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today's video is brought to you by Squarespace so everybody's aware that I love Hunter Hunter and especially the Chimera antarct I mean I'm literally a walking spoiler for the show and arguably my favorite thing about the Chimera antarct is that it creates more questions than any other Arc and Hunter Hunter there is no other Arc in Hunter Hunter with as much mystery and foreshadowing is the khmera antar I know this is probably because the Chimera Ant Dark is Hunter Hunter's longest Arc with the tonal shift in the character building that occur in the Chimera antarct are also master class but really like I said what makes the arc great is the questions it raises questions like who is gyro will we ever see him again will gone ever get his den backend where did the Chimera ants come from or I guess more importantly than that how did they end up in East gorto because when you really sit back and think about it the Chimera ants ending up at East gorto was a blessing for them it was objectively the perfect situation for something like the Chimera ants to grow out of control dropped in a country with no Hunters no outside help and very few means of communication the Chimera ants could flourish like they could nowhere else outside of this the country that they popped up in was led by a dictator who was very poorly guarded and had the ability to pull all of his citizens to his Palace like that so A poorly defend did all powerful dictatorship that can be easily controlled as a literal puppet the means the command millions of people to abandon their homes and gather together in one small place all with the inability to communicate with the outside worlds or really defend themselves that is the perfect breeding ground for something that needs to eat humans but did the Chimera ants end up in East Gordo by accident or was it on purpose now of course you can make the incredibly logical argument that the Chimera ants are supposed to represent how diseases can grow in less Advanced countries very quickly and how places that actively refute outside help usually end up breeding grounds for diseases that affect the entire world that would be an incredibly cool nuanced and precise political statement that holds water to this very day but those kind of well-written understated stories are boring we don't want logical narrative devices that apply to the real world we want big bad bang Em Up theories what instead of a well thought out political statement about countries around the world that shut themselves off from outside forces probably being an issue as it pertains to Global Health the Chimera ants ending up in East gorto was actually a dark plot created by some of the strongest people in the hunter hunter Universe because that's what we're going to be talking about today how the Chimera ants ended up in East Gordo an incredibly advantageous situation for them through no sheer coincidence but who is this dark force that's controlling this Army of chimera ants from the Shadows well that would be none other than two of the greatest antagonists in Hunter Hunter's history Beyond netero in periston hill but the theory goes even further beyond that we because why would beyondero and Paris then hell unleash this Army of b-level threats on an unsuspecting country well with one goal and one goal alone in mind that goal was to kill Isaac nedera yes that's right Isaac netaro's son in Isaac netaro's closest Confidant periston Hill worked together to kill the leader of the hunter Association the strongest man on Earth but why did they do it well we're going to answer all those questions and more in a second here guys but please first for me like this video subscribe to the page hit that Noti Bell and if you love the idea of me talking about my anime tattoos you guys are gonna love my anime podcast that I do every week with Danny Mata it's called utaku's Anonymous where me and Danny break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts so before we get into all that guys today we got to talk about our favorite reoccurring sponsor to the page Squarespace Squarespace is your One-Stop shopping opportunity to build the website of your dreams whether that website be for a brand a page or a business there is no better space than Squarespace this could be a website selling anime merch food or custom stickers it doesn't matter there's no better place to get started than Squarespace but I know what you're saying you're saying I don't have a degree in website design I can't just sit down and make the website of my dreams but Squarespace makes the building process not only intuitive but incredibly easy and building this beautiful website will not only make it easier to engage with your customers or fans but also sell your product and one of the tools that makes your life a heck of a whole lot easier are member areas a tool that allows you to put content or products behind a 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we get to diving into any of these questions I'd like to say that this theory is not my own it was originally posted on quarter two years ago by a user by the name of Kane 2 con oh with like any theory that I either get emailed or fined on the internet