Hunting for GHOSTS in Roblox!

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i'm out of here what did you do with the girl boss i heard whispering i heard what's for yeah no draco get back in there [Music] you guys are going ghost hunting today don't you mean we i don't want to see another ghost well i'm ready let me go home now don't worry you guys will be fine i'll be on the radio if you need me all right everyone listen up you guys are at the roadhouse a suburban house with an acclaimed sinister uninvited guest find out if this is fact or plaques huh hoax hoax okay rainbow yourself trolling factor it's a fact you're not even here rainbow you shouldn't be nervous can we go home you are home i think it might be a hoax draco we can't get scared yet we have to figure it out grab your ghost hunting gear a video camera i'll pick that up i will take the emf reader great so i can run awake first gold i think that's for you i will take the thermometer gun because ghosts are scared of this gun right it's a thermometer sure sure no they aren't do you want to know one fun fact about the camera what okay if you see a spirit on it you should be concerned because they usually don't like being on camera okay you know what let's just go let's go let's go see i got an idea funny funny i got ideas great never done before you place the camera down i will be at this monitor watching you what no go get your butt out that's the house hey come on bye hello anyone home just a regular suburban house you guys don't worry the door is unlocked for you oh thanks rainbow homeowners yeah really appreciate you guys coming here to find the spirit for them it's quite squishy in here can someone turn on the lights in here some beautiful arts trying to find the lights i mean it's not too bad right oh thanks it's uh yeah it's not that bad ghosty jackal where are you going in the bedroom make sure you keep your eyes peeled i heard this one's violent what i'm just kidding it's just a joke haha funny i think there's something in the closet draco what are you doing boo no stay in there fail do you guys hear anything yet nope not yet a washroom this is a scary bathroom oh no no no bath curtains bath curtains are always scary bloody mary bloody mary bloody mary lunas no no no rainbow can you kick luna out of the easiest way to summon operation uh this is why i don't like taking leaves we are not trying to summon more ghost lunar we're trying to find the one that's already here fine oh a room wait do you hear that no what nope or is that a grandfather clock i hear something she only hears it because she's holding the camera oh it's a baby's room um there's a note here funny what there's a lot of notes here lost he comes at night he comes at night the window oh it's this thing uh what right there no no no no there he is no no no no no guys what time is it right now someone is it perhaps night time oh my god oh my gosh funny it is cold in here it's dropping what it was 20 degrees and now it's pointing to this time leave your camera in here camera time funny it's cold in there i don't see it in that closet it's getting colder oh maybe we should place the camera down and run oh my god we're getting readings i'm getting readings it's here he plays the camera down i'm running funny i'm booking no don't don't run don't run guys give me one second place it down it's really here wait it's right there funny it's the left are you here i'm turning on just you're making me slip my camera stop it funny come on i'm trying to get dropping it's not working the timer's on the floor no give me a second guys honey it's not the time to get the perfect angle okay i'm trying to i'm out of here [Music] guys i'm trying to place the camera down can you just you put the camera ringing off can you tell me supposed to wait for a second okay thank you hurry up gold is right beside you no it's not it's warm out here i'm staying out here can you wait i have an idea guys let's place the camera on that the little baby thing oh it's not one though it's online it's not on me sorry sorry it's not on yet i'm nervous the spirit will totally not see that it doesn't look suspicious at all not the questions actually we want to go back to the car first i think yeah we want to go back to the car and take a little break lunar we got to take a breather yeah maybe we could uh you know eat some protein sticks or something out there yeah let's just go just close the door see you following us shut the door it feels nice out here i like being outside i feel safe me too rainbow guys running we do a good job over rainbow oh i don't know let's see if you can catch this thing on camera it's all sanity saturday's still pretty good oh it's great all right let's check the camera it's really dark i don't see anything i see spirit orbs does anyone want to go in there and talk to the demon um wait luna luna hey do you guys have a spirit book luna i have this spirit book for you yeah all right give me give me all right well keep an eye on the cabs wow somebody i will see you in the cam room oh you guys does anyone gonna go with luna i will go with luna with my uv flashlight i will see the ghost okay yeah that's why we have the camera controls we are now entering wait let's see room was it again okay it's the baby room go back to the baby room golden eye will be uh watching in the truck yeah i think we'll be monitoring you you see us uh not yet we hear a lot of wind but that just might be from the truck oh yeah i see a flashlight you guys left each other oh yeah it's still here still here all right get ready wait gold hold up someone set off the car is there somebody out here together who did that go funny somebody started our car what we don't have a car oh still here it's still here don't worry don't worry it's weird it's mad funny get back on camera i'll watch this door i'll watch it here okay i'll check the camera yeah i have to make sure no gun okay draco and luna i don't nothing's happening what is your name lunar has to be alone oh no all right lunar be alone jaco let her be alone what is your name ghosty may you please tell me your name [Music] oh you're so polite it's not working maybe it's shy lunar maybe you should just go see if it writes in the body i think somebody's in background guys i think someone's in the garage too quick quit looking on the camera i think somebody's