HUNTING ROUNDS COMPARISON | 223/ 30-30/ 308/ 30-06/ 7MM

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we've brought out some small caliber rifles that we're going to do some small bird and rabbit hunting with today and we just want to see if we can hit any of them just kidding [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so what's up youtube welcome to the gunmeister for today's episode we're going to check some stuff out as you can see we've got a bunch of different rifles here these are basically hunting rifles and what we thought we would do today is kind of check out the different rounds that go with each one of these guns on a big ass piece of pork butt and kind of see the difference you know because you hear a lot of things you hear well the 556 isn't a good hunting round for a game that's bigger than say a rabbit or a coyote or something like that and then you hear stuff like well you know the seven millimeter is too big for this or whatever so we've got five different guns here and they range in caliber from 5 5 6 30 30 308 30 out six and seven millimeter remington magnum and what i figure we do is we kind of just set that up and we'll check out the penetration what kind of damage it does to the meat we're also going to check the hydraulic pressure of each one of these rounds and kind of get a feel for what they do and maybe you know if you're getting ready to get into hunting or you've always wondered you know what does this do to something more than like a water jug or a watermelon so an actual piece of meat that has fat muscle bone all of that stuff inside there i'm thinking today's video might answer that question for you so we're going to see what kind of penetration and damage that does we're also going to test some of the hydraulic pressure that these rounds put out when they hit their target at 100 yards so i think we're gonna have a lot of fun today we definitely have quite a few guns to try i think it's gonna be interesting come on let's go check it out so here's what we're gonna be shooting at today this is a pork butt it's about i don't know 9 10 pounds something like that it's got a big bone that runs the length and i want to try to shoot through these from front to back as best as i can that way we can see what the bullet does as it travels through if it expands or what have you also we've wrapped these each one of these with cellophane plastic wrap to kind of simulate skin so we've done like three or four wraps of that stuff around there and we're just going to lay into them see what it does also if you look down range right there you're gonna see a water jug that's a one gallon water jug and we're gonna hit it with each round respectively to see what it does so first one we'll start with the five five six and then go like this we'll shoot the water jug then we'll shoot the meat we're gonna test the hydraulic pressure of the round on the water jug and the actual penetration the hunting part of it if you will on this meat and see what it does so let's go ahead and head back to 100 yards and see what we see come on so what we're going to be shooting this is we're going to start off with the tc compass this is chambered in 556-223 and for this one we're going to be shooting the fiochi 223 and this is a 77 grain match hollow point boat tail so we'll go ahead and start with the water jug see what that does then we'll hit that chunk of meat and see what that does let's go ahead and get started [Music] all right we got some good hits on those let's go see what that two two three did come on you know the 556 or the the two two three let's put it that way that particular round the 77 grain yeah that's a very valid hunting round no doubt about it uh there's a lot of damage to that so that's a keeper that's a good one you even got some intros hanging here so that's awesome let's do this we see what kind of damage this is we're going to save this one aside and let's go back up there and let's try the 30 30. let's see what that one does come on so for our next gun we're going to be using the marlin 3030 and for the ammunition we're using remington 3030 150 grain core lock so let's go ahead and take our shots down here and see what this does now i have to tell you the 30 30 is probably one of my favorite rounds one thing i like about the 30 30 is it has an absolute ton of hydraulic pressure and you know when you hit something let's give this a try all right so there goes the water jug let's go ahead and hit that pork butt let's see what this does [Music] may have hit a little low on that but nonetheless we still hit it and the thing is sometimes when you're hunting it's not always exactly where you want it to be so let's go see what kind of damage that did all right guys so this is the 30 30. this is your entry now look at the look at the exit on this thing man look at that that is massive massive damage i mean if that doesn't drop what you're shooting at i'm not really sure what would so we've moved up to 308 unfortunately for this stuff i've just got 150 grain bulk but i think you'll get the idea because we're going to shoot this with just the bulk ammo and you'll see what kind of damage the 308 does just with this and you know if you're going to move up to a hunting ground it's just going to be that much more effective all right here goes the water jug let's go ahead and hit the beef where's the beef [Music] yeah looks