you better believe I'm supplementing it with some of my own knowledge so the Chimera ants one of the most imposing if not the most imposing villain in the entirety of Hunter Hunter's anime say anime because if we're being real we've run into worse things in the manga but this B level threat according to the hunter Association kind of popped out of nowhere see the first time that we see Chimera ant is when going and kilowatt use a company to fly to kite after great Island and upon being teleported to kite go and kilo will find themselves in a mysterious situation situation in a foggy Forest surrounded by nothing except of course a large ant hill a large ant hill that gonan kilowatt accidentally stumble upon however these ants aren't regular ants and as these ants begin to bite gone and kilowatt out of nowhere kite emerges specifically to destroy all of the ants that golden kiloa have come into contact with see it's at this point that it's revealed by kite that these are Chimera ants ants with the ability to cross their genes with anything that they consume and therefore since they had come into contact with Conan kilowatt's blood they would become significantly more humanified in their next Generation therefore kite who is quarantining these ants had to destroy all of them but east Corto is kind of in the middle of nowhere Jesse on an island off the continent of yorbia the continent where York's new city is located in the country of the United States of sahera so how did this area with incredibly low foot traffic end up having Chimera ants especially when you consider the fact that Chimera answer theorized they come from the Dark Continent but regardless of how we speculate the khmera ants got to this area yeah because they weren't technically in East Corto I think they were in west gorto or one of the other republics around that area because they don't go into East gorto until later in the arc the chimerians were originally introduced to are just that the size of regular ants and show no properties of other animals outside of ants why do we go from just ants to the Chimera Queen and just a couple of episodes now once again The Logical answer would be that there was different colonies of ants that propagated separately in the colony of ants that the queen propagated from were able to get their hands on more animals fish cows pigs humans and as they slowly intermix this DNA into their colony they slowly got larger and larger until eventually somebody like the Chimera and queen was born well the colony that kite was keeping an eye on obviously never had the chance because he was quarantining them this is definitely a possibility however what's weird about that possibility is that there would have to be countless Generations between just ants and the Chimera Queen we understand that what the Chimera ant Queen eats is reflected in the children she has if she eats a salmon she'll have a salmon ant mix and because of this all of the Chimera ants that we see throughout the Chimera ant Arc are different animals there's wolves there's chameleons there's butterflies there's fish there's Turtles all reflections of what the Chimera and queen ate while pregnant with all of these ants however the only Chimera ant out of all of the Chimera ants ever born outside of the Chimera ant Queen who's able to change their own physiology by eating something is Maryland has an ability known as nen synthesis where if he eats somebody specifically their brain who has nen he's able to synthesize their net ability but no other Chimera ant regardless of what they eat is able to change their physiology by eating that thing what they are biologically is decided by the Chimera ant queen that created them in what that Chimera ant Queen ate while having them but at the same time biologically since we've seen the beginning phase of what a chimera ant looks like without any other DNA spliced into its genes and biologically there are limits to how much larger the child they create can be than the original Queen which is why I said working from that small generation of ants all the way up to the Chimera Queen would take countless Generations it would objectively take years if not death decades however if this were to hypothetically happen in the wild there would be a couple of years in the Middle where there was two to three to four foot ants walking around and even in a place like East Corto that wouldn't go unnoticed so the jump from ants this size to six foot tall ants probably had to happen somewhere else and that's what this theory speculates on see before we move any further with this Theory it's important to note who our two bad guys are here Beyond netero in periston Hills see for those of you who are anime only you don't know who Beyond's nettero is you do know Paris but beyond netro is Nero's son and concerning the fact that netaro was almost 150 at the time of his birth Beyond netero is also pretty old but beyond netterow just like his father is an incredibly talented net user and therefore Beyond netro just like his father has controlled the manipulation of his men to make sure none of it leaks from him and therefore ensure that he will live in unnaturally long life just like his father which is why Beyond Nero was