FULL Christmas Meal INSIDE a PIG (including dessert)!! Extreme Pig Turducken!!

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at what moment will you know this has been successful it'll be steps throughout the entire process making sure that you don't hit the temperature danger zone or we're not there very long engineering maintenance get his ass over here nonsense today we're taking on a culinary challenge never attempted by any chef or sane person before behind me a restaurant here in southern vietnam called guantanamo legendary in the barbecue scene they do ribs they do chicken but today they're doing something completely different it's technical it's challenging and there are so many reasons it should not be attempted yet here we are gentlemen have you done anything like this before i've not done anything like this before this is not a project i could conceive by myself it takes a brainstorm from a mad genius like him i can't tell if you're like supporting each other or blaming each other we'll see at the end the plan is this combine eight different creatures into one giant meat mountain monstrosity everyone's done it turducken but we're going next level with hagenstein is that what you're calling it that's what i'm calling it okay starting with a quail egg inside a sparrow inside a quail inside a duck inside a chicken inside a goose inside a turkey inside a 100 pound pig what are the biggest challenges you're gonna face in pulling this off we got this big massive beast that can feed 100 people it's very important to make sure all the food is cooked properly never hitting temperature danger zones making sure things are cooked through in addition to every bird we could find we're also tossing an entire holiday meal inside that pig complete with stuffing veggies and dessert can they just be eaten straight away is that the idea scoop it right out of the chest yes that's badass so how is this gonna work i have no idea can you tell me what the heck you're doing right now i'm uh taking the carcass out of this turkey why didn't you just order boneless that's what i do when i go to tgi fridays uh meet jamie head chef at gwanda hood and today's pit master to his side tim one of the hood founders what are you working on here tim the goose oh dude it's like conor mcgregor in his last fight in order to do this right cooking must be spread out over three days day one prepping the birds day two cooking the turducken day three cooking the pig right now they're deboning the birds one by one here's where i'm going for the rip guys uh all right it is gonna be hard to put five birds in there we'll see what happens okay good we wanted to do something that also had a holiday theme what else are you doing to fit the holiday spirit we've got stuffing going inside cranberries sage all of the festives herbs and spices we're gonna put some dessert inside the pig we're gonna make some baked apples is it gonna be roasting or steaming it's toasting the other birds are de-boned and filet chicken check duck check the quail check this pharaoh well it's pretty much impossible to debone a sparrow but once roasted they can be eaten whole finally the quail egg is soft boiling you guys are crushing it thank you for doing this we'll see you again tomorrow cheers cheers to day two day two is all about the assembly of the turducken a turducken is a chicken in a duck in a turkey archer ducking will include even more birds things are looking good overall but i know jamie got a smaller turkey than he expected he's really going to be stretching and pulling to make that bird wrap around all the other birds can he do it i'm going to go find out keep on heading if you want i drive it like hey jamie okay here we have the turkey where'd you order it from small turkeys online.com uh yeah what is the strategy from here start with the big turkey as my platform and go layer by layer all the way down to the quail egg when it's all said and done we'll give it a roll see if it's possible to stitch up if not we start all over and we make things smaller oh god all the meat is brined in salt water overnight but there's a lot more than bird meat going into this turducken first the bacon wheat has it's been cooked it's par cooked yeah part cooked means partially cooked and that's because like guys we work in the kitchen we need to save time by saying half the word slapping the bacon weave on top of the turkey that looks nice next the goops coming in hot then the chicken then a classic holiday stuffing oh it smells really good the stuffing is made with french baguette bread herbs and cranberries is it all cooked par cooked working our way down in bird size the duck is in place and here we're going with gremolata what is that shallot garlic rosemary sage olive oil lemon zest plenty of salt this layer if it goes everywhere it's super cool yeah next layer quail this is our house carolina barbecue sauce a sweet mustard-based barbecue sauce that's been dehydrated turned into a kind of sweet and savory leather it's gonna be a big flavor mmm it's so good it's almost meaty in itself even though it's a freaking sauce right the barbecue leather sits right down the middle then that's topped with three sparrows finally the epicenter of this media monstrosity a symbol for life itself an egg a quail egg to be exact right inside a sparrow so ideally when this is all done we're gonna try to cut it in such a way that we see some egg yolk in the middle that would make us masters let's see what happens layering is easy now the hard part seeing if all this meat will fit inside the turkey please grab the legs and put them together it's time for the moment of truth okay oh baby dude you got so much space it's gonna work yeah it's gonna work huh i'm sorry to say i did have a flash of doubt that jamie wouldn't make it happen try to not stab me huh but i was wrong the meat fits perfectly that looks pretty good and from here there's absolutely nothing that could go wrong what about this rod that came out ah i don't know you know you give me [ __ ] [ __ ] once the turkey is carefully sewn shut it's wrapped in foil and