GIANT FREAKING CLAM!! Southeast Asia’s Wildest Seafood!!

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here they have one creature so insidious it just looks like pure blood so dangerous is it that time in the show where i eat it the food that makes some people sick and die will i make it to location too vietnam has over 2 000 miles of coastline that means a lot of ocean access oceans that are packed with thousands of tasty marine species you've never seen before all that area is for those dripping dude okay i'll put it away today we're on puff island in search of some seriously unique shellfish from a bizarre shelled species that bleeds real blood it's small but it is so weird to the biggest clam you've ever seen wow all that and more starting now welcome to island this island is surrounded by water oh wait that's all islands we're back on fuel island vietnam's biggest island and a destination for seafood lovers today we're in search of some of the world's most unique shellfish shellfish boring pale by valve mollusks here they've got a shellfish that bleeds real red blood and sticky do you like dining with a little bit of danger i don't know if i'm gonna get sick injured or dead for me i just call it breakfast let's go i've come to one of the biggest seafood restaurants in town with a very menu you can literally pick from check this guy out dude that is freaking huge it's gotta be a few pounds at least super expensive very exotic but we're not here for this we're actually here for something much much smaller live this kind of edible aquarium is common among seafood restaurants in vietnam it keeps the food fresh and tantalizes the eyes of hungry patriots cool so i made it to the clam section what kind of clam is this i guess that's a snail we're not here for that here we have what i'd call a normal ass clamp nothing special but here this is actually what we've come for it looks very innocent indistinct harmless no big deal but actually it could be very dangerous oh wait are you on my face right now very dangerous these are known as blood clams you'll see why soon they're dangerous because they can easily carry deadly diseases like hepatitis dysentery and typhoid sounds delicious let's see it's true that people have died from eating blood clams but this is not a suicide mission you see the danger doesn't come from the clam itself but from the environment they live in blood clams harvested from clean water or raised in farms are safe and loved throughout many parts of asia right now i'm in the kitchen with chef lee sir nice to meet you put it there maybe they don't do a handshake on this island it hasn't reached the island yet handshakes that's okay here we have our blood clams what's super unique about these is they're nearly impossible to open so even though i want to eat it raw right now or literally can you open that basically at this point it's uneatable you need a hammer and a chisel or you need to steam it blanching the clamps for half a minute makes their shells unhinge just enough to pry open oh he's doing it yes look at that freaky little thing it's small but it is so weird oh and sticky and even in the shell still it just looks like pure blood this gruesome red blood bath is the result of hemoglobin the protein that gives our blood it's red color my god that looks really gnarly the blood clam is the only clam species carrying this protein that's why it can easily pass on certain human blood diseases is it that time in the show where i eat it the food that makes some people sick and die um and this way we can both die cheers briny a little sweet it's got a funky kind of half spongy have crunchy texture okay okay i'm gonna take it as a yes from here he's gonna cook these up a couple more ways and we're gonna try it out chef [Music] after blanching these clams are stir-fried with chili and garlic pour in some tamarind sauce and make sure each clam is coated in this sweet sticky glaze want some more variety these clamps are coated with salt and chili [Music] i'm gonna try one of these with the tamarind and the peanut inside with my years in vietnam i know you're not supposed to go right for the meat you're supposed to give this little washing machine action in your mouth clean from here i need to attempt to open this this is like the world's hardest seafood to eat i'm gonna bend my fingernails back i know it ah there we go at this point zero percent of that tamarind is actually on the meat give it a dip in the sauce try it out a beautiful balance the tamarind is almost like the syrupy sweet sauce and so to balance out that kind of rainy oceanic flavor you need a little bit of sweetness next the spicy blood clam this is a huge bite right here try it out so that one's very spicy but a nice kind of inviting spiciness this would be perfect with beer overall good i like it but i feel like i burned more calories trying to open it than i received by eating it this mollusk mission is just beginning this thing is so big so old i've never seen a clam this big but before we get to that giant clam we're stopping here a seafood spot containing a rare species that's quite possibly never been identified by scientists before this is so weird let's try it out we have come to our second location a seafood restaurant with dozens of live seafood options here something super unique that you don't see everywhere built into the wall they have a compressor from there it's shooting out air through these little hoses this hose has a little anchor drop that in it puts oxygen into the water and that way your seafood doesn't die until someone orders it this before me is what we've come here for this is the pen shell the pen shell it has a shell shaped somewhat like a