able to go on an expedition to the Dark Continent 50 years ago specifically Beyond Nero went on the last expedition to the Dark Continent the expedition that stopped all other Expeditions from happening and for those of you who need a quick brush up on your Hunter Hunter history you'll know that every single country of the original V5 countries sent an expedition to the dark content because they are all kind of in an arms race to make sure that the other countries wouldn't get a foothold in there for a monopoly over whatever resources were on the Dark Continent however 99.9 percent of the people who went to the Dark Continent died there and every single one of these V5 Expeditions brought back something known as the five calamities things like I the hell bell and immortality disease that makes you eat your own skin and therefore every single expedition was a massive failure but think back to what we've already stated in this video the Chimera ants are theorized to have come from the Dark Continent but the Chimera ants ironically aren't listed as one of the five calamities all of the other calamities have a higher threat rating than the Chimera amps which makes sense when you consider the fact that Aloo kaznanica is most likely I and it's sort of like infinitely powered and has the ability to Grant any wish but if the Chimera ants are in fact from the Dark Continent that means that one of the expeditions to the Dark Continent had to be the people to bring them back which means there's a one in five chance that Beyond nettero's Expedition were the people to bring back the chimera for ants quite honestly his expedition being the people who brought back the Chimera ants is the most compelling out of all the options see one of the reasons that 10 000 year old Earth purists say that Evolution didn't happen is because we have none of the middle steps anymore we're all the half human half Apes here's a little hint they all evolved into us if you're half evolved you're gonna get wiped out by everything else Evolution striving processes to make it long enough to propagate so the second that there's somebody out there who's a bit more bipedal or is a more evolved frontal lobe than you they're gonna take that rock they Now understand they can use as a weapon and bash your half monkey half human brains it is what I wish I could do to every person who is like oh yeah where's the middle people also they still exist there are tons of animals who are definitely still in the middle of their evolutionary process but in Hunter Hunter the reason that we have none of these middle Chimera ants isn't because they don't exist or because we went from small ant to Big Ant immediately this Theory posits that the reason that we don't have that middle evolution is because it happened in in a controlled environment that is to say in the 50 years between Beyond nederro's first expedition to the Dark Continent and his second one he was creating something that could kill his own father using the technology or I should say the biological life he discovered in the Dark Continent see the first couple of evolutions of the Chimera ant aren't threatening to humans however as they become larger and gain more properties from other animals they absolutely are threatening to humans though it would genuinely take the highest caliber of chimera and those like the Royal Guards or marowim to battle against Beyond nedera therefore he was completely in control of the situation see the reason that people speculate that Beyond Nero was creating the Chimera ant that he wanted in a controlled environment is because in the beginning of the secession contest Arc beyonderos states that he's been planning this second expedition to the Dark Continent for 50 years but why did he need to kill his father in order to achieve this secondary expedition to the Dark Continent because Nero as the leader of the hunter Association stated that Beyond netro couldn't make a second expedition to the Dark Continent until he died now it's revealed in a conversation between Maya's thumb and karapika that nettero probably created this role because he wanted Beyond netro to try to kill him see Nero pretty much stayed alive for the meme of it see NATO was always chasing a good time it's why he challenged gonan kilowatt to his ball holding game it's why he elected Paris then to be one of the 12 zodiacs even though he knew periston was constantly trying to undercut it netero thought countering Allah periston's moves was enjoyable the constant game of cat and mouse that the two of them played is the reason that he kept Harrison so close to it and therefore even though Nero was aware of almost all of periston's schemes he let them play out and this was absolutely one of them see outside of the fact that East gortel would probably notice the middle evolutions of the Chimera ants there's also the small fact that the Chimera and queen who ends up creating Maryland had an incredibly advantageous position not just because she was located in East gorto but the cave she was placed in had an abundance of food bats fish Turtles all things you could consume while being slightly injured and therefore make soldier ants to go and help her find more food tie that into the fact that