Trapped in Granny's Mansion! Hide N' Seek Propnight!

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wow granny what razor sharp teeth you have yes for eating all of the children I mean cookies what big eyes you have yes to look at like beautiful grandchildren I like the terrifying features you have [Music] gold why did you say that I'm sorry she looks so scared Loki looks very terrifying she literally is the demon in my nightmare okay well let's go before we get sleep paralysis go go go go go yo I'll fix this one you might not want to see her I'm scary please [Applause] [Music] why are you doing that to your granny [Music] for coming to visit sweetle Grandma so come back we were oh no no no no no rainbow rainbow that's it I choose sofa and I jump on this pad [Music] okay okay you know what you know what this was white rude I invite you into my home for a holiday feast and this is how you treat me yeah everyone she's tapping downstairs so we can't really Escape go go split yo Summers up that door squid old grams two-day delivery Prime no it's a cookie cookies yeah it's actually cookies I got some in the kitchen anyone wants them yeah no you can go there by yourself she's trying to find us guys lunar got it upstairs to escape plan no just fix all the problems smell the stench of children in my house uh-huh you can that's very rude of you John of little hooligans come here PopCap s oh no you guys where are you I'm gonna put her in the washroom and don't you worry I'm gonna protect her she'll be nice okay yeah protect her someone get gold yeah she kind of smelt bad so I had to you know she's got to take a bath please look at yourself rolling out to save gold deserve another one for that where's the upstairs oh it looks I found another one of your friends don't worry gold I'm a cabbage I'm gonna come see that rainbow cabbage yeah maybe I'm uh maybe I'm a cat don't you know I'm uh yeah always a cabbage here just try just so flies in this house let's go oh my gosh wow granny what's in your bed what is that wait what is that oh that's that's just a decoy don't worry that rainbow is that a person I think rainbow it's my friend oh uh nephew niece probably my friend it's my friend don't worry about my friend just worry about yourselves children [Laughter] this way see you later rainbow la la la la la la la la la la la so where did you get that what you eating for dinner what you eating for dinner rainbow is the floor [Music] um like fried chicken no I said roast chicken I said floor chicken there's no chair in my vicinity I would have I would have bounced you with a chair there's a chair oh sorry cool what are you doing it's really that's your survival Instinct it's fine we're gonna finish fixing this okay okay Draco um where is she she's farting this is farting downstairs rainbow what are you doing down there oh my God somewhere nice here cool why do you keep freaking out and turning into a couch this is not I'll protect you all hold she's coming she's coming no she isn't she keeps camping okay she's my favorite grandchild okay I'll go get her all right child um rainbow time for you to get some dinner because she's camping we have to save lunar for 75 seconds easy and here's another one I read I don't have her I don't know where she is someone get her we're just gonna die in 60 Seconds come on okay uh no one's gonna say Oh you mean get lunar yeah don't worry I'm on it easy lunar lunar went into the wrong house and messed with the wrong grandma I think I'm saying for dinner run wait a minute ooh drumsticks I love drumsticks let me just put this one in the oven real quick let me go away oh my gosh rainbow you appear evil rainbow I'm evil I'm evil please I am evil thank you you should just throw something rainbow where is she I think it's time for you to go to the oven yeah all right we don't know what any more aggression from you rainbow she's downstairs she's downstairs go do stuff upstairs quiet come on I'm gonna fix this aren't you see you later oh you're so annoying because you're stupid Beret I'm gonna die oh lunar thank you for the energy drink by the way it's great it's very good she never learns she never learns she doesn't learn she just doesn't learn this one right here please this one doesn't learn I could help you get a new dress if you need one I don't need any dress gold I don't take yours tell me you're gonna die again oh um oh give me this give me this guys I'm full what do I do or use it can we get this all right protects against the killer oh I'm good oh wait and you don't need to heal come on let's just fix something why are all these machines I'm a grandma yeah no um rainbow don't do that I am the best and I just wanted you to come look how fast I am so I could read you a book you know rainbow I'm gonna turn into your worst nightmare if you keep changing you like stories I know ready so far [Laughter] chicken chicken I'm your favorite rainbow I wouldn't want a chicken dinner yeah you guys think you're so funny until you have five minutes left to escape we have to escape we're upstairs we have to do something what she's gonna kill us we have to oh oh she's angry I just heard angry noises fast oh my gosh he's downstairs she walked over me rivet oh guys guys stop whining Draco [Music] oh it's fine it's fine no please grandma please she's upstairs it makes you look stupid do I look like a nice Grandma to you huh look at my where are you guys you have to look at my face gold let's go save Draco you first off got it brownie might be guarded I want you to stare into my eyes Grandma come on we can escape first just walking around okay don't worry all right your favorite soda is Gonna Save you she's still camping me get the door you better run funny yeah children children oh hello what happened to my football helmet um hi you like you like whoa okay okay that's it here we go oh thank God that's so fast healing in front of the door I don't care I'm after one person and one person I need her help rainbow I'm gonna store myself I don't care I what honey what could you possibly want thank you thank you thank you yo we can leave we can leave no no no no no no I opened one door [Applause] I need some help I was asking you earlier what you better not step close to me rainbow yeah my question was can you do my nails for me oh your nails yeah oh goodbye granny wait a minute the soccer is such a show-off I want items really dude you're gonna die it's not the time I'm gonna take this Coca-Cola