Hunter X Hunters DEATHBATTLE Chrollo Vs Hisoka Explained...

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inside of the fourth poorest building and settled the verse two floor Masters are introduced to everyone before their fight it's shown that the Grim Creeper himself the one and only hasoka Morrow is pitted up against crolo Lucifer in their first match as a floor Master as we all know from the anime and his goal of taking down the spiders ahsoka's lifetime dream of wanting this battle has finally been realized he makes it extremely clear to the spider boy that he doesn't want the match to become a simple sparring session to which crolo agrees stating that this will indeed be a battle to the death but just before we do go any further if you guys want me to keep covering these battles that happen throughout the Hana Hana manga by the south of kurapaker or the princes then push this video to 10K likes and I'll make sure to cover each individual battle that happens inside of the succession Arc as it continues releasing of course also make sure to subscribe with that notification Bell on so you don't miss out on the latest drops but enough of me barking on is per usual let's get into the battle inside of Heaven's Arena standing there separating the fighters the judge explains that weapons are indeed allowed in this fight then quickly initiates the battle instantly as the battle begins crawler pulls out his book while hishsoka and tandem readies a card any flash Crawley reveals a controlled antenna before inserting it into the back of the judge's neck so this is actually another spider's technique the number six charl Knox ninability called black voice having seen this ability before hasoka realized that crowler was actually evading him after the exorcism because remember you know like what happened with the train and all earlier on in the series in order to prepare for their fight now like he went around amassing abilities he thought he'd need to take down hisoka comfortably cheekily crolo then reveals yet another antenna showing his opponent that he has the ability to control him if subdued before he demandsly judge to attack Ahsoka quite comfortably though our beautiful pink head goon head kicks the judge while getting ready for crolo to close then for a strike however the spider takes him off guard by pulling a faint and suddenly appearing above hisoka crolo unleashes a brutal flurry of storm as Ahsoka barely manages to block the incoming barrage he Ponders on how exactly the antenna ability works and if it can control more than a single person at once with crrollo still continuing his assault it's revealed that hersoka attached the bungee gun from his own foot to the judge's chest and because of it he activated the ability elastic love pulling the target at Max Speed towards them allowing hisoka to then Escape Carlo's line of sides Crowley quickly Dodges and directs the judge towards his opponent again who realizes that this spider is using the strategy with the antennae to constantly put him on edge as he has an insta kill method absolutely loving this feeling swelling up inside of him though Ahsoka rejoices and slashes the judges neck with one of his cards yet and taking him by surprise there's a small Blast from the judge's chest causing Ahsoka to reactively use Bungie to repel to the ceiling standing behind the falling judge crawler's hands reveal two symbols placed upon them on the right hand he has a moon shape or their minor sign in the middle and on his left a sun shape with a plus sign in the middle this technique is called the Sun and Moon destruction confused Ahsoka wonders how it's possible for him to use an ability with two hands while not even holding the book that possesses a set ability as explained that crawler's son and moonability impresses the mark of the moon on his right and the sun on his left and the two symbols touched they cause an explosion he can impress these marks instantly which will cause a small blast but to produce a devastating blast he has to touch the target for three to five seconds continuing and giving us a reason for how we managed to use the nobility even though the book was closed crowler reveals the ability double fakes bookmark theme which allows him to maintain an ability by bookmarking its Pages even if the book is closed accordingly he can also have a bookmark on one ability and have it open to another allowing him to use both abilities at the same time Ahsoka who guessed that he could probably use three not just two abilities because the bookmark counts as one itself inquires more but it's actually shown that the bookmark isn't a stolen ability as crolu's own ability that he came up with in combination with the board basically it's an ability inside of a theft type of ability to use two stolen techniques at once crawler though just Trader wants to use hands and mainly does this because the real Advantage is not having to hold the book then as things start to heat back up Chromo declares that if Ahsoka keeps us up he'll set a new record for the number of abilities crawlers used on someone taking it one step further though like the man like the man ain't done yet crawler reveals yet another ability order stand proof of humanity this is like pretty similar to the previous ability but unlike shalnark's ability order stamp manipulates puppets black voice is the superior as it gives total control but due to its higher level of control it's limited to two people at a time Auto stamp though is a much simpler ability when it comes to control and because of that he can manipulate many with a bookmark