Stay away from EVIL BABY... The Baby In Yellow!

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as a babysitter we have to deal with some unruly children but this one might be our last hello everyone we are crew and welcome to baby in yellow now let's get to babysitting first we must feed the baby night one it's time for bed is that what you think [Laughter] is that good enough yes act one seemed to cut oh my gosh is that the baby babies look so cute and yellow um staring into yourself wait this looks like gold as a baby yeah take care of me i'm a nerd okay guys take gotta get me food for the baby who's so cute maybe it might it might burp on you and barf you shouldn't do that okay little baby let's go to the kitchen oh this is not the kitchen oh can you sit here it's the bathroom oops no baby you are using money we only have one night okay the baby doesn't even go to the washroom the baby needs food are you sure you don't need to go poop i don't know baby why don't you sure funny that's not what babies do to go to the bathroom yeah that's baby have emotions yeah was that not scary little baby oh food oh uh put the baby is there a seat is there a high chair is that a cat what the nah i guess the baby could sit here stay still little baby do not who is a good little baby you are we'll get your food you're a great little baby open the fridge what do we got oh just one bottle you want this drink responsible let's go change your diaper um can you just stay here guys the baby's kind of creeping funny you gotta take the baby to the changing page looking at us what if we leave number two without the baby what if we just that's so creepy oh you know what babies move you guys it's an innocent baby stop making it sound like a horror movie okay just yeah put it on the diaper just put it on the diaper draco we gotta wipe the baby's butt no you just have to change the body baby okay cute okay you're sitting on my diaper it's a changing table okay you know what stay there what come on there's a diaper right there you have to take the diaper back to changing paper oh this is how you know you're not a parent all right um sit okay baby wait souls oh what a soul trapped by the baby and yellow has been set free why what the heck you stayed there you stayed there excuse me i saw something in there on the kitchen earlier baby and yellow are you gonna what fake head mode uh funny i think the more souls you feed the scarier the baby because you sure wait did you see that in the painting what there was a face what i didn't see anything there was a like a soul face stuck in the painting it was horrifying i didn't see anything um oh okay all right little stinky let's get you all cleaned up oh don't twist your head like that no little stinky baby get new nappy get the get the get the diaper from behind you okay why is what the hell baby what baby hello why were you near the painting little baby no we should try all the lights okay baby back why aren't you happy anymore i thought we were happy for a second we could have been friends i think now it's grumpy um you're taking too long to change it's uh now okay okay okay he's the nappy nappy getting changed change your nappy you very happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy wanna play with toys let's sing a song don't cry oh there's a boo-boo i'm sorry oh wait take baby to bed that's it that's upstairs right that's kind of easy taking care of babies is so easy right no just kidding yeah why are the doors you feed it you put it to bed it's your baby room all right anyone have a good night night story once upon a time there was a little piglet and the piglet pooped everywhere and then yes go on it got turned into bacon whoa don't you say run all right what the said run can you stop turn the light off turn the light off i'm scared but leave the room but leave the room then turn off the lights no guys i think we have to read it a story or something no just gotta turn off the light yeah just turn off the light you stay baby we'll be fine get out no no you're supposed to get out okay get out night and good night wait for parents no easy this is definitely a horror movie i'm so scared why are you turning the lights off to go watch tv now scary movie oh my gosh what are you even going to do what should we grab should we watch watch something oh baby's crying my parents back yay hello no the baby's just crying uh should we bring him out maybe the baby's hungry yeah nope no milk turn off the lights did you turn the lights back on why does funny keep turning off the light force of habit i like it dark look okay let's go in dark let's go in dark what the open the door hello um thanks baby what baby where's the baby somewhere what the heck go find it hurry is one of the unlocked locked doors locked guys it's in this room i can hear it no it can't be oh it's a sweet baby it's a sweet pineapple baby we got this okay um hey little baby go to sleep a little hot sleep good job all right good night what what was that let's go just go watch tv again guys why is the door open oh heck no did you open that door you have extendable arms maybe um can you not no go to sleep are you in no game baby keep an eye on that door good night okay actually let's leave the lights on actually no yeah yeah yeah okay it's too sweet we're just paranoid just chill out and you know watch our favorite show yeah let's watch the cooking channel what that's our favorite show and pizza i don't know i'm just saying stuff night two look look isn't it funny i told you not to do that what is happening i don't i don't know is the babysitter evil feed baby why is there a key now guys who cares uh for one of the locked things wait don't lose that key probably um well we can't really put in our pockets we just got to take care of this baby we got the milk babies oh [Laughter] did you bring the baby down no draco this baby can teleport okay okay just drink the milk does his head just get bigger oh yourself why does it poop so fast this baby babies are incredible speed yeah draco babies pooping from milk wait take