in the garage like for real funny gold you have to come check the garage with us yeah do we open it from here i don't know oh rainbow what do you think we should do i think you should stick together and you'll be fine it's just can't open it from here to you can we look inside okay anything no let's go in the house maybe if the ghost touched it i can find fingerprints with my uv flashlight oh great idea he really loves this shall we back in here it should be to the right that's where garage doors are usually what a great taste of art these people have i think it's over here guys there it is just turn it off yeah turn it off it's so noisy it's gonna everyone turn off your lights okay guys what what funny i heard a rattle i heard something maybe the heater just broke no or this picture where i think the heater just went off i mean there's notes on the fridge we can check those apparently something really creepy lives here because why would all the blinds be shut what does this say to dad i hear something in the basement stop eating my soup mom get patrol powder patrol dad pedro peter i don't know what that is is that gas it's gassy okay there's no time to talk talk about grammar um the basement okay the basement is this the basement it must be this this is yes oh no that's creepy i'm not going in i'll go first i guess funny is brave funny today whoa whoa i thought that was real they're just mannequins doesn't look like anything's down here luckily i don't think the ghost is moving i think it's just staying in that room baby oh that's great then that means we can go someone shut off the power yes it's probably nothing let's just go back no no the packers and the lights back on hello ghosty we know you're in the childhood garage we got to turn the lights back on we broke the powers you guys how about we go back there's nothing yeah no gold starts trying to go back to the truck not yet power back on hmm i don't really see anything are you perhaps bloody mary stop asking that later the door's wide open nothing's scary did it right in the book for us yet there's this really storm again okay what's this this thing's in the garage clearly oh whoa okay that was a scary photo that scared me for a bit no i don't know it's a girl covered in mud possibly possibly i don't like this i don't like this where are you funny you shouldn't be traveling by yourself well i'm scared gold i'm bad at depression going back to the baby room there's nothing written here in the baby room i don't think this goes right okay what do you do i mean if it's a baby it can't write right let's open up our journal evidence so far we have evidence of nothing i mean it turns out orbs okay we've got ghost orbs um gold did you say it was cold in here yep what's the emf level em the emf level is only four okay so that's nothing only four guys we have no clues this is a it's getting colder here though this is going to be a problem the ghost has to be in here guys try something we see those worms open the closet yeah closet closet gotcha what is your name are you what did it say in the journal that means it's a mirror it's a mirror it's not okay let me go through the book amir pure nightmare fuel mirrors are the strongest one in the dark but significantly weaker in the light evidence freezing temperatures ghost storms spirit box yeah i'm not sure yet though i think i think gold needs to go check the temperature nah dracula don't you have to check the temperature again gold you have to go look at me and luna's sanity we can't go in there again you and funny have to go check the temperature look at your society i have to look at the cameras you gotta go check the temperature with gold i will go it's me and luna's turn no funny has to catch it in 4k just in case i'm gone she could no no hey you you know one of you catch it in 4k okay thank you okay okay gold just go in there okay they sacrificed now we have to we just got it's easy yeah they didn't even sacrifice i mean sunday man they ran like babies funny yeah we're not babies yeah yeah we're not babies and we're not babies at all look at my little charm on my neck it shines so bright because you know i got a reward for catching so many ghosts oh yeah yeah yeah well left i think there's that one left all right left no this is right honey come on something just move the camera no walls gold you go first robot no what does that even mean it's getting colder you guys can't see anything i'm walking in the dark what hello is this on the youtube okay [Music] are you here gold what are you doing gold what to turn off that light why are you crawling in fatal position i was hiding why are you here i have a spirit box here for you gold isn't fatal picking up the light i didn't want that my job is thermometer gold get away from me okay ready are you here i don't see anything wait does it only work i think it only responds to maybe there's too many people here i'll drop it here you guys can use it i'm gonna go back to the truck okay thank you all right gold you ready are you here i don't see anything maybe you have to ask it a different question hello i already heard that gold oh it's beeping where are you [Music] on camera no i don't want to ask you again 3 a.m youtube video views what's your name vlog oh that's hashtag where are you gold went to the closet gold stop hiding hello who are you are you here again where did you go how do we catch it there has to be a tool right guys there's nothing say the three words are you here are you stop trolling me are you here magic words um um i guess it doesn't i had no fun saying you guys are boring how old are you yeah it's i think i think we wasted wait it's getting warmer it's going up i think it's cold it left yeah you left wait wait it's counting down again it's counting down wait it's coming back what do we do i think we just leave it's getting colder all right hi gold uh no no no no don't leave me in here honey knocking who knocks talking did you hear that hello oh i thought i thought they opened the door okay there's just window knocking just keep staying in there okay dracco you keep talking okay [Laughter] where are you because she just talked draco she's hiding yeah i'm here um i heard something no it didn't it didn't jacquel keep talking turn off your lights draco what are you doing i'm talking in this closet no no no not my closet wait i think i