Hunting Asia’s Alien Fish Predator!!! CATCH AND COOK AND CRY!!

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from here we're gonna plant the rest of our fishing rods and the most difficult part waiting if you don't wait you don't eat and if you do wait maybe you still don't eat [Music] the last time i went to japan it was not just kobe steaks and sushi i hunted down the country's most elusive aggressive sharp tooth predator now i'm in vietnam taking on an even bigger challenge this is how evolution began today on the best ever food review show me and my little companion will attempt to hunt down one of nature's most fierce creatures the mudfish today with the help of some skilled locals and my loyal puppy bomb me i'm heading into the wild the smell aiming to hunt down a vicious prey a creature who lives in an extreme unforgiving environment how any fish could live in this is beyond me but is it worth it could this slimy mud dwelling monster actually be delicious is it good i'm about to find out let's go you ready do you see a fish do you see a fish all right let's go come on let's go [Music] to help me trap these little monsters i've secured the assistance of a local mud fishing specialist mr kung i'm about to descend into the mud pit my man here he's just walked in and he's about a quarter of a calf deep in that mud although they told me i'll probably go hip deep because of my weight ah yes vietnamese culture always a subtle way to let you know you're overweight all right let's go this is today's hunting ground the mud is muddy just a one-hour drive from the mega city of saigon it's very thick in this very unique ecosystem following you chief you can find a grody little guppy like no other how any fish could live in this is beyond me evolution's missing link this is the mudskipper a fish that can breathe in water and on land in fact they can stay out of water for two days while they hunt down prey apparently how this works is you need to kind of march around and then eventually you'll stumble upon a pit a cave a hole a reservoir a place where the fish are gonna hang out now he has a trained eye so somewhere in here he sees something that reminds him of fish right here there's kind of a big crater for some reason he thinks it's going to have a fish from here he's going to set up a fishing trap to catch a special fish you need a special trap luckily mr kung has the right tools for the job this is just like a mini fishing pole because these fish aren't very big it's not going to be that heavy so he puts on a piece of shrimp somehow these fish know to eat shrimp even though there's no way a shrimp could survive out here everybody likes shrimp and he just puts it on the very edge of this pond from here we need to leave this particular spot and then hopefully we've got some fish and if we don't we'll just go to the market for backup in the meantime we're laying a lot more traps let's go okay let's go this way we've happened upon our second hole this one looks like a nice hole i mean it's got a nice shape lots of fun crevices for the fish to probably slide in this fish burrows holes like these to hide from predators but while they're hanging out they can do a little mating too that's right this is a love hole you can even see here is a little path that the fish has made to travel around the mudskippers used their pectoral fins leaving a trail behind them [Music] so he's taking out another rod i think i'm gonna do this one i'll take the hook and i unhook it take a little piece of shrimp with that on there so i'm gonna get this part in the mud and gently lay it here now i'm curious this is a small puddle why don't you just reach your hands in there and just scrape and then hope that you get a fish so these muddy tunnels are actually pretty deep and the mud skipper digs them up by eating the mud then spitting it out literally using its mouth like a shovel we're going to put about 15 more of these rods down about how many fish do you think we'll catch really whoa what do you say he thinks if we lay down 15 we're gonna get five to seven fish that's real good from here we're gonna plant the rest of our fishing rods and the most difficult part waiting if you don't wait you don't eat and if you do wait maybe you still don't eat but maybe you do [Music] guys so we've been waiting for about 45 minutes i didn't think it was possible but it actually works [Music] oh wow the creature looks so interesting it has these two eyes right at the top of its head and that means it can stay mostly submerged under the mud but just pop it up like a periscope the mudskipper's eyes can move independent of each other and thanks to evolution they can see better in the air than in the water when you just look at those little beady eyes he seems like he'd be small but this is a pretty big boy wow look at that the face almost looks like a frog huge head maybe this is my spirit animal big head big eyes and indifferent to its own death what are you looking at so this is just one it's not enough for a meal so we're gonna look around and see if we have any [Music] mr more here works primarily in construction but as a side hustle he catches and sells these slimy dudes restaurants buy him for three and a half bucks a pound however today's catch won't be going to a restaurant instead he's going to cook him up the old fashioned way we have returned from the hunt victorious albeit disheveled but that's okay it's all part of the journey joining the cooking team mr kung's son who goes by the name dat here is about speed and efficiency simply impale the mudskipper on a stick and grill it over a fire [Music] here we have a roughly 10 of these mud skippers they look terrifying they've got some things man what do these guys usually eat in the wild though innocent looking at first glance these guys have a wide smile of toothy fangs that can eat anything from insects to fish and even crabs oh the mouth is literally smoking this is me when i eat spicy food so he grabs the head and grabs the tail he bends it in half revealing some very steamy hot meat the first food review right here my dog her name is bunmi she cannot lie she likes it oh here he's put on some of his home sauce it contains salt sugar chili and lime let's try it out good yummy the sauce is very powerful citrusy it's spicy super salty and there's some lemongrass in there no no and there's not lemongrass in there so i don't taste any of that the fish alone it's a white meat it's very delicate very flaky the smell is fishy and like murky it's a mud fish it tastes like its environment a bit but when you put it with the sauce very fresh it creates a nice balance all right he's peeling the skin back i think he wants me to eat these little eyes okay he knows how to apply the peer pressure i watched a video about peer pressure in eighth grade when people say come on you can say i'm taking antibiotics i can't i wish i could uh get drunk or whatever you want me to do eat the eyeballs i can't do it [Music] oh my god it's like two little gummy eyeballs but it's not that bad actually i kind of like it i gotta say