Crashing a Fiesta in the Philippines! (Lechon, Adobo, Eel)

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Ang sexy ng lechon sa preview ha.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/brain_rays ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 13 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yung mga piyesta na napupuntahan ko, puro menudo at sipo eggs. T.T

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/syaochan ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 13 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] Wow this looks incredible I doing there try to wake up bro oh we got a fiesta to go fiesta can we turn we doing that now I know I like Madonna - it's a talent like a tiny I mean turn it off good morning everybody obviously it's Fiesta time it's 5:30 a.m. and we are headed to Bohol from Cebu City basically to get the whole neighborhood which is called a Mart guy butter Bar None guy there's food there's drinking and there's other assortment of activities we just got out of the taxi and it's like oh you forgot something in here it was the drone what an idiot and what an awesome driver that he let us know go cross the winner Jimmy fan running winners right down the line yo dr racula around the bus port okay someone brought their rooster so that's good there will be plenty of roosters we don't have to worry about I was actually pretty worried but there's going to be risking something everyone Tokyo is too early but what are you doing watching the main thing about what's happening now is now we're on a budget today that's your handshake there we go there we go back brother don't fall don't fall in the water until we go in the top [Music] this is my guide while I'm in seval Ramon hearing me it's the same for yes pinball the estimate yeah the whole month of May so people from before seeing other places go back home death especially go for around 90 and and uh I think I've got about one day in me we're now I'm sorry we're not doing nine days [Music] one thing you can definitely expect at if you have to is singing yeah singing and without them singing and so I brought you this gift for we're doing me the favor of being my guide while I'm hearing yeah yo people enjoy think of me this now the party will follow you wherever you go yeah wherever you go there's karaoke who are these people waiting to go on oh my God we're here one step closer to the Fiesta what if I see or my land we are going to native to how I could read over too much this is how you ride in style in the Philippines and Vietnam they've gotten scooters in Cambodia they've got the tough stuff and for the local transportation on these islands it's all about the tricycle [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] and it's yes to time and that means it's food time starting out with this treasure box with a surprise inside yes yes can you show me what it is I'm told there's a special Wow okay that is that is huge all right this is an eel is it the shocking kind yeah electric eel and we're gonna like cut this up and eat it this is a small one do one where do you cut this over here should we go make it I want to see I want to have eel rolls eel eel sushi you have to do it like you're angry at it my god this is this eel insulted you I do I need a splatter mask are we gonna get the head yeah yeah okay stupid question I'm sorry when you see eel it's long it's slimy it's like electrical it's mysterious this of course it has something to do with stamina right yeah okay yeah you're telling me everything with your smile and we need to salmon up for the Fiesta right yeah okay that's just for justice not just not just for the Fiesta yeah okay that looks hard to cut can I can I cut one sorry yeah can I try yeah you want yeah I'll give it a shot you're in careful with the hands so don't do it decipher it won't oh you really gotta chop it on not so sharp you make that look easy well you make it look just somewhat hard and it's actually very hard all right if I cut my hand off it's going to be a bad way to start a fiesta no I'm saying in my country when you cut your hand off it's bad luck yeah it's really bad look oh I feel like I'm terrible at this come on Wow I don't recommend doing this after drinking okay well I got to say I feel like I made a big contribution I'm going to go wash my hands my hand is gonna smell like eel for the rest of the night for sure this is not coming off and it's oily I mean he'll the oil has to be good for your skin right all right let's go get some more food [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is the Dean let me see if I can do dinuguan dinuguan or do Google yeah and we've got like the the innards some liver heart and lungs yeah everything has testicle no no okay pancreas intestine stomach okay well so basically everything everything everything that is on the inside of the pig is now in this bowl and you cut it into tiny pieces yeah and later you're going to cook this with blood food oh let's take a look at the blood everybody this is what a pig's nightmares are made of this is what Pig dream