Yuta & Yuji BEATDOWN On The King Of Curses Ryomen Sukuna

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since in Yuji going to strike down on him with the Executioner sword sakuna Dodges out of the way glancing at his palm Yuji watches the sword began to lose its light and disintegrate symbolizing the death of higuma not giving our boy anytime to mourn suuna delivers a few strong punches to Yuji and kicks him away before following up with two dismantled slashes that push him even further back staring at his regro in hand suuna laments that although heara died K was never returned to him he also notes that yuji's stomach having been shredded into bits earlier by him using cleave has fully healed randomly appearing next to him zakuna then notices kurara and we Wei nearby seeing we we wave a sheet over the trio and the next instant they vanish from sight and seemingly disappear from the battle taking away huggar ruma's body to safety unsurprised sakuna just like myself like we're so similar surises that we we's teleportation curse technique was also used to retrieve Gojo's body earlier and wonders if they are transporting their bodies to shoko not fully convinced he finds this unlikely as reverse curse technique is less than half as effective if used on another person and although her technique has always been fundamentally different from theirs it's not on a similar power level glancing over he knows that because of this it means that in the last month alone Yuji has managed to learn reverse curse technique himself to sakona it looks as if yuji's ability to use curse energy to strengthen his body isn't the only thing that has improved he Ponders that he finally might be able to have a little fun with he brat however as he stands there can't help but feel irritated by his presence spacing out zakuna wonders if he feels disappointed by higar ruma's death the thought of needing someone else never crossed his mind reaffirming who he is though he knows he eats what he wants and kills whoever he feels like and if they happen to entertain him it's a bonus all this to him is just a way to pass time until his death nothing else still as he remembers the words he told Joo can't help but Ponder why he now feels displeased when he sees others dedicated to an ideal especially one which involves killing him those that all stand before him now are nothing but Martyrs willing to die for their own ideals and yet he can't get over this irritating feeling men of a similar stature challenged him and existed a thousand years ago too so he questions if that means it's not them but him who's changed over the past Millennium seeing Yuji in front of him now and coming to realize that this brat is the Crux of all of these emotions he starts to think even more unlike these strangers he killed a thousand years ago whose exaggerated reasons and ideals were only conveyed to him through their dying words that he did not understand so kuna is deeply aware it's now different because of the time he was forced to coexist in yuji's body no matter how many damn times he breaks him or destroys his Spirit he gets back up because he possesses an indomitable ideal the idea that someone weaker than him can rival him with nothing more than the willpower to achieve the ideals is what truly irritates sakuna his own capabilities were simply too great he wasn't Bound by ideals like others and in fact hated them that's the sort of human he was skipping away just to like my own thoughts and everything I think that line there almost proves why sakuna isn't even human anymore or probably changed throughout the past at some point it could have been like when he incarnated in everything who actually knows plus he slightly did mention something about out when he was human and the previous W of Tex there as well and because of that I I'm just going to say I think it's fairly obvious that sakuna is most likely a vengful spirit or something along those lines bro's face looks like a half curse is growing out of it who knows it's probably something more than just a vengeful Spirit but I think it's along those lines and I like the idea at the moment a bright light suddenly appears in the sky above sakuna and he simultaneously declares that he will take yuji's ideals and mince them into nothing but dust darting in a confused kusakabe and Eno steer and confusion wondering what the orb could be popping out yuji's Kain then announces that another player has added a new rule to the calling game rule 15 authority to begin the great merger between tingan and Humanity has been transferred to Mami furo or in simpler terms sakuna grabbing the or of Lights from in front of him and sucking it back kusakabe realizes that this likely means UDA surprise attack was successful and in turn activated this role regardless of the sorcerer though they always assumed that sukuna wasn't the type to go through with kaku's initial plan however kusakabe now lamented that his initial Assumption of sakuna being the obvious one to leave alive rather than kinjaku due to him being the mental case has now proven wrong and in that moment sakuna announces his plans to kill all of the sorcerers present then the reset the calling game players and finally the monster created from merging tingen with mankind suddenly the ground beneath sakuna collapses and the Goat big boy otu appears back on the scene bursting through the rubble and apologizing for his late arrival immediately sakuna channels cursed energy into his hand and goes to strike user but the special grade comfortably blocks it with his Katana demanding that he put up a good fight now sakuna taunts him and declares that if he doesn't everyone he wants to save will die beaming into reality rer appears and slams