just saw something no outside the door i saw something glitch in between the walls like a black open the door why are you guys like a black glitch just open it yeah now ask it again tacos it outside uh do you see it in the corner wait do you see that it's getting cold draco it's in here do you guys see that i think it's on the other side of the door i can't see anything it's pitch dark in here funny where is it where are you taco don't turn on the light don't turn on the light drago oh it's four it's behind the wall get away from the camera yeah draco this is some paranormal stuff guys come on oh yeah yeah are you oh i think it's here what it's what i just see something like glitches yeah there's like oh never mind there's not something on the scene okay just keep asking just keep asking hold go back no you can't oh wait can you just hold on can you turn on this uv light at least i think it's not scary um it's so dark draco where are you [Music] where is it yeah oh i heard it luna are you trying to luna stop it stop trolling them they're already scared enough where are you wait the spirit orbs are back oh in the direction draco is are you here cold wait cold why water's running what's that sound the kitchen luna the kitchen let's go you guys should go to the kitchen guys wait i hear that i hear the tap i don't know yeah i'm oh i think the shower is running it's in the washroom it's in the washroom it's over here someone turned on the shower oh wait there's somebody behind there can you shine your uv light on it is there fingerprints on it um oh yeah look at this turn off your lighting no fingerprints turn off your light it's off maybe we should move the camera why it's not in this area okay which area isn't in like the children's room right it's warm in here it's just a baby did i move to the basement now no it's still the baby room okay now there's three contestants can you please show yourself again spirit where are you where are you can you stop breaking the window how many times they break the window the glass is very funny i don't see anything where are you there's nothing scary in this house it's just i think it is a hoax at this point i think it's a mare oh my god oh my god it's just like get out it's just like get out is it are you oh i see spirit orbs now i see a spirit or it's back it's probably because i'm in the crib isn't it so creepy i'm out it's just like get out to sleep stay in the house jacko what do you do when they say get out you stay in hell are you recording this please hit like and subscribe so we can get out of here all right gold i'm leaving you you can talk to them hey don't do that i don't have tools to defeat it it's your job ask the ghost the question are you also a girl boss too because i am white that's not funny gold you have to pick up the spirit box drop yourself gold right there the spirit box is right there near the door where draco left it oh okay it's pretty dark in here there yep oh there just pick it up cold i'm picking [Applause] what gold gold's gone draco what did you put a briefcase here well are you okay this was there you guys have a briefcase there what goalkeeper oh my goodness taco where'd you go [Music] where are you where are you get give gold back um gold turn it off bring gold back what did you do with the girl boss okay i think we clearly know what it is everyone it's a mayor i think it's time are you sure get out of this house no no we have to get we have to goals what luna bring the crucifix dropped avenge when i scared you bring back the girl boss what did you do to her she vanished wait was goldie even using the spirit box no she was she was asking if it was a girl boss and then that's what happened jaco you stay here bye-bye [Laughter] okay you can avenge gold i will avenge gold turn off the gold i gave you the wrong thing i give you the wrong thing you want this thing okay thank you jaco let me pick this wait i have too much stuff no drop some stuff okay who are you where are you hi girl boss i stop calling i can't i'm just scared hello bring back gold throw the flashlight out of your room i think that's like in the way hello i'm scared what flashlight draco right what are you doing out there nothing why don't you have to remove the flashlights fine i'll remove the flashlights the book disappeared wait what it's okay i'll take it have fun uh hello it's saying get out it's saying get out yeah no time's all right i will not leave not leaving give gold back not scared fighting to me you want to be here you baby are you here i'm so scared i'm so scared are you here the question mark where are you hello draco i think we should switch no uh do you want to talk to my bro yes is that is that a yes okay jacko you could talk to you could talk to um yeah no that was luna you stay in there hey take your flashlight out drop that give it to me no jacko is your turn get your butt in there just you better open the door and save me okay i will just tell me just tell me when you scream hey you didn't give me the spirit box it's on the floor don't worry draco open the door where are you hi my name is draco [Laughter] where are you where are you where are you where are you where are you where are you annoying where are you where are you i don't want to see you because you're annoying where are you how old are you you sound old [Music] how old are you how old are you how old are you so annoying how old are you how old are you how old are you oh hold on no no no i see it i see it funny [Applause] draco was too annoying he saw them with her old eyes and she didn't start on the license at draco being amazed it was hilarious okay it's it was a mare like we could confirm i'm just gonna leave your match how do we oh journal journal uh mayor mayor yes done let's leave how do we confirm you're supposed to get us out of here lunar let's close this there was a mirror yes it was bye bye hey guys clearly we're not good ghost hunters smashing of the windows and the stuff makes sense yeah okay [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 7,136,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox krew, roblox ghost hunting, ghost hunting, roblox blair, roblox ghost, ghost
Id: YBfsuRaE0nE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 34sec (1774 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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