Hurricane Dorian From Inside A Cave

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[Music] hey what's going on guys so today it's called lone wolf 9:02 hurricane durian is here and it is raining and windy like a mother so originally I planned on doing an overnighter tonight and right before my girlfriend got home from work and I was able to head out we lost power so not real comfortable leaving the house with no power and whatnot so instead I have decided I'm still going out catch that right now heading out right now just on a day hike so we're gonna head out into this this kind of ravine area this nice little running crook and stringing and whatnot and I've got a secret little location that's kind of neat for a day like this so let's get there alright guys so we're at the location of the little hiking trail they're going to be going through today I got to say it's coming down it is coming down so I got the waterproof case for the action camera which I'm on right now and I got all the rest of my filming gear in my pack in the back of the truck got selfie stick I'm gonna be rocking this a lot today in fact I'm gonna get it ready right now because it is coming down so audio it's gonna suck for a little bit but like I said I got my other camera hopefully that we're knowledgeable I got my other camera and microphone in my pack with me so once we get to a sheltered location I'll go ahead and grab that out and we'll get on that camera alright camera going in the case and we're jumping out and we're gonna run into the woods make sure all the dust is out of here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right so I'm in a cave right now I'm a natural shelter it is coming down like crazy out there so I'm absolutely completely drenched my pants my shirt my jacket everything Drent so right now I got my tripod here I want to go ahead and get on the other camera get that set up a little bit of a better picture and better audio so hang with me for a minute has coming down what's going on guys so we're back on the other camera now hopefully the audio is much much better the rains fight loud so I'm not sure how this is going to echo in the caves and the sound the rain and all that but bring you guys up to speed again just in case the audio on the last camera didn't work this is hurricane durian it is hit Nova Scotia they hit at eight I believe a class 1 or class 2 hurricane is what it was saying I don't we just follow the news that much and on this storm I did because I was talked tough to get out and stay the night unfortunately my power went out just before my girlfriend got home from work so kind of put a screw in into my overnighter plans but that's fine because all I wanted to really do was just get out and experience it that's all so we're here for a few hours I'm in this cave and I brought some snacks I brought some food we're gonna have a good time and then at the end of it I'm gonna head home and just time my family so our powers out and I got all kinds of camping gear at home so they're basically at home laughing but yeah this is no joke this is extremely dangerous and I don't recommend it to anybody ever to come out in in situations like this but this is this is what I do this is my adrenaline rush right here some people smoke cigarettes some people do drugs I think that's crazy because I don't do it this to me this is normal this is this is what I look for so we've got awesome rainstorm we've got crazy crazy high winds I would not go out there in a hammock they could I pass probably 1015 falling trees branches about that round just on the ground and and those trees right now are just a swaying in the wind and we're in this area that that's a quite quite a deep ravine so it's really sheltered from the wind as soon as you get out of the ravines it is massive mass bolts of hurricane you guys can imagine what looks like all right so I just ran out there cause the guys just heard that if the camera picked that up mid-sentence just a huge massive massive tree to crack the felt some words out there so again that's why I'm really happy I'm in this natural shelter one of these trees let's go I mean sure to probably crunch I'm still in danger I mean it can cave in on me but I'd rather be in here than be out there so like I was saying before I got interrupted by the tree I was I just ran out there a few minutes ago to grab a few photos and drenched again so I went out with these clothes these are already drenched I have another change of clothes in my bag so I'm going to go ahead and throw my other shirt I'm actually starting to get chilled already there's just it's probably like 10 degrees now the temperature is just plummeted and yeah there's no the trees right there so this is the one of those kind of fast flicking hunting shirts this will dry out very quickly about worried about it today because obviously I'm had it home but if I were staying the night that would be completely dry I wouldn't have to worry about it too too much so in my bag here I've got all my other clothing then I'm going to change in you just before I head out now I did bring my my backpacking chair it's actually my background right now if I don't need to take it out and set it up I'd really like to not have to do that it's just one more thing to pack up and it's probably going to get dark out here pretty quickly so get some lunch on so we're very very limited for camera angles on this video so basically the angle that you guys see right now is probably