care of yourself let's carry no no you should take the baby with you come with us you're not uh we can't hold we can't pick up the baby oh man we've got the nappy okay upstairs can we just leave honestly i would just leave and say this place is haunted oh can you leave we can see ya listen all right see you later baby you're creepy wait did the nappy run out here no draco the nappy's not out here we're just leaving because this place is haunted and they're not letting us out oh wait does no one live here why is there so much mail everywhere oh no can we go to our neighbors a ghost apartment no i don't like this sorry we're paying attention where'd the nappy go i think he went to the second floor upstairs the horror story title baby's room oh what the doorbell talismans and their nooses child care what what's a talent i think you should get the talisman is it for demons it doesn't really it can't pick it up all right oh wait nappy stay there nope door's locked huh who knew a baby baby how much am i getting paid for this by the way guys i don't know probably not still be there baby baby yep you still fall in there you go happy you're welcome all you do is sleep you don't want to play with toys what beautiful ruby eyes you have you're so cute yeah someone tell baby a bedtime story and maybe they won't haunt us okay i for sure got a story that will put this baby to sleep okay once there was a baby that wore yellow then another baby that didn't like pineapple pizza but the yellow baby in yellow loves pineapple pizza and they both had pineapple pizza and one had three pineapples getting possible that was so boring exactly that baby has to go to sleep now that's true that was the boringest story in history yeah oh wait can we use this watch tv you should lock the door yeah we should we should what if there's something that oh hold up guys we should listen snow a curiosity in july following such a sweet spring it started but i was not the first they are with me is that a soul night fell the first day and the hours dragged on still we cared for the child oh we spoke of hasta and casilda in their absence while outside the fog rolled in as the cloud waves roll and break on the wall okay oh the sin of such innocent eyes clear as crystal understood by the ignorance and wise alike more precious than jewels more soothing than music you talking about red eggs i think they're talking about the baby yeah then as i fell i knew that the baby in yellow had opened their tattered what to cry too now oh my gosh did he just explain that the baby in yellow has demons is there more is there more are you saying they abandoned um the baby uh so the baby okay lock the door lock the door grab the talisman if you can you're right we should grab the talisman and watch us still can't grab it okay gotta go to sleep just chill on the sofa watch tv nothing will happen the baby in yellow is just a baby pop out of the tv just a normal baby or is it i have a purple screen can you just let us sleep little baby tv show peacefully night three good night sweet dreams i will show you my dreams what why are we laughing this is supposed to be scary guys stop stop it super scary it's kind of funny it's funny because the baby is cute if the baby was more like demonic looking i think it's more scary you know rise and shine you got to watch live on youtube ceiling different what he's got to watch tv that's all what why the baby's good we just gotta no we have to check on the bed yeah or else what type of babysitters would we be oh yeah come watch tv with us do you wanna watch tv um okay there's one alone time yeah i want to see the baby climb on top of the ceiling i do not want to see what the oh there you go we're just about to sit our butt down we just checked up we were there like five seconds ago come on hello little baboo what do you want to join us now oh another hug what a baby oh so cute okay find something to eat perhaps a cheesy toasty what though sounds good feed me fever feed me food man baby you monster oh wait but i thought we were hungry um this baby is hungry maybe it's hot did you see the um close close the fridge the art is uh uh cute i thought we were eating first no we thought we were having some cheesy toast we have to feed the baby first why is the fridge so steep now deep what the ah what the funny are you stuck get out guys what the heck i can open it we can open it uh open open oh oh you're just drilling in the what's happening what i think we're in the demon dimension oh there it is why does this look like draco when we play game boards when we were kids you're welcome oh it's it's a poopy i don't enjoy the baby's becoming more demonic each day time to change little baby demon babies are still babies right oh my gosh the baby go get the toes look at the doctor but you have the nephew you got to change your nappy little baby buddy don't care about the nappy you get the towels oh that was good i see that coming oh what the heck what that's wrong all right baby you shall be crucified baby baby where is it i don't remember all right there dude exercising time to kick it into song little baby in yellow stop oh my god oh that was kind of aggressive that was kind of mean oh we're sorry we're so sorry you're a baby you don't know anything sleepy time we didn't mean to do that that was kind of mean but you're kind of a demon so i don't think i don't think we got to apologize i think the baby's still hanging better apologies yeah that was the sassiest uh baby i think we good night did the baby just died what the heck escape unlocked follow the white rabbit and escape from the baby what oh gosh oh so we lost oh instead we follow the white rabbit this time i will show you my dreams oh it's different oh okay okay don't even do anything just follow the white rabbit where's the baby yeah just follow the white rabbit just that baby was so mean i know how this goes it's very sassy baby kind of cute though that was cool yeah uh-huh oh uh-huh just going to talk all the way down probably poor little rabbit i know what you seek but you will not