The WORST Baby in Who's Your Daddy!

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ah i am the best babysitter in the whole world hey gold i left something in the pool for you ew what is that gold what are you talking about it's draco food it's alive it's a lie i'm not a poo i'm a plant how dare you i'm the cutest baby in the whole wide world i'm unstoppable any day now draco i mean dracula you can't catch me i'm a sports car uh jacko are you are you okay why would you leave a baby outside in the rain you know rainbow that's isn't that bad hey guys wanna hop in my ride i got new rims come on stop trying to be cool but you guys don't want to participate do you no we are the propeller hats gang we do not listen to [ __ ] yeah let's go yeah we're going to decide i'll see about that okay um okay stop looking at it i'm not gonna go easy on you this time hello draco hello go oh again hello i'm not a poo i'm a seedling oh i'm angry i need sun it's night time it's always night time in this house wait choco do you think you turn to turnip juice go go go uh no give me water water me uh jacko's taking him back that's a cake a lot of bats because you know he's a little um okay now put me in the pot and cook me i want to turn into turnips or maybe fried up all right jack i got the cooking oil no no no there's no turnip soup okay you know what's good turn up cakes hey yeah [Laughter] hey i want to be crispy no you cannot be crispy hey i hate good luck i'm a good baby i'm a good baby i turn off see yeah why are you feeding me fruit i'm not even poisoned yet hey open that oven there's no point go go go go go catch up ketchup okay welcome to the baby's cooking show today we are cooking turnips all right put some ketchup on nana guys i think she's safety plugged it's not working yeah oh goldie i'm so boring get out jack what's going on i've closed everything child block is all oh there's smell what's in here no no no um [Laughter] we always go to the washroom let's go to the kitchen out come on this way you let me put it in the kitchen to the kitchen to the living room go go go he's having everywhere right now i can't control myself [Music] this is the most disgusting part of this game ah poop is there anything in here for us no nothing in these drawers there hey there's mommy's milk who wants it i want mommy's milk well that doesn't work wait does he heal you mommy's milking i don't take it where is it i'm not drinking it someone's drinking i'm drinking it talk to me if it's good [Music] where are you guys oh here you are here take this mommy's milk it'll save you i can't move um thank you for the glass gold is delicious ouch stop shooting me here help me she keeps feeding me vegetables i can't eat vegetables hey gold gold he's allergic to vegetables don't you know that i'm a vegetable i don't work here you guys we're not dead yet and there's 16 seconds let him make it go on we have to blow up everyone get in the vent go go look at the walls go go go go blow up hurry events come on so slippery out here guys hurry up come on no no too slow i can't ride everyone you took a giant after that one i told you i'm the best dad in the world nah we were going easy on yeah that was just a practice round that was a practice round gold right babies let's see about that nice since you're such a great guy okay we don't need baby food wait baby i'm just kidding gold i have a piece of art for you can you head to the living room i'm coming go see what's in my hand do you see this you see that are you gonna say gold is the best yeah that is so cute hey are you stealing my joke no gold is stupendously that's about that awesome where's the stupendous party [Laughter] hurry upstairs let's go ready ready i wanna hey gold i got a present what is that you're so cute i'm a bad baby let's run let's go let's go hey that's pretty fast the chaotic duo let's go where's my baby i'm gonna did she just say give me that give me that she's dumb like a stupid dog do you think she'll get mad if i eat her outlet covers no yeah no that's delicious okay no more outlet covers for you gold what's in here who wants to play with the beach ball oh there's soap banana banana bleach bleach no no no bleacher someone distracted she keeps following me i think i think she's a i think she's a sucker yeah we should play in the pool hey hey i need to find a fork what yeah help me find more utensils for babies babies oh we know where they're child proof you could use the plastic spoon if you'd like no i don't want the plastic spoon gotta lock all of these i'm craving some eggs all right come here rainbow nachos walking stuff knock knock literally knock knock trying to hit you with the hammer start working you know what let's throw it out here oh okay to the outside go go go go go go go give me that rainbow go to the pool go to the pool in the car i'm wild you know what i want to do i want to be like those cool girls where we drive hey rainbow in the pool come on she keeps feeding me help me healthy she's feeding me vegetables oh my god i'm drowning she took my fertilizer no you don't forget that [Laughter] [Music] what is that no no no let me drink with the rest of my friend elizabeth oh my god you i am floating now oh come back here you let luna the baby and alive it's okay she was already on a line it was just bones oh what's this oh how dare you great what is that wait a pool oh yes no more i was bringing your floatie [Laughter] sorry gold you lost that one we all took a good swim two babies and one daddy sorry three dads enough hello hello where are you going to die i'm gonna take a walk around the house okay yeah you don't need okay here's the game plan dad everyone get all of your equipment your safety equipment that you will need these babies i am prepared i got my fertilizer the socket jack