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taking it I call top bunk Oh what was that what happened the windows are clear eyes never stop she disappeared [Music] guys I can't believe our bus crash I know I can't see that it crash it's because we saw a tall creature what kind of creature but let's just not talk about it and can we just fix the bus you got to repair the sheriff's car Oh guys we have 14 minutes to repair let's go okay how are we gonna repair the car speed limit was 40 but yet we still ran into that pole yep oh yeah something appeared in front of us so we crashed what are you the sheriff it's dead I think we just got to explore guys okay oh there's a house over there go to it um it's a house in the middle of nowhere guys so well it's probably gonna have supplies well rainbow we need to get supplies so we can fix the sheriff car then a mushroom be quick to enter the house the sheriff house is locked you'll need something to break it oh this is cool nah this is a real Explorer story looks like some old clothes mmm guys come on let's find a glow in here this is a old boat trailer can we break through the back a sturdy screen door okay good job did you find anything to break the window is ya know boil it with our fish I collected a totally we need that a bucket nine totems found okay over here guys there's something there's a crowbar oh good job lunar nice thank you I have found a crowbar while lunar found it and now it's time to break the sheriff's house you think it's food cereal a whole sorry I'm hungry this is his house it's a mess start looting he's dead anyways oh nice we found a full kit okay can we hurry up I don't know I don't want to know what happens when the time there's keys over here and a sponge I found gas grab everything you can just keep looting I keep looking check the fridge clogged Oh a camera I don't think we need a camera though what's over here nothing in this office anything in the kitchen no his fridge is empty I think that's everything could we take a sponge before you should leave why is this candle been lit recently do the sheriff just die that's weird relief no he's been dead for a while he's a skeleton arm you know what let's uh let's get out of here come on guys back to the car we have all the tools just fix it nice hop in everyone don't leave anyone behind oh wait is there only that we're seats in here no everyone can fit okay just go oh oh this game is sick come on guys let's get out of here I really hope it's a pretty slow drive but we're gonna speed this up run dry faster the sounds of the sirens in the distance became more and more clear is something watching us we shrug it off and settle in for a long drive after tireless hours of driving we arrive at a big field with a large hill within the center a watchtower sits upon it overlooking multiple abandoned buildings or maybe we can find a phone or something to contact the authorities and get us out of here let's go guys I'm scared it's getting dark where we're going can we just keep driving and never stop FLW Seven Devils enjoy your stay no thanks can we just keep driving is this like a tourist town of creepiness I don't like this town but you see the guys I'm scared please please it's okay we have dolly to help us you really had to bring your creepy when did you get dolly why would you take that thing is more creepy than the thing out there she she helps me tells us like she tells us the way you know where we should go oh I'm getting pretty sleepy go to the zoo I should have a fire tower to sleep guys keep an eye out for stuff oh look it's a sodding but there's something eerie Oh a washroom Oh washroom this is important I don't wash him back the port-a-potty reporte party dracco do you need a go you're gonna be annoying later yes don't leave me let the guy up head catch you Simon's gonna come get you hey that's not funny I'm going up think lit these candles dolly like the sheriff the watchtower person who is on the watchtower clearly we climb up this yeah okay is there anything up here food they said there's gonna be weapon Oh what's down there but oh here pencils just sign office supplies well flashlight useful over here okay job guys pick these up these are helpful I can't read any of this does it look like there's way to contact anyone around here all the power is out oh we gotta go turn on the power the fancy watchtower find the watchtowers generator we have to fix it he's going down again grab a light we're all going okay family sticks together that's why Drago must go down first choco can you slow down bro I see wires names of people missing up there on a sticky note come on don't stay too far alright rainbow if we don't figure something out we are gonna become missing choco that's not funny what's over there I don't know do you think we should go stand on that billboard oh god something yes that's a totem oh I just I just let off my gun I think that's a totem I don't know what it I'm trying to click it it somewhere stand on it alright totem for she follows nope no I'm like whoever that is to follow me thank you very much my generator would be close to the watchtower is it a dumb idea to split up no yeah well if we don't slit up we'll never find a generator I feel like we'll get like faster ground I'll check this way I'm gonna go check around the watchtower I found something guys over here what is it oh look I made a brandable cross what's this oh there's a mine down there I think oh do we jump I don't think so no no what's that I think over there is a generator or totem no I don't think I should grab that cuz I want yet not yet let's keep it down I got a right here to get back up oh we've all got it is this for the generator the generator a baby good job maybe I put the wire in cake come on work oh she's repairing it's working nice yes we can go over our book good job go up go up let's go whoa one at a time people where do you get me up said it doesn't seem too cold as abroad maybe if we had any our we have to do her what does it mean the generator was found looks like some missing parts let's fix it