Chrollo vs Hisoka Explained (HXH 2022)

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crolo vs hisoka probably the greatest fight in all of hunter hunter no exaggeration it is just that good it's complex it's genius it's a spectacle and it's also integral to our understanding of the current arc so let's take a look at how this one fight battle changed this series forever hello and welcome to the new old review your source for morally questionable clowns my name is liam and questionable clowns happen to be my third favorite kind of clown right behind digital clowns and of course pirate clowns but crawler vs hisoka despite seeming like a rather isolated affair actually threatens to throw this whole succession more in fact even the dark continent expedition way way way off course and into lots lots more chaos and this video is actually part 4 of a recap series designed to prepare you for the return of hunter hunter in 2022 and if you're enjoying them then please do subscribe to the new world review tour you know justify my life choices of consistently talking about fictional hunters so how did this fight first begin well hisoka's hot date was actually supposed to occur at the end of york new city however crowler was uh there well how shall we say unable to perform after being struck by karapika's judgment chain crowler was afflicted with an end curse leaving him unable to use nen or even contact the rest of the phantom troop then after a bout of blue balls and dodgeballs hisoka was actually able to source a nin exorcist to remove karapika's judgment chain which can be seen on the cover of chapter 201 where chrollo is also breaking the fourth wall by reading a copy of weekly shonen jump but this finally allowed krolow to regain his powers and fight hisoka eventually hisoka being the horny little battle clown he is wanted to fight immediately but crawler well he ran away spending just over a year effectively ghosting hisoka until he finally accepted a challenge to take place in heaven's arena which makes a lot of sense because both crollo and hisoka are actually floor masters and in fact they're the only two cannon floor masters we know of so this this was a highly sought after match which in and of itself was part of crolo's master plan once arriving at the arena crolo and hisoka both agreed that this would be a fight to the death crowley because he was sick of dealing with hisoku's advances and hisoka because killing israel is more or less like intercourse to him i say intercourse because you never quite know what's going to get you demonetized on youtube and i'm pretty sure that's a safe word maybe we'll see hisoka however was far from safe because crolo didn't spend the past year running just for the sake of exercise and he had come equipped with a whole new suite of abilities designed specifically to kill murder hisoka as a quick recap krollo's primary ability is called skill hunter and after an assortment of difficult conditions are met it allows him to literally steal the nen abilities of others however on this occasion crollo had used his nen oven to bake hisoka a delightful ability cake because crolo presented a new and original hatsu called double face which is a conjured bookmark because generally with skill hunter crawler needs to keep his book open at the page of the ability in order to use it however the double face bookmark now allows him to mark a page with an ability close the book and then fight with both hands oh and slightly more terrifyingly it also means that crollo can use two stolen abilities at once the first by marking a page with double face and then you can just open the book to a new page and what are two abilities crawler claims that this new hot suit did come at a cost though that cost is well it's currently unknown to us but allegedly it is very very annoying but it allows kroller an ass ton of versatility and without that very simple bookmark this whole plan isn't actually a plan but also this is just the beginning because crawler would proceed to whip out five more abilities don't know why i did that five more abilities to break hisoka one of which is black voice which you may recognize as charnock's ability it's a simple piece of manipulation using conjured antennae to control living targets via a conjured remote very simple but very effective because that's the thing about manipulators they generally have a one-step win condition if hisoka gets caught with an antenna he's done and not only that but black voice comes with two antenna or antennae one of which crawler generally keeps with him on hand threatening to stick it into hisoka if he gets too close although i imagine that the threat of having something stuck into him would only want to make hisoka get closer to have a bit of a swing crawler also went on to use a similar heart too called orderstamp another manipulation ability except this one can only target puppets but by fixing a stamp to their heads crollo can issue them with simple commands so i say simple because the trade-off for orderstamp is that you can control like literally hundreds of puppets but not with anywhere near the complexity that black voice can control living things however order stamp only works well for crollo in conjunction with another heart too called gallery fake which belonged to cortopi and it allowed him to make an exact copy of any object and very notably he needed two hands to do this one to grab the object and the