The ENTIRE Hunter x Hunter Dark Continent Arc Explained...

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So today we are jumping into a new series to go over something a little more dark and mysterious than usual. Of course if the thumbnail and title weren't enough this is no other than the most recent complete arc from the back breaking genius himself TOGASHI and his amazing series of Hunter Hunter. With the news that we have more hunter hunter chapters dropping for literally the first time in freaking years, I think its time we dive in to the most recent complete arc of the series WHICH takes place DIRECTLY after the anime ends. SO YES everything in this video follows straight after the final episode with Gon and his daddio atop that massive ass tree and it pretty much just elaborates on everything that is going down inside of this so called dark continent. If you want me to cover even more of the recent Hunter Hunter stuff, push this video to like 5k likes and leave a comment down below as it truly helps out with just pushing my content to new people! Anyways enough of that lets get into the start of the Hunter Hunter Dark Continent Expedition Arc! So as things kick off we find the lil green man himself Beans who’s actually not green in the manga but oh well, he barges into the Zodiacs' conference room shouting about a big emergency as Cheadle at the same time was also about to make a large announcement. The Zodiacs initially think that she will quit as the chairman, but Cheadle assures them before letting Bean talk. He shows a video in which the Kakin Empire's King a large man named Nasubi Hui Guo Rou, goes on a rant about "bearing all of humanities' future dreams on their back.“ From this he ends up declaring that they the Kakin Empire will advance into the Dark Continent. Hearing this the Zodiacs are all taken aback, aside from Kanzai who’s completely clueless about the Dark Continent. Gel explains that the Dark Continent is a place that can't be found on the world map, but is where other human-like beings and other magical beasts thrive. Mizaistom also adds in that every other time humans have tried to go there disasters have fallen apon them back at home. Due to this happening a few times, 200 years ago the five leading nations of the world, called the V5, made a treaty not to go there. Cheadle explains that 30 years ago, Kakin technically became a new nation by taking advantage of an incident and jacking the countries monarchy turning it into a parliamentary democracy, at which time they likely did not renew their treaties or frankly just threw them away. As the Zodiacs continue to discuss, Beans interrupts pointing at the screen and stating that in fact the really troubling part actually comes next. Looking back at the video, it shows Nasubi as he introduces the person that will lead the expedition to the Dark Continent. He proudly announces the legendary pro hunter Isaac Netero, the previous chairman of the Hunter Association, and states that they have hired his son, Beyond Netero to lead the expedition. The Zodiacs are surprised once again as they all react to the news of Netero having a son. Dude literally never even bought his son up once throughout the previous 150 damn episodes of the manga. Gel suggests that they verify if it's true or not, but as Beyond starts to give a speech, multiple Zodiacs immediately recognize his resemblance to the late chairman. Beyond promises that he will take care of everything, and that everyone will have an equal opportunity in this new world. He screams and encourages everyone to come to Kakin so they can embark on their journey to the new world, leaving everyone watching the video inside the room shaken. Beans discloses that there were in fact 2 DVDs t Chairman Netero left behind. As Beans slides the second DVD onto the table he explains that Netero told him to show all members of the Zodiacs the other DVD if anyone came forth claiming to be his son. However, Ging and Pariston are absent so he’s unable to proceed further, because of this Cheadle interrupts the arguing zodiacs to begins her own announcement. Yet we aren't exactly privy to this information, as instead we skip away from the zodiacs to learn that currently the people of the world are blown away with Beyond Netero’s announcement and cant stop watching it on their version of YouTube. Beyond who’s literally just big chilling having a few drinks, overhears that the king has been notified by V5 to revoke the previous announcement and instead sign the treaty. After literally getting the Togashi treatment and having a book of information shoved in his face by his curly haired friend. An annoyed Beyond decides to ignore the permissions of the V5 about exploring the Dark Continent, as he wants to explore the unknown world without supervision. Standing there and just looking mad jacked, He says to his 10 important followers, one of which just happens to be that damn snake Pariston, that he is willing to see a land that nobody has ever seen, meeting people no ones met, obtaining things no ones ever touched and all by his own volition without being restrained by no one! So skipping away from Beyond we learn that Cheadle’s news was that they don't actually need to wait for Ging and