sakuna into a nearby building with her hand while angrily asking who the hell he thinks he's talking to holding up her hand the king of curses Smiles as he greets the queen and all her overwhelming presence moments earlier after UDA snuck in and managed to catch Kenny by surprise the letter declared that his will shall be inherited as we know if you guys watched my kinjaku versus takaba video noticing a random shake from Sugo's headless body UDA quickly screams for R to emerge sadly and like previous curse manipulators theorized the bee hitting caused the body to lose control over Cur Spirit manipulation thus releasing all of his absorb cursed Spirits back into the world as the swarm of cursed Spirits bursts out of the forest and rushes onto the bridge ra appear before them and begins to melt away the numbers up in the sky a monolithic Black Mass attaches itself to kinjaku allowing him to request that his coane adding new rule to the calling game then obviously just as we saw over in the other colony coane subsequently accepted and added the new rule hanging there kinjaku revealed that as a part of his backup plan he had sakuna undergo the ritual of succession now all he needs to do is override the originator of the merging ritual using the coling game as a basis to start the countdown to the merger examining the mass connected to Kenny though UDA notices a fetus likee creature inside an orb which he immediately guesses is most likely Tangen any Flash the thing quickly bursts out of the orb and flies towards sakuna location in Shinjuku in response UDA immediately leap kinjaku finally killing the brain and bringing his body swapping to an immediate end with his smile kinjaku admitted that while it didn't make up for his wasted Century he was glad that he got to fall around with takaba in the end he then told USA before he passed that it was their turn next and he guarantees him that it will surely be interesting now returning to the damaged landscape of Shinjuku UTA and R star down at the king of curses seeing his hand begin to smoke UTA theorizes that sakon's reverse curse technique is returning and now it's only a matter of time before he can also use his domain blaming himself for hi's death and the failure of the plan UDA tries to convince himself that R was needed to deal with the release of the cursed Spirits back at the bridge in a Flash UT then vanishes with RA in combination obstructing most of zuna's vision with her body in turn this allows a hidden UTA to thrust his Katana through the curtain-like substance in an attempt to skewer the demon dodging out of the way of the sword sakuna easily grabs it making you to realize that he's surrounding his body with miniature chainsaw like slashes to avoid directly touching the blade releasing in the katana the Joo then Clos in and attacks sakuna simultaneously vending off the cursed spirit with two of his hands sakuna is left open to a gut punch from UTA causing the mouth on his stomach to cringe with pain snatching be his blade out of zuna's grasp UDA then swings at him who manages to quickly duck out of the way and catch sight of R wielding a freaking vending machine and rushing towards him blocking the unit as it to then throw an Adam UDA tries to close in but sukuna also successfully blocks the strike from behind admitting that he is only making excuses for himself youu wanted to be the one to defeat kinaku with his own hands and because of that arduous decision he created this situation it's all his damn fault and because of that UDA resolves to make up for his faults by activating his domain expansion ority and mutual love reacting to 's domain of innumerous swords that cover everything in sight zakuna immediately uses Hollow wicker basket neutralizing the domain sure had effect snatching one of the blades from the ground and whipping his body to towards sakuna UDA goes to strike him however he blocks with one of his arms spotting a crack appear on the blade then Icebreaker suddenly activates sending the king of curses flying back as the katana shatters into nothingness H vows with himself to finish everything here within his domain beginning to stand up and revealing that he was indeed struck in the head by uda's previous attack sukuna understands what it is this second plan is thanks to having incarnated in mami's body sukuna knows that uda's innate technique is poy so in turn they want to keep half of his mouths and arms busy constantly having to keep up Hollow wicker baskets then the big goat himself Yuji will dive in and deliver a strike that vibrates one's soul and tears Mami from the abyss he currently dwells inside 's domain authenticity and mutual love allows him to imbue one of his copy techniques at random into the domain's barrier as it sure had effect every other of his C techniques are then randomly stored within the katas and his domain's environment which only he can access although a katana's curse technique is unknown until UDA grasps it and the sword disappears after the technique is released the number of Swords is unlimited during the length of the domain sending out droes technique you to creates three miniature likee shikami that boost forward and encircle sakuna meanwhile Yuji closes in from behind and lands two punches on sakuna from above R Dives down and smashes the ground in front of him forcing him to dodge by stepping back suddenly the forearmed thing is then slashed on the back as he attempts to pass through the shikami paths from earlier watching UDA then hover in the air above him using Euro's technique and beginning to start his next succession of attacks he assesses his current condition due to his battle with Gojo sakuna is still unable to use his domain expansion and the effects of