Chase the steam now he's never seen it   everything's new to him hello my  lovely don't jump on me again okay   don't jump on me again you can't have  waffles um you've had a nice big breakfast   haven't you massive breakfast so he might get  while I'm eating I might give him a t r e a t um   do you know Bruce learned how to spell that in the  end I couldn't even say that he knew what that was   excuse me so I might give him yeah t-re-a-t when  I have my Waffle um the series not bothering   me because he will oh and the Sun is trying to  come out but it's just got no power in it at all   no power gosh flipping cold right let's  warm up my plate up on here as well hello he's such a snuggler a cuddly  cuddly dog at home oh so many cuddles   so if I'm watching television or around his or  whatever oh he just he'll jump up and lie on you   you've seen that I've posted a couple of photos  of him sitting in my lap that's what he does Bruce   never did that he didn't like that he didn't  like he liked his own space but Bruno oh yeah   he has to jump on the bed in the morning  get in between us it's just full of love   it's so sweet and in here the middle of  the night just clunk his face right on mine   and you just knew I just knew he  was going to lick me and he did   yeah so another thing for him is he's getting  used to me talking to the camera as well which   is all new to him look at this he's got muddy  prints on me honestly got to rinse this off now   and now he's run off with a stick now I've changed  camera angle he's run off with a stick sorry about   that have you got a stick bring it here then do  you want me to throw it should I throw your stick do you want me to throw your stick you can give it to me no you're not gonna give  me the stick no it's his stick now that's it   oh my toes are getting cold but it's not going to last long I'm gonna  have breakfast and then we're gonna pack up   then I'm going to get really cold because  this isn't thoring it's getting colder   oh man I'm dreading this pack up this  is not going to be a neat pack up oh yeah yeah all right I think we're getting close it's gonna beep when it's ready but I think  I need this extra crispy I'm going to put   it onto five if you've never used one of these  waffle makers they're so handy they really are so handy come on I'm hungry oh so the whole  point of me camping with electricity   with the Eco flow stuff with my battery Banks is  because a I knew it was going to be freezing cold   gas just doesn't work when it's really cold  it's it's useless and it just everything takes   so long to do um so you know cooking pancakes  anything like that I could have used induction   and used a pan again with electricity um but  I thought I'll have waffles instead it's so   easy so this is just easy camping I don't see  why I should have to bring gas when these days   there we go these days you can just bring a  battery bank and have it all done just as easily okay now I need my spatula to peel this off okay there we go oh it's  a perfect waffle right so what I'll do is   while it's on is I'll put some  maple syrup in just to heat it up while it's in here that should just sit in the squares some might spill out but  it'll clean up easily enough good so that's going to heat that maple syrup  up so it's not going to be freezing cold when   I come to eat it then the smell of the maple  syrup is driving boost nuts up Bruno nuts oh that's bubbling okay good let's see if I can  do this and retain as much Bruno your hair gets   everywhere retain as much of the waffle  as possible on much of the maple syrup   oh great success I'm going to leave that on  just in case I want another one it's crispy it's a good start hmm oh yeah okay you can see what he's doing here you want a treat sit go on them go on take it go on take it  okay and that's how you get rid of Bruno I'm so stuffed from last night I don't  know if I could do two of these anyway no I couldn't just turn this off oh that's nice waffles we should have bought some Jam to have with them hmm all right everybody I'm watching him eating his  treat it's a venison roll no Rawhide in there and he's too young to go on pig's ears really maybe he'll go on pictures  later after he's a year old mmm okay that was great success but now I think it's time to  pack up because it's freezing now look if if I didn't have um things to do to  get home and stuff like that a long way to drive   I have enough gear I could sit here all day  light the fire relax I could cook lunch I   could have one of the Lamb on the fire for lunch  put my my trousers back on sit here and be warm   so you can do it it's just that I've got  to get back and this is just showing you   what it's like to camp in these conditions and  what to expect what you need to bring so yeah   I'll bring you back for packing up okay  welcome back everybody right time to pack up   a bit the bit that I've been dreading uh so  what I will do is as usual fast