A tribute to the 30-06

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[Music] the 3006 cartridge turned 113 years old today so I thought I'd do a quick video expressing some of my thoughts on this great classic round you know my great-grandpa hunted and fought a war with this my grandfather he also hunted and fought a war with this you know my my dad did a lot of hunting with this you know and then I started hunting with it at about the age 12 at about the age of 12 you know now my own son hunts with it so that's that's five generations using this great cartridge and countless different countries and on every continent except Antarctica every legend in the honey world for the last 100 years has nothing but praise for the 30.6 even the greatest advocate of the 270 the late great Jack O'Connor conceded that the 30.6 is a more versatile round that is favorite 270 the current guru of everything hunting craig Boddington said i'm totally convinced that the 30.6 is the best bar none absolute champion African plains game cartridge and that's saying a lot you know you need to consider one of the key things that all of these famous hunters and gun writers of yesterday and today had or have in common is that all of them were sponsored by gun and ammo manufacturers you know when they were really pimping their products you know one guy might be sponsored by Ruger and he's out one day telling you you need to shoot the 375 arooga and a another gun rider might be sponsored by Hornady and he's out there telling you you need to use the 65 Creedmoor you know or one famous gun rider out there telling everybody he needed everybody you needed to use the 270 Winchester you know they all have sponsors that pay the bills you know and they need to recommend those sponsors products in order to continue making a living but you know they have something else in common and that's that throughout their lives and sponsorships and hunting careers they all used and respected the 30.6 into the end that should tell you something if you watched my best hunting cartridges video you know that I categorized cartridges into two types versatile cartridges and specialized cartridges in reality there are very few real versatile cartridges that adequately span across several different classes of game animals but the 30.6 is usually considered by most experts to be the most versatile cartridge and for good reason the biggest mistake people make when comparing cartridges of different calibers is comparing the same bullet weights every time you see the clowns on the internet arguing over which calibers best they always compare the same bullet weights which is a mistake you see most rifle rounds perform best within a very narrow window of bullet weight and velocity this is because of a combination of case capacity bullet seating length limitations barrel twist rates you know and pressures created by any given round for instance it would be really stupid to compare 100 green bullet and 243 to 100 green bullet in 25.6 you know because very few rifles chambered in 243 are gonna stabilize that 100 grain bullet you know and every 25 hot6 rifle will easily stabilize a hundred grain bullet you know just like it'd be stupid to talk about 190 grain bullets in 308 versus 30.6 you know 190 grain bullet might not fit in the magazine of a 308 when loaded to the lands you know and you look with bullets like that you lose a lot of case capacity in the 308 and those loads become anemic ly slow you know most cartridges have a very small range of bullet weights and velocities where they perform the best you know playing with theoretical numbers outside this range is pure nonsense as you're better off just choosing another caliber altogether the 30.6 overcomes these limitations better than any cartridge ever made in my opinion you know your standard 30.6 with a 1 in 10 twist barrel you know it'll stabilize bullet weights from a hundred grains on up to 220 grains you know that's a that's a huge range of hunting opportunities that the 30.6 can cover you know also its generous powder capacity and magazine parameters make it easy to load for long modern bullets out to the lands without sacrificing velocity and optimal seating depth without question there's no cartridge as versatile as the old 30.6 it really can't beat it the rage these days is to try to convince people that smaller calibers are better than bigger calibers you know by their logic 270 is better than a 30.6 because it shoots flatter and has less recoil but I mean let's be real here if that's your logic then wouldn't a 25.6 be better than a 270 I mean and you could perpetually argue this point to where you're shooting deer with a 22 long rifle if you want to you know don't fall into this trap of circular reasoning you know we're talking about versatility here and there's nothing more versatile than a 3006 I hunt with it love to use and shoot many different cartridges but to be honest whether go into Africa or venturing out in the hills by my house to hook pigs I almost instinctively just throw the 30.6 in the rifle case before leaving the house I'm just so confident in this round after using it for 30 years then I never second-guess it as a choice you know Townsend Whelan once said the thirty-aught-six is never a mistake and I guess I just feel the same way without even consciously thinking about it the 30.6 cartridge can be safely loaded to be slow or fast you know it could shoot heavy or light bullets it can be shot out of short barrels and long barrels you know I can have a very light recoil or a moderate recoil you know it has the cheapest and most ready readily available ammunition to load and by now every rifle manufacture chambers chambers rifles for the 3006 you know for honest hunter that reloads his own ammo you're gonna have a really hard time convincing yourself that anything is going to be much better than the 3006 so happy 100 and 13th birthday thirty-aught-six you've helped save the world from tyranny and two world wars and you've proven to be the most versatile hunting around the world has ever known and you know whether you use the 30.6 or not you know you can't help but have a lot of respect for it you know the 270 tried to kill it the 300 Magnum tried to kill it the 308 tried to kill it you know the seven millimeter Remington Magnum tried to kill it yet it won't go away you know I believe that when the 30 OTT six is 200 years old most of the other cartridges will came and win and we'll still be having the same conversation about the 3006 well as always thanks for watching my video and good honey
Channel: Desert Dog Outdoors
Views: 229,384
Rating: 4.8438721 out of 5
Keywords: 30-06, thirty ot six, 30-06 history, 30 06 rifle, 30-06 loads, best hunting caliber, best round for hunting, best africa caliber, best plains game caliber, 30-06 vs, 30-06 vs 308, 30-06 vs 270, versatile rifle round, desert dog, best round of all time, best caliber
Id: flnvl4avtB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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