she explicitly states that she believes that her DNA is spliced with a human's which makes sense when you consider the fact that she has cognitive thought and the ability to speak at least into the mind of her soldiers and her being the product of an experiment that spliced the genes of a large Chimera ant together with a female human starts to make a good amount of sense but I know what you're saying you're saying Mick but she was injured why would somebody who placed her in a cave injure if you want this Chimera and queen to propagate a bunch of strong ants that are going to cause a Calamity that netero has to come and fix why would you injure her well if you think about it the fact that one of her legs was destroyed was actually kind of advantageous for her especially when you think about it from an experiment standpoint see let's say hypothetically Beyond nederro created the Chimera ant Queen and then just threw her in East Cortel the Cabana and queen herself was not that strong I mean we saw plenty of soldier ants get taken out by something as small all as Small Arms fire any member of the eastgour tow gyro gang with an AK-47 would have seen this ant and sprayed her down then there goes 50 years of experimentation however if hypothetically you injurse or Mobility is limited and put her in a cave where no one will discover her a cave with enough food that you will be able to propagate a small army of soldier ants who not only protecting your most valuable asset the thing that can quite literally make you an army of soldier ants but you're also ensuring that that most valuable asset that has free will and the ability to talk and communicate won't try to leave the cave but the reasoning for injuring the khmera ant queen go even further beyond that see the reason that the hunter Association even began to get a sniff of what was going on in East Cortel is because the Chimera ants queen washes up on the shore next to York new city which mind you is kind of insane as like I've already stated the Republic of East gorto is an island off the south side of the yorbia continent that means that this leg after it came off the Chimera ant Queen had to float all the way away from the southern side of this continent to the Eastern side of this continent which I guess is absolutely a possibility but considering the timeline of us seeing the queen in the cave and how fast kite is responding to the situation it looks kind of suspect for this leg to float all the way from the southern islands of the yorbia continent to the Eastern side of the orbia continent would take months if not years the yorbia continent is modeled after North America with the east gorto west gorto and the NGL all existing in the area of where Jamaica Haiti and Cuba would exist York New City on the other hand is like Los Angeles now assuming that South America didn't exist because in Lake Mobius North and South America aren't connected that would be like a piece of Driftwood leaving Jamaica and floating all the way around Central America to Los Angeles which wouldn't happen in a matter of days like I said it would take months if not years not to mention incredibly Lucky in coincidental title patterns which is why kite's team wasn't able to speculate where this leg could have come from which leads kite to speculate that instead of the creature which lost this leg washing up on York New City and then losing its leg there that instead this creature washed up somewhere else and then had its leg sever which is what this Theory posits that after dropping the Chimera ant Queen off an East Gordo in a cave that nobody would find that Beyond or periston dropped the leg off that they stole from the Chimera ant Queen on the shores of York New City to get the hunter Association looking for where this leg came from because they knew they were fully aware to genetically sequence this leg and find out that it was a chimera ant and therefore deduce how large that Chimera ant was and considering the fact that the length of this body part would show that this Chimera ant was six feet long that would cause the hunter Association to begin moving towards quarantining and getting rid of all of these Chimera ants thus putting these Chimera ants directly in nederro's crosshairs but also since the leg had been placed on the shores of York news City extrapolating where this leg came from using title charts would be impossible and therefore the Chimera and Queen would be guaranteed a certain amount of time to propagate a strong enough Army and therefore continue eating good food that would make stronger and stronger Chimera and till eventually she would be given enough time to create a chimera ant that would be able to kill netero at every Point we've elucidated thus far ties all of this to Beyond not periston in fact afternetero's death Paris didn't cried to Cheeto devastated by the news that Isaac netaro had passed for a very similar reason that Isaac Nedrow would be upset if periston died it lost the one man on Earth who kept him entertained the one man on Earth who was able to counter move against every single move that periston made against him to undermine him so how does parison work his way into any of this what we learned from knuckle and nove that