his reverse curse technique are extremely weakened in addition his curse energy reserves are lowered to roughly the same as Yuji and having to constantly maintain Hollow wicker basket prevents him from unleashing his world cutting dismantle kicking up a level though R grabs Yuji and throws him at zakuna has seem probably close to Mark 11 speeds at the same time UD then closes in on Tuna from the other side launching a penser attack in conjunction with Yuji throwing up his two spear hands suuna blocks yuji's kick and goes to grab down auda's blade glancing back at the brat he makes note of the weirdies behind yuji's strikes from what he can tell by applying the same principle that allowed him to directly damage mjo's soul yui is perceiving and striking at the bound between sakuna and Mami Soul this allows him to slowly awaken the sleeping sorcerer Soul which was pushed further into darkness during the bath and in turn this should interrupt the physical connection between sakuna and Mami thus decreasing sakuna overall curse energy output and the control over his body with each strike that Yuji lands on him so right now he thinks that they'll just chip away at him until he can't maintain Hollow wicker basket at which point the domain's Shad effect will use Jacob's letter to extinguish the cursed object inside of Mami swatting back sakuna then fends off uda's strikes and attempts to activate cleave on Yuji however UDA uses curse speech and orders him to not move freezing sakuna in place instantly swapping out his current blade UDA takes advantage of sakuna immobility and Strikes him with thin ice breaker blasting the king of curses across the landscape of his domain and into a random pillar moments after he then catches his footing R darts into his vicinity and smashes him down to the floor of uda's domain Together Al MC's then rushan to try and capitalize on the situation having a moment to finally catch his breath though suo proceeds to aim one of his hands towards his Sorcerers and fires a range dismantle at them slashing the boys and driving them back trying to use this moment to her own Advantage Ria then Dives in from above only for zakuna to grab her fist and start cutting the queen apart with cleave zakuna notes that if he doesn't make contact with the boys then it's just like with Ryu although he doesn't expect they pass him in overall durability it's not because he used a large amount of curse energy it's just that all the ones who have shown up from jiutu high have had great defenses then there's obviously the brosi himself yui was somehow able to learn reverse curse technique in only a month and UDA was able to narrow the target of his domain expansion sure had effect to only him which requires a highly Advanced barrier technique laughing at them though skuna asks what exactly they've all been up to over the past month eugi claims that it's all it's all been hard work determination but you have Cuts him off saying that they simply cheated in actuality he knows that if it wasn't for the after effects of his battle with Gojo then they probably wouldn't have even lasted a second in battle here it pains them to admit it but right now they are up against the strongest sorcerer in history and they need to stop him here initiating the next round R and Yuji throw punches from each side occupying sua's arms in a Flash UDA draws blood with his Katana before attaching a manga panel to sua's chest using child's ability having fulfilled the conditions for ink UDA Dodges a jab and leads a brutal Blow To the King of cursor's head as R and Yuji then continue their assault from each side sakuna lists out the five curse techniques he's seen you to use he questions if he also possesses Limitless but quickly dismisses the notion as the SE siiz is required to control Limitless at the same time UDA theorizes that even sakona would be caught off guard by a technique that he hasn't seen yet picking up a katana and running forward yudi uses oro's technique to manipulate the space around him and block zuna's few before suddenly thrusting the sword through the distorted space in front of him like previously with raik though sakuna catches the katana however in that moment Huda activates his new technique cleave serving sakuna with a taste of his own medicine slashes slowly begin to form on the king of curses surprised face as he realizes that UTA copied his technique wondering how when he even had the opportunity to copy his ability you tells a confused aona that the L never managed to recover his last finger did he rolling in over his right shoulder Yuji socked sakuna in the head swaying In and Out Of Consciousness for a moment sakuni quickly figures that it was indeed UTA who consumed his last finger and he flash youa then Palm sua's open chest allowing Yuji to grab the head and knee him with extreme force whipping his own arm up around Yuji sakuna suddenly pulls him in close and activates a point blank cleave on his chest despite his injuries you doesn't folder at all and actually uses his coughed up blood to spit in sua's face following back up UDA slips an uppercut through that absolutely rocks the chin of History's Strongest sorcerer picking his beaten body off the floor Yuji is certain that this is his chance he will bring sakuna down here and take fosy guro back right freaking now no resting instead he whs himself to heal and move to his feet once more somewhat dang dreaming himself after the uppercut sakuna can feel that his curse energy output and control over his body are beginning to fade all of a sudden whipping the king's body towards the slowly standing Yuji our boy absolutely pulverizes his face with a spinning handstand head kick in that moment the boys then notice something sakon's