Pariston to see the DVD, as they resigned as members of the Zodiacs. Therefore there are now only 10 Zodiacs, allowing them to fulfil the conditions and also on top of that that, something that's actually more important than the previous two, the V5 have already given them a special assignment: to hunt Beyond Netero. The IPA Director and the newly assigned Deputy Secretary, Steiner, who are both associated with the V5, walk through a heavily secured hallway and discuss their role of the organization in accordance with the upcoming journey to the Dark Continent. As they enter an elevator, the Director mentions that the "Gatekeeper of the New World" hates ill-mannered visitors and should the negotiations with the Kakin Empire break down it will be very difficult to stop them. Steiner asks what would happen, to which the older executive talks about "Pandora's Box" being opened, which Steiner questions as a figure of speech. However, the Director explains that he once thought that, back when he was young and before he came here. He then opens a door to the International Permit Agency basement that's filled with various atrocities and corpses resulting from the last entry into the Dark Continent. The bewildered deputy stutters wondering what the hell this could be, to which its revealed that all these atrocities used to be human. The Director hands over a book called Journey to the New World to Steiner, explaining that it was once considered fiction but is now a legendary text that contains travels to the dark continent from hundreds of years ago. The Director further explains that all of the wrung corpses in the basement were discovered on this side or more specifically in the known world, and none of them had ever travelled to the Dark Continent. He instructs Steiner to memorize every detail of the book and identify the risks of traveling to the "New World"… As they walk along through the basement, one creature slams against the glass, which takes Steiner in surprise. The Director explains that this one creature is the lone survivor in their facility, but it is no longer human. The creature does not need sustenance like humans do, and has already lived for 50 years being completely self sustaining. Every attempt humanity has made at exploring the Dark Continent has resulted in them fleeing home and bringing a calamity of mass destruction with them. The Director continues that the creature was once a Hunter who was exposed to a virus that renders him immune to death. Meanwhile, the Zodiacs watch the second DVD where former chairman the OG BIG Netero explains that his randomly mysterious son Beyond once travelled to the Dark Continent and brought back new threats that resulted in considerable casualties, so he forbade further attempts by Beyond and the Hunter Association until after his own death. Netero explains that he’s only set foot there twice and when he was young, but he personally realized the strength required to remain there wasn't what he sought. The new world was a harsh battle against mother nature itself where no victor exists. Netero declares that he wants the Hunter Association to explore the Dark Continent before his son, telling them to overcome the risks of the new world and return with hope as the difficulty is undisputedly A!! Though quickly before ending he emphasizes that it is a request rather than an order and its completely upto them to choose. Cheadle accepts the mission saying that since its an order they literally have no other choice, but states that no other Hunters in the organization should join them. Saiyu and Kanzai assert their opposition to Beyond's hunt, stating that it makes the race to the New World unfair as Beyond has been preparing for this moment for decades. One of the Zodiacs ask if any of them have actually thought about going to the mentioning that Ging is the only one they can think of who has the ambition to go to the Dark Continent. Gel says that if Ging does help, the race will be fair for arguments sake, otherwise, Kakin and beyond will have a big head start. As all of the Zodiacs argue over their next course of action, Beans suddenly receives a call from someone mysterious. With all of the Zodiacs having followed beans, its revealed that Beyond Netero had indeed just called him and now appears before the Zodiacs. Standing there he firstly gives the what's up to big beans as obviously he’s beeeeen around for years oml fml anyways he instructs them to call the V5, telling them that they have "captured" Beyond Netero leaving all of the Zodiacs shocked with the absolutely unpredictable turn of events. Elsewhere, Steiner begins his forte into the prolific book that he is supposed to memorize. There its shown that the five threats humanity has previously brought back from the new world are, The codependence of Desire which is a gaseous life-form ai, A Sphere that protects mysterious ruins called the botanical weapon Brion, A monster that infects its prey with a homicidal desire known as the snake hell bell. This ones my fave, the trade off between life and pleasure known as a beast that keeps people as its pets and finally, endless despair disguised as hope Zobae, the immortality disease. After reading all this, Steiner only reflects thinking