Attacked by an Ice Storm with the Strongest Winds In Years - Cold Weather Camp

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I have to be honest everyone I'm a little bit frustrated at the moment I was breaking down the tent I was pulling out one of those Stakes by the cords the cord ripped off and I cut the hell out of my finger thank you [Music] my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor gear review this afternoon I'm out on the trail hiking away here it's beautiful it's also fairly chilly the temperature right now 32 degrees right at freezing there's a little bit of snow on the ground and there's more snow on the way in fact by tomorrow morning it's going to be on like Donkey Kong or should they say but by Daybreak snow sleet freezing rain and then ultimately rain [Applause] you all know that I can't miss a good storm so I've come out I've packed a huge bag I've got about 90 liters worth of gear with me talking about my Loadout here normally I don't carry this much gear but sometimes it's nice pack a big bag load it up got a tent cot sleeping bag some good food so on and so forth foreign [Applause] [Applause] it is about four o'clock now time to take a water break inside of my chest rig something I like to keep with me is a little bit of water these water pouches these bags they are fantastic [Applause] it's a great way to keep some water with you and you don't have to worry about the form factor of like a bottle very easy very quick access a question that I have for you all is this what do you carry in your chest rig foreign this is where I'm going to camp at but I'm not entirely sure yet where exactly in this area I'm going to take a second here look around also take a second to cool off quite warm now as I was hiking up here I was going nice and slow making sure not to sweat mission accomplished but that did take a while we have a fire pit here a really sloppy one in fact I really wouldn't even call this a fire pit it's more like Rubble but I can change that luckily this spot right here might work perfectly it's somewhat flat and that's better than most of my options here so yeah this will do right here foreign this is the new one Tigress tent this is the Tetra small version look at how small that is very small form factor also very lightweight [Applause] the design of this tent is really different you'll see what I mean here in just a minute I told you all I packed in some serious gear check this out [Applause] I packed in green elephant poles oh yeah okay we'll start right about there to begin with [Applause] [Music] foreign check that out folks the Tetra has been set up this is a very unique tint I like the design of this already it's not perfect already there's some issues when it comes to the tent Stakes the tent Stakes have some cordage on them so you can easily pull them out of the ground the thing is the knots suck and all of the cordage is coming out that's a really small issue but it's a nonsensical issue it shouldn't be happening in the first place focusing on the tent here for a second as you all can see this features a TP design and you have this front vestibule here that you could stake out raised or lowered if you want the formation is that of a square the back is raised up and it slopes down towards the front this is not bad there is a larger version of this tent but it features a bug enter that's interconnected it can't be removed in this case I didn't need it I didn't want it oh yeah I'll tell you what before I get the cot out so I've staked this out and I've Rock braced every single one of those Stakes I'm not sure how windy it's supposed to get but there's some high level wind I can hear that already in one of the previous overnight Adventures I saw some comments about the wind noise that was not an added track that was actual wind noise most people are aware of this but there's a difference between high level wind and low level so oftentimes you could have high level wind like we have now and you could hear that like whistling sound going through the trees but down low I mean I barely even feel it anyways I used the rocks to brace this just in case it gets windy you all saw on that overnight Adventure that came up recently with the tarp I rock braced it and yet the winds ripped the stakes out of the ground so it's one of those things I'm being proactive but I know that if it gets super super windy I have to be on alert I have to be ready to fix any problems that pop up if you're going to go storm camping it's what you have to do you have to be prepared for a failure tents will flatten Stakes will come out of the ground that's life thank you [Applause] that fits rather nice in there [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] as you all saw there I inflated this pad via breath and that's because this pad does not include an airbag in general that's not the best practice and that's because you're putting moisture on the inside of the pad that then freezes that you then lay on it lowers the R value and you're a little bit colder just a little bit the Sun is going down it'll be getting dark rather soon everyone I better hurry this up foreign as I've been setting up this tent I've noticed that a lot of wind is coming this way and I've been thinking about ways of blocking this shielding this I have an additional tarp with me that I could connect to this and maybe stretch it out and I might just do that actually it'll give me some protection and I'll stay warmer tonight Plus in the morning when it's raining I'll be glad to have it so I think that's what I'll do here in just a minute I may have to stop filming all of this and just get to work it's amazing how much time filming adds to just about everything my sleeping bag for this trip is the Corinthia defense 4. this is one of the best sleeping bags out on the market for the bang for the buck