going to be it unfortunately I can't really move the camera into the rain and I'm pressed for room here so I hope that's okay but what I brought is my IKEA DIY scope I've been rocking this a lot lately Oh Tandy hikes and a bar no time on an overnighter and this thing rocks I love this so I got that trying to get all my gear organized here I also brought my alcohol stove which I want to put inside of here trying to get my fire steel and all that stuff all organized for lunch I went ahead and brought a big ol pack of ramen this is hot and spicy oriental style so there's a new one haven't tried this yet really looking forward to that now so barring a cup of soup and a couple types of oatmeal just in case I always pack for a trip intending on accidentally staying the night just in case you do get stranded it's nice to have extra gear to actually stay the night okay so that's it for gear right here go ahead and get something to do I am actually quite hungry so I got my alcohol stove another cup of soup coffee cup coffee can't go anywhere so coffee all right so I'm now just realizing that I forgot my tent pegs to go inside of my stove because originally when I packed to come out here I packed my really big military pack and at the last second I decided that I am gonna come out after realizing that I can't stay the night and so I moved all my gear into my pack that I brought out today so I forgot my tent pegs that's alright though because I got some blackberry bushes over here I'm gonna take my knife gonna go ahead and cut some thicker stems and pass those through to support my alcohol stove that's a nice little snack a couple fresh blackberries there go ahead and drop them in my cup for now all right so I went ahead and put my two my two stems from the blackberry bush I cut them and pop them in the holes so now I've got a surface to place my alcohol stove and then I'm go ahead and take my grate which I've made for this and get a situated here properly kind of takes a second to find out where the okay so that's good because I cut these grooves in on the side so that sits nicely so gum alcohol stove my sticks and I go ahead and put my pot on top now I can start making some noodles and coffee [Applause] all right so we went ahead and poured my coffee kind of sitting back watching the rain for a little bit so kind of coffee ready to go and gonna dig out a little spot for my cup to sit on all right and they get into these noodles get these cooking all my garbage is going back in my bag but I'm just kind of tossing them off the side for now I really have a lot of room to work with here let's stove is rocking out the heat right now what I did is you're probably noticing now that there's no flames in the bottom I put a little bit of alcohol on the on the pad when I lit the stove and basically what I like to do is put some kind of flame underneath the stove so the heat rises into the can stove and it basically helps Prime the stove so nothing's burning underneath the stove now it's just the can that's blooming and it works excellent really really good really happy with that stove and the IKEA utensil holder of course just kind of holds everything everything together [Applause] so I'm gonna go ahead and say my noodles are basically cooked and check your part with the stove putting it out so I'm gonna move my phone off to the side now what I like to do is take my knife and then pull the screen off and then I actually use my coffee cup so people have a snuper it's just the bottom through another hand sometimes I miss when I throw it on so what I do is I take my coffee cup and set it right on top of the flame but we'll go ahead and just slam this on there and see if I can get it first try usually I have the stove set down further so I got to kind of drop it in there and it hits and bounces off and all that stuff so that worked great go ahead and put the metal grill back on top so now I've got lunch and coffee more like supper cause it's basically four o'clock now but I got all my stuff trying out put off inside I'm gonna go ahead and eat some spicy noodles and hurricane I don't think I'll have any shortage of water today all right spicy noodles fresh coffee one heck of a windstorm and rain so I'm going to kick back and enjoy [Music] alright I'll finish with uh with my snack so got my coffee to drink though so a little bit of a cleanup while I'm drinking this so there is one thing that just kind of popped into my head the whole area that I'm sitting on right now to pick my own the sand still dry but great above me there's a big hollow spot where all the sand came from directly to the other side of that is this massive massive massive chunk of sandstone it's raining extremely heavy right now the ground above is probably being liquefied so as far as sitting back I'm having a fire and relaxing here for a long time I've kind of been climbed to pack up and get out of here because if this thing comes down it's gonna hurt it's not gonna feel good so I'm gonna pack all my gear up right now and I just want to get out of this cave now so yeah let's go ahead and do that and probably jump down and hit the trail but just just one of the four notes a little bit of a safety factor that if you are in a sandy kind of cave take a look around so that's what I'm seeing right now I'm gonna pack up and think I want to jump on out [Applause] Wow wow that's a white one holy absolutely drenched so here's a here's a dry portion of my jacket and well that's the rest of