that this indeed is no place humanity should venture. So back with the Zodiacs its shown that Beyond is now being kept within a cell while Cheadle interviews him, and the rest of the Zodiacs stand by and watch. Sitting there in a seemingly helpless situation Beyond makes a prediction that the Zodiacs will end up releasing and joining him in his expedition to the Dark Continent. Cheadle quickly dismisses the idea though, calling it an unrealistic delusion, but still Beyond tells her to hear him out before v5 make their own report. Having placed a recorder on the table, Cheadle proposes that their conversation shall be recorded, which beyond accepts, however as she stares at him, she knows Beyond is technically on the offensive, while she and the Zodiacs have to decode and figure him out. Elsewhere, the V5 and Deputy Secretary, Steiner, discuss the previous Dark Continent expeditions. Its shown, that their world is actually located in the centre of the massive lake Mobius of which itself if also located within the dark continent. In their records, there are 149 attempts to challenge the voyage, but out of that only 28 people survived from the five trips that managed to return. Out of them Beyond is the only one who is still alive today. Those said 5 voyages that returned were also unofficial and took place after the v5 formed the inviolability treaty, so mankind has never official succeeded in making a round trip to the New World. Out of the 28 survivors, only three were able to return to their ordinary lives which makes this a survival rate of 0.04 percent. One old ass hag of an employee asks about "guides", and another member answers that they are a race of people called "gate-keepers" who summon a being to help transport people to the Dark Continent. As a few people talk amongst themselves, a larger man interrupts pointing out that any talk of risk only adds as fuel to the fire for countries and businesses that pour money into this stuff in hope they'll get a return. Another employee implies that they need to know the official way to be able to stop Kakin from advancing towards the new world. Steiner explains that article 4 of the UN chartered basic relations treaty states that international threats clauses 7 thru 9 prohibit active involvement with contagious diseases, biological hazards and unknown menaces, but if its determined that a nation is at risk then the use of force including military intervention is permitted! ANND as we know from the freaking chimera arc, when the army is involved they are dropping some next level biological weaponry, pppooobably implanted inside of some poor dude! Annnyways Steiner says that considering this, to end the situation in a peaceful matter its necessary to invite Kakin to the V5, then through that they will reorganize as the V6 and unofficially support Kakins journey to the New world, making them also look good in turn. Steiner continues explaining that there are tones of uninhabited islands in the neutral zone inside of the far ocean boundary, so they can just pretend that are apart of the new continent and have the civilians spend their lives there, while they can leave the actual voyage to Kakin, BUT only on the condition that members are carefully selected. which makes sense as you don't want some weak nobody's just rolling into the dark continent possibly putting others in harms way, like everybody needs to be able to hold there own. Back over with out hunters, As Cheadle and Beyond continue on their interview, Kanzai is just utterly perplexed about the conversation asks someone to translate it for him. Saccho simply answers that Beyond got a ticket to the dark continent in exchange for making Kakins king a historical hero, but because the V5 doesnt like to lose they are making the zodiacs babysit beyond. Kanzai asks if its good for them and Gel explains that technically its good and bad as if they succed its possible theyll be allowed to hunt on the continent. Back inside the cell, Beyond insists that cheadle contact the V5, he thinks that theyll say “tell Beyond they’d accept a supervised voyage and that the chaperone will be the hunter association. After a moment Cheadle accepts under the condition that he’s telling the truth, but first they have to confirm some stuff. She asks Mizaistom to contact the V5. Instantly outside of the room its confirmed that the Zodiacs will indeed go to the Dark Continent with Beyond, even against their will. When Kanzai gets confused AGAIN, Gel explains that Beyond will be transported to the Dark Continent as a prisoner, but somehow he’ll probably escape, leaving them with the task of fighting off threats, maintaining Beyond and somehow stopping his comrades from interfering. Once everyone begins to leave, Saccho offers to watch over Beyond to which cheadle accepts. She then turns to the imprisoned man and tells him that he should be prepared as it will be a LONG imprisonment and hearing this, Beyond laughs as he says HELL WAIT AS LONG AS IT TAKES! Earlier as everyone left the meeting room, Steiner thinks outloud about how their official stance is that the book he read recently is a writer's fantasy, but in actuality the book is the most important peice of criteria on the planet. Cracking up and slapping him