this is incredible it's not the lightest it's not the smallest but the price is great the quality is amazing and it's insanely warm [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] well I have everything done right before it gets dark perfect timing got the table the stool the cot sleeping bag got the pad out here so I can put my shoes on it everything stays dry I put the tarp over the top here and it's providing quite a bit of protection if I need to I can lower this down even more and I might maybe we'll see let's get this butane Lantern going here not only for additional light but for some heat the temp right now around 28 degrees it's a little chilly it's not too bad foreign oh man folks that is awesome that is so incredibly nice that makes all the difference in the world it really does I mean it puts off some light the heat coming off of it is incredible turn it down just a little bit yeah that's really sweet Plus I can use this to heat up my water and I tell you what I think I will we might as well go ahead and make dinner [Music] it takes a while for the water to heat up this way but it's like killing two birds with one stone as the saying goes yeah everybody ready for the evening ready for the night I'm also ready for my dinner tonight is going to be reindeer stew man this stuff is good if you can get your hands on it realtor Matt reindeer stew it is freaking awesome it really is I have one more tarp with me inside of that gigantic backpack and I'm thinking about blocking off just this side I'll tell you what I'm going to do it and I'll bring you all back in just a minute all right that is so much better I tell you what folks I carried quite a bit of gear with me on this trip but that's the case with most of my wintertime trips it's always best to be prepared bring enough Gear with you bring the extra weight very rarely do you regret it that right there has made a huge difference the wind today has been shifting for a while it's coming in this way now it's going this way I set up this additional tarp it's providing a ton of protection feels good in here unfortunately because it's winter time it gets dark so early I mean it's really not that late it's only about six o'clock now and I have a ton of Time to Kill in the summertime you just keep on going all of a sudden it's late you go to bed but that's definitely not the case when it comes to the fall in the winter it's not that bad when you have a nice fire but unfortunately that's not the case in this episode first off it's getting a little bit too windy to be out there even if I had a fire going which I could get one going there's actually some firewood here but the thing is with the wind it would just blow all of that heat away and as is the fire pits and shambles it would take quite a bit of work to go around looking for rocks to build up the fire pit so I could actually enjoy the heat I think for the rest of this evening I'm stuck inside of this tent tarp concoction thing that I've made but hey that's okay that is okay it's been a good day I've enjoyed the hike in it was nice and pleasant there's a little bit of snow on the ground Plus I'm excited for the winter weather that's coming in and not get this open all right by the way folks this is a Kershaw knife that is my favorite blade right there it is fantastic make sure to check out my review of this knife if you're interested in a really good blade that's easy to sharpen that's it it's got a little bit of weight to it if I don't like that foreign [Applause] the best part is holding the meal so warm I'm interested to see what this storm is going to do as it stands right now there is no winter weather well there's no warning in place there is an advisory it starts at 5 a.m sounds like there's going to be a combination of snow sleet and freezing rain my plan is to stay here for a good part of the morning and then head off but those are loose plans if it's slick I'll just head to the truck stay at the truck yeah we'll see how it goes since it's so early I went ahead I put the pot here on the lantern I'm gonna make some coffee why not right why not tell you what everyone I need to do some shout outs I forgot about these in the previous Adventure Arlene thank you so much for the beautiful calendar Greg my friend you are the man thank you so much for the fire starters and also for the snow peak Lantern I can't wait to check that out David and Leanne thank you all so much for everything that you all did Susie and I we really appreciate it they went all out folks thank you so much and please say hello to Bella for us and then lastly Bjorn thank you so much as well we really appreciate everything you did for us so um I'll tell you what with those out of the way let's be coffee folks it is absolutely howling out there the winds are high up but it's roaring it's interesting hmm I wonder how windy it's going to get ultimately it doesn't matter I'm prepared to break all of this down except for the tent if I need to but everything's been staked out rather good it's been Rock braced that's no guarantee but that's how it goes cheers everyone all right let's see if it's ready oh yeah perfect [Music] yeah man over the last couple of months here and there I've mentioned some YouTube channels that I watch like for an example my buddy Dana his channel my buddy Tony my buddy Paul their channels I've also been watching the channel adventures with a purpose or is that what it's called adventures with a purpose adventures with purpose either way whatever I've been watching that channel finding it very interesting I love that they go out they help find people who have gone missing if you haven't seen the channel before or their videos they have a boat that has some sonar on it and they go out to like lakes and rivers and they search for like vehicles that have gone in now sometimes these people have