ALASKA BIG GAME Caliber selection

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[Music] [Music] [Music] nice job everybody as you all probably know my name is Troy sessions I live in Alaska I hunt in Alaska and everything I love to do is Alaska based and on this series with 60-inch Club I want to go over rifle selections basically for hunting in Alaska and it doesn't have to be hard you know a lot of common sense involved here what caliber that you want to use and then keep in mind the ever-present danger of running into a grizzly bear you want to have a big enough calibre to handle the situation and make things right if the need arises and I've had plenty of needs hiked out back this bear came in from behind the tent it's all about a shot placement and if you guys get out in the field and you do a lot of shooting with your selected firearm and you can hit an 8 inch pie plate at 200 yards then you're gonna be able to be successful in Alaska I personally love the 300 Win Mag and I love the ballistic or ballistic coefficient see out to a thousand yards it is rivaled by the 700 mm out to a thousand yards but still it's got you know it's a 30 caliber bullet it's got a big knock down power and when I'm in the presence of a grizzly bear I don't feel like I need more that doesn't mean that when I'm on Kodiak Island and that 10-foot grizzly bear stands up that I don't feel a little bit inadequate then I'm gonna probably gonna be wishing they had their 338 to 375 H&H then maybe some realms would fall into that category and then you can go up from there what you're looking at with a moose is that you don't want her falling in the water deep water a little bit of water fine it makes a really nice you know a butchering job keeps the animal the meat nice and pristine and clean and up it's happened to me many times but deep water man if you ever try to pull something 14:15 1,700 pounds out of the water before what calibers have I used out in the field when it comes to hunting moose I've used the 300 Win Mag for 25 years now I'm gonna show you that gun here in a little bit it's been a really nice gun I use a 3 by 9 little poll scope on it I've owned it 25 years I've killed a ton of animals with that and I've done this while taking them with the 300 Win Mag most of my life every animal Alaska and then I've we've taken them with me and my friends have taken it with the 7mm really nice flat shooting long-distance gun as well even better I think than the 300 my personal opinion but I've had some trouble with the 7mm we've killed every animal that we've shot but they have required more shots and on one particular animal the drain of the bullet wasn't to my satisfactory it was about 160 170 grain bullet my friend's rifle he was shooting and he ended up having to shoot it more times than necessary and then butchering the animal out he didn't even break he broke the first rib and didn't even pass all the way through the animal which brings up the bullet I like to shoot a heavier grain bullet and I love to shoot a cube on long-range the abl are brand personally a partition type bullet they can really have some good knockdown power the Department of Fish and Game's substantiates those claims as well as well as the 8 inch pie plate at 200 yards and you can go onto the website and and read that for yourself but I'm just going to tell you what I've personally done and personally experienced with all the big bowls that I've taken in my life in the last 30 years and I've taken out a bunch of on its I've been really blessed in the moose hunting doll sheep grizzly bears caribou black bears realm in Alaska it's been really doing really really cool for me my buddy Kyle lamb and I and my wife Linda we've gone out with the 4570 was a really nice you know optics on that one of them was open sight when the scope sight and what a difference that made for anything up to 200 yards it's a dis just and lights out drop one shot draw up type of caliber and my wife could shoot the caliber and rifle and so good the infamous Kyle lamb of Viking tactics and also a previous retired operator special force operator you all probably know them from guns and ammo incredible rifle super good you can shoot them out the 200 range and then go in the bush after them for them up Close Encounters if need be or you're in there gutting out your moose or whatever animal you've taken down and now you want to have that gun to protect you from any bears coming in while you're processing that animal my personal opinion when it comes to shooting a moose or an animal up here except for grizzly you shoot them in the heart and lungs that animal is going to die in a hundred yards and that that that animal is yours you can track that blood trail you're going to get that ball next if you if he's heading towards deep water or if that bears heading somewhere then you can go for a one shot drop and you just drop them in this trap good for you and that also puts them out of their misery a lock which if you had a good next shot or a spineless shot to drop them so they're not going to get into an area where you can't process that animal properly so I recommend that if you've got one bow hunter in the group he brings a bowl your buddy brings a rifle you know how to shoot that rifle make sure of it go shoot together know how that rifle shoots for both of you you got your bow you got your buddy's gun those are as a backup and especially maybe even if there's a bear that shows up you got to have a rifle if you're both bow hunters bring at least one rifle and as a backup I just I highly recommend that and I'd we exercise that use before we've had big giant bull moose at 25 yards and sticks in the way could not thread that needle you know with precision so we didn't take the shot and later a moments later grabbed the 300 Win Mag and and had that bull signed the guestbook so now that we've gone over you know my favourite calibers at this point in time you need to get out in the field and shoot your gun and decide what you're gonna want to shoot and premium ammunition is a must okay get the best ammunition that you can afford for that rifle and shoot to data for your gun or sighted in at 200 yards typically it's two inches high at 100 yards data on at 200 yards that takes away the guest game guessing game out to 300 your lethal from one out to 300 within that pie plate know for most calibers so if you like what I had to say here please subscribe hit the like button if you know somebody that could really use this information and please share it with them and when you subscribe hit that bell if you want to know more because it'll notify you when I have new videos coming out tell me if you want to know more what you want to know more about I'll be happy to do the research look things up and get them for you here maybe even on the next episode and I might even include your name in it if if it's going to be a super relevant question that everybody will benefit from so again I'm Troy sessions be safe out there hunting guys [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 282,500
Rating: 4.8613863 out of 5
Keywords: Alaska big game, hunting moose, moose hunting, 60 inch club, DIY moose hunting, DIY moose hunting alaska, Do it yourself hunting, Do it yourself moose hunting, Caribou Hunting, Hunt training, Alaska caliber selections, Alaska rifle selections, big game caliber, alaska big game caliber rifles, Kyle lamb, Kyle lamb moose hunt, Marlin 45-70, 45-70 Moose kill shots, Ruger moose kill shots, Ruger alaska hunting, Ruger 300 Win Mag, Kyle lamb Marlin 45-70 moose hunt
Id: 7PhwrR-54OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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