6.5 Creedmoor vs. 7mm-08 Remington 140gr Federal Fusion Pork and Ballistics Gel Test

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[Music] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to Alaska ballistics we're gonna do another 65 Creedmoor comparison this one's a little bit better comparison here's our 650 more savage 2016 got several videos in the comparison list of the 65 Creedmoor borrowing a friend's 780 l 7 millimeter o 8 he is actually shot bigger caribou and I have with this 7 millimeter o 8 so it is a viable Alaskan caliber and they both have 22 inch barrels kind of see that the barrels are the same length match the actions there so that's that we're gonna be shooting federal fusion I'm not a big federal fusion fan but it was the thing at the store that had the best grain weight for the best price in the 6.5 it's a 140 grain supposed to be going focus camera 27:25 you see right there all the ballistics it's supposed to be going and there's what there 6.5 round looks like right there and here's the 7 millimeter 8 round and 2850 is supposed to be its muzzle velocity so there we are seven millimeter oh eight versus six five Creedmoor and i think that's gonna be an awesome test you guys are tired of me in the comments section comparing long action to short action so here we have an awesome test same weight bullet 140 grain federal fusion first we do the chroma graph and then we do the penetration test now we actually filmed this yesterday and it was negative 15 degrees so we're not gonna get the velocity and the ballistics gel did not set up right and did not stay the correct consistency at negative 15 degrees so this video is what it is but we did recover both bullets so stay tuned to the end alright welcome back to alaskan ballistics 65 cream or verses seven millimeter away federal fusion 140 grain here we go six five free moreover the cronograph it is negative ten out here today or worse and only they have one note was negative seven when we left Anchorage and we're up here in the mountains why my hearing my eye protection here it'll fog up if I put my breathing mask on so here we go then I am cold Alaska morning 2770 [Music] so right about what the box was saying and it's negative ten degrees just a little bit less on the average that ain't bad that ain't bad at all now here we go Stephanie millimeter Oh 8 140 grain federal fusion I don't think we got to read that time 2779 still in the coronagraph hey go get me two the two seven millimeter eight bullets only chook and I are crazy enough to come shoot videos when it's negative ten here we go and another error we'll just have to do four reads on that one so that's the coronagraph portion check out the add up slide so we have our add up slide here for the six five three more verses seven millimeter oh eight video we have our velocity reads on the next to the left-hand column then in the middle we have the average muzzle velocity of two thousand seven hundred and thirteen for the 65 Creedmoor and just almost 60 58 or so feet per second faster is the seven millimeter arrow eight the standard deviation was Sandin points worse in the 65 Creedmoor that's supposed to be one of the cartridges strong suits so whoever's working the powder charger did better that day on the seven millimeter oh eight and they did in the six lab cream or the average muzzle energy 2290 for the 65 three more and 2387 for the seven millimeter oh eight so almost a hundred foot-pounds of energy better in the seven millimeter oh eight this week's shout-out goes to a pretty cool little channel I found he's as good as T an outdoors nine and that is Makarov shooter nine by eighteen great ballistics gel test does a great nice concise job lots of different calibers go check him out link in the description okay six-five Creedmoor we got ribs pork loin and then the the ballistics gel block the ballistics gel block I sent it out last night it kind of froze because it was negative ten instead of hardened up so it might be a little bit wobbly still in there we got the sales Flyers behind it to get it going catch the bullet just in case here we go right six five three more 140 grain federal fusion six five three more here we go yeah it definitely that gentle is definitely messed up okay yeah we did that gentle definitely messed up [Music] [Applause] 25 yards let's see how this federal fusion did that gel is pretty messed up [Applause] well we hit the top of the ribs right here was aiming just a little high because it was sight in for 100 went through there it looks like we got a little hole a little wedge hole into the thing right here and let's see if the bullets in there I don't think it's I don't think there's gonna be a bullet in there no it bounced out it bounced out bounced off somewhere around here bounced off huh that's weird ripped up that drill pretty good yeah really ripped up that gel if there's any like down in