reappearing crawler marks another page in his book while explaining to hisoka it has really seen this ability before using gallery fake Divine left hand demonic right hand he makes a copy of the Dead judge before as you could probably assume he uses the stamp ability on the forehead of the copy he explains that unlike himself the former owner of order stamp didn't consider a corpse and a puppet similar inanimate objects so while the corpse can't be controlled with the ability a copy of it can telling the copy to stand crawler explains that for the original owner once the puppet had been beheaded it was no longer a puppet which honestly is super interesting like I really love how just in-depth each technique inside of hanahana gets you can compare it to like a binding vowel in some ways with jjk like to some aspects of it yeah I find with jjk the least specific you are about a Bonnie vowel or with one the more broken it can actually be whereas here with Hana I feel that the conditions can either hinder or help someone depending on the scenario and situation they actually find themselves in with that all out of the way though crolukamansi puppet to break Ahsoka claiming that a puppet usually created by copying a human reacts to kill orders depending on the original personality of the human though as we've just seen if the command is made more simple they will always focus on doing that exact task until completion not bothered by one puppet so easily twists he copies hit off and crawler confirms that this stops the puppet causing order stamp to disappear yet if you've noticed like Ahsoka just did the puppet itself Still Remains which is for the simple fact that he hasn't deactivated Gallery fake so when he finally does vanish soku will be able to confirm that crowler's abilities have deactivated knowing that at least one more ability Still Remains one more as well which is actually like crazy damasoka's only got the legendary bungee gum I don't know how in the world he's going to win here maybe he could do some like some of that creepy stuff like twerk on crowler for a bit to freak him out but I fully doubt he's even gonna do that all right crolo's probably too old for him to act that way anyway revealing the sneak stability either way crawler shows opposing arrows on each hand this is called convert hands transfer student if crolo touches a target with his right hand it will take his form and vice versa with his left and touching the tackle with both hands will cause the toe to switch forms thinking on the spot Ahsoka wonders if crawler would be able to make a copy using gallery fakes hand marks but realizes that having holy book would get in his way with all of this being done to justify Ahsoka Prolo explains one more thing and the most important bit of information if an ability's original owner dies it disappears from his book and can never be used again yet one of the abilities just explained remains in this book even after the owner's death initially confused Ahsoka quickly comes to the realization that involved nin becoming stronger after death watch if you remember back to the fight with gun and Pito her inability like this one stated in the book actually stayed around after her death and if I'm not wrong was also stronger at that exact point but because of how broken gone Wars it wasn't really like visible to us at the time the ability inclusion here is that of the Sun and Moon technique the original owner was an elder of meteos City who had used his ability to turn one of the residents into a bomb to deliver a message in addition and just like crolo the Elder didn't see a difference between humans and puppets so pretty much and just like Ahsoka confirms once marked with the sun and moon it cannot be removed until it explodes even his book is closed or put away with Trello entirely confident in his coming Victory he asks Ahsoka if he still wants to continue with the big beautiful boy heplexane yes beginning to move now Chloe thinks that humans are indeed interesting quickly he activates his bookmarkability and leaps backwards towards the crowd having gained some distance he pulls out black voice pulling out two of his antennae at the same time not bothered at all though like Ahsoka just wants to throw some hands right now man heavily chases him through the arena before starting up through the audience members to keep following he knows that if he gets too close the antennae could prove fatal but if he doesn't attack then he'll fall straight for crawlow's trap as he approaches the spider a giant man controlled by crolo jumps in the way completely blocking hisoka's Vision thinking that crawler would die to the left hisoka comfortably takes down the larger dude but annoyingly another controlled man leaps out towards him figurine that he's now used both antenna to control the attacking men Ahsoka dispatches the attacking one but due to the momentary lack of sight on crolo he lost his exact location beginning to get troubled Ahsoka tries to do see in the order of his moves surely he used black voice then bookmarked it activated convert hands transformed into someone else with his left hand moved the bookmark to convert hands then close the Box line weights with floods of terrified Spectators sprinting for the exit Ahsoka notices both antenna are gone and guesses that crolo reeled the moon was something like a fishing line noticing some of the audience members have been duplicated Ahsoka realizes their Gallery fake must be activated with confirmed hands deactivated and that crolo has taken another person's clothes to disguise himself at that moment