while the Chimera ants were propagating in East gorto and getting stronger by the minute that Paris then as the pseudo-leader of the 12 zodiacs was purposely moving against efforts to send strong Hunters to the extermination team that is to say that periston was purposely crippling the effort to kill the Chimera ant at least in the early days because if hypothetically the 12 zodiacs had sent some of the strongest Hunters they had like oh I don't know themselves to East gortel in the early days of hearing the reports of the Chimera ants they would have been able to eradicate the issue like that however since escorto had basically no defenses against fighting against this onslaught of chimera ants these Chimera ants were not only able to increase in number but also in power but that still doesn't answer the question why for periston well Pearson would join beyond for a couple of reasons one Pearson also wants to go to the Dark Continent he's currently on his way ironically and helpfully enough for this Theory as Beyond's number one do the second that netaro died Beyond Nero announced his intentions to go to the Dark Continent and as soon as he got a team together he made periston his number one as if they already had a long-standing connection like they knew each other like there was some agreement between the two of them that if something happened that Paris then would become Beyond nettero's number one so it's a possibility that Beyond approached Paris didn't fully understand getting the relationship that periston and Nero had in the first place and told him if you help me kill my father I will bring you to the Dark Continent on my Expedition as my number one outside of this once again considering the relationship between Paris and netterow in the first place that person was always trying to find a way to foil netaro's plan so if nederro was aware of Beyond and periston's plan why didn't he do anything about it well for two reasons one confidence and two because he wanted a game so we know that before netaro even went to East gorto to battle against marouette he had the dictator's Rose installed on his heart which meant that Nero was fully aware that he could and probably would die in East Corto the proposition of an enemy who was finally strong enough to push nederro to his boundaries was too great a possibility for nederro to pass up and therefore instead of going over the head of periston and sending his many powerful Hunters as he could to East gorto to wipe out the Chimera ant plague nettero dedicated himself to remastering nen techniques he hadn't used in years meditating to increase his Wren to give himself the best possible chance at having an interesting fight with marowab Nero was fully aware that this was periston's biggest ever Ploy and therefore nedro had to meet it with his biggest ever counter and even though this plan was formulated to kill netterow and make travel to the Dark Continent possible periston was still broken up about which is why he cried to Cheadle not because he was sad that the man Isaac nadero was gone but because he was sad that the one person who kept him entertained amongst the 12 zodiacs and the leaders of the hunter Association was gone see it's kind of like the Joker in Batman the Joker doesn't want to kill the Batman because without Batman the Joker doesn't know what he would be who he would play with but the Joker is always ploying on how to kill the Batman much in the same capacity as this Nero and Paris didn't were enemies but enemies who were each other's sole existence for surviving to keep each other entertained to beat each other's yin and yang which is why when Paris didn't succeeded in killing off Isaac netaro and therefore opened the door to the Dark Continent he was devastated and here's the thing this theory is even for further backed up by the fact that after the conclusion of the Chimera antarct periston was the person who was able to steal all of the Chimera ant eggs which is why parison basically currently has a standing possible Army of chimera ants he can unleash at any point anywhere something he's already planned to do though he was foiled by Jing so even though Nero is gone because of a ploy created by periston and Beyond hypothetically there is somebody to keep Paris and entertained and in check that person is nethero's spiritual successor gon's father Jake but what do I know this isn't even my theory I just decided to add a little meat to it what do you guys think do you believe that this Theory could be true do you believe that Paris and Beyond were behind the scenes manipulating the Chimera ants to create a Calamity to destroy Isaac Nero tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that naughty Bell let's be real if you were 150 years old and still the strongest person on Earth you'd probably be pretty bored too thank you [Music] I remember
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 112,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, hxh, hxh explained, hunter x hunter, hunter x hunter explained, beyond netero, chimera ants, pariston hill, netero, gon, killua, ging, dark continent
Id: VAni1D9TFso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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