in the morning no no no fix it now jack oh no no it's making us a call top bunk Oh the windows are black rise something's knocking down the tower get that as we go get out get out you're gonna die no we have to repair the generator okay we have to get out oh wow oh shoot the siren siren where is it distracted where siren sorry I ran guys you gotta go down to repair that we gotta go down apparently the siren is 40 feet tall compared to a 10-foot Bigfoot we're funny you gotta go down we gotta find the parts to repair the generator we don't have time fine let's go guys there is I don't want to see it I hear something I hear me wow they sound beautiful it's screaming come on maybe we go to that fallen over pole that we couldn't go to before Christ let's go hurry up we're missing people come on crew that rainbow you're somethin somethin don't see it Drago right here are you right let's go just run just run always knocking down the tower oh I see it yeah it looks like some sort of a bell tower kinda looks like pizza nice pizza I shot it whoa hey freak oh oh oh oh oh my gosh really touch huge oh we can just throw it maybe we can just kill it revive don't die over your dad yeah my ending what do you mean we killed it it's over right oh it's not a bad thing I think we got the bad ending why I still alive then why aren't you dead me bucko I'm dying goodbye cruel world guys why is it standing up it's it's it's health is regenerating Oh No do you see that you have to repair the generator again that's how we leave today it's over for us oh no guys I'm gonna head out of here Wow how are you gonna head out funny just gonna run out of here don't leave me here you guys I found a small cabin oh hello Ben Jude Raghu and gold Ranger riflescope wait I don't even want to touch this what is this my backpacks full I found a wire going on wrapping a generator lunar I think we could repair the generator I got a few rainbow my bag the siren head let's just go it went night-night okay let's go come on lunar come on let's put the fuse in take this take this we still need more fuses come on lunar we need boom-boom we need more stuff yep man I wish go to Jack we're alive siren he jumped on me I know grabbing the other fuse and that's it there's nothing left in this cabin so we have all the fuses guys light bulb I think I found something it's Robin's housing I'm not sure if it's like a facility take their light bulbs okay yeah be my Abbi storage locker what's this it's a lantern get it how do I get in I like you going through here it says he follows you obey my and follows you obey oh my gosh no I just saw something really creepy okay that scared me haha funny game this game so funny I'm crying I explored this entire building for nothing just for jump-scare so I could cry they're not really jump-scare like frozen statue guys I think I found an abandoned garage Oh rainbows here people anything here I see a fuse but I already have the last fuse we need wires and light so if you see wires and lights grab them why is there so many fuses I don't need fuses great now my backpacks full of fuses good too um guys I don't I don't want to play this I think I'm at an asylum Oh No somebody in it dude my screen is glitching I'm so scared maybe maybe this game was too much for us to handle don't give up now buddy it's sunrise we can see oh man you know you don't understand raccoon gold or dead oh I found something no please there's an elevator I ate ha ha I want to be here with people I don't want to be here but my style you're the one who said to split up okay I'm Walt bebo I know come on we have to avenge them in here grab this and then you have to go down right here you have to come down with me I'm scared oh no no no no yeah I know yeah I know elevators right there we can leave why would you wanna throw hello oh look there's more stuff down here rainbow there's a white ball I can grab it yes okay oh there's another wire oh we need that wire she disappeared there's so much stuff in the asylum I'm scared no not let's believe let's leave let's leave let's leave let's leave let's leave you can't we need it we have to come back here oh my stop looking at don't look at her baby if you don't look at her bad guys make sure to smash the like button and subscribe if you also are spooked like me or you're laughing at me because I'm spooked this is actually a very creepy game I don't like the eerie music I don't like it how siren head keeps chasing us Nora where are you I'm coming I know we killed sign here but I'm still scared okay sooner hurry up we've been in this game for like 30 minutes already in the Sun and I still haven't been avenged I will go my advantage after this night why did I buy the dr. game pass if you're not alive I know lunar come on go get revived the stairs use those legs put him in put them in it was the lungs of Dali yeah all the parts have been found do it yeah you're almost there pewter press the computer press the computer god the phone yeah the computer yeah there's no the power generator or something contacted they're on their way yes take me away Wow we've been saying the good ending Hey how peaceful well that was not pleasant yeah where's their boss on the side of the road don't we have people in there [Music] but what about the bus oh that's just us the siren the siren scuzz the farmer wasn't technically dead the siren was still alive it was just twitching on the floor are we gonna get a jump scare chapter one finding a safe road home there's four ng that's insane [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,799,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, roblox funny, roblox funny moments, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox funnehcake, roblox murder mystery, roblox murder, roblox survive the killers, roblox custom map, roblox siren head, siren head, roblox siren head game, cult of cryptids, roblox cult of cryptids, itsfunneh siren head, funneh siren head, siren head roblox
Id: 2gSYr0RAitM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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