a horde of audience members suddenly began jumping and dashing towards Ahsoka or with visible stamps on their foreheads with them getting closer Ahsoka tries figuring out crawler's set of moves his short crawler would have had to open the book to Gallery fake bookmark it create a crowd of copies activate order stamp then finally command all of them to break Ahsoka he guesses that there must be 50 or so puppets and more who haven't been given commands yet with the incoming barrage Ahsoka thinks quickly and activates bungee gum to filling himself up towards the ceiling and some Daisy level of horde mentality all of the puppets climb on top of one another raging and grabbing and Diving at Ahsoka doing their best to try and break him being caught up with the waterfall of dolls Ahsoka is taken off guard as crawler suddenly appears behind him has held for Change and acts as if he's going to throw a punch that quickly changes at the last second to kick hisoka in the back of the head instead of falling to the ground below floating there in the air though hisoka exclaims that he absolutely loves this feeling having landed on the ground he rises while fiending off a plethora of Puppets using this to his Advantage trollo darts in and out of the Mist constantly jabbing and kicking Ahsoka over and over again knowing that he needs to slim down the number of dolls Ahsoka continues and manages to dispatch two of the puppets while considering what krollu's Next plan of action will be suddenly crawler appears from above riddle to strike down exactly like last time Ahsoka guesses that crolo probably knows what he's about to do but goes through with it either way and activates his bungee gum from his left hand connecting it to the Civic head he then flings the head towards crowlo in an attempt to stop the attack however he easily manages to dodge it in mid-air before once again stomping down on her Soaker sitting her face first into the floor have you ever prepared himself though Soca quickly retaliates by using bungee gum from his left leg on the other head striking trollo in the face with hurts so for all of the Curious people out there the average adult male head weighs around seven to eight kgs or as much as a professional bowler's bowling ball after striking crawler with his civet head from his left leg Ahsoka uses the other dose head attached to his left hand and forcefully strikes the spider's other side Rising back to his feet once again he notices another barrage of Puppets charging towards him using the doll's head as a weapon the absolutely yolked up Ahsoka whoops it around and simply beheading any of the approaching clones spotting crawler in the crowd Ahsoka tries attacking him throwing the head forth but he easily sidesteps the attack while disappearing back into the group Ahsoka realizes that if he dispatches all of the puppets crawler would have to maintain the ability anymore and can go back to making more copies for the bookmarked Gallery fake as a result he whittles down all of the fodder clones leaving one standing but assam's it literally while taking it hostage element crawler's actions in his eyes crawler can either keep order stem activated and give a new command to the puppet's line and weight or deactivate the ability begin making more puppets with Gallery fake and then use order stamp again or convert hands to change his appearance not gonna liar Takashi is a freaking genius writing the script with covert as well has been a complete mind trip for me like it's honestly so confusing at points trying to ride out these abilities everything is just so in-depth so I hope I was able to convey the use of the techniques correctly and all that kind of jazz by the way me continuing me and my dyslexic ass loves to mess things up however the stem on the puppet's forehead disappears so hisoka assumes that crolo has gone with a second option which in his eyes is an even bigger force of people allowing him to safely pick up a new disguise Ahsoka continues to consider Carlo's next action and guesses that if he's making copies while on the Move he'll go where he already has copies ready as he suspected he spots Carlo and the audience and dashes towards him sitting a clone head in his Direction easily dodging the head once more Ahsoka notices crowler has both hands covered and considers the possibility that crolo isn't using order stamp or convert hands but has the black voice phone in his pocket as Ahsoka continues his assault swinging and doing his best to protect crawler's movements he releases his gum from the floor which he had also attached to the back of several audience members as per guns shrink the people randomly go flying towards the spider taking him completely by surprise with Corolla being mugged by a bunch of random sticky clones Ahsoka takes the opportunity and hurls his head towards him forcing Carla to jump into his preset trap catching his left foot with bungee gum with crolo completely unable to dodge he throws his head straight into crolo's back before then with the other hand slamming him down onto the ground below completely and utterly destroying him with the impact as kolo's body lies there bloody and broken as you suspected it's revealed that it was actually an audience member made to look like crolo Ahsoka is confused about how he even made a copy leave himself will come through hands and manipulated the dude with black voice while the bookmark was still on convert hands they quickly realizes that the casley problem must be the Sun and Moon ability up until now he had been worried about the mark being permanent until it explodes but