fingers beginning to slip and a desperate gamble to fire off his world splitting dismantle sakuna releases his control over Hollow wer baskets and a moment reminiscent of Hanami dropping his domain amplification R having anticipated this restrains two of his arms while Yuji grabs a hold of the other one having closed in UTA then plunges his hand into the mouth of sakuna stomach and rips out his tongue simultaneously with his free hand sakuna cuts UTA in the head with his manle sending him sliding back through his own domain unfaced with the cuts you rushes back and is able to understand that zakuna wasn't able to use dismantle while using Hollow wer baskets even if it's a simple technique it is one that he has to use hand signs chants or even both slashing sakuna across his face youd devow to not let him do either throwing up dismantle again to block the sorcerer's Advance UTA is once again inflicted with multiple Cuts still he can tell that tuna's slashing attacks are slowly weakening not having anything to fear anymore UDA tells himself to close the gap and slash at sakuna suddenly zuna's face is then struck by the effect of yuji's blood that he spattered him before momentarily distracting him allowing uda's previous strike to come in and cut off zuna's free hand so skipping back to the time everyone was discussing their plans on how they were going to separate Mami from sakuna Yuji brought up some of Yuki's notes on Souls apparently Two Souls will only mix to a certain degree but never become one choso himself was curious as to if Yuji and sakuna were different then after all he isn't able to feel a trace of the soul that formerly resided within him still in Yugi probably not understanding it entirely himself though yui just thought that it was because there was such a massive difference in energy levels between a curs object and a non sorcerer generally speaking though Yuji assumes that if Megami is an exception like him then they are probably in trouble continuing he goes on to say that there was once a cured Spirit who was able to take the souls of others and manipulate them to a devastating degree as long as a technique like this never reappears Yuji thinks it's safe to assume that two Souls cannot become one speaking up and pointing out that she might be of like some use to them Angel explains that her technique should be able to eradicate auna Judo was current in can form being a direct mix of his technique his personality and the cursed object inside of meami from what she knows curse techniques are connected to the brain so a Target survival rate once hit by her technique is extremely low however if they are able to separate the two souls and weaken the bond between them meami survival rate will rapidly increase returning to the domain and with sakuna unable to go anywhere due to ra and huji UT activates the Shad effect of his domain expansion maximum output Jacob's letter sending a large beam of light that beams down from the heavens above and engulfs the king of curses dting and past Yuji who had like just let go of sua's arm you render sua's arm once again useless allowing his boy to power up his cursed energy and scream for mamy to wake the hell up connecting his punch with sakuna skull Yuji senses something tell him that it's enough when it comes to the composition of the Soul Yuji and UTA had absolutely zero flaws in their plan however appearing in a shadowy Abyss yui watches Mami curled up in a fatal position say that he's had enough sadly for Mami not a single feeling of wanting to live remained his will had been extinguished scale of the Dragon recoil twin meteors in reality sakuna having taken all this damage still unleashes his world cutting dismantle slicing juta in half and shattering his domain expansion suddenly sukuna gasps eyes stunned to him this was a strategy common of jiu Sorcerers a mediocre plan that under normal circumstances could have easily been avoided see the soul split Katana sticking out of his chest suuna looks back to see her the one and only Mary holding on to her blade having successfully launched a surprise attack so that there obviously brings us to the very end of uta's kind of interaction with sakuna throughout this part of the battle no idea if he's going to be able to come back and launch another Counterattack with yui or like some of the other people later on I really hope that he is and I hope that he's not like cutting half and had to be teleported out and is getting healed by shoko at a drastically like slower degree because then that in my eyes means that we're probably kind of stuffed in this fight currently either way if you guys have enjoyed the video and want to see the next fight that is going to be coming up then make sure you do leave a like down below and if you are new around here then do subscribe as it really helps out with pushing my content to a bunch of new amazing people but for now it's been your professional degenerate de Volo it's freaking 4:00 a.m. in the morning and I have been grinding to get this CPT out so I will see you all in a b bye
Channel: Diavolo
Views: 96,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, jjk, yuta okkotsu, yuji itadori, sukuna, ryomen sukuna, king of curses vs queen of curses, jujutsu kaisen explained, shinjuku showdown arc, shinjuku showdown explained, yuta vs sukuna, yuta vs sukuna edit, yuta vs sukuna manga, yuji and yuta vs sukuna full fight, yuji and yuta vs sukuna, jjk manga explained, jujutsu kaisen yuta vs sukuna, jujutsu kaisen sukuna vs yuta explained, jjk yuta vs sukuna, yuta and yuji vs sukuna, yuta & rika, rika, yuta, yuji, manga, anime
Id: ibwvGrE8oTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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