committed suicide sometimes they've had dementia and they just driven off sometimes it's just a freak accident anyway so these people that go missing they search the waterways and they find them I believe they've found like I don't know 24 bodies something like that they've done an excellent job with their Channel now the thing is this I think the channel is done it's completely done I'm not exactly sure on the timing of that it may have been a long time ago but either way they were charged with two counts of this and just about everybody has resigned from the channel which is pretty crazy folks it really does go to show that these channels that you watch that I watch behind the screen it's just another human being people making mistakes people doing awful things it's life I noticed some time back that something was going on with the channel one of the guys was missing but at the same time there was something else too they started doing like in the middle of their videos these really shitty advertisements for like garbage maybe they're trying to make as much money as possible before it all just fell apart I don't know one of the ads was really stupid it was a complete waste of money if anybody bought it but it was something along the lines of like buy a piece of land in Scotland so you can have like a title like as a knight or sir or something else I don't know anytime that a channel basically asks you to waste your money so that they can make money it's pretty awful man I don't like that at all I have no respect for that it's one thing to do an ad do like a plug for something I'm not going to do it but for an example like Squarespace be like hey if you want to make a website go here that's it just pawning crap to people or telling them that you drink these greens because they make you feel so good by this plot of useless land give me my bag of money I was second guessing my choice not to have a fire since there's firewood easily available but I am so glad I didn't it is so windy out there it's ridiculous all I want to do is eat this and get in my sleeping bag because it's uh pretty nasty right now even with all of this protection it's cold and there's a lot of dampness in the air it's pretty miserable actually [Applause] [Applause] everyone take a second here and listen to those wins I mean it is howling up here well let's get out of the wind let's call it a night [Applause] you know folks I think we're in for a wild night those winds are crazy again they're upper level but I mean I mean it's roaring absolutely roaring that that is the definition of roaring right there [Applause] as you saw a minute ago I got some hand warmers put them in the bag here that's to warm it up [Applause] all right the hand warmer trick inside of your sleeping bag it works really really well it just takes the edge off you know what I mean yeah everybody it's been a good night it's been peaceful for the most part peaceful in the way that like I haven't seen anyone haven't heard anybody but like those winds have me on edge but hey that's how it goes anytime that you go out camping you have to be prepared for extreme conditions in this case it sounds like it's going to be wind who knows what we're going to get in the morning we'll just have to wait and see the thing is is that you have to be prepared to take care of an emergency let's say that the winds come in super strong rip this out of the ground and it's snowing outside it's sleeting you have to be prepared to deal with that so for myself what would I do well I would assess the situation can I fix this if it's not something I could fix get my clothes on grab my gear shove it in that bag and I'll hike out here and go to the truck that's why it's so important to be ready to act and also to have the right gear this is something that I could talk about all night long but I'm not going to I'll save that for another episode but I'm going to attempt to get some sleep it's not all that late it's right now nine o'clock and we're at 5 900 feet a little bit over that yeah everybody I'll bring you all back whenever it starts snowing that might be in a couple of hours it might be in the morning I don't know folks thanks for joining me on this trip see you all in the morning good night for now thank you good morning everyone update time it's a little bit after two o'clock and it is insanely windy outside it hasn't started snowing yet or anything like that but it's cold what I'm going to do is get up and lower the front door that way I could seal this up some next time I now have it all sealed up in here it's quite a bit warmer already I just had to do that it's just getting too windy out there you're all right well let's see if I can get some sleep now [Applause] [Applause] it's about 5 30 and it is freezing rain outside I could see it basically through the material here it's been so windy that I really haven't been able to sleep I mean it has sound like a freight train over my head all night long in fact it's only begun to calm down now that it's raining it's my hope that this turns to snow I'd rather deal with snow and sleet than freezing rain with freezing rain wow man it's gonna be a mess but we'll see what happens we'll see what happens foreign [Applause] folks it's just raining away out there it might be freezing rain I'm not really sure [Applause] yeah it is a very wet very damp morning [Applause] put it on not not dry more than anything just to hold in some heat and block some wind [Applause] naturally the forecast has been incorrect we did get moisture at 5am but it's not snow it's not sleet foreign [Applause] 5900 plus feet 32 degrees according to this [Applause] coffee will be ready here in a minute water will be ready for breakfast here in a minute it's going to be a good day taking a second here to talk about this tent I like it I like it quite a bit the setup is easy [Applause] this vestibule thing here is interesting I'm not entirely sure how useful it is namely because like it spreads out but then as it goes towards the tent it Narrows [Applause] so it's not really something that you could use like in a rain or anything like that you could use it as a sun shade though there's plenty of space inside of this tent for two cots some gear there's a huge vent that goes all the way across the back and it works incredibly well in fact there's very little condensation on the inside of this tent pretty impressed it's waterproof no leaking at all this is only one night out with it but so far so good [Applause] this morning everyone I feel like having a really good breakfast Peak refuel biscuits and sausage gravy oh yeah let's do this oh my gosh it smells so good seriously everyone amazing biscuits sausage oh yeah [Applause] [Applause] yeah I'll be honest it's nice that it's not so cold yesterday it was quite chilly actually today it's really not that bad the hike out of here it's gonna be something [Applause] I hiked all the way up this mountain to get here and that's because I wasn't sure what the weather was going to do I didn't want to bring my truck all the way up here just in case it was like a big ice [Applause] all right everyone it's done cheers my friends oh yeah nice and strong over the last hour or so the conditions have changed regularly it'll clear up and they get foggy clear up get foggy sometimes it'll rain really hard and then it kind of slacks off very inconsistent weather well other than the wind that's a constant I guess [Applause] sometime back I gave you all three different options to consider for the future I was thinking of having like a vehicle for like exploration motorcycle street legal UTV or a Japanese import like Land Cruiser so without a doubt the most popular option was the Land Cruiser those are really interesting they're also pretty cool looking I've already talked about this in previous episodes so I'm not going to really go back over everything but I have been looking I found some interesting options I'm not sure what I'm going to go with yet but uh there's definitely some cool models out there that I like it's amazing how inexpensive you can get those vehicles for I've had some people write in and ask why I haven't considered like a Jeep or something and that's primarily because of reliability they're just not reliable vehicles plain and simple they're a ton of fun to drive and they look cool but the simple fact is they're not reliable Vehicles yeah I'm not going that route I have too many friends who have Jeeps who have just non-stop problems when I drive across the country oftentimes Jeep is the number one broken down vehicle and I'm talking about old ones I'm talking about the new ones like the Jeep Gladiator one year Susie and I went across the country and we saw maybe three or four of those things broken down I'm not going to buy something that requires non-stop work that's why I'm considering the Japanese import like it or not Toyota they make amazing Vehicles they last forever the resale value is incredible for a reason it is what it is plus if I bought a Jeep I think my friends would kill me I've seen what they've gone through they know that I know what it's like to own one so yeah I just can't do it I just can't I got tired of waiting so here we go [Music] that is incredibly good I think I'll finish up my breakfast finish up the coffee pack up and start hiking listen to that wind crazy [Applause] that is a great example of high level wind compared to low level low level I mean a slight breeze high up it's roaring you could just hear that whistle from the top of the trees basically that's what it's been like all night long but stronger this is toned down from what it was last night by maybe like 25 percent all right everyone tell you what I'm going to finish up my breakfast finish up the coffee and start packing up time to go well here in a few minutes I have to be honest everyone I'm a little bit frustrated at the moment I was breaking down the tent I was pulling out one of those Stakes by the cords the cord ripped off and I cut the heck out of my finger on one of those tent Stakes to be honest that really picked me off I am pretty sure those are the same piece of tent Stakes that nature hike uses with the exact same cords anyways folks I'm done complaining all right I'm all packed up ready to go the rain has stopped but man oh man is it windy oh boy it's about to get crazy [Applause] foreign holy crap these winds are insane and also the road here is covered in ice it is super slick now I begin the long hike down to the truck this might be the last point that I'm able to talk because maybe half a mile up here I go out of the woods out into the open and it's going to be on all right I'm going to do my best to get out of here but for now I'm done filming whoo this is going to be cold hit the thumbs up it's a great way to support the channel if you want to join the Wolfpack YouTube patreon you could become a member everybody take care be well strength and honor let's do this foreign [Applause] this is what 60 mile an hour winds looks like whoa foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] laughs [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 508,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Camping, The Outdoor Gear Review, outdoors, hike, hiking, camp, camping, hiking gear, camping gear, solo camping, winter camping, winter hike, solo adventure, camping adventure, backpacking, overnight adventure, winter storm, snow camping, Winter storm camping, Nor'easter camping, Backpacking in an Ice Storm, Camping in an Ice Storm, winter cabin, cabin camping, snow storm camping, ice storm camping
Id: lSiuvSuqcaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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