here for Jinni fragments in the gel here I don't see any fragments or nothing to it no went through hit this case and bounced off oh that's cold hand it pull my hand up a little bit here chief just found the bullet here and it was about bounced back about 20 feet right where his foot is that's back about 20 feet from the corona from the belt ballistics gel area and that is the 6-5 Creedmoor so the ballistics gel floated down enough to make it bounce off those hard newspapers or Cabella cells fliers whatever you are so there's the bullet right there not bad stayed together stay together yeah that's mushroom yeah I would not want to be a caribou hit with that what about you know what about a black tail deer or white-tailed deer black black bear grizzly bear grizzly bear me yeah shoot hidden sugars the man in the head that'll work all right wouldn't be my first choice but yeah shook found the bullet right on our little path here we'd snow shootout thanks Chuck here we go seven millimeter Oh eight verses are weird ballistics gel has been frozen unfrozen and you know didn't harden up all the way in the middle and we got pork ribs pork loin in front of it and the Cabella sous news flyers in the back to catch it here we go well I can broke that gel in half again piece went flying way up in the air yeah [Music] you good news we hit right here on the ribs right there it kind of the pork loin with a little shorter to kind of just rip the package on the pork loin and then it came down this side of our bad but jail block you can actually see the bullet right there inside I could see it yeah you can see it right there so seven millimeter oh eight federal fusion let's get that thing out it's shiny yep interesting I'm thinking this block is done order some more and mix it later yeah yeah yeah there we go that's the seven millimeter oh eight yes that role that fusion stayed together stay together did a good job let's get this six-point-five cream or out of my pocket here I can't believe we found that six five three more good good I took but what see they're slightly bigger diameter seven millimeter oh eight how they expanded you know they they basically hit the same things slightly deeper penetration with the seven millimeter oh eight as it should have been it's going about 100 feet per second faster as it should have been so I think seven millimeter oh eight wins yep I like six five three more but I'm gonna have to give it the seven millimeter oh eight as with just a better a little bit of penetration the ability to stay in the box after all that ballistics gel crap it went through instead of the ability to do that here's one fragment that broke off there's a little fragment there broke off okay there's a couple little fragments here that might have broken off at the 700-800 eight but it performs well yeah it kept most of its weight now I said that day on the video that seven millimeter one but I forgot the fact that it didn't hit as much of the pork loin if any that the 6'5 cream or did the 6'5 cream or actually expanded a little better and didn't fragment so I would say if the 7-millimeter o8 had hit the pork loin a little bit better obviously with the gel block we couldn't take another shot if it had hit the joint a little bit better would it have penetrated quite as deep and Scott stuck in the box I don't know so what would you think down in the comments put the fact that you might like to see us do this at longer ranges down in the comments six-five cream or either one of these will do fine on deer caribou even elk like I'd say if you've got a good shot grizzly bear after shooting the head if you have to cuz you're hunting something else with these small calibers and you need to shoot the grizzly bear in the head black bear I'd be fine on black bear but anyway seven millimeter or eight versus six five three more sorry our ballistics-gel is all jacked up we'll try to have a better formula next time it was just not up to par this time but we will definitely do this again in the summer if you want us to it longer ranges put this in the comment if you want us to do it like a hundred yards and a two hundred yards that kind of thing but here we go six five three more versus seven millimeter oh eight and Alaskan ballistics like share subscribe support us on patreon if you can especially since I just shot my chronograph and I'd really like one of those lab radars but if you can't that's okay please share the video god bless take care we will see you at the range Alaskan ballistic signing out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alaskan Ballistics
Views: 103,607
Rating: 4.8015037 out of 5
Keywords: 6.5, Creedmoor, vs., 7mm-08, 140gr, Federal, Fusion, Ballistics, Gel, Test, Review, Chronograph, Remington, 700, ADL, SAVAGE, 16, BOLT-ACTION
Id: laE4NXKRB_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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