quill pen hence the name oh it's so strong there's no way to pry it open without just completely breaking the show [Music] it scared me because it moved this pen shell species can easily be found in vietnamese waters folks here can't get enough of what's inside this shell i'm in the kitchen right now with chip date you ready yeah so he starts by sticking in a subway butter knife and then he kind of peels one side and then opens it up that's a confusing mess in there oh i feel uncomfortable i didn't realize it was so complicated i thought it was just going to be one big piece of meat all right well you know it's got to eat it's got to pull so all those components are in here a stomach probably an anus we're not eating this one raw are we oh please god no these pen shells are made into two different dishes lucky for me neither will be wrong first the pen shell scallops are removed from the other organs cut in half and stir fry this is kind of like this scallop one of these pen shells weighs about half a pound and in that half a pound creature you get this much luxury meat let's try it out it's similar to a scallop maybe there's this color it's not like a traditional quickly seared buttery scallop is going to be just soft and sweet and super tender soft i say soft twice this is very dense and quite chewy possibly cooked a little bit too long but that just might be the way it rolls too all the flavors are good but man that is an interesting texture the second dish is simple cooking over hot charcoals with scallion oil and then peanuts this is just everything this white scallop is in here too as well as everything else i'm gonna try this out right now wow stuff in there i wouldn't say it's like the cleanest taste ever it's got almost like an oceanic gaminess to it super chewy it's like heavy and bold like vin diesel like ludicrous what if i just named all the fast and furious cast who else is in fast and furious moving on dish number three we didn't actually come here for this but i found it randomly what the what's this oh it's a gooey duck no i think it's different than a gooey dog gooey duck doesn't have any antennae me from the future now knows this is probably a pacific racer clam dang scientists were one step ahead of me once again in order to catch these guys folks need to wait for low tide then dig through the mud with their hands this is a specialty on this island and honestly i've never seen it anywhere else this is great okay let's eat that too grilling and stir frying are the most common ways to cook seafood here and it's no different with this strange species a hot pan the clams salt oyster sauce a bunch of morning glory and that makes a pretty darn exclusive plate of yum i'm gonna try it out right now [Music] that's a pleasant surprise although it looks super strange the taste is pretty good just our seasonings here are fantastic it's so garlicky peppery the creature itself it's surprisingly soft and tender and easy to chew on that is funky man well delicious coming up next a record-breaking plan it's eating your knife it's the biggest one i've ever seen there's like layers to this clam and soon the biggest i've ever eaten we've come to a restaurant specializing in all types of insane seafood but all of it is caught locally here a lot of their seafood is really big they specialize in big products the biggest they can find i saw something here that caught my eye i'm gonna pull it out right now i've never seen a clam this big it's so big it leaks about a liter of water when you take it out maybe it has to go to the bathroom is it going to the bathroom on me this is a pearl plant oh it's so weird it's like just like touching a rock or a coral yes this ugly looking dude can actually make beautiful jewelry on this show there's some weird little coral growing like creatures we're living on and in this creature and soon this creature is going to live inside of me because i'm going to eat it oh i guess it'll be dead making pearls is usually done on pearl farms but even a wild clam like this has a one in fifteen hundred chance of bringing great food and great fortune chef duan is gonna pry it open right now and we're gonna see what a giant clam looks like inside no steaming no boiling this giant guy needs more of a physical approach it's estimated this clam's been alive for roughly five years at least to get to this size and by the time we open it there won't be anything left wow you hear that wow the international language oh oh i'm gonna regret this oh what this looks crazy inside this is the huge meaty part that would be kind of like a scallop and then all the organs around it as i'm feeling around there is no oyster you're usually not gonna get lucky now that it's open and now that i see i'm not one pearl richer the rest is easy the shell becomes a giant skillet what part do you think is the most delicious so he's saying this really white and meaty part real good add scallion oil and peanut the classic way to cook any shellfish here clams right here we're looking at a giant clam split in half they use the clam as a dish itself to cook it in it is both the cooking utensil and the food all in one creature the clam looks huge it was very heavy when you get down to it doesn't seem like a ton there this is about four bites let's take a bite out of it i've never had a multi-bite clam [Music] [Music] that did not go that well so the flavors are actually outstanding dynamite a powerful scallion musk some nice peanuts in there but take a look man this is thick and chewy as heck like i need a steak knife to eat the rest of this aha i've spotted a solution for some reason americans don't really use scissors in the kitchen and they really ought to check it out oh