forward from now all right everybody so that's most of it packed down oh man I tell you  that wind chill is something else that is so cold   uh and the trouble is you can't wear the gloves  because you can't then feel what you're doing so   the the stretcher bed is soaking wet and the sun  has just come out so I'm just seeing if I can dry   it off a bit also the Sun is going to help just  melt uh some of this ice that's all over the place so much ice so I need to let that thaw um because I can't  pack this away when it's frozen like this   and it is still frozen so what  I'll do is I'll bring you back when   this is defrosted and uh I've packed it away  because I just need everything to dry out for   a bit and before I put it in the truck so  I'll bring you back when we're ready to go okay we are done we are all packed up some came  out defrosted a lot of stuff through those   going nuts come on then what do you got you got  a stick he's zigzagging back and forth here um oh big stick so Bruno is actually  I want to be kangaroo and right we're done we're good I loved this camp  but what I'm going to do is I'm going to film us   going out on the Drone now it's cold and it's  super windy so we'll see if the Drone works   I'm not 100 sure um but I'll bring you back from  inside the truck with the Drone following us out   all right everyone let's go now the Drone is gonna complain that the  temperature is too cold I'm sure of it all right let's go now I need to just check my brakes oh yeah  let's warm the brakes up a bit because I want nice hot brakes warm breaks coming  down here temperature recorded is zero bang on   so as you can see it's quite a drop  you like that Bruno where are you hey   he's oh I think you can see him so the story with the brakes  as they caught fire uh once   second to last time I came down here  so I've since had the brakes upgraded   so we shouldn't have those problems anymore  but as you can see it is a steep drop off   you do not want to lose your brakes  coming down here and you don't want   to run into somebody else coming down here  either that would that would be a nightmare and it gets actually further up towards the top  of the mountain you go the worse this road gets   as you saw a couple of videos ago it was terrible but there you go that was the root gin so I think here in the sun might be a good  place to just stop and do our goodbyes just here okay drones backed away we're good to go we're  gonna go see Mommy hmm Bruno she goes see Mummy   hello lovely okay everybody thanks very much  for coming on this one we've had a great time   I really enjoyed last night last night was  brilliant um even I learned a lot about   last night and what I would bring next time um I  did not enjoy packing up this morning I enjoyed   coffees and waffles and stuff like that but I  didn't enjoy packing up the awning on this truck   is horrible to pack up um and I might actually  look out for another warning you never know   um what I really want to do is swap out the roof  tent and get a bigger roof tent one that folds out   to the side that's got a lot more room in it that  and then I could start having Bruno in the roof   tent at the moment with this tent it's just it's  just not good enough uh this roof tent to have   Bruno in there as well just too dodgy too dodgy  too small for that so I'd like a bigger one that   I could use in those sorts of conditions and then  I wouldn't need to bother setting up a tent either   um so we'll see we'll see I think for truck  camping where you're in remote areas like this   I think a really good roof tent would work well um  so I'm gonna keep my eye out for that and uh catch   you next time right Bruno come here come here come  come on you're gonna say goodbye to everybody all   right again thanks very much for everyone who's  liked subscribed who's bought us coffees on buy   me a coffee and has bought merch uh there's some  new merch coming and uh everyone who's done the um   super thanks and the patreon members and everybody  else and thank you for all the lovely comments uh   much appreciated and we will catch you next time  on camping with a B camping with Tony and Bruno   should we go home let's go  home all right bye everybody
Channel: AB Camping And Outdoors
Views: 577,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camping in the rain, wild camping, stealth camping, camping gear, tent camping, best camping gear, hammock camping, new camping gear, camping gear review, camping list, camping gear and gadgets, asmr, rain, camping gear 2021, best new camping gear 2021, nature sounds, nature, rain camping, rain sounds, rain sound, heavy rain, rain and thunder sounds, camping gear rental, ab outdoors, ab camping, tent camping in rain, camping with dogs, car camping, truck camping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 27sec (11547 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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