find it here it is mine [Music] um who's the doctor doctor are we the rabbit no i'm kidding no i don't think we are i think we are i think we are oh we are rabbits taking care of it have we seen our hands i don't think we're in there see elevators in horror movies no stairs yeah what the baby baby help us we took care of you we are your father oh i'm just kidding that's a male 1 ray follow the rabbit no one lives here maybe they do draco it's just empty fresh packages mr rabbit well a pig man wait that's the doctor pigment man can we grab any of this stuff does he have the key under the rug now oh baby has the key oh you're back oh this is a nice house yeah let's babysit baby here baby do you want like pizza that's a no baby can you give us a try you guys follow the white rabbit yeah yeah yeah it is a trap goldfish oh okay fine you can't follow the white rabbit and lock the white give us the key hey we need the key to get to the white rabbit okay no more games give us that seriously hey do you want baby um milk or a nappy run run now get it man i think you have to count down demon babies be different maybe go behind go behind three you can't go back twos oh let's play hide and seek little baby yeah give me the key guys this baby's good this baby's good yeah grab its toes you know what here oh watermelon watermelon have a watermelon watermelon for the key how about a trade trade trade no come on don't be like that no oh rainbow predicted it's upside down eat freaky no don't be like this throw it throw the watermelon at it oh man what the where'd you go take the water man just here watch ticket take it cares about the water okay you clearly don't care okay just keep chasing it until it like stops and runs out of its magical teleport power catch the baby failed oh what the oh wait investigate is there something we can use yeah trap it you know what you can just play with yourself what is this oh you gotta find all these pieces of paper oh yeah you gotta put them together on the table um it's not magical there's a record here something that will save our lives don't scare us please oh please don't be creepy music what does that say to alice keep that creative fire alive dad someone's wrong another record oh wait alice wants to be the doctor it's not playing anything oh there you go oh come on comedy i like the comedy music this is how we feel right now trying to get off paper on the end table oh nice oh you have to play the piano don't we these are this is piano sheets let's play the other song okay this is too goofy here swap play this you know what you can keep doing that we don't care this is even funnier it's dance music wait more this is not piano music jocko this is sheet it's piano sheet music right the one that one is evil demon baby today we are going to exercise you no more fine you know what it's uneasy let's just do this [Music] [Laughter] we still need to find some paper around here anything oh right here open the oven is it a lullaby oh i think it is wait the baby's a king the king of wife oh the baby wants the music yeah you like it don't you sounds very different your favorite song it's a nice song oh my gosh [Music] pick up the key pick up the key press the switch press the switch no no kiki almost got it switch on the beat it doesn't work you got to press the switch honey oh the baby fine thing uh uh that's not the rabbit i ain't going in there we have to guys the baby's just getting annoying it's never giving us back the key okay but how long is better i hear something eerie is the rabbit down you yeah i i think it's a trap yeah oh it's a wrecker oh we have to play it don't wait just gotta bring some music back baby that's so cute and cute where's the baby okay someone break into tune baby that is a little a very demonic song okay you like very sad music baby give us that key yeah little d dated music baby how old are you you don't even like pizza what are you you're demon honey you stopped the record okay oh i was trying to grab the key little demon baby give us the key oh yes thank you okay now run you're so cute you're so stinky okay run cry thank you oh that baby's a teammate i'm out thank goodness all the doors are locked elevator let's go any paper um there's no rabbit here great oh there's a power oh time to take creepy stairs probably this game keeps going on i'm surprised there's no like torch pirates in this apartment draco is it seriously the time to talk about that i mean look at all the packages oh the power no no follow the rabbit don't follow the power remember that's an emergency exit door isn't it no you gotta find the rabbit first you you cannot are you sure you gotta find the rabbit yeah only do whatever the rabbit is marking what is that i'm pretty sure you have to get the power back on yeah draco we need keys that's jacko kill you no we gotta turn the power whoa whoa the power fuses okay the fuses put it in oh is it good one you need a pink battery pink i think if any battery works oh my gosh why are there so many demons on where what does this mean oh the pink battery wait what's with all these pieces though i feel like oh secret wait was that a i see a locker with like a lock on it oh okay little baby do you want to go sit here and do nothing forty three seventeen four three seventeen yeah i don't like the baby or three seventeen baby's okay has its days oh that's not all right throw the baby in it little demon davey go away come back another day sorry you liked your song ah can you lock it now that was a big mistake nope nope nope power on i think that was the wrong choice guys was it a bad choice i'm stressed it's gonna come back don't don't come back i know that was kind of weird it's kind of bad hopefully it will work now are you sure you should use the elevator the white rabbit wasn't marked on the elevator you should i think you got a check really bad we're so sorry about earlier i told you you shouldn't want in the power room we feel so sorry about earlier we lost you should not follow the baby sincere apology because you threw out the bag we're sorry for