Beware The Shadowcatcher Story...

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mods old diner was struggling to stay open but then one late night three unexpected guests arrive the last hope of saving the diner lies with these guests yet there's still one problem something followed them beware the shadow our final notice okay no oh no we can't pay the bills yeah no we're going broke okay so we're two thousand dollars in debt we've had zero customers over the last three days relatable and the rent is due by the end of the week this isn't good mod what are you going to do uh oh mod you know screaming at us isn't going to make money flying together mod i'm scared hey mod i brewed some coffee for us dear do you want some that won't help okay no i don't want any coffee i want to figure out a way to keep us from losing this diner are you even listening to me of course i'm listening mods not listening i just don't understand how this happened dear so many folks used to come here to eat we couldn't even fit them all in the building whoa what happened we'd have folks outside eating folks in the parking lot just everywhere do you remember that time the mayor stopped by remember what he said he said you wouldn't let him eat in peace after that he said it was the best meal he'd ever had yes he did but the food isn't the problem here mod what's the problem first of all this place hasn't properly be cleaned in years i do my own cleaning [Laughter] i'm not going to pay someone for something i can do myself she's a she's a real queen let's go respect yeah well second of all people are afraid to walk in here because you keep the lights too dim that's true i would be scared dimming the light saves money on the electricity bill yes that what do you want that's just good business dear i mean mod has good points right guys i know i know her logic is unbreakable yeah oh is it fine let's talk about good business what is good business when you scared our last customers away when they saw you washing your clothes in the sink oh yeah that's not cool just wash it after hours this place has been in my family for generations granddaddy icarus built this diner then it went to grand daddy then it went to my mother now it's mine and if i want to do my laundry in the sink then i'll do my laundry in the sink oh my gosh it's her place right i know after the customers yeah you know they might find it disturbing i don't know i swear talking to you is like talking to a brick wall sometimes um excuse me customer i would just leave right now terribly sorry to interrupt my wife hello there daughter hi and i were just in the neighborhood when we spotted this lovely little diner may we please sit down and eat of course make yourselves at home and i'll bring you folks a menu look how smug mod looks can anyone like look at her yeah yeah she's smirking hair in the world mod wait a minute there's obviously something wrong here they don't have faces what are you talking about eyes that's a face hush samantha we serve everybody here so long as they're decent people you go mom you go mom even faceless shadow folk thank you ma'am okay mods sweet do you think they're gonna eat um they can't eat sunlight right they also disappear can we like turn on the lights so we can no longer the entire menu before we dine there's something i should mention oh no i okay bet they're gonna they're gonna not pay because they pay in shadows i think they're gonna as you can probably tell we're not from around here we come from a desolate land without light oh okay it's awful back home we like it better here is it because it's dark this is exactly right but there is a being that exists between our lands huh what does that mean he does not take kindly to those who cross over and we have drawn his hateful gaze many times on our journeys that's fine dear we can cook something for him too oh my gosh everybody she already has the coffee pot out i don't think you understand man every time we venture out we feel his watchful gaze somewhere behind us he has not been able to catch us yet but we fear what will happen if he does among ourselves we have a saying that we must not forget forget what we have beware the shadow catcher the shadows he will no doubt turn his attention towards you if you choose to let us stay is that so well then this shadow catcher can consider himself banned from mods diner wow that's so sweet how can you not support this diner yeah look they protect you we don't cater to troublemakers here mod this sounds dangerous be quiet nonsense these kind folks just want to have a nice night out they're welcome to stay here as long as they want and if they can pay right samantha would you please find out what our guests want to eat i'll be over in the kitchen just let me know what i need to start cooking dear mom are you gonna take your hair curlers out do you feel like the shadow people are evil i feel like they're evil i wonder what they want yeah but i don't like to set off not one bit thank you very much miss you heard nothing please be sure to keep watch for him or else he will no doubt come to the door in search of us ooh what does he look like when he does you must stay hidden somewhere