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oh hey you know guys we all have that lawnmower that's just a piece of crap you got to get rid of let's see what an explosive round will do to that thing come on what's up YouTube welcome gun Meister hey today we're gonna have a whole bunch of fun we've got some very special I'd like to show ya we're gonna be playing with a little bit of what they call incendiary hash round and for those of you that don't know what that is in layman's term it's basically an exploding 12-gauge slug how much better does that really get so we're gonna be trying that out today kind of see how it does we're gonna play with it we're gonna shoot some different things and see how it reacts we might even mix in a little bit of dragon's breath it's gonna be a good one so come on in here a little bit closer let me show you what we got here and what they look like so this is the 12-gauge hash around now this is really a very special round but I want to start off by telling you first and foremost that this round is 660 grains which is a pretty hefty 12-gauge slug for comparison this is a 50 BMG this bullet right here is 647 grains this one's 660 so it's a little heavier now I know it's not going as fast as a 50 BMG but believe me it's going fast enough to make a difference so let me show you what's inside one of these rounds alright so aside these 12-gauge rounds this is what you have if you notice it's a really big slug and it kind of looks like a little missile there's a reason for that first thing I want to tell you if you notice these fins aren't straight they're kind of at an angle that's because when you shoot it out of a smoothbore shotgun it spins it okay and that's gonna give it a more stable flight you can use these out of a smoothbore or a rifled shotgun either way it's fine but what makes use really really exciting is if you notice the tip is hollow and there's a reason for that inside that tip goes a special binary media and when these things hit something four things happen so the first thing that happens obviously is when you fire this out of your gun it heads downrange this little impact tip if you will ignites and that starts the binary media incite here getting agitated the second thing that happens after that is remember this tip is hollow so it squishes and when it squishes it compresses that binary media and causes it to explode the third thing that happens is that this little head is going to fragment all the way around because that media is going to force it to do that the fourth thing that's going to happen is the rest of that slug is going to pass on through so that's pretty badass so I thought what we could do today is go ahead and run this stuff on some different targets and see how it performs and what it does and just for fun we've got some really nice dragon's breath here I thought we can mix in with it and we're just gonna have a blast today pun intended come on let's go hit the range so I thought what we would do to start just to kind of get a baseline before we start having some real fun I've got this loaded up with a slug okay it's a one ounce slug I'm just gonna shoot the scylla with that then after that we're gonna shoot one of the Hesh rounds out it kind of get an idea what the difference is so remember first shots going to be regular slug second one's gonna be incendiary hash ready here we go alright that was a pretty good hit we all know what slugs deal let's try that special round now I think we're gonna have a lot of fun today come on so after you know trying that round initially that's awesome I think you know this would be a great round for self-defense or hunting or even like rabbit hunting or skeet shooting blinking around but you know one other thing comes to my mind I forget the keys to my house a lot and I've seen a lot of shotguns that they used to door breach with but never with one of these let's see what that does that made a mark let's go check that out yeah it opened my door for me took the handle out blew this apart that's definitely open you can see where the round hit and just BAM spread it up and this is where the wad hit right here but that definitely definitely breached that door open with no problem look at the backside of this thing and actually what's cool you can see it there's still smoke coming out of that it blew the back handle completely off this thing I mean this thing is absolute garbage now if there's nothing really left of it that's a pretty good breach guys but how I like to breach doors is a little bit different let me show you what I had in mind come on let's see what this does now that's great let's go check that out come on so with that being done we pretty much breached this door there's really nothing left of it the frame is missing the corners missing we've got explosive projectiles flying through here finished it off with a little dragon's breath which i think is a nice touch on any finish but with that being said you're good to go nothing left for that door to keep you from moving along in fact let's move along go try something else oh hey you know guys we all have that lawnmower that's just a piece of crap you got to get rid of let's see what an explosive round will do to that thing come on alright guys so we got the lawn mower running down here I'm gonna try to hit it right in the side of the engine and let's see what these tests rounds do to it hopefully we get a clean hit and let's see if it'll stop it running there we go all you may hit a little low on that one let's try it again don't running that sounds a little bad what we must hit the nitrous button on that one let's go again it's getting interesting there we go oh I think that's it hell of a good motor best I've ever seen let's go check it out so we had a couple hits on we have like three hits on it I couldn't believe this thing was still running so right here inside here literally what this is some kind of something but I can look down in here and I see what appears to be a valve we took another hit right here but this thing was was running for a while after it took some hits but what was really cool guys did you guys see when those Hesh rounds are hitting this the big ball of fire was like boom and this thing was just not happy I mean those rounds are incredibly awesome and super super fun having a lot of fun with those things I think I'm just going to incorporate those into my home defense repertoire because if those don't do it I don't think anything will this lawnmower is done I'll be honest with you I'm not sad to see it go let's go try something else come on so we switched horse this we're gonna start using the partner pump-action here and I want to do a test here I've got this bowling pin spray painted so you notice what I'm talking about I want to hit a bowling pin with a regular slug and see what kind of damage it does and then we're gonna load up one of the Hesh rounds and hit another bowling pin and see which one does more damage sounds like a good time right let's go try so we're gonna start off with just a rifled slug let's see what this does to that bowling pin well that was a pretty good hit let's go see what happened so we had a good hit hit right hit a little high but right there you can see it just basically just made a hole right through it kind of popped out the back there nothing real spectacular pretty much what I would expect it to do let's go load it up with a hash round see what that does so now we've got the Hesh round lit it up I've got the new bowling pin marked it's the third one from the right let's hit it and see what that does thank you ticket right now looks like confetti let's go check it out we had a good hit just like the other one but look at the difference on that guys and see what's happening there it's not only do you have the penetration but when you get inside there it has that something special that just makes it pop you know which is why it looked like confetti when this thing got hit that's a pretty awesome round man I'll tell you what that would dispatch some serious crap that's a good round like it let's go try another thing all right guys we got something special on the rifle range here let's hit it with a few of these Hesh slugs and see what happens awesome remember I told you we're gonna use a little dragon's breath I wasn't kidding I feel like that's a great way to finish things up always finish with dragon's breath guys very important well guys those hash rounds are incredible I'll tell you what when you take a 660 grain slug and you sent it downrange and it hits with that report with that incendiary report so much fun a lot of fun shooting that stuff if you enjoyed this video if you got something out of it make sure to leave a comment down below I love to read the comments but that's gonna do it for this episode the gun monster guys I hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to like share and subscribe and it's always happy to we'll see you guys next time on the gun line [Music] probably gonna need to look at the fires here you're not doing that around me again holy [ __ ] well next time something's flying that's you got to get all the way [Music] [Music]
Views: 322,555
Rating: 4.8421969 out of 5
Keywords: the gunmeister, 12 gauge hesh tank round, 12 gauge dragons breath, 12 gauge shotgun shooting, exploding bullets, exploding 12 gauge slugs, exploding bullets real life, hesh tank, hesh tank round, panzer ar12 shooting, pardner pump 12 gauge, pardner pump, shooting a lawn mower, 12 gauge door breaching rounds, 12 gauge door breaching, self defense weapons, self defense, amazing, amazing gun video, the best gun channel, the most powerful 12 gauge ammo, ww2 exploding ammo
Id: RoIRomTZieI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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