The MYSTERIOUS Boy in Roblox Magic Story 2!

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so the book was burned it's over i can't believe that i am finally free maybe i should find my family now i really want to see my mommy and my brothers uh what's happening wow whoa the sky is so high definition [Music] we will be back in three days i'll be i'll be dead don't forget to feed larry take care of the house and eat we know we are not kids anymore also be careful don't let strangers enter the house yeah yeah obviously goodbye sweeties bye mom and dad goodbye have a nice trip yo we sound like do you trust us to be at home by ourselves of course they do that's why they do i mean if we're old enough for their abcs we're old enough to stay at home alone right mom and dad went on a trip yes they did somewhere that means we are free for three days three whole days what do we do first collect all the money around the house and fill the sink up wait did you feed larry oh yeah mom and dad said we have to feed lincoln you can't feed larry we need to you know do nothing we do nothing for three days just sit back relax you know watch gold you can sit back and relax but luna's trying to take all the money before me yeah she's fast well i'm taking all the foods wait guys there's a key yeah what's a key fragment i don't know what that is oh is it for crafting you guys heard me click everything guys maybe check upstairs oh there's some money over here too choco don't play with the tv luna is there anything else there's boobs are attacking him i didn't check upstairs yet oh no the kitchen's on fire what the um why don't you say it like that so like i turned on the stove or anything luna it sounds like you lit the kitchen yeah now it was gold crowbar to open this uh no it wasn't i don't see any fragments i'm pretty sure wait can we go outside the house are we stuck here oh there's nothing else here everything wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait lootedge we can time to loot other people's trash cans give me some trash oh i got another fragment nice guys look for fragments i know wait what are we actually supposed to be doing are we actually just free to do whatever we can who cares we're getting the free stuff jack it's open world nice we don't know when the time's gonna stop we have to collect everything as much as we can wait there's casualties why would you throw cash out that's such a way to have to check that other trash can ah lunar is a good treasure hunter i see money when i see it it's getting late no no it isn't that we play soccer already no no no i don't want to play soccer i'm going through the trash no play play come on guys okay guys let's do something we just can't collect trash i'll go get some fresh air no no let me interact with this i could have got more trash in my inventory why do you think i have this bag on me all right let's play here losers soda easy goalie gold you be the goalie you're going to be goldie no no you'll be hold up you'll be rolling rolly why [Music] this is intense if you kick the ball into your goalie i'll give you cheetos cheetos cheetos wow he'll portray his own team for cheetos i'll give you the biggest family-sized cheetos i didn't kick the ball once man gold i'm the goalie i think this is gonna be a time oh my gosh this is so tedious just let us have it oh and nobody won okay we all get nothing it's because everything i'm talking about let's go get chips that's my trash can for a snack this is my trash can in here um nothing can we check out the store come on one more fragment guys why are we acting like raccoons we have food at home because there's something this stuff is nice funny there's a treasure wrap in the store wait what we can get treasure it's getting late no it isn't rainbow it shows rainbow looks like there's a magic show outside oh yes let's go outside house we should definitely go there and not stay in here in the boring house not interested oh we have two hours we have two hours to hunt for treasure dude i think we collected enough treasure already oh this is a treasure map funny a treasure map there's some money on the bench wait i'm gonna check out the bacon's market because it looks cool yo they got ducks in here do you have chips no chips bananas 60 bucks for a crowbar oh i need this you guys hunt for everything rainbow i think you're going a bit overboard i think that's enough treasure hunting for you no oh treasure map luna you didn't turn off the stove in the house oh no the house is on fire what do i do nothing i do i'm gonna find treasure come on there's treasure at the corner what i have crowbar let me open can anyone afford anything cool yet what 21 bucks this thing costs 60 it's fine oh guys there's a ghost on the beach what a ghost there isn't i need is this a secret there's a ghost treasure rainbow magic show's about to start hurry hurry over here funny come on come on go i'm running my butt it's a ghost there's something to beat the ghost i bought a crowbar okay oh whoa it is a ghost hello oh um the ghost is