it give you guys an idea of how wet she is out there your wipers yeah get some air blowing in here alright guys well that's about all I got for you today I guess it's a good thing that I didn't go out overnight because I would have been absolutely drenched and miserable not that I haven't been there before but I've got to get home and check it to the power still out and check on the kids and family and whatnot see how they're making out but oh just as I left the cave literally I would put my bag on my back and I took two steps out of the cave this massive tree fell probably within like 20 or 30 yards right outside crunch just crumpled fell I almost crapped myself at all my camera gear all packed away I ran down the hill got out of there and once I got underneath another shelter tree I kind of whipped out the action cam and start a filming a bit that was seriously close so scared the crap I'm looking a lot but yeah I'm gonna crank the heat on now and I'm out of here [Applause] just coming up on the cage location and it got wrecked Wow have a look at this [Applause] all right so here's the cave the ceiling is quite moist and this is what I was worried about yesterday this huge ledge breaking off and it's still it's still a high possibility that it may come down so I don't think we're gonna hang out here for the day alright so here's the cave after the storm I gotta say it's a beautiful sunny day of today clouds are kind of streaking across but all in all pretty sunny pretty clear a little bit of water still running down off the top of the cave that's a pretty wild ride all kinds of trees around here that felt big ones too just outside of the cave pretty nice shelter in here though so a lot of questions on Facebook I went home that's right I did not say the night here I went home and I uploaded a few photos on Facebook and a couple of the groups I'm in and it blew up absolutely blew up which was good really good I think might have had like five negative comments and people were talking about oh how can you have an enjoyable time when there's people in the world that are devastated it's what you make it I mean think about it this way every time you sit down and have a meal and you're happy enjoying your meal or you eat half a sandwich and you know I'm full and you throw the rest away think about the thousands of people in the world that don't even have food think about that so I would say 99% of the comments were excellent I remember five vividly that they're just kind of goofy comments saying oh what are you doing out there posing for photos and videos and this is what I live for well there's a storm rolling in I'm not letting it get away I'm gonna be out here enjoying it that's right enjoying it so late last night I took off out of here it was dark it was windy trees were popping and snapping and falling I had my headlamp on I put the camera away it was just ridiculous trying to film in that so I got out of here luckily I went home to the family took care of stuff at home and got up early today and here we are back out right at the same location so the area quite devastated there's a lot of trees down there's still a lot of looking at a huge tree right now that's a massive massive Widowmaker it is just itching to fall just itching to fall and it's a massive hardwood tree probably about 60 feet tall easily so when that comes down still staring at it because it's well that comes down and it's gonna be some danger for sure but the cave held up everything like I said is right where I left it so I had a front-row seat if you will at the wrath of Hurricane Dorian and I gotta say Nova Scotia I got pounded it got pounded pretty bad but like I said I was chilling out here in the cave watching it unfold so anyways I'm gonna grab my pack and we're gonna head up the trail and go have a look at the rest of the trail system that's that's out here because there's a nice little Brook down there with some some some trout you know I do a bit of fly-fishing back here as well so we're gonna head up the trail and see what the rest of the area looks like see how much devastation there was and get out for a little bit of a nature walk [Applause] [Music] alright guys so I had a pretty decent lunch down there by the waterfall and I'm just walking back to the woods right now up to the parking area where I parked my truck and I'm buck to head home so that kind of wraps up the whole hurricane episode I guess last night we got slammed pretty bad by hurricane durian and here you're kind of seeing the aftermath of it I had some fun out in it and I had some fun today out in the Sun so I'm gonna leave the video here and I got quite a walk ahead of me so getting quite warm out but uh yeah I've got those trees that are down anyways thank you very much for watching and starting to get cooler out so who knows what the next episode might bring alright guys see you later [Music]
Channel: Lonewolf 902
Views: 226,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildcamping, hiking, outdoors, adventure, outside, camping, bushcraft, eastcoast, nature, wilderness, discover, explore, novascotia, forest, woodland, trails, lonewolf902, lonewolfwildcamping, sleepoutside, dorian, hurricane, dayhike, backpacking, cave, stove, diy, shelter, survival, campcooking, ikea stove, day hike, coffee, lunch, storm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 58sec (2338 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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