ready to hit the smoker so from here he's gonna head to the roaster and cook for how long about six hours oh i mean oh shoot oh [ __ ] really that long yeah i'll be back in six hours okay cool [Music] the moment has come right now we're gonna open it up and see if it's actually finished let's do it all right crack it open i don't where are you at so you pulled it to the edge here you're kind of peeling back the foil it looks awesome the skin is kind of turned golden brown and it looks super tender yeah it's hard to not just want to take a bite out of it right now thermometer is inside we need to hit 74 to be safe that's about 165 degrees fahrenheit okay bro we're at 77 degrees we're definitely in a safe zone i'm excited seeing this just because i've never seen any turducken in real life it looks completely worth doing this is my first turducken i'm excited so far are you happy with the progress it's uh looks like jamie is not today is day three and it all comes down to this yesterday we made the turducken now it's time to put that inside the pig and roast everything together i'm not gonna lie yesterday was a bit rocky and i know jamie was not that happy with his work it looked like someone threw a grenade inside the turkey to be honest the trunking looks good but it doesn't look great but neither did i when i first popped into this world but my mother still mostly loved me regardless we ran into a problem i totally covered it with foil which allowed a lot of the steam to stay in and the bird kind of exploded was a grenade one of the layers that's good you got jokes it's good for tv good for you bro sorry but listen today's about redemption we're gonna hide that inside of a pig and we can still get a nice cross section at the end of the day right yeah one of the concerns is that during the rotisserie everything might untough from the bird as the skin is not really there so i'm gonna wrap the whole bird and call fat what's called fat call fat is a membrane that encases a mammal's digestive organ this is a pork call fat oh it's gonna encase archer duncan and save this video i hope okay all right really hot so wrapping the call fat around it now kind of keep it in this protective sack i'm having fun again the turducken is all bandaged up now it's time to meet the star the dry salt rub has already been applied to the outside the inside has been rubbed down with a variety of spices paprika garlic powder salt pepper oregano and a few secrets we have the whole pig right here now that i'm seeing everything at scale this is gonna be quite a challenge so first all right i'm not gonna look i don't wanna look either i'm not look you just you do it shove the pole all the way through then secure it that's how you hammer a pig's butt first in is last out starting with our dessert package apples that have been cored and stuffed with brown sugar butter and raisins then wrapped in a beef cauliflower we're kind of replacing its lungs and heart with apples next a meaty layer of holiday sausage made by mixing their in-house chicago style pepperoni and spicy italian sausage so you're going to kind of massage this to the edges creating yet another meat layer now it's time for the birds to enter here it is but is there enough space in this cavity for them to think i'm holding it as wide as i can putting in the turducken oh it looks pretty good man it looks it really looks pretty good that's great that's pretty cool oh my god what a feeling next part cooked veggies shallots pumpkin carrots and potatoes so right now inside the pig we have apples we have loose vegetables we have a whole layer of sausage and then our turducken the only thing left to do now is sew the whole thing up and get it over the fire as soon as possible [Music] time to put the pig on the spit let's go one two three that's not life so we have to lift it over the cage yeah pig is in the spit we're gonna tie the feet to the cage and then get this baby started this is the final step securing the pig legs tied to the roller cage rods skewered through the belly to stop it from flopping around the charcoal is put in place trim enough time to get it rolling there's no competitors how long do you think it's gonna take for this to roast i'm hoping eight hours what's the best case scenario we're drinking at four o'clock eating at six o'clock and sharing delicious food that is safe to eat with some good friends with a challenge like this there are no practice runs we've got one shot to nail it and right when you start regaining confidence something will absolutely go wrong nonsense engineering maintenance get his ass over here i thought the exploded looking turkey was our only problem it's all going to fall apart the weight is going to tear the pig this machine is simply not meant for a pig this size pregnant with 15 pounds of bird we're really running out of time and i'm just gonna go for that right now okay jamie attempted to stabilize the pig but these stainless steel rods are too smooth to stay in place so the impromptu idea what jamie's doing right now is he's taking some steel wire and kind of creating a corset he's gonna wrap that around a few times and hopefully that's gonna hold it in place but we don't know for sure and the clock is ticking so all i can say don't rush it make sure it's done properly yeah all right we're turning it on hoping that it's a bit more stable now not sliding around so much better it's better it's definitely better we're gonna go with it we're gonna put the box on get it hot mope hi bye me oh what's holding it [ __ ] legs [Music] um this is brutal i feel pretty bad for jamie right now i just want to adjust this leg because it's hitting the top of the box and if i can just pull it back maybe we'll be back in the game what about this rod that came out ah i don't you know you give me [ __ ] [ __ ] it's kind of like everything went wrong one issue after another after another it's not like we can just redo it real quick we can't just like re-boil some pasta we're gonna at least pull one skewer out right okay that one's out okay spinning now you have a pig on a rotisserie normally it's