the mud skipper it's ugly looking some could say uh terrifying but if you uh open your heart and open your mouth at the same time you might find out you like it a lot sucks up [Music] okay in order to see the mud skipper reach its highest potential i'm heading here a countryside restaurant where miss bunt the queen of mudfish cooks them up like no other we have just arrived at our next location they literally have every type of seafood you could imagine they have they have four types of seafood you can imagine but right here this is what we've come here for here they have a bunch of different ways they can cook this local delicacy we're gonna find out how in a second first i got to catch dinner again so what you want to do is you want to kind of get up under its armpits give it a gentle squeeze and uh all right let's try that again what this is harder than the actual fishing do you have a tiny fishing pole okay i'm told she usually uses a net okay i'm gonna try to net them that should be easy enough let's go all right pop them in this bowl there we go so we have six right here big plump juicy so let's head into the kitchen and see how these guys are gonna be cooked right now we're in the kitchen with miss uh sinchalbon here we have about 20 of these guys and kind of have accepted their fate so let's begin miss fun wastes no time jumping into a recipe she starts by dispatching the mud skippers and that is done by breaking its neck like jean-claude phan damn then removing the inedible bits off with the nose off of the fin off with the gills then the organs why don't you eat these organs all that hanging out in mud seems to affect the flavor of their organs kind of like why my liver would taste like jack daniels from here the skinning our first dish is caramelized mud skipper for this stewed dish the skin is removed so all the seasonings can penetrate deep into the meat so we have two mudskippers right here ready to be cooked ready to be seasoned did you see that it moved it was over here and now it's over here i'm told it's a very strong fish it lives a long time even in the afterlife listen everything's been unplugged it's not alive but these are the nerves it's got a strong nervous system that's still cranking away it's still trying to get back to its mud hole poor little guy so that is how you dispatch and prepare your fish for caramelized fish all right thank you ma'am this is great yeah come on come on in yeah so chop the mud skipper and put it into a clay pot add chopped scallions shallots and onions fish sauce salt msg seasoning powder sugar pepper fried garlic chili flakes fresh chilies cooking oil and caramel sauce mix it up add water and cook for 20 minutes here in front of me two different preparations quite different in style you can see this one it looks like it could be anything any number of fish that have been skinned and chopped into little pieces but when you look over to here things change a bit i was told it was fried i was hoping the frying would help kind of hide the insane visual of this fish but in fact it's exacerbated it but can i say these guys they have great teeth look how white these teeth are the rock couldn't get his teeth this white can we look at the rock real quick yeah those are some white teeth so if i got to choose i'm going to start here caramelized mud skipper let's go for it [Music] oh i gotta say that's real good meat tastes clean you never know this was a fish from the mud but really bold flavors sweet savory and just this beautiful thick caramelized sauce on here i thought this would be complicated to eat because of all the bones but it turns out the meat has become so soft and tender it just pops right off and the best part is uh it's not moving so that is dish one next the fried mud skipper the mud skippers get deep fried until golden brown when they start to resemble horrifying alien creatures they're ready to eat to cut through some of this heavy oily fish we have some sweet succulent tamarind sauce let's try it out okay it looks pretty good it's medium and it would be cool if there was like a crunch to it but overall compared to how terrifying it looks i like the taste i gotta say i've been with these fish from the beginning of the day so i've seen this whole process but if you just went to a restaurant and this is all you saw you would understandably be freaked out and that's why you can never judge a book by its face if you go to a bookstore and you look at the book's face and you look at the book's teeth it would be tempting to judge it but this book although it may be hideous and ugly it's a tasty book finally i'm gonna feed the dog a little bit of fish and then she can decide if she likes it by me eat this and act indifferent if you really like it wow you don't get much more indifferent than that she loves it this creature it lives only about two hours from where i live and i've never seen it before it's the type of creature that would be easy to go your whole life and pass by because it's really tough to get to especially the hunted you have to be absolutely dedicated so for you guys if you have the chance to go hunting for mud skipper i highly suggest it and you can even be sober but you don't have to be merch alert this is for all you head to tail adventurous eaters always down for trying something new no waste more taste only available to the end of march now we've seen like kind of the local super straightforward simple countryside preparation now we're in a kitchen they have a lot more facilities they have things like salt perhaps a a pot it's a lot you could do with that oh you can see him walking that's so crazy it's like somebody in a wartime scenario got their legs blown out they're just using their arms and they're pulling themselves along the mud that's what this guy is like but you know more like a fish oh aha this one this one still has the will to lift [Music] that's fine everything's fine can i be straight forward with you guys we put some other dogs in dog jail so my dog can hang out with me and eat worth it screw those dogs you're gonna be a star and make me lots of money guys i hope you enjoyed this deep dive into vietnam's mud skipper fish i know i did except for the actually catching it and going in the mud and like doing stuff but eating eating was great that was the best part for me guys that is it for this one thank you so much for watching we will see you next time a piece all right i'm gonna find a frog skipper maybe dolphin skipper tuna skipper there are other animals that skip can you eat them i'm gonna look into this
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,562,875
Rating: 4.9192834 out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, mudskipper, seafood series, asian food, Vietnamese food, Can gio, Vietnamese chef, unique cooking, sea creature, unique food, bizarre creature, Saigon, weird creature, amphibious fish, GRILLED MUDSKIPPER ON CHARCOAL, CARAMELIZED MUDSKIPPER IN A CLAYPOT, DEEP-FRIED MUDSKIPPERS
Id: qdYcBMl9SoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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