on the back the IPA Director replies that hell be a great manager just like him, ofcourse an honest world would be best, yet peace is a much more important manner. In some other place, the Black Whale transport ship is presented to the people. It is said to carry about 200,000 people, and in the next 5 years, King Nasubi has declared that he will send 500 ships to the Dark Continent, which totals to around about 100 million people. (Man is actually tryna exterminate the lives of 100 million innocent civilians. Aint no way a normal man surviving in this domain of death. Anyways, The TV reporters continue to explain that the maiden voyage will carry Beyond, the King, and 14 princes, any civilians will be picked by lottery and those odds are only 1 in 1300. In a recording studio, more reporters discuss the bestiary known to mankind (which is that book all the hunters have that rank certain threats). A female reporter asks someone to explain to them in terms they would understand, how dangerous is the C class ranking. The man states that its things, like bears, sharks, poisonous snakes etc, stuff you might come across if your unlucky that might turn fatal in the worst case senario. Another anchor states that opinions online declare that the Dark Continent surely must harbor Rank B or A creatures. Laughing in response, the random man says well ofcourse no body can count them out completely, but these people also assume that mankind has never even ventured there in the past because dangerous creatures exist. OML the ammount of information Togashi is shoving down my throat rn, Anyways Continuing Many ancient ruins describe the calamities caused by going to the continent. Science has concluded that these mass casualties were from infections and viruses, now with modern medicine they will easily be able to prevent such problems from occuring. On top of that the stuff they do find is much more likely to be hiding miraculous compounds that can help mankind advance further than it ever has before. As the broadcast comes to an end, that dude declares that this will be the greatest goldrush in all of human history. Having rolled up as the broadcast was finishing on the TV Ging Freecss the big man himself arrives in the lair of Beyond's Dark Continent Expedition Team, and confronts Pariston Hill. Ging explains that if the government doesn't answer to Beyond's taunt and send them to the Dark Continent, Pariston in response would force there hand and send in 5,000 Chimera. He continues telling him that he will no longer allow Pariston to do as he pleases and tells him that he’s now going to play with him personally until he begs him to stop. Pariston looks at Ging with his deep dark eyes he responds confidently asking if he’s finally going to pay him some attention. Ging who’s visibly disgusted with Pariston just answers that he might just be doing it for his own fun… Cheadle contacts one of the OG OG’s Leorio over the phone, and invites him to become a member of the Zodiacs. She explains that the association thinks that his skills are best suited to fill the position and they absolutely need his help the upcoming mission. When Leorio implies that he will turn down the offer, Cheadle continues to say that there is a medical study waiting for him and that she will be the head medical professor herself. Hearing this, Leorio who in most cases wouldve rejected the offer ends up accepting as he knows that theres no chance this will ever happen again in his life. He thanks her for granting him this opportunity, however he has just one request, he asks Cheadle if there is still another position available in the Zodiacs because if there is he has someone he’s like to recommended for the post. AND WE KNOW WHO THAT EYE COVERTING CHAIN WEILDING KING IS!! In the lair of Beyond’s Dark Continent Expedition Team, which btw has literally the scary girl maze game picture now featured on the TV, Not sure why Togashi decided to chuck this in here, BUT HOLY it plays to the feeling of the meeting having this scary ass pic of a child featured on the television. There Pariston states that the Hunter Exam will begin soon, and that he knows Ging is aware of the 5000 Chimera Ants he has hidden away as a back up to force V5 into into the expedition. He thinks Cheadle will separate the Hunter Exam from the organization, which Pariston disapproves of. When Ging asks him why he would want to destroy the Hunter Association despite feeling attached to it, Pariston asks him to prove it, starting from his motives. Ging starts to explain that Pariston is seeking something new that could entertain him as the association has started to tire him, because of this Ging assumes that Pariston thought it was time to move on and find new targets. The fastest way is by scattering the Chimera Ants across the world, while also opening the previously illegal routes to the Dark Continent. He continues to say that Pariston's underlings might easily pass the Exam, and become organizational members. However, he cannot see the link between why pariston would brandish the treat of the Chimera Ants against the association. He concludes by proclaiming that Pariston and he are kindred spirits and there ideas are always a tiny bit off the beaten track. Pariston's