like we just grazed it should i hit it again yeah all right so i just grazed all right so i just grazed that beef i'm gonna hit it one more time see if i can get it centered up i'm gonna hit a different spot we should see two hopefully we'll see two wound channels there we go matter of fact i think i hit the same damn spot that's all right so you know from first look at this it may not look like much but the thing is with this let me pull this off of here i want you to see this when the 308 hits this thing look at that look at the wound channel in that that's unbelievable and again the thing is with that is that was just bulk ammunition guys that wasn't like a hollow point boat tail or anything like that just bulk ammunition these bones busted to pieces huge huge wound channel you've actually got two wound channels you got one on this side and one over here so that 308 is is a nasty round and you can see where they went in that's the first one right there and that's the second one right there see that for our next gun we're going to be shooting the uh ruger american 30.6 and for this we're going to be using 180 grain powerpoint 386 rounds now this is the winchester this is winchester's round they recommend for deer elks wild boar etc uh you can get the one thing that's nice about a 30.6 is they have all kinds of different round sizes as far as all that goes so we'll just load up a couple in here and uh do our little test with this all right there's the water bottle let's see if we can do the meat pie [Music] [Music] i think we hit the meat let's go see what that did went in right there i couldn't orientate this at all because it's just a massive mound of goo basically i mean you got some meat there and look at that just completely opened up it just rode right down that bone that's pretty impressive guys that's massive 30 out 680 grains that'll leave a mark all right let's head back up and try the seven millimeter rim to magnum come on all right guys so now we got the seven millimeter uh remington model 770 out here we're shooting seven millimeter remington mag 150 grain this is a really fast round and again this is winchester super x deer antelope antelope wine wild boar so we'll do like we have been doing i really like the 7 mil because it's so fast and it's it's a really flat shooter it's one of my favorites you know so let's go ahead we'll do the same thing we'll do the water jug and then we'll hit the the meat pie and see what the seven mill does to it here we go wow okay let me tell you just from this distance with the uh the water cartridge there or the water jug what a difference man what a difference let's hit that meat i'm pretty sure what's gonna happen is it's gonna turn into just like meat goo but let's find out [Music] well that was a clean hit on it definitely definitely dropped the pork butt let's go see what it did out of all the rounds the seven mil seems to have caused the most damage i mean i have a well this looks like it's ready for the barbecue but i mean separated from the big stuff again look at this this is a huge hole a little shell stuck in there let's get that out no there's another one but huge hole in and out bone busted i mean this is these are devastating rounds i mean once you get up to don't get me wrong they're all devastating rounds but once you start getting up to like 30 out six seven millimeter remington magnum i mean big game stands no chance with this stuff that's that's just complete and utter destruction so with that being said i think any one of those rounds is a valid hunting round i think the biggest thing is it depends on what you're hunting you know obviously if you use a big round like this on a small game it's probably not going to be much left you know but in a pinch i think any one of those rounds will suffice for what you need to do again shot placement being key after we've done our highly scientific experiment to see what kind of penetration we get in all this meat we've got to get rid of it somehow so we've made a meat sculpture a little bit of something in there something special we'll see if we can't season the woods with gun meister seasoning which is basically this everywhere it'd be fantastic so we come to that special moment in all the gunmeister videos time for the fsu after our highly scientific test today it's time for the meat pie extravaganza let's see what happens [Music] it's raining meat that's my kind of barbecue i love it well guys that's going to do it for this episode of gunmeister i hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to like share and subscribe go on over and check out and as always happy shooting we'll see you guys next time on the gunmaster [Applause] you're not doing that around me again holy [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Views: 152,757
Rating: 4.7698469 out of 5
Keywords: gunmeister, the gunmeister, hunting, .223, whitetail deer, deer hunting, best hunting caliber, calibers, firearms, rifle, elk hunting, bullets, rifles, gun, shooting, elk, hunter, ammunition, antelope, mule deer, 7mm, 30-06, best hunting bullet, hunting bullets, 223, 308, 3006, what is best deer hunting caliber, best deer hunting caliber, deer rifle, HUNTING ROUNDS COMPARISON, remington, meateater, hunting for food, 30-06 vs .308, marlin 30-30
Id: 0emGuszC-38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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