where are you i wanna meet upstairs dude i can't get up all those stairs i'm just a regular baby okay i'll come down what is our job today guys look i can't wait babies i'm plugging every power look i'm drinking whatever taco let's go drive the car wait you want to go upstairs to sleep we could bring you upstairs no i should say some beans you will not be harmed baby sorry just ate some beans it's pretty bad sorry sorry i can't see there's a diary in my eyes yeah where's the other one drago come on sorry uh where are you finding jack dude draco oh i don't feel so good hey okay two times three daddy's possibly putting food in my mouth it's not impossible here you can't over feed me what's this oh funny go under the car head camera guys no stop this you guys please we're three now dads where are they back to the gym eat it that is it we don't want your food steal the ketchup come here choco give me some of that juice oh my gosh probably always drink the juice come here oh bunny bunny wait hello i have to eat all this wood no they can't eat it wait you're gonna destroy yourself oh [Applause] all crispy oh you guys are so bad i heard these kids were taking care of are little crazy funny all the dads are in the living room i don't know if i can make it okay just do something one thing that we definitely can't let them touch is the milk just farted on me okay that's fine mm-hmm oh my gosh these are the worst you and draco are the worst baby dude i'm in the that was literally like 10 seconds you guys are so bad the washroom oh they're so bad draco i can't they're so bad okay one person is washroom duty you hear me down my house isn't very baby yeah he said washroom duty okay rainbow's in charge of the wash hair i'll be nice somebody send me bugs [Laughter] naive luna thinks i'm a good baby where is she stupid yeah dummy baby [Music] no where is she um luna luna where is she i don't know where is she why she keeps laughing draco come on come on come on do something isn't an annoying dad chasing me it's okay we're trained now we know what big biscuits you are baby funny uh not tia not tia marco no paulo no polo marco no paula no polo luna turn up just a bevet chilling where is she there's too many people here are you guys laughing [Laughter] oh my why is she flooding everything okay the dad look down who is you i am the chad where's no no he went to the vents watching the vents run run run run run you went in there what are you going to make it chocolate right now come on move your butt move your butt check your left foot we need milk chocolate oh we left the fridge open we're breaking out of here [Laughter] we are going to be the winningest ever [Music] i'll be out of here come on where's the little turnip baby going oh stay back floaty on myself are you going stay away rocco stay away eat the lid jack you eat the lid watch him funny look what i got luna go find mommy's smile no nope nope i ate it would you eat it you tell me no dads come on this is our one chest let's get a carrot dance come on taco one they took my candle yeah right right here it's right here draco no no no no don't give him the camera [Laughter] good job jacka looks like i grew up i can't be a baby no more now i'm a dad and i got him good dad shut up kidding what guys i'm gonna distract him in the kitchen do you see that propeller dad funny you don't look so good did you eat something nah i am rude yeah you should be scared of him he's the spirit yes he is what i'm hungry hey i'm hungry hey i'm hungry oh you're hungry yeah let me feed you something here i am h-u-n-g-y hungi [Laughter] oh now i'm sleepy okay i'm not getting up from this guys my distraction failed okay uh where's gold i'm locking all the cupboards oh yeah i'm gonna just get the trash bags and get rid of all this stuff let's put hey where's everyone go for my nap what nothing i just woke up from my nap i just want to say that you are the best dad in the world yeah you have one dad right here number one number one dad jacqueline go find the rest you know what i'm just gonna hold this one ow i slipped rainbow can you stop okay you want to drink you think do you think raw steak tastes good with soda no oh jack we have to feed our nutrition well we have to get already happening give me a second 90 seconds oh my gosh they're trying to get in the washing machine [Laughter] drink some mommy's milk and go to sleep you annoying and you know what while you sleep you can have some fruit are you glad she's dead she's dead yeah she's dead drunk too late for a year luna is in the washing machine room why are you always in here she loves the water oh my gosh eat this is she good eat this does she look good levion i'm going gold i am leaving this place white where are you i'm renovating the whole wait am i frozen huh what's wrong hey draco i think they broke me i'm frozen what happened why are you no dude i'm broken i broke down can i like don't you think he broke vacuum baby throw something at you wake up wake up luna you can't do anything i hate you lunar storm you see this i avoid oil around you she's there is fire everywhere uh i don't care she's a bad baby you know what i will help i was just frozen i am a good dad okay sure sure i just ate something again hi you got one last chance to prove that you guys are the greatest number ones world's best [Music] this baby just eats everything oh a cup yum hey i don't want to eat that though i don't want that fruit [Music] [Laughter] i know how to play hot crest black what a musical genius some milk hey what a good baby hey i wanted that no are you gonna write something mean hey no not a bad daddy i wasn't gonna hear you here all right good luck i'll write something nice for you vest dummy this is for there you go girls are you happy dad in the world draco draco pooh is that