that is not visible from the doorway wait i think he's giving us right now remember this guys remember this shadow in the doorway got it okay if he thinks that no one is here he will most likely decide to leave got it stay away from doors easy now what would you like to order shadow family family their shadows because one shadow pancake perhaps shadow juice it is our tradition to never directly speak to the name of what we wish to eat no it is bad luck to do so oh no hopefully serving us will not be too much of a hassle for you oh they're so sweet now ben could you please bring a sandwich dish for me i don't think i want any pasta and i don't want any dishes that contains porno thank you uh can someone remember that so that means she wants pork and she doesn't want a sandwich right she wants she wants pasta okay well she wants a pasta a portion she ordered pretty complicated let's see what the kid wants i'm kidding write this down what you want something easy mine i'm not supposed to tell you what i want to eat mama and papa have silly traditions i don't get it so i want something with eggs in it please and i don't want any dishes that are mostly red you love it got it and i want a dish with meat in it a vegetarian meal meat a red vegetarian meal no meat okay no eggs um sir our family has a rather strange tradition when ordering food oh no way i hope you don't mind too much with that said i would like a dish that contains vegetables as an ingredient please ah got that write that down health just kidding no veggies but i don't want any sandwiches all right bread hater got it pasta like your life like your wife i also don't want any pasta all right hates okay hates everything got it okay a sandwich with no veggies don't overwork yourself dear it's one table take a break if you need to i'm fine mod you worry too much sometimes we just need to finish these orders and we could both go home oh oh wait what we need fresh cookies no no no you didn't hide in time what we took oh my gosh what is he doing oh [Music] we didn't even get to cook yet and we were writing down the recipes mod was never seen again a heartbroken samantha was devastated after the loss of her beloved friend mod was cool she was consumed by guilt blaming herself for not preventing mod from allowing the shadows in if she had only stepped in and said no then the shadow catcher would have never arrived in the first place she tried to manage the diner without mods help but was sadly unsuccessful after losing both her friend and the diner samantha was forced to leave the town in search of work she never looked back well that's a sex okay so we have to serve these shadows super fast we restarted the game and have figured out that you could switch between characters by pressing tab look we are now mod oh now we are now why didn't we now let's take the order properly and listen we're gonna go take your order and you're gonna tell us exactly what you want and this time you want mac and cheese sandwich red pepper ham omelette you would like a veggie lasagna thank you straight forward okay speed run we got mac and cheese hopefully the person doesn't barge through the door grab a bottle of water speedy fill that up drop it run run hide that's right shadow man there's soup boiling but you don't see that right yeah this is totally empty not functioning okay we have to cook fast now mac and cheese let's put sandwich buns on the plate now let's take that to the pot right oh my gosh it's so squishy let's go grab that mac and cheese got it yes all right okay let's make the third item in a second red peppers mods good at cooking this actually looks good oh the pepper seasoning right here there oh there you go you're just trying to make it a mess all right all right and the third item is a veggie lasagna filling it up put it here put some lasagna noodles in just gotta wait for it to boil paint right here to the corner of the fridge run run run sam are you catching this unfortunately look at that red pasta sauce and chopped vegetables red pasta sauce oh that's it and she just cleaned up vegetables shredded veggies um hmm right there guys i have a feeling i know why her restaurants all these dishes done hey what are you trying to say what guys she didn't even cook the pasta okay but like let's wait a bit let's wait for the shadow man no it looks fresh you guys the baby cheese yeah secret recipe okay good he doesn't see us arguing in the window you're not gonna eat it all right bye dad you want mac and cheese here you go here you go i think we have to hide enjoy yeah we have to hide thank you miss [Music] is it good because that's what you actually like mr shadow [Music] that's a smile that was one of the best meals i've ever had oh gosh absolutely wonderful thank you very much miss thank you oh 222 dollars that's a lot of tips mr shadow's rich huh that's a 200 tip that's right mud red pepper omelette for the kick um yeah little shadow wow this looks great oh wait is she gonna give us a good tip too but she's a kid oh yeah she doesn't tip that's okay her parents okay hey good tip happy smile yes amazing that was so good what another 200 tip one more thing here you go oh how grand enjoy your meal bon