smile weakens as he concedes that Ging is spot-on. He reflects that normally people find happiness in loving and being loved, but he feels happy most when he is hated and he continually feels this irrepressible need to destroy the things he loves. Malevontly he wonders aloud if it is all that weird, with Ging replying that Pariston is completely off the mark and asserting they are different in that respect. Curly quietly tries to ask a question, but is completely shunned by Ging, much to his dismay. Usamen this Hajimo looking wannabe stands up and threatens the former Boar zodiac, but before he can do anything, he is lifted up by Ging and imagines his own face being caved in by the latter's plethora punches. Coming back to reality, the dude realised he probably just witnessed his own death as Ging then orders him to get lost if he understands, then quickly looking around the room he finds a "robotic girl" in the corner and asks if she is the highest-ranked person. Pariston interrupts his intruding though and calls himself the obvious number two within the team. Ging observes with surprise that people are not ranked by strength, releasing Usamen. Pariston objects he is being underestimated but Ging coldly states he would end up killing him if they were to fight, however he would continue to display his disgusting smile and laugh unless his very spirit was defeated. He then declares himself number two and challenges anyone that opposes him. Mizaistom the big COW of the Zodiacs heads out in search of Kurapika. (as that was obviously the person Leorio recommended for the position.) Once arriving at Kuripikas place, Linssen informs him that he’s currently out but can leave a message for him if he’d like. Mizaistom insists to wait mans literally like can I have a coffee and DW ill manage with the milk which is insane hahaha anyways, but three men block his pathway. Calmly though the COW KING pulls out and shows them a warning card, which indicates that acts of violence are not allowed. When the men move to attack him, Mizaistom uses the card to restrain the men's movements, most likely apart of his Nen ability called Cross Game. Sitting down in the corner of the room, he tells the men they’ll all be able to move in a moment, but warns them that if they try and resist more itl continue to imobilize them. Finally, the bartender interupts, telling him that Kurapika is in the basement, he warns the cow to not anger him as Kurapika is really upset about something that concerns their group. Before he can finish explaining though, Kurapika himself appears asking what all the noise is and how the random man wearing a cow uniform in his house is. Mizaistom introduces himself from the Hunter Association and asks Kurapika about the news regarding the Dark Continent expedition. He invites him to join the Zodiacs under the request of Leorio, but Kurapika quickly declines, telling him that he is busy. Mizaistom suddenly brings up the prolific Scarlet Eyes, which incites anger in Kurapika, setting his own scarlet eyes alight with the fire of all of his fallen clan members. He makes his chains appear and threatens Mizaistom, telling him to carefully choose his words from now on. Mizaistom reports that on the web there is an illegal website in which criminals will sell rare items through. 6 Months ago, someone posted a video in which a number of scarlet eyes are visible. Having seen this video himself, Kurapika already knows about the content within it. However the COW KING then reveals that they managed to find the owner of those eyes, something that Kurapika and his crew were completely unable to do. He tells him that, they would all like him to join the Zodiacs and take part in the expedition to the new world. An expedition that will last approximately 2 months, he asks him to carefully study the ins and out of the proposal before coming to a decision. Kurapika considers the offer thourougly thinking about how its a priority of his to recover the stolen eyes, because of this he joins on the spot so he can find out the true identity of the person who owns these eyes. After a moment, Mizaistom pulls out a picture and gives it to Kurapika, its explained that this man, the fourth Prince of the Kakin Empire, Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou is the confirmed owner of the stolen scarlet eyes. Kurapika recalls how he acquired the previous sets of Scarlet Eyes that are now in his possession going over all of the people he’s had to take down in his head, finally ending on the man who is his current target, the son of a king. Remembering Pairo, Kurapika realizes that his joirney is finally beginning, he wonders where he may go, a place where he’s greated or one in which can call home… However he sadly remembers that he no longers has anything like that at all in his life… Back in the lair of Beyond's Dark Continent Expedition Team, the members are still doubtful of having Ging as the second in command behind Beyond. Two members even decide to fight against him, but Ging quickly offers them money instead. He promises to double Beyond's pay to the members and will pay them in advance. Apart from that he says that he has nothing else to offer them and he also has no requests to make of them. He