warning us oh no the ghost says something bad's about to happen oh oh thanks um ghost well we're going to watch a magic show now i love magic shows remember that last time i watched a magic show and it went all crazy this one's normal magic i hope it's a normal magic show extraordinary hi again [Music] welcome everyone to the best magic show of your life this is my first match my name is ethan and i'm the best magician of this city that's what they all say can i have some apologies [Music] [Applause] it's not us it's the game let's start the show shall we what about some fireworks yes yes i love fireworks okay that's some fancy graphics right there just spazz beautiful uh-huh all right now for my first trick i will need a volunteer what about you me me me luna again me okay [Music] oh why do they always pick wait a second what is this sound something fallen oh no well what just happened what the heck are you okay did another magician fall from the sky uh a person aren't they evil wait a minute isn't that the old magician it is yes it's the one that picks luna as a volunteer wait wait i have a dream the news who is this guy are you good i don't know if it was a good idea helping him he does look familiar though dad said not to let strangers enter the house he's a magician though he's different yeah oh he's waking it up abracadabra i teleported so fast did i destroy anything uh yeah you broke ethan look at you teleport ethan's crying out there man oh wait um [Music] by the way who are you yeah i don't remember oh he hasn't hit my head really hard okay uh-huh well okay get out all i know is that i can use magic oh like can you give us money and was fighting with a demon oh you were sent here a demon you say turn the tv on you were sent here to give us robux live breaking news shadow creatures appearing all over the world and they are investigating where these monsters are coming from so it's recommended everyone stay home until further instructions arrive what is happening i burned a book and a demon was set free oh and now he is turning everyone into these monsters so it's your fault i can't do nothing about it since i am hurt and my memories are kind of blurry sure can i sleep here until i get better this is the only thing i will add on top of so many other things we can't trust him he's evil remember um but they don't have um i feel like he's kind of suspicious how can he remember something said no strangers no we don't trust you leave our house now oh it's not a boat i got a picture i got a pig okay i understand guys are you sure that was right but he is a stranger so i am in charge while mom and dad are gone and i say no um now i can't feel bad oh what up bacon here day two was that a good choice maybe we should have helped him what was dracco i don't know why but he looked a bit familiar well let's forget about it oh guys we can get the the chest crowbar money that funny opened yeah we can profit off of bunny's work thanks thank you funny okay she money has two hundred dollars okay and i'm gonna go spend it on something in the toy store wait should we go talk to the magician are they still here maybe no i think they're in the business cried and left town oh i feel like if we let them sleep in the house we don't know them they're stranger you know it's true it's dangerous 20 bucks oh i could buy no wait that's a sword a bat for 40. i don't really need that but i can buy this treasure map guys i gotta treasure map okay yeah i need to i still haven't found the treasure i don't get it i'm gonna get this key fragment in the arcade you should understand the treasure map why there's a key fragment let me go over there it cost us five dollars hurry oh five dollars i have enough come on guys hurry up i'm getting it i'm getting it i'm getting where is it in the arcade oh it's a running machine let me try this give me give me give me please let me get that key fragment i need to craft with it oh my gosh we're gonna have to throw all our money at this no it's good nice you got it yeah yeah in one go dude it's so easy i didn't get it it didn't give it to me it like it's probably because you didn't like them and you're missing cat poster mr george's last oh there's someone over there but i don't really care because i want to go build this i got to build this key and then apparently we could go into the basement wait how do you build the key ethan's over here by the pond wait what yeah okay give me a second i got this key and i'm pretty sure i can go to the basement oh gosh there's so much stuff to do what a strange weather guys where'd you go let's check out the news on tv hurry up guys this way where are you who's reading this i don't see anything it's the tv is not working gold yeah it's broken um i think we should stay home for the rest of the day buddy's missing what do we do she's are you invisible you guys are so dramatic funny hey in here it has been one hour you open this door yeah everyone disappeared what is happening wait looks like there's someone outside really oh it's ethan right oh you thinking oh