Tik Toks I Watch Instead Of Sleeping

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hello friends it's me and today we're going to be watching some hand-picked tick-tock to get her nostrils professionally waxed she didn't try to do them herself and she tried to pull it out and oh no it's stuck it's stuck in there okay [Applause] the nail came off too imagine i have a big fat wad of wax in there and like probably gonna get this out when a kitty drinks too much milk oh it's so cute i just want to take it shake it harder that's me after i drank too much milk tell me why ariana grande came to my graduation oh my god there she is you're so lucky whenever i see big ponytail i see ariana grande go back five years become famous oh you're taking them both yeah yeah that's him wait five years it's really been that long he grew up so fast when you realize memes are actual people in real life [Music] was getting a snack instead it got slapped back to the tree it grew up in you know something's wrong with you when you could watch this all repeat this tick tock is a masterpiece happy star wars day everyone today is also my birthday and because it's my birthday i get to introduce you to my girlfriend happy star wars day everyone today is also my birthday and star wars day everyone today is also my birthday aura's day everyone today is also my first day and because it's my birthday everyone today is also it keeps getting better and better because it's my birthday today is also my birthday and because it's my birthday i get to introduce you to my girlfriend hey marcus you don't want to do this let her go breaking news a man is currently holding his girlfriend hostage police are outside of his home waiting negotiation term breaking news the man is currently holding his girlfriend hostage police are outside of his home waiting negotiation terms well that escalated quickly like it's crazy how it started with this dude make it a tick tock like happy star wars day with my girlfriend and then everybody just duets it and adds a vital piece of information that was not available in the original video there's a guy holding the teleprompter a masterpiece i tell you not to flux but my husband is the luckiest man because he gets the best of both worlds why i've got both bro don't show my future husband this like how are we supposed to compete with that she wasn't lying she really out here with both oh oh i have such a good idea watch this miss head smile if you're alive it's not supposed to do that it's not supposed to do that so you made the right decision not gonna enter next tuesday and fleeing the scene of the crime sorry we haven't even taken off yet what are we clapping for ah that's not clapping i don't know how this app is still free on the tv that's got him so hyped up we saw her on another video where she so rudely decided to eat a comb this way no sir i was like no you can stop you can stop at any moment now also have you wondered why nobody you know pours the milk first then the cereal because all those people are already in jail how to stop a baby from crying cheese [Music] trauma but make it delicious i mean it worked shut them up real quick might do this to your enemy render their face useless i was gonna say from farm to table what is this from hoop to soup the way he just ran right into it pop boil on medium high heat made for an excellent soup rich family check this orange they don't even gotta wear a mask y'all got coffee on tap paris right outside your window oh your very own helicopter in the living room garden with a fountain i know how much that fountain cost y'all even got your very own mr bean y'all ain't living y'all surviving she was trying to cut her dog's nails i wish the sound was edited oh my are you done sir those are sounds of pain and suffering human-like shrieks coming from a dog y'all are supposed to bark where's he learning to scream like that it's like a vocal card away from being able to talk okay i have never seen anybody actually do this where they get one of these big fat piggy banks and you know when you fill it up with change oh she took off his eyelashes so you could open that little hole in the bottom but no she full now she's getting sent straight to the slaughterhouse i should go to the hammer house pop whoa whoa oh that is a lot of money i was expecting it to be coins what is all this paper we got 20s in there bro there's an entire life savings right here that's crazy when i was a kid i could barely say about five dollars before i wanted to bust open the piggy bank and take it to the dollar store well that was a quality interaction he probably said something nasty funk did not even speak to me imma roll back into my ocean if you gonna be like that why does it have those streaks a battle long ago what battle and you only got pictures to prove it like you can't argue with that you already know it's going to be a good story that's why they call it big man mountain dreaming about the time my dad nearly ended my life with the garden hose there was a glass window and everything wait we talking wait we talking about ending lives this might get violent but no do the glass just do you know what this is little kitten just jumped into a different dimension i recorded his new alarm clock nah don't do it don't do it don't why was it so loud and it's like people do this like are guys guaranteed a fart in their sleep y'all are so confident that you could just walk up to it and get a big fat flatulence out of it i'm sorry what you want a spiderman cake yeah that shouldn't be a problem you want it hanging upside down okay okay the customer is always right way she actually is doing it how do you make an upside down cake or how you're gonna cut it you cut up pieces gonna fall to the ground or the whole thing is gonna collapse look billy spoiled them for this like yes mother i want a spiderman kick but i want it hanging upside down well i tell you that is impressive okay this is actually insane so the owner went to work and then came home to find this on surveillance camera footage so as soon as he walks out that dog gets to work it's like okay oh i rolls the mat turns on the fan what he climbed up to turn the lights off oh finally some alone time i could finally relax that ain't no dog he was a human in his past life i'm gonna make him pay rent after this oh no he cannot pick up oh he just chills there oh no my pelican did nothing wrong free him and he was just trying to feel him out yo he didn't even fit you try to go for the other guy like mind your business how can i fit this big old thing in my mouth not my throat no it ain't gonna work throwback to when men didn't know we had to peel off layers of our skin after our period yes all guys if you didn't know this this is like a once a month thing i don't know why people are just like now finding out about this girls they gotta appeal i had my second graders draw squidward i ain't number one you got me um so we got number three we got number oh we got b that's pretty good number five we got um i think the last one forgot what they were drawing the squidward at the top of this kind of look like miss puff but also like grass and a sky and a tree today okay put it in plug it in wait i know you and me was thinking the same thing that's why we're friends he read my mind before i could even say something don't say anything just like if you get it dude was in class smuggled something now he just pulled it out of the thing oh you'll forget those chewing videos how to sneak food in a class my dude took a whole entire glizzy on a stick the whole thing one bite if you are auditioning for something sir who you trying to impress [Music] [Applause] me our master's not here anymore quick fight to the death i think you're down if you've ever been to burger king burger king these are a good question better bring it down if you know a guy named steven okay put a finger down if you put my ex-boyfriend stephen in the burger king parking lot was this you i mean that's one way to get her to admit it you must choose mr bond get your nails clipped or perish in the river below perish what will it be mr bond oh no i put him in a very tough situation what will it be i give you my pal you mean shrimp politely but dogs be like anything but the water anybody just take their pet catfish for a walk when it floods outside i mean that's not something you see every day where's alicia's hash too it's another day walking my dog got this little can the other day and little homie does this every time knowing that there's no way to get down oh no kitten has not learned to cat yet bro we are on level one and you already wasting your nine lives mom couldn't i have some sweetheart since you asked so nicely what do you like on it sugar sugar on watermelon okay put sugar on their fruit oh i thought that was for me i like my watermelon with seeds anyway and i most certainly don't like my fruit with sugar that's like taking a glass of water from the ocean and then seasoning it with salt wait for it boom that's a nice car wow when i tell you that was smooth but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button the first icon below let me know which one of these was your favorite and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe during the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 16,342,814
Rating: 4.9499688 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok memes, memes
Id: ob6AOKJ35Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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