about and they wake up like oh oh is that okay oh thank God it was just a dream my buddy in my mouth I got a hot tip that there's some portlet shown here at the neighbor's house that's rotisserie pork to find it we need to follow the smoke follow your nose I'm showing a different part of the pig it's not from the body okay don't don't use you know wow this looks this looks incredible hello either good afternoon would you look at that manual rotisserie do they keep it moving this whole time yes for the whole four to five bars and so there's somebody manually for hitting the whole time they take things on some okay that's like a good upper-body workout I would think maybe I can give this kid like a five-minute break can you think he'll show me the way to do it alright let's go ask if you let me rotate some rice to Pig a little bit can you say hello am I too weird am I too weird is it because I'm ugly okay the guy named Adam Smith John Lloyd is his name John Lloyd it's a famous actor entertaining the Philippines oh I thought I recognized you how long have you been spinning the pinion it's all I got okay Don it's a recipe to speak to you after so many wonderfully on a bubble bath she just just it just started it's gonna be going back and forth like four or five hours how do you know when it's done it's the juice inside yeah yeah it starts to become clear okay yeah interesting can I try it don't you trust me it's okay okay can I sit in your chair yeah all right what a fitting I'm not going to laugh it's a lot of pressure here if you if you wait too long if you let it pause it will maybe burn it's actually a lot easier than I thought I think the ears are going to get done first they're extra crispy this is so amazing oh man my ad D is really kicking in right now this takes a lot of focus I have a new drunk test it is keep this spinning and say the alphabet backwards at the same time alright z Y X W I can't do it and I'm not even drunk [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] okay look it's yes to time some time has elapsed since we worked it way can you hear me in this for the way you get are you sure some time is the last since I was manually rotating that pig and now we have a pic of our own we are this this is a whole year this is an entire Pig year we've got some eel we've got some oomba also known as adobo in some regions now I've been told the skin of the legend is the most delicious part it is crispy when the pig was first uncovered the kids the kids casick 10 11 12 we're taking nice to it ripping off pieces of skin anything that show us how delicious it can I eat it just like a fight alone you know that's okay okay it's not sacrilegious here we go oh my arm crunch camera now did you guys hear this Cochinos oh my god so good and this is also the junk I'm part of the comment [Music] that's ridiculous this was a table was set up and once somebody said go it took about two minutes for everyone to gather a plate and sit down and go to town on it such a gentleman over here I'm like can you hang out with me while I eat and he's like yes technically yes that is amazing and it's a freakin here it's a whole here of a page this is guilt alter the snake of the ocean Einstein once said and that means that there's a hard bone in the middle this might be the piece that I cut up myself I did helpless as an animal right let's try out so heel whoa they considered an eel is also an apparition of course they do and we need the salmon for the Fiesta right just for the fish the skin is super slimy but beyond that the meat itself is very fish like you look at a ye'll it doesn't look that tasty yeah that's really good last thing a doe bone cooked pork also we're in several that we're speaking behind B Saye so we're going to call it the appropriate name here which is boom boom ba Oh nailed it and this is essentially the four-color yeah with basically tons of bent and it's been cooking in soy sauce and vinegar huge hunk of adobo belly pork belly back when I will they may come by easily use the green ridiculously good it's probably one of my favorite things I've had in the Philippines and maybe this anywhere like really rich partially thought partially chili on the skin side this has been an amazing Fiesta I've learned a lot I've eaten a lot I actually drink a lot maybe you can tell yeah because offices top you okay good thank you thank you for the boost of confidence all right that is it we'll see you next time for Kevin go cross the winner Johnny fan winner [Music] you'll be alright study [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 2,755,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filipino fiesta, philippines fiesta, bohol, bohol fiesta, how to part in the philippines, cebu city, cebu lechon, bohol lechon, eel soup, adobo, foreigner lechon, foreigner abodo, eating filipino food, philippines fiesta food, philippines province, bohol province, party in the philippines, filipino party, best ever food review show
Id: d1HgbDeYGn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017
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