other to generate the object and this is why the bookmark is ever ever so important because crawler would simply not be able to use this ability if he had to keep that pesky book open at all times and the op play here is to use gallery fake to create copies of human bodies which appear as corpses because it cannot replicate life and corpses well they're kind of perfect for autostamp because apparently this roundabout method considers those corpses created by gallery fake as puppets and thus crollo can now generate an entire army of what are essentially commandable zombies one detriment is that gallery fake only lasts for 24 hours but look in this case that's that's not going to be a problem although one very interesting side effect noted by crolo is that puppets created by gallery fake and controlled with order stamp actually carry out orders based on the personality of whoever owns that original body which means that the puppets under the right or i suppose wrong circumstances could just refuse orders as well they could just stand there and go nah not doing it so it's very imperfect manipulation it's not like what illamy can do with his needles for example which i guess is just the price you pay for wanting to control hundreds of hundreds of things at once crawler's penultimate new power is called convert hands which is quite simple essentially if he touches someone with his right hand then crawler takes their appearance and if he touches someone with his left hand then they take his appearance and of course if he touches someone with both hands and they do a bit of a swip swap and this ability is integral because it allows crawler to hide amongst the puppets he's created and even create some fake crawlers in order to confuse hisoka it's kind of like creating clones of yourself just with real people which hisoka is going to utterly rip apart there's a lot of collateral damage happening in this fight but the worst or maybe even the best it depends on your perspective either way that that is yet to come crawlow's final new nun ability is another two-hander called sun and moon which marks his hands with a sun and a moon but it also allows him to imprint these markings on anyone or anything with the big payoff being that if a sun symbol comes into contact with the moon symbol then they do a big explosion and that's that's not good the size of which is determined by how long crollow spent in printing the symbol he could do it instantly and create like these teeny teeny mini explosions but if he spends five seconds on each then that charges the symbols to maximum and thus the explosions are significantly bigger however there's also a rather sinister twist to this ability which is that it's actually an invocation of post-mortem net sun and moon originally belonged to the elder of meteor city which is the scrapyard civilization where crollo and most of the phantom troupe grew up and the elder was able to keep the city relatively safe by using sun and moon to essentially create suicide bombers so the elder would mark a willing bomber with sun and moon sort of like this and defend off attackers the bomber would just run up to them and go boom which is brutal but effective and very telling of how desperate the citizens of meteor city are so desperate that after death this ability persisted assumingly through the raw desire of the elder to keep the city safe and in its new amped up post mortem then state any marks made will never disappear even if crawler deactivates the ability or deactivate skill hunter as a whole these marks will remain don't know why i'm showing you my hands my hands are not marked thankfully meanwhile hisoka's abilities consist of well bungee gum and actually just bungee gun because hisoka doesn't even use texture surprise during the fight but bungie gum is kind of like the exact opposite of crowler's powers where krolow has a very specific assortment of swiss army men bungee gum itself is a singular ability that functions with all of the versatility that hisoka's imagination can conjure so a single ability with multiple uses versus multiple abilities with a single use on paper it seems like a fairly even fight however crollo's strategy was nion flawless so much so that he even explained all of these abilities to hisoka before the fight itself began in earnest which was mainly for the benefit of the readers but it also shows that he was 100 confident in victory here he also lied i mean he didn't lie but he like very selectively told the truth to kind of confuse he soaked anyway let's find out if that confidence was warranted because his strategy went a little something like this crawler used black voice as a faint to keep his soaker at a distance because if hisoka gets too close then he risks suffering a one-hit defeat by being manipulated so hisoka is more or less forced to socially distance with crawler which allows crolo to deactivate black voice and engage in other fun powers the next step was to use the massive crowd in heaven's arena to make a ton of puppets using gallery fake and then apply order stamp to control them and send them in to kill hisoka which means that hisoka is busy dealing with all of the puppets while scroller can just wander around his heart's content to make more puppets and at some point it gets to a critical mass where crawler was able to use convert hands to change his appearance and just blend into the crown and of course all of this requires a