putting you down that event but yeah sometimes in life that's what happens if you're a demon i don't know i don't know what you say yeah it wasn't personal you shouldn't take the elevator no no no no no no no no no no draco i don't have time for you to be a know-it-all right now okay you're like oh we should take the attitude oh the kids use the key use the key stop trouble you're doing the horror movie shut up yeah get the keys stop screaming [Applause] oh man i can't believe we had that moment don't leave me alone stay here stay here forever no no no no said it feel like we beat it right yay no no there's more it's outside the elevator right now shaking it's like lemmy little baby why are you holding that you guys i think the baby prepared us a special dinner for us to say good baby yeah don't stop that do not stop that that's the baby's music no peaceful music no more vibing for you you've been very bad and you've tried to kill us funny i wouldn't do that bad baby now sit here the baby i'm kidding let's play the music it made it less scary yeah it was vibe oh yeah yeah yeah oh what's that oh my heart oh my gosh what's this key for you put this key in a good spot you have to feed the baby first though i know i just want to see why is there two keys [Music] upstairs check upstairs she knows [Music] good job how did you get the right key i don't know look um full ignore the baby child don't take it you're so cute go away put the baby down just go away oh my gosh rock it baby you're so cute why don't we hold you and run away at the same time i don't think you have to hold him what's that why he's cute that's a cold just leave him well we're gonna look at this real quick don't cry you know what you can follow us as we escape okay as long as we see the baby inside the baby can't turn into a demon and we just oh wait this is just a loop guys no it's not oh no it's not what's that it's the bedroom that's the is that do any of these doors open put the baby down ignore it ignore it stay there i was going to say a bad word to you no don't take the baby just go through the door in the back don't watch tv just keep walking you're a very bad baby no no don't watch it don't look at the if you look at the tv i'm pretty sure you're gonna die no no no baby today no no baby today no tv no hard no tv no no no no this is like me avoiding really going against this huh no you suck we hate tv we hate tv no don't look at tv baby baby cafe what is this game i don't know i like it i like me too i know oh my god we must bow to king baby no now we can do not take the baby all right i'm not scared of anything i don't care if something pops out of the stinking door and scares us because we're not scared of no cartoon 3d babies no we are oh behind you we're not scared of you see uh bedtime you're running see you later you can take yourself to sleep bud this game very uh it took me on a definite turn you're intelligent enough to take yourself to bed you don't need that oh these are cool what are you whispering to us i think you can't understand where is that is that a plant whoa huh it's the baby no don't take it to bed no no don't just take it to bed funny you've gone too far to take this baby to bed we are going to walk out okay don't fall for its trick okay no wow eat it um we just want to see if you guys are enjoying the video so far and you really like it please leave a like and subscribe or else you said it no no you said it wrong baby and yellow wants you to like oh baby baby wants you to subscribe yeah thank you actually baby and yellow doesn't say thank you sorry no for you demon oh the rabbit the rabbit do it just do it we made it i'm trying bro it's not working see you later i can't i can't wait do you have to put the baby to bed not to jump with the baby throw the baby down there okay little baby you're going with the rabbit the white rabbit told us we still hear whispering though whoa wait what's with the rabbit's bad draco i played no the rabbit is good the rabbit has been that's what you're saying yeah really we've been keeping ourselves oh my god is that the rabbit are you a weapon rabbit come on bye all right afraid vulnerable wait we failed so many things are we even gonna leave yeah that's how run funny ride my gosh okay go go go okay guys breathe breathe concentration okay concentration oh do we follow the flame or not or no no don't follow the flame we didn't follow the flame and we died i don't know okay yeah no you should follow the green arrow but there should have been another green arrow right rabbit you're not really helping us here okay let's try this again baby in yellow three two one yeah go right escape sequence run through go straight through we went this way last time there we go a moment what to breathe don't leave huh hi okay are just carrying this piece i don't know what it does stop it yep played by both of them i think so you look coward yeah we are cowards guess what yeah we don't care we don't really care oh um arrow arrow arrow follow the arrow fall arrow what is this choo-choo arrow there you go keep going freedom [Music] run little rabbit you are not the only one there will always be more wait where's the rabbit huh wow thanks for playing there's more coming soon 2022 wow i'm excited well um i think we do want to see baby and yellow again this was very fun to play super fun we had a great time babysitting you yeah guys if you got scared leave a comment down below and tell us what you think of baby and yellow thank you so much for watching we are crew and i think i'm scarred from babysitting that's all goodbye bye i just can't stop looking at its eyes [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,961,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, baby in yellow, baby in yellow itsfunneh, baby in yellow funneh, baby in yellow krew, the baby in yellow, the baby in yellow funny moments, the baby in yellow funny, baby in yellow update, baby in yellow story, baby in yellow new
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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