before I leave granny you can't drink it I need help right now Jack was just being rude but that's my last Cola Draco she's going invisible on you well granny is slow that's my last Cola Draco wow Granny's is slow laughs no more Mister did I hit something wait chocolate no oh my God my children all left me sorry granny sorry not sorry my dentures seem to have misplaced them in my mouth no I think I think they're they're definitely there Greg yeah you know what happens to Liars fighting people no [Music] no okay let's go let's do this rainbow you look so cool is that a legendary skin I'm jealous epic skin yeah I got a rare okay let's show it off I gotta show it off to Grandma's go find Grandma I don't think she'll like your epic epic outfit a bunch of thingies Grandma you want to go traveling oh nice distraction okay good job good job keep doing it no no I was jumped I was dumb grandma no it's too late should we save rainbow because she was just you know flexing her legendary well it's kind of purple I know let's finish this video I really deserve it cheers okay someone got it [Music] oh oh oh oh oh oh snap I hate cars this machine is almost done and no granny inside traffic long enough I hate you lunars is safe now pretty happy jack was placing a bunch of knives okay don't worry I'll break through I got you Luna wow placing another night his mannequin look in there I'll save you [Laughter] oh you fall apart I'm scared oh you broken mannequin let me fix you you like chicken I love chicken well oh no I gotta be a cabbage I gotta be a cabbage you want to be a cabbage which cabbage is it don't you know she's a it's cabbage it's dead it's dead stop the meme well oh my gosh or maybe this cabbage you guys okay that's it don't worry I got you hey I heard this game it's so fun sucker good job okay gold where'd you go oh my gosh granny I have new Dentures for you please let me go I don't need new Dentures you know why how dare you insult my dentist granny [Applause] she's invisible running around did anyone tell you it's rude to ignore people yeah didn't anyone tell you to respect your elders yes careful careful rainbow come on I'm trying maybe I'm a chicken it's invisible visible Granny's invisible you guys where did you go what do we do go to and die oh my gosh we're gonna lose this round oh okay Granny's a cabin here she's a cabbage this round come get me hurry I was just trying to give you your package grandma no let's get out guys we need one more hair no [Music] great why did you put it so far right why would you have to sit in the closest chair that's your fault and well technically is your fault all right shut this I need something from the box pretty good break the machines break them [Music] what the machine oh gosh oh my gosh he's outside invisible grandma has Max Powers Rainbow's gonna die where are you children nowhere in your mom's house you mean your grandma's house oh yeah your grandma's house oh my gosh gold why gold gold ready watch watch follow me I think it's safe watch this one two oh rainbow No One's Gonna say rainbow okay Luna's screaming no rainbow 's gone oh you guys are so slow wow he literally watched me die he peeked and he was like he's almost dead and then I'm dead oh no Draco I just went on to the mission I want some delicious roast chicken wow the chicken's not good so come on chicken this is not good because Draco made it three two one me ow guys from running out I'm scared keep distracting granny almost done oh my gosh oh my gosh where are you good job gold lunar I'll tell you when it's not safe you got it okay Luna I don't see anyone Luna run Luna run take a seat just take a seat calm down my seat these chairs you gotta be afraid whatever I'm breaking your machine oh that's really stupid that was really stupid the machine that took us forever please I hate it I need more money chairs [Laughter] where's your last life going thank you gold gold it's okay when in doubt your chair your chair yeah okay granny hates chairs Draco You Gotta Lose is over for you yeah shoot no chairs in my house no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on come on wait who's alive it's just not Luna's dad oh my gosh lunar gold I'm downstairs [Applause] I can just keep my distance and throw knives at you you big chair the Invincible Channel gold did something r funny I don't know why are you barking break I'm going [Music] to catch this money no one's near a machine right now Gold's got your machine where's grams Gold's getting your machine where is Graham this is the question sofa up come on no chairs gold how many lives do you have left okay it's fine okay thank you no chocolate is be quiet okay chairs right there oh terrible chairs come on no no Draco [Music] chocolate see you she knows he knows oh hello and sofa so much you gotta you gotta grab the splash potion it'll kill him I can't grab it I'm really weird the exit door you're too late come on you need to escape and get the W for all of us don't worry I'll get it I'll get it okay but Jack was kind of chasing me I don't know what to do oh I'm scared okay Draco can we make a truce yeah no please the reason why you should let me escape is because I never made fun of your dentures that was very nice yeah I was very nice to you so why would you hurt me I mean why can't I Rani do you like juice not your juice okay great that's great no she knows she looks so she's gonna kill me he's coming back she's coming back jackal Ring Around the Rosie a little Pepsi for me sorry I'm a Coca-Cola what why did you like Coca-Cola wouldn't you like Coca-Cola tell me tell me do you wiggle too much I need a rest of my arms okay [Laughter] Forever YouTube guide and that's why you don't make fun of my dentist we could have won if it wasn't under all your knives you placed around the map and Grandma all right metal and Grandma take it [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,150,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, propnight, prop hunt, hide and seek, hide n' seek, prop hunt hide and seek, prop hunt hide & seek, prop night, propnight itsfunneh, propnight funneh, propnight krew, propnight funny moments, propnight funny, propnight gameplay, propnight multiplayer, propnight game, hide n' seek prop hunt, hide n' seek funny, hide n' seek funny moments, hide and seek funny, hide and seek funny moments
Id: MeN7dF9iGrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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