ton of book switching because three of crolo 6 abilities require two hands so there's a lot of like you need to open the book place the bookmark close the book usability and like reopen the book place the bookmark again close the book use the other ability you know and so on and so forth basically it's not something that would be in any way possible if crollo didn't have a crowd of hundreds of people ready to use hence why crollo specifically chose heaven's arena as the battleground now this isn't to count he soaked her out at all he did manage to wound crollo several times using a bungee flail that incorporated a severed human head but the problem is that that was not crawler it was a very very unfortunate spectator who crawler used convert hands on and then injected with black voice to assign complex actions to make hisoka think that it was crawler and basically this this is an unparalleled disaster for hisoka and we haven't even got to the worst bit yet crolo sun and moon being post mortem then has a very interesting interaction with gallery fake because again these symbols will never disappear once imprinted which means that crawler can deactivate gallery fake but the puppets created will still remain in existence because sun and moon is forcing them to remain in existence due to its own restrictions which in many ways meant that crowler could have up to four separate abilities working in tandem sun and moon is permanent which makes gallery fake permanent and from there crawler is free to use two other non-permanent abilities as he sees fit crollo has very much min max this entire situation which leads us to his proposed win condition which is that all of the gallery fake puppets were also marked by sun and moon which turned each and every one of them into a suicide bomber and so with a simple command crawler could now activate hundreds of puppet bombs scattered all throughout the arena which he does to great effect first blasting off hisoka's hand and then his foot and with significantly reduced maneuverability hisoka was very quickly cornered and rather unceremoniously just dog piled by puppets at which point crollo activated all of them and we had a big big explosion that ultimately killed hisoka and just like that krolow won and hisoka legitimately died well that is until another thing happened during the examination of hisoka's corpse the troop diagnosed that his cause of death was suffocation as the hundreds of puppet corpses had actually cushioned his body from the bulk of the explosion but had caused hisoka to suffocate in the process and then we have a bit of a flashback because hisoka knowing that death was imminent decided to try a gambit i mean it wasn't much of a gambit because he had nothing to lose he was going to die anyway but in his last few seconds of life hisoka pleaded with his nen and programmed it to jumpstart both his heart and his lungs after death and it worked hisoka's body rather well preserved all things considering just sprung back to life except now he was more powerful than ever all of hisoka's abilities and by all i mean all two of them were now subject to post-mortem nen allowing hisoka to regenerate his lost body parts using bungee gum and make them appear real by adding a layer of texture surprise which was something he was certainly not able to do previously in fact during the actual heavens arena arc we had a similar situation where castro managed to sever hishoka's right hand which he very cleverly masked as being regenerated but in reality he needed machi to stitch it back on oh and speaking of machi hisoka used bungee gum to bind her and offered her a word of warning that he was going to kill the entire phantom troop which no in theory includes machi but he chose not to kill her right now for the for reasons instead he instantly dispatched of courtope and shortly thereafter he killed shana which is important because remember those two were the troop members that crowler had to borrow abilities off being black voice and gallery fake so the strategy that kroller used to beat hisoka in heaven's arena is no longer viable now during this time crowler was organizing for the phantom troop to board the blackwell one and while everyone was focused on the dark continent the troop was going to rob the kakin empire of all of their amazing treasures but right now we've had well we've had a slight change of plans hisoka followed the troop onto the ship and enraged by the deaths of shalnok and cortopia crawler's number one priority has become to find and kill hisoka like kill for real this time but it's not going to be anywhere near as easy as it was before the fight in heaven's arena like most hunt hunt battles was completely one-sided crolo didn't even take a single wound but that exercise took him a whole year to plan and it also doesn't account for the fact that hisoka is now significantly more powerful the next fight will not be as one-sided and if it is that one side will be in hisoka's favor however hisoka is far from the troops only problem each of them have now become embroiled in the events of the succession war with a series of infinitely more urgent problems emerging which we will be diving into in the next video
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 267,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: Mr1IihJ67yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 02 2022
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