appetit i'm sure she'll enjoy it because that's right yeah you said it dear lord in heaven that was wonderful coming here was the best decision we've made yet you guys are just like the best customers okay back to the back of the kitchen six hundred and eighty dollars jacko shh they just tipped us well we have to be yeah thank you so much for the wonderful meal yes we've had a pleasant night out thanks to you now tell the nice lady thank you honey thank you i do believe we found ourselves a new favorite restaurant to visit no thanks and you're our favorite customer we most certainly will return tomorrow we have night for our sake pray we do not fall victim to the shadow catcher before then is that it do we beat it i think it is yeah i think so we serve them again tomorrow oh i think we serve them tomorrow continue no begin the second night are you it has not oh it's okay we got the hang of it but yeah yeah we got it more bills oh okay so we're actually starting to turn a profit now all thanks to our little shadowy friends they might be a bit weird but now they're the only thing keeping this diner afloat we need to make sure to keep getting those orders right we don't want to lose our best customers right mod nope mod um hey what is she doing whoa what are you doing mine i brewed another pot of coffee for us dear do you want some come on no enough with the coffee i told you i don't drink that stuff but you're going to need your energy dear our new friend should be here soon yeah yeah i got it don't worry about me thanks mod you got to take stuff a little more hello hi we have returned hello again did you miss us oh hello go ahead sit on down folks we'll be right over thank you man what a sweet shadow family this oh how wonderful it is to see you again we are truly grateful for your hospitality truly now then would you please bring for me the bacon and eggs got it coming right up how about you kiddo hiya i want some seasoned steak and vegetables peas wonderful taste polite and mr shadow it's good to see you both again here's to hoping the night goes smoothly for us all why do you keep saying that with that said i would like the pancakes please okay easy enough got it and we're gonna take a peek out the door no can i just say that this is the best family i don't want anything to ever happen to them we got all of our ingredients out we're just going to put the pancakes on the grill beautiful mm-hmm having an efficient kitchen butter plate them up then you got to put on the butter and the syrup watch this butter oh look at that put it in the plate add cake seasoning add chopped veggies some seasoning and veggies one bacon bacon two eggs oh my gosh this is a huge mess two eggs one egg and another two oh and a plate one two three done drop serve easy let's go bacon and eggs for the mom for you oh how grand enjoy are they going to tip us more now do you like it yes all right she's saying the same stuff still a good tip seasoned steak and veggies for you kid looks great wow looks great thing i wonder if they like it yeah okay one more one right here no no no no no no no no we got this sir give us our ding because there's no way we wouldn't uh solve this on easy mode i think that's too complicated also next time could you please not drop it you didn't see that how how did you know how did they know we didn't we didn't drop it off all right no we didn't do that i don't remember the food was absolutely amazing tonight thank you both so much thanks to you we've been able to enjoy our night out this place is the best we must return again soon uh no he's not good until next time friends i think mr shadow's gonna start being more angry to us no he's not just just don't drop his food i swear we didn't i swear it would be angry too it was in a container it was in the container begin the final line final oh what do they mean we're ready i don't know if we're ready okay so we've actually paid off the bills for once yeah this is insane i mean just a few nights ago we were about to lose the diner and now look at that either you're really doing a great job here mod like really mod yeah although there's no coffee machine down there i made some more coffee too would you like something fine but only if you promise to stop asking me every night oh hold that bad dear our friends have come back [Music] as promised we have returned this is our final night in town and we're glad to spend it here yeah oh isn't that just nice go ahead and make yourselves at home we'll be over soon you guys you know that saying some things are too good to be true to be true okay i don't know i'm kind of obsessed with this family we'll ask what the kid wants first mama and papa say we can't come back again tomorrow night why because the shadow catcher is getting too close i think or was there something about him finding another way in what excuse me what did you say what excuse me give us a hint i want some seasoned steak and vegetables please all right guys the dad is shadow catcher bet no as my wife already said this is our last night here my friend it is too dangerous for us to stay any longer than this last night i can sense the shadow catcher looking for another way in with that said