is he mad at us sorry we didn't go to your show cause you know the magician fell off we went to the show we just couldn't finish the show it's not our fault yeah ethan is this cape another color it's dark are you okay evil so many months to prepare the show [Music] so much times practicing you can show us now for nothing hello it's okay ethan fortunately yes why unfortunately what the true show is how did you get powers i don't have any weapons i didn't buy the golden bat in the secret room i know it sounds a little cheesy but can you stop oh we could hit him with that oh we can hit him do it wow man going for the knees i'm kind of useless eye shadow there's no match for us we have golden facts yeah wait are we hitting each other uh-oh yeah no well i have this apple i'm gonna eat it see what happens wow i'm powerful hit him hit him hit him uh not bad not bad at all yeah yeah at all let's hear if you can handle this uh ethan we have one question though are you a real material girl yeah wait you can hit him right now no it doesn't work rainbow whoa ah let's go shadow go come on wait i just figured out that you could climb on the tree and funny you're dying no i'm not oh yeah you are the tiny shadow balls are hitting you come on eat your golden apple i ate it she ate it already oh my gosh wait what is cheese should we save it um i would love that cheese rainbow but sadly oh seriously you're not dead yet ethan you can give up here here here now now you're done for ethan you're finished your shadow what is god oh gosh no no no no revive before the story starts hurry huh wow i see it i can't believe i wasn't just defeated i know it doesn't matter i will be back stronger ethan was pretty strong i don't want him to be back yeah please don't come back don't ever please don't come back we can't fight you he's gone oh thank goodness luna is that a real weapon yeah i was given this for free oh it's raining oh what else can we do around this town did anyone feed the fish yet outside is not safe anymore but did you guys see that rainbow top too much there's so much shadows outside oh you're right it's filled with them in the thing we got back city let's go say hi to one hello i don't think that's good i think we have to destroy all of them i'm going to go buy food because i'm like really hot yeah yeah i collected money for a reason there's no food in here it has to be food watch out funny let me go to the grocery store thank you see you guys treasure map let me bring me the treasure it doesn't really work well i could find it guys there's something down here can we go down there oh let's go there's money oh there's an illegal shop down here with five dollars pizza whoa i died oh and there's also tnt which is pretty pizza oh it's a sauce pizza it is a sauce pizza anything else down here oh no now i got the farts rainbow come on day three the last day before mom and dad come home oh i didn't even notice it went by another day i wish i could see mom and dad oh is that that mom dad mom dad oh they're home early come on go open the door oh oh it's here oh it's them it's just that guy you're not welcome sorry we're so sorry yeah it's me again okay yeah i tried to beat that demon but he's just too powerful you're really sad also everyone in the world has already become a monster look what you did you are the only ones remaining what do you want us to do about it i think it's all your fault why don't you have to destroy that book why do you hate books i'm sorry but i used a spell to protect you guys that's why you are all fine i don't believe oh thanks and how could i die okay it looks like there's no choice besides trusting you you explained to him what happened with ethan he smacked him with our bats [Laughter] guys stop threatening so he didn't become a monster and got powers that could happen because he was angry and seeking for revenge oh hell this kind of feeling can be dangerous um he sounded like anyways guys i will stay here until i think about planting not that demon says who why is there ominous music do you want to know about anything about how about about ethan like i said he was probably very angry with what happened and wanted revenge when such bad feelings mixes with the power of black magic it can get different results although it is still rare to happen oh well i have another question what about the demon the demon is a big problem he is strong fast and powerful however i think there's a way to beat him that's what i'm trying to figure out okay now get out of our house guys i'm starting to think question mark question mark is a good guy yeah i think question mike store i didn't get to is anything go to bacon mart i have 14 dollars well wait everything's closed though why is the sewer so dark hey i'm glitched oh what's this you can't get a bloxy color like me shut up whatever i'm gonna go check out the beach there's nothing at the beach except the shadow demon come back home everyone i have something to say no why'd you cut it back here i feel the demon coming he is near us okay oh he knows we are the