that isn't it the real issue is that a puppet marked with the ability won't vanish remembering crawler's previous statement about the Sun and Moon ability taking up two hands he realizes that when another ability is bookmarked with the book held in his right hand he can still use the sun and moon to make the mark of the sun with his left hand crawler would also said that once a copy vanishes Ahsoka could conclude that Gallery fake had been deactivated but he never said that hisoku could conclude that Gallery fake is still in use while the copy remains so most likely his chain of command won't be what it was before which was activate Gallery fake book Market close the book create a crowd of copies activate order stamp then command them all to break Ahsoka but is more likely to actually be activate Gallery fake bookmarker then close the book create a crowd of copies activate the Sun and Moon and Priestly Sunmark Army copies deactivate either or both of them and because remember how the Sun and Moon has a post-death nin at one vanish therefore it allows him to freely activate order stamp then he finally commands them all to break Ahsoka which is just the biggest mine trip of having to like actually figure that out Med Battle just goes to show how strong Ahsoka actually is the fact that this man has one ability with like his bungee gum and he's able to take on crolo who just has a plethora of amazing techniques he can use anyway because of the additional steps involved in krollo's plan Ahsoka realizes that there are fewer puppets than he had initially thought more likely around 20 or 30. looking around he notices that most of the audience has remained since they think they'll be out of the range of the fight he realizes that Crowley wanted too much more time because the paramedics and Security will arrive in 10 minutes and the remaining puppets will be mistaken for the injured resulting and then being taken away before he can use them randomly a bunch of audience members begin to flee running for their lives as others chase them down Ahsoka guesses that crolo has given student puppet's instructions in order to confuse the crowd and create further chaos from it surrounded by The Spectators the announcer lets everyone know that the paramedics and security are on their way so just stay calm interfering in the broadcast though an unknown person grabs the headset and commands all of the dolls to break hisoka all of a sudden hundreds of clones begin charging down towards Ahsoka clambering over all of the barriers and sprinting across the open arena still holding the head and his hand Ahsoka who's absolutely feigning that good good right now readies himself for the incoming Showdown sending out five or so strains of Bungee gum from his fingers on his right hand and attaching them to the chest of five puppets he Twirls the massive puppets together in the air and uses them as a human Hammer to push back any puppets that get too close with the dolls being too fragile ahsoka's weapon eventually breaks the birds but almost instantly after he attempts to form another while fainting off even more puppets single-handed leave with one more jumping at him from behind it's shown that crello had stood in weight amid the audience using black voice to of a specific doll commands with Ahsoka having retrieved the head once more crolo activates his sun and moon ability commanding it to explode pull completely off guard the head detonates and ahsoka's hand and wiped out four of his fingers and shock from his missing thingies and even larger explosion goes off behind him and because of this Ahsoka quickly realizes what crolo just did back earlier in the fight when Ahsoka had dispatched those two clones of their heads crawler pretended to be reeling from the hurt but was actually keeping track of the body and they turned it into a maximum power bomb afterwards he had imprinted A random audience member with a mark of the Moon and manipulated them with black voice to touch the mark of the sun on the body resulting in an explosion of both the body and its head which hasoka held sadly for a thingalus Ahsoka his gum that had previously attached from his left hand to the ceiling had gone but he throws that all aside and uses what's the liver's bungee gum to bring a puppet towards him before popping off its head becoming surrounded once again he uses the body to bash away any approach puppets then as The Horde starts closing in shoots a strand of gum from his left leg to the upper tier of the stadium pulling him to some safety the horde of Puppets again amass themselves like before on their Daisy Speck to pursue Ahsoka but he pushes them back using a variety of Bungee abilities and continues to flee not wanting him to flee Crowley gives a command to a bunch of the puppets telling them to get to the second floor find Ahsoka and her self-destruct when they get right next to him suddenly multiple puppets leap off the balcony right next to Mr Morrow and bring their hands together causing a devastating explosion that sends a burnt Ahsoka flying across the stadium with him now falling down towards the spectators below at Sean that Ahsoka even lost a part of his leg from the blow and due to that he goes to use bungee gum with his other leg to escape however crolo from the other side of the stadium had begun hurdling audience members towards him causing Ahsoka to lose his grip with Bungie and begin Falling Again having fallen onto the ground below Now The Horde quickly begins surrounding and Diving onto hisoka leaving out pink creep with no other option than to bring his arms closed as an