i would like the pancakes please it's the same orders coming up for you we must not stay in this place for much longer the shadow catcher is beginning to get restless i fear he may find a new way to try to catch us now then would you please bring for me a burger guys i have a feeling i think the shadow catcher already took over that family i don't think it's the same family what oh whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm making pancakes on the floor what where did you come from we have to move them we have to move them now great we're hiding from the shadow catcher okay god don't make a noise we're not gonna crouch no no no stay there don't peek don't be honestly i know why the tip is immaculate because this yeah this is evil okay okay all right go grab the plane we got one two we got two dishes now put spaghetti sauce on it and it's done spaghetti sauce pasta done nice bring them closer we we work so hard you count the center come on before okay you know what no wait wait wait wait wait for the door i think we should wait just wait behind the fridge it's the safest place this is the safest place here how's your day mod mod literally you want coffee yeah mom we don't want your stupid coffee okay how many times i got to tell you my shut up i'm just kidding okay we stopped this is what happened we've been here for too long i know do we swear oh wait oh oh you're smart okay okay it's gonna keep repeating okay now he's gonna go in the kitchen so we can go put all the dishes in the front and run yeah sure yes yeah yeah grab these bacon and eggs and serve them go go go who wanted the bacon eggs the girl bacon and eggs for the little girl what's up enjoy your last meal wow wow this looks great delicious delicious this is so stressful yes it's the last day are you gonna keep us more by the way mama and papa say not to eat food that's been on the ground so [Music] too bad sorry guys my gosh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry you're serving on the floor we usually don't serve it on the floor oh how grand right are you gonna say something about how i was on the floor but they're still happy dear lord heaven that was wonderful coming here was the best decision we've made yet and for future reference i would not have my food dropped on the floor okay fine they're all so polite it's okay at least they're polite about it and yeah this time we're admitting that we did it yeah so it is our best for a good purpose but last time i swear i didn't drop it maybe i did because i knew enjoy mr shadow service with a smile yep and don't complain yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if there is a next time you will not drop it on the floor but thank you for the epic tip for three nights we have visited this place and for three nights you have obliged us and fed us yes we really appreciate it but we have overstayed our time in this world it is time for us to return home aw until next time friends we're gonna miss you bye-bye that's it you guys are the best family shadows were never seen again and just like that shadows had left mod and samantha waited for them to return the next night but they did not nor did they return the night after that guys or the shadow catcher got them thanks to the generosity of the shadows mod was able to keep her diner open and for the first time in a very long time the bills were all paid in full mod continued on happily working away behind the counter sam continued on waiting tables while also trying to keep mod out of trouble but then one night what do you mean shadow's return oh the family came back oh oh it's a happy ending yes who we simply had to come back to this wonderful little diner of yours they're literally like the only customers oh yeah and we brought friends uh oh oh are you serious oh that's an actual happy ending whoa oh how nice i'll go fire up the grill what we actually got a good ending from that night onwards mods diner once again became the most popular restaurant in town with the shadows as their main customers salmon mod never had a struggle to pay a bill ever again but what of the shadow catcher you asked yeah well he eventually had a change of heart huh oh well works at mob's diner helping submit the weight table wait what this is okay an actual happy ending for once bravo applaud okay [Music] and that concludes the story of beware of the shadow catcher if you enjoyed smash like and don't forget to subscribe if you're new thank you so much for watching we are crew and we'll see you all in the next one oh wait do you want coffee no actually yes [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,696,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, beware the shadowcatcher, beware the shadow catcher gameplay, beware the shadowcatcher full game, beware the shadowcatcher itsfunneh, beware the shadowcatcher funneh, beware the shadowcatcher krew, beware the shadow catcher, beware the shadowcatcher all endings, itsfunneh beware the shadowcatcher, funneh beware the shadowcatcher, krew beware the shadowcatcher, the man from the window, story
Id: EXj-DqFl4VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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