last ones alive why did you say mom and dad are demons we should make a choice oh another choice stay home and wait for the next day ooh ooh wait we should wait right no but we spent so much money to get strong we should fight fine so we will fight him i guess this is the only option demon where are you the rain stopped we're here to fight he will come any time be careful anytime well that was easy or is it oh it's a demon oh it's the demon it's the demon king himself the last ones are here yes we are they give up and become my servants okay no eat my shovel never we will fight against you yeah we're gonna beat the living pop thank you this is the end for you shadowy man be prepared because we won't give up easily i wanna get wait wait what's your magic powder oh i'm evil taco no tricks you won't escape the universe funny boop whoa what ha ha oh he's dead [Music] without it you will be impossible to fight oh this is not the end wait i transferred my powers to you guys oh what an animal we're sorry we fight him and win i don't i don't want to be cursed like him he was cursed by the demons so you still want to fight i know how to fight i wanted you to fight this this will be fast now mortals we can defeat you oh whoa oh no so can we just talk about the moment when the screen change colors and um our friend over there got stabbed and we were just looking at ourselves we're not going to talk about shovel in the garage and it's pretty op okay then come on musical oh yeah bam bang oh wait we should split up yeah we should everyone tackle teleporting okay we can hit him go up go up some dynamite nice this is for question mark question mark question mark whoa whoa give up even with this power you can't beat me well it's a crowbar we will see and a shovel don't we look at people we do look yeah so we just stand angry aura yeah we should just stand dropping my damage attacks on funny so she can die dracula don't kill me i'm trying to look cool and epic for the city this is not right i can't lose to humans we aren't humans we're humans what are we we're human we no demon shoveler get because i have a shovel well i'm probably funny you know you are a crowbar demon we wait guys okay let's see players stop talking please go hit the demon jack it's because gold's not making sense down there okay i am no i'm very kind i think of an amazing location well if we were going to hunt demons we would be called duck crocodiles crew hunters nobody oh that was good why are you hiding that all you need to know is it's hit for the demon the demon has farted and we have all fell off this will be my final attack be prepared to die we haven't so far this is your final attack this will be our final be prepared to be shoveled and scooped guys all of us are gonna die yeah i know we're really close we all die at the same time that's gonna be really bad oh i used all my it's powers nice my body is not responding oh smack oh this is let us smack you magical the end we slayed the demon guys actually the demon just got tired what happened mr top hat you guys did it that demon won't be a problem again are you okay mr tophat yeah everyone will be back to normal now i mean he looks happy yeah also there's something i want to say what is it what is it tell us before you die i got my memories back and i remember you harry i forgot harry like our old brother that disney oh my gosh oh oh oh we're bad yeah we miss you here it's okay do you have allowance for us long time ago when you disappeared mom and dad decided to move on and come to this city stop laughing here he has the worst backstory it got really sad but never gave up searching for you that that explains why they went on vacation we're just rummaging neighborhoods garbage we weren't yeah we were searching totally did we get sad that's yeah it's pretty epic right good to hear yeah we know are you dying though they are coming here now but i won't see them it's so sad my time has come and i won't survive use your magic no you will be okay did you give us healing magic say goodbye to mom and dad for me no harry you can live here harry hey oh he's back oh harry wait why is he still smiling i'm gonna use this shovel you guys for harry no no oh that's a is that a that's a bad end three months three months we should be proud of it it took them that one she's crying now i need to admit this guy was better than me of course he was of course ethan don't worry harry we will always remember you oh my gosh harry died so sick oh we aren't screw winston oh wait that's the true ending oh yeah we did it harry we appreciate i don't want the true ending where harry died [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 3,949,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox obby, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox story, roblox games, roblox magic story, roblox magic story 2, roblox magic story krew, roblox magic story itsfunneh, roblox magic story funneh
Id: GLy2-ab-RR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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