enormous explosion of Puppets erupt around him nearby and just you know just a few blocks away from Heaven's Arena our reporter states that a massive explosion has just occurred as smokers seem bellowing from the top of the tower hundreds of people flee from the bottom running in the street below while at the same time firemen and paramedics slowly make their way to the war like saying apparently this entire battle has happened with a member's only audience and that one fighter is believed to be responsible for bringing a bomb into the arena finally the reporter mentions that there have been several casualties including hisoka Morrow but the exact cause of the incident is still unclear standing over the Char girl Chad Ahsoka chauhnak which is the guy who like originally owns the black voice ability explains to cool topi in marchy that around 200 puppets swarmed hisoka trying to break him before the bomb puppets could get close enough and explode because of that he presumes that the puppets ended up acting as a cushion to dampen some of the explosive damage and because of that ultimately hisoka suffocated from a lack of oxygen while the others having confirmed his demise they all go to leave but Machi says that he paid her in advance which is just like all of his other previous fights in Heaven's Arena so she'll tend to his wounds before leaving even if he is actually dead well the other's gone now marchy closes hisoka's eyes and studies the severe damage around his neck noting that she will clean up his face as well but as she leans in closer Aura suddenly swells around his corpse and much easily stunned quickly remembering that post-mortem nin can become stronger as ahsoka's heart begins to beat once more it's shown that this crazy man is pumping his own heart with his own hand around known him to once again sat down on some more of that beautiful oxygen so you know how like ah soak at the end of that fight had gone into the Fatal position while it's actually shown that he was giving something a go he knew that if he was going to die he had to try something massive and literally on the spot Christ at a new ability asking it to Spring him to life stroke him all over and revive him as he dies now back after the battle soca's eyes fly open as he coughs and splutters quickly Rising back to his feet with a surprise look on his face he sees marchy kneeling beside him and greets her asking if he really had just died to which he confirms she offers to stitch him up but Ahsoka quickly declines wanting to use bungee Camp to stop the bleeding around his neck and face he then uses texture surprise to recreate the flesh that was blown off in the explosion covering up the damage to his face and making a rubber prosthetic for his left hand and right leg with marching not thinking that she's needed anymore she goes to leave but Ahsoka suddenly appears behind her wraps his arms around before then mobile lighting Hill with bungee come he asks Machi to tell the rest of the Trope that he will fight any of them until he's killed all of them utterly enraging marchy not listening to her though he calmly walks away as she angrily yells for him to let her go elsewhere nearby crolo having left the arena is seen walking through a busy street while talking on the phone with someone about the karken royal family he assumes he'll have a plethora of jewels and bridges on board saying that they're gonna plan to steal Oliver crolo who's actually like talking to charl knock right now asks him if he wants a cell phone ability bad but says that the antennas are gone however shall not says it is fine for now hanging up shall not wonders why cortopia is taking so long in the bathroom maybe it's because he's having a fair dump but anyway as his phone begins ringing again he pays utterly no attention to it as he suddenly sees Ahsoka live in the bathroom carrying something in his hand immediately he darts towards the narrow Vibe Ahsoka who notices him tossing kurotobi's head towards this absolute Muppet shall not quickly catches it and as he looks at the face of his friend Ahsoka dashes forward and knocks him to the ground with an extremely powerful strike moments later a beaten spider is seen strung up and tied to a swing while the other spider just dropped down below him gleefully Ahsoka proudly says two down ten to go and you know that finally brings us to the very end of what is the hisoka versus crolo Beatdown inside of Heaven's Arena and you know his first little whack off the top of these Fighters I'm super happy to see Ahsoka finally doing his thing and getting away from the kids and actually fighting adults for a change it's absolutely amazing I love it I love it if you guys want to see more stuff like this then do what I said subscribe and push this video to 10K likes holy [ __ ] I'm losing my voice right now and let me know what fight you want me to cover from Hunter Hunter next down in the comment section below
Channel: Diavolo
Views: 288,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hunter x hunter, hisoka vs chrollo, hisoka, hxh, chrollo vs hisoka, hunter x hunter chrollo vs hisoka, hisoka vs chrollo full fight, hisoka vs kuroro, hxh 351, manga, diavolo, recap, manga recap, Hisoka, Chrollo, watch, hisoka morow, chrollo lucilfer vs hisoka, bungee gum, succession war hunter x hunter, heavens arena hxh, hisoka vs chrollo full fight manga, hisoka vs chrollo manga, hisoka vs chrollo full fight explained, hxh chrollo vs hisoka, heavens arena hisoka vs chrollo
Id: _qJ6xtKwxG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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