not that big of a deal because it's like hollow on the inside but this pig has 12 to 15 pounds of chicken meat inside its gut so every time it's rotating it's sloshing back and forth like a fat guy sprinting so it's in there it's cooking we're gonna have to come back in five six hours and see if this is gonna work at all i mean hopefully we don't pick it up an impossible fact man's food like a mime act the crowd has arrived and this holiday feast is ready to be revealed to the world gentlemen the time has come this has been roasting for about eight hours how are you feeling full of energy surrounded with the love of this pig celebration great i think we should take this off and reveal what's inside let's do it everything we've worked for over the last three days has built up to this [Music] moment the pig has been roasting for eight hours and it looks like it looks like it got caught in a barn fire to be honest what happened to the feet i cooked them cool i love pig feet it's certainly not gonna win any beauty contest but lucky for us at least this once is what's on the inside that matters here we have the final product the smell it's outstanding it smells very delicious can we rip off some of this and eat it straight away cheers like bacon crunchy salty and delicious that's the money when you first pull the pig off what's your favorite section of meat to bite into right away i'm generally into the cheek she'll get off some cheek gentlemen i think we got a beautiful cheek jowl here oh my god it's so meaty just a great combination of textures here cheers guys wow this is the wagyu of roasted pork right here super tender pork roast that's amazing that is really good so you just opened up the neck cavity the veggies are intact and beautifully cooked what is this a brussels sprout that's right oh huh this is interesting i thought this would dissolve away into nothing but it's still got some body to it yeah we absolutely did one thing for sure perfectly with all this animal slaughter at least we got the vegetables right everything i've tried so far absolutely delicious but now we're hoping to do a cross section to cut it and then see just this beautiful layering of meat and different species let's do it i'm looking for the egg this is actually quite okay now it's going through pretty smooth i can see that there's juices leaking out please let the music play one two three oh that's pretty cool man all right yes yes look at that you can see all the layers here there's a sausage up here turkey goose and then the chicken is a little bit lighter color then we have duck inside of that and then from there well it's just a mess of different things happening never judge a pig by its cover the cross section looks simply stunning this is sparrow bones really guys we found evidence sparrows have been here the perfect layering of foul and flavors there's our turkey leg amidst a slew of obstacles somehow jamie and tim came out victorious wow now there's nothing left to do but saw a proportion and dig i love that when you're looking at the layers you can definitely tell them apart oh i think this is sausage the sausage is beautifully spiced oh we hit cranberries this compact layer is just stuffing that bite is like christmas dinner rich turkey moist beautiful stuffing and some cranberries in there the variety of meats and ingredients offer an endless array of flavor combinations this is the goose i believe it's very flavorful and if you dig even deeper you might just find a surprise no here it's a sparrow oh my god i did not expect this you can see right here the head of the sparrow i don't know if there's an egg in here but this is right at the center of this whole amazing mess let's try out the sparrow i need the strings i need the bass and the drums it's easier when it's fries because then the bones really like become brittle the flavors aren't good though that's juicy a good holiday meal isn't complete without a sweet finish luckily our dessert was cooked inside the pig and it's still piping hot number one [Music] oh you're doing great the apples are still intact oh it's so eff and hot what do you think that looks pretty good i reckon it's nice and soft this baked cinnamon apple is served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon i want a big wedge apple raisins ice cream here we go that is so satisfying this is the perfect end to a long arduous slog three days putting together this whole thing it's a porky dream come true i'm going for mark wiens this is a modern meat marble a spectacle with culinary merit pushing the edges of what's possible with a list of ingredients a little creativity and a lot of guts huge ups to guanajuato jamie tim and the whole team here for having the intestinal fortitude to take on such a challenge doing it on such a big scale with such a large animal with so many birds and a huge pig i think they pulled it off it would have been easy to quit but the folks here at guangdong pushed on and in the end came out victorious [Music] from researching and shooting to editing and mastering our 10 person best ever food review show team works hard to roll out the highest quality travel food entertainment twice a week if you like what we do here please consider supporting our patreon patreon allows fans of the show to contribute a monthly sum and receive a load of extras like early video releases private q and a's and beyond to learn more about our patreon check out the link in the description box down below and if you can't give or don't even feel like it that's okay too we're just happy you're here all right that's it for this one thank you so much for watching i will see you next time or peace all right let's drink some more of that beer where do you get those [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,123,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: christmas meal, turducken, turducken in pig, chicken in duck in turkey, turkey in pig, roasted pig, cooking challenge, meat, bbq, grilling
Id: 5aOf_8JoNmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2020
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