much better huh very nice now these pieces are much more manageable great seasoning this is really quite a treat and i was wrong i thought it was four bites it's like 40 bites and 4 000 chews to get it down it's very chewy today i've been living a seafood lover's dream eating fresh food right from the tank oh delicious but it's actually possible to get even fresher than this i'm talking food pulled right from the ocean this is awesome and moments later it's on your plate i thought fish would gather around like puppies do when you're eating we've come to our third location i'm with my dude mr wang wang so let's do a quick tour right here they have a bunch of cobia this is just a huge white fish from the top they actually look a lot like sharks but they are not sharks right now we're gonna feed some oh that's like me when my food comes at a restaurant typically restaurants do their best to preserve fish in tanks with oxygen but eventually most will die we have a big group of groupers oh please tell me a pack of groupers is called a group here if you don't sell the fish for a week or even a couple months it's not a problem we're gonna try to make them come to the surface in fact the fish can keep growing bringing in more money when they finally sell oh they're much more majestic this place is not just about the fish they also have clams stored in the same way and he's gonna pull some up right now take it away this is awesome look at this i feel like a real fisherman except someone else caught these these clams are known as rambutan clams the rambutan clam is the local name for the thorny oyster locals here say it looks a lot like this fruit these spikes are part of the mollusk's defense system and they help the clamps to stick on other surfaces like reefs he's gonna shuck one of these open right now oh what the flip maybe it's also called rambutan because it is bright and pink on the inside he's gonna pull up one more bag right now oh these are huge these are called bowl clams and it's another indigenous species very near to fuel island the bowl clam also got this creative local name because it kind of looks like a bowl i don't know why i'm obsessed with trying to open these and i fail every time this is the largest clamp in the hard shell clam family we're gonna have to throw this in hot boiling water you'll like that then you'll open up huh grill them over charcoal for 20 minutes top with cheese and serve right now perhaps the creepiest eating scene i've ever done you guys hear that here a beautiful spread of shellfish on this side it's the bowl clam it looks like a cheeseburger without the bun it's really solid that's big oh i almost chopped it up that's really hard to chew i thought it was going to be more like an oyster it's nothing like an oyster at one point it almost killed me very dense thick a little sandy that's how you know it's fresh i feel conflicted so this white trash side of me is like ooh processed melted cheese so putting cheese on seafood i don't want to like it but i kind of like it over here the rambutan clam it looks super interesting the thorny oysters also get the hot water treatment on the side a hot pan with scallions and shallots add the clam meat and some seasoning then add some freshness these clams look really freaky it's almost like an eyeball there's like this dark deep orangey red part and then there's an opaque kind of white heart like a fish's eye that's clouded over let's try it out less chewy more and kind of spongy the clams have kind of taken in some of that seasoning this but it still has its lamy brinyness in there too it's very different from any other clam i've had it's like eating an eye for me it's been super fun throughout the whole day not just trying different kinds of shellfish i haven't seen before but shellfish that you likely can't really get at other parts of the world so when i say this is some of the most delicious seafood i've ever had you basically have to take my word for it and you'll have no idea if i'm lying because you can't travel here either because of corona best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits of peace we have come to our first location like location location yeah yeah i didn't think it could get old just walking around eating food it got old i want something different or more money psych i wasn't even on the phone right fine fine get rid of this kid too tomboy the tricky part about his funny lobster is that uh it's spiny son of a this is really hard to open maybe you can like bring it to the kitchen and the chef can open it and bring it back and every time like i open it oh that one opened up really easily i love this kitchen no stainless steel what they've done is they've taken kind of a plastic tarp and they've stapled it to a wooden table that looks like metal from the side of a building real beach style real like what's that show with tom hanks where he falls off the airplane outcast mission impossible it's like mission impossible [Music] what the that is it for this one we will see you next time thank you so much for watching a piece and then what if i jumped in huh would that be crazy i'm not gonna all right let's go home can you move just watch no no no no
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,970,764
Rating: 4.9328208 out of 5
Keywords: Best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, clam, seafood series, asian food, Vietnamese food, Phu Quoc island, Vietnamese chef, unique cooking, sea creature, BLOOD COCKLE, PEN SHELL scallop, GEODUCK, RAMBUTAN SHELL, QUAHOG CLAMS, PEARL OYSTER, unique food, bizarre sea creature
Id: DCtc88HN2F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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