what you think have some food whoa draco looks scary oh who put this here where are they um one's trying to make herself in using the easy bake oven rainbow where are you i am the where are you guys jacko it's out of control man hi is someone steaming something in the kitchen honey you look very green you like my pet took a mouse eat this hey uh spoiled chicken okay that's definitely not good all of this stuff is bad i wanna go assign for fresh air how about you have some cheese where's luna stop feeding me i'm already freaking out i think you need some cheese luna hey stop that i saw that hello it's not what oh hi what are you doing okay no nothing do i just thank you so much i love soap i love being bubbly do you like being bubbly i don't know what bubbly is yeah fruity chocolate what about that milk so we could feed them so she could go to sleep yes i know what bubbly is it's just like bubbles you know i bet you you don't know what bubbly is oh you're being an annoying baby here let me go show you bubbles no bubbles don't follow me bye i know hey hey dad where are you what this says dad locks on it okay i ate it yeah yeah yeah okay draco can you find where the others are here i'll just give you this use use this tablet play with it yeah don't you want to play with the tablet yeah wait i'll view the like track who's the camera in here oh a camera it doesn't work luna hurry hurry there's a camera leaner i got it i got it spying on it are they in the garage i think they're in the garage no no no no where are you where are you for me guys wait where are you going rainbow meet us at the super spot [Laughter] dumb baby draco who needs milk you need milk [Music] where's gold luna did you bring the key to my new car no you have a new one guys jacqueline go get more fruit get go get more fruit for these dummies i'm going now you go where is it you were supposed to open the garage door first yeah go get that i'm gonna go get some fruit outside let's get out of here throw throw yeah fresh stream for our lovely babies no no no no no no no get in the car hey just let me know [Music] hold up dude i have to go check on the other babies you stay there and don't do anything all right no what is that this garage you stay there gold okay i will follow you guys let her over rock what is that baby trying to do um you guys can i ate the key that's your fault i hope your hair i don't need the key to leave hey jacko jaco come here come here i'll tell you something i changed the game setting so they have extra life they can't really die all right stop trying to hey hey hey stop it i love soap go get um get out of that seat if you can't drive yeah no i love no luna you fully can't drive you can't drive i'm gonna go get fruit they're being stupid i'll just watch them don't worry all right thank you no let's grab some trash bags wrap this up because we're the best guest ever take you tree trunk hey jack what's happening over there call me a tree trunk no hi you sk you clearly cannot drive no i'm gonna eat the key tail rainbow get out you can't drink mr roasty i'm gonna burn track of the tree down yeah throw me down oh it's what what a tree no no i have a fire extinguisher bunny three gold baby she's like almost dead uh hold up i need to pick up these candles there's a violent baby going around i'm playing the biggest heist guys why aren't you driving the car we can't it's broken luna correct luna has your field our biggest height [Applause] yeah oh my gosh that one died too wait no no this one's so light i don't know why luna i need to get some food okay you're making this really challenging for me that's so boring yeah because we're the best you know what i need some food i'm gonna eat this hmm lunar you like cheese luna get out of the washing machine you know what you have to be annoying no stop trying to go for my knees drink this shut up okay they need to be healed give them something draco i'm trying to find milk where's luna out luna you guys luna get it right all right that's it that's it okay yeah yeah yeah you want to go down the i pool it's gotten luna whatever sir huh come here you can't vacuum a pool try me what's that you dumb baby jacko can you get like food i'm i'm really hungry fathers are annoying is she dead feed that one food draco stop stop trying to try it i didn't oh okay well they're just rainbow and she's just trying to drive a car honestly i'll just drink water i don't think she'll drive it into the pool rainbow you can be a good baby i don't want to be someone farting that's the point of like i'll drive it away baby yeah yeah but you don't understand dracula and i can beat it can you at least do a fast and furious tree and drive into the pool no ah all right draco let me check the shed there might be something in here for us nope actually i would like to go to the shed can you bring me to the shed please no come here oh okay rainbow oh wait you just send me poison yum hey give me that rainbow thank you for being the goodness baby you're welcome want to see me do a dive yeah oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no where's her floatie she needs a floaty draco well i guess being a daddy is hard it is it's impossible [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 9,140,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, who's your daddy, who's your daddy itsfunneh, who's your daddy funneh, who's your daddy krew, who's your daddy funny, who's your daddy funny moments, who's your daddy gameplay, who's your daddy game, who's your daddy multiplayer, who's you daddy babies, who's your daddy funny gameplay, who's your daddy play through, who's your daddy let's play, krew plays who's your daddy
Id: UEBqt_j1m3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2022
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