Surviving Hurricane, 39ft MONSTER WAVES, Cozy Van Life Camping in Extreme Weather - Heavy Rain Storm

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I did not expect this! Massive storms on the Atlantic coast Cozy van life camping by the mighty ocean And surprised by the hurricane "Pia" Back to October I have arrived at my camp I have returned to the ocean I am down by the sea here it is the North Sea, Northern Atlantic Ocean I am set up right on the ocean There is a big storm coming tomorrow, so I might have to move It is going to be 26 m/s winds, 58mph, that is a full storm. The waves should be up to 8 m, or 26.5 ft This is straight out into the ocean It might not be the best place in the storm, but it is ok for now. I am just gonna pay close attention to the forecast and see what happens This is a much bigger storm than what I had on the Atlantic Coast Road What a great place! I need to turn on my propane again I am going to remove the cover I have in the back window here to be able to see the views Pretty cool view, let us hope it doesnt get to stormy too fast Next morning No storm yet, but the wind is picking up quite a lot the forecast now says it could get nearly up to hurricane force this is not the place to stay for a hurricane If it gets really bad I am going to move my van from here It is such an epic spot, but it is very exposed to the elements Even now without the wind you can see that outside the reefs are getting some pounding already and now it is only 11 m/s winds it is going to get up to around 30 m/s but that is not until tomorrow today it is going to be a smaller storm so I might stay here and watch that first off course, the most important meal of the day, coffee Her comes the rain first drops of rain or sea spray It is going to be a lot more wind than what I had on the Atlantic Ocean Road I am also much closer to the ocean here and this place is much closer to the wide open sea so I need to pay close attention today It is starting to rain big drops I have a spot further inland I could go to It is going to rain around a 100 mm/4 inches in 24 hours, that is quite a lot lot of "ifs" now I have not decided on anything yet, just checking in to give you some updates I dont know if you can see it in this camera, but way out here the waves are crashing on the reefs Loving this but I might have to move soon That is a brave sailer The rain stopped for a second so I am going outside to do a little bit of filming and see how it looks from outside It is much warmer than I thought it would be here comes the rain again Gonna grab my camera kind of fun Right now the wind is coming from the south which is down that way but the wind is gonna turn from the west and then it will hit me hope the sound is working here in the wind today versus tomorrow I guess I am staying a little bit longer it is not too bad right now gonna head inside and make dinner very enjoyable home sweet home Got some new lights for my garden as well Some work going on here While the wind is pounding my van and it is not raining, I am going to make dinner Going to make a vegetarian wrap with my cheesy fries with chilly mayo and some other ingredients Is is 5:30, it is going to be dark in half an hour Gonna add some asparagus beans some spinach french fries cheese onions There is a good amount of wind, and it looks like the waves are changing and coming into this little bay here now the whole van is shaking gonna watch a little bit of Youtube "Jokkmokkguidarna" have a new video from their canoe trip that should be exciting this should be good lovely I am going to show you some more footage of these waves that are building. The wind is shaking the van So good Can you feel the shaking? Dont know if it translates to the camera It is quite spectacular out there But it is so dark now I am using ISO 4000 if that means anything to you It is kind of sheltered here in the bay but even in here the waves are starting to go a little bit white but it is out there on the reefs it is happening My concern is when the wind turns and it hits me straight out of the west could be trouble in here where it is pretty calm right now this is right below the van I am enjoying this The wind is pounding my van, dont know if you can hear the sound Pretty awesome, it is so cozy in here now The waves are now 2.2 m/7.2ft Tomorrow in the middle of the day they are going to be 6.5m/21.3ft so we have seen nothing yet It is only 7:30, i am considering getting out of here now mostly because the forecast say it is going to get so much worse and right now the whole van is shaking and the storm is a 60% force now I might not want to go to sleep in the van It is going to be difficult to sleep when you are wondering what is going on with the ocean outside it is probably completely safe, but I always prefer a good night sleep So I had to move last night let me show you why Kind of wild! Still 3 hours until the peak of the storm Waves will reach 7m or 23ft Crazy! I was parked there That is absolutely crazy Insane I was camped right here Really awesome stuff How crazy is this I moved my van last night, luckily I dont know how it would have been out here it would probably have been ok, but I would not have been able to sleep very well I hope you enjoyed this storm here Not so fast! As I was editing this video I was surprised by the hurricane "Storm Pia", so buckle up!! December 21st, down by the coast there is a hurricane blowing so I am heading out to include that as well in this video I had this video finished but then this massive storm showed up on the forecast I just had to go down to the ocean and film it the forecast is for 41 m/s, 147 kph or 91 mph winds The waves are supposed to be 12m or 39ft This should be very interesting I will of course stay safe and stay away from any danger This shore line is directly exposed to the brute force of the North Sea/Atlantic Ocean This is massive, gonna get some good video here Pretty crazy now very intense It is 3 o clock now, it is going to get dark so this is probably some of the last footage I will get, but this is so impressive The wind is so strong that i have to go really slow here to not get blown of the road A special thanks to my Patrons and channel members! You can sign up for exclusive content at (link in description) or become a member of this channel.
Channel: Norwegian Xplorer
Views: 262,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, hurricane, blizzard, extreme weather, extreme weather camping, vanlife, van life, storms, van camping, camping in van, living in van, van living, rv, rv travel, RV, RV camping, wintervanlife, van, van life storm, living in a van, living in a minivan, travel, storm camping, coastal storm, huge waves, storm van life, vanlife in a storm, van life in a storm, heavy rain camping, storm pia, hurricane pia, christmas hurricane, christmas storm, massive waves, monster waves
Id: o-WXBP_QIbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 50sec (4670 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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