asks if they have anyquestions and not to hesitate as he’ll answer with pleasure. Another member who seemed skeptical over whether or not he’ll get paid asks if he’s sure he doesnt have any other requests to make of the group, to which ging again tells them NO and to trust them.. Ging says that if they allow him to be the No.2 theyll all be paid accordingly and the case will be closed. That skeptical member gives Ging his account number, and only a few moments later after visibly being suprised at the money in his account, leaves the lair with the other mombers noting that he probably wont come back. Ging asks Pariston if he has objections, in which Pariston actually says he’s happy with the turn of events. Back over in the Hunter Association building, Leorio manages to get in contact with Kurapika, who is currently traveling by car with the cow king mizai. Kurapika asks about Gon, and Leorio abrushes it off saying he’s fine but he needs his support in the association. After some random antics between the two boys Kurapika ends the call and thanks Mizaistom for the connection to the Prince, though he knows his abilities will not help much for them during the expedition. Mizaistom warns Kurapika that the prince has a darker side, he knows he’ll probably act recklessly either way when confronted with him, but still he hells him to try and use the safest method and avoid detection. Kurapika hearing this though reassures him that he has dealt with monsters in human shells. (Which is so true, like Kurapika is just a pure Genius when it comes to taking down an enemy. Man was so confident with the phantom troupe he brought a damn spade to his fight with uvogin.. Anyways Elsewhere FOR THE FIRST TIME WE SEEE the lil man himself Gon as he tries to activate his Nen, but is surprised when he finds out he cannot access it any longer. Obviously if youve seen the anime which you should have, youll know why. Honestly im assuming that Gon probably has to start from square one all over again and build back up his Nen. idk let me know what you think down below! Ahh sadly though we skip away from the previous main character of the series, over to the evolved verson of Gon, Ging as he details the previous Five Threats of the Dark Continent to a few members from Beyond's Expedition Team. He explains that these threats are stronger than the Chimera Ants and people have no countermeasure against them. He continues that the victims of Ai and Pap have been found, and a sixth threat might return. One of Beyonds allies asks why in the world would they want to even travel there, is there even anything they could possibly gain! OKAY so Ging kinda blows there minds, he goes way more indepth on the distances around the continent, where to find certain materials around this new world that can physically change the world they live in and the beasts protecting these precious locations, ores or materials. Continuing He explains that the hunter association had also orgainized a an expedition with Netero and a few mates, but there is no given official information on this trip. According to Netero himself though, that land is just utterly monstrous and all of these adventures were supposed to serve as a warning! In order to prevent Beyond or his son from travelling to the Dark Continent, Isaac and the V5 placed a ban over the place and any ship that would be sent towards the new world would be hit with the seal of the fobidden. Standing there Ging asks the people infront of him if they are still ready to take up the challange, but interupting them the member from before who received money and gapped it returned stating that he’s ready! Infront of a shocked group the younger bloke tells them that all his money was spent to save his younger sister in the hospital and because of that he’s infinitely grateful to him. He agrees that Ging is now undoubtedly second place within the team. Then the moment that I love most happens, Ging having found out that dudes story, tells him that he cant afford to let him die, but he will also make sure that he can keep the ammount Beyond offered him. GING is an actual chad, im assuming he means he’ll let the young man stay in saftey on the homeland while still getting him the fat pay day! Dudes making up for all the random shit he put Gon through throughout the main story! Stepping up the trippy dude or chick im not to sure named Curly, asks Ging about the reference of all the information about the Dark Continent. Ging explains that every generation has there nutters, but some 300 years ago someone explored the shoes of Moebius on their own and this person wrote the memoirs of his explaination called, The Memories of A New World Traveler East and West. YET ging sadly explains that until today only one copy has been found, with not the slightest trace of the west book anywhere! After Mascher and another team member give two possible reasons as to why it might not have been found, Ging gives a third, one so damn insane I had to double check id written the correct text: He says that the book is still being written as they speak and as everyone reacts surpised over this bizzare statment, he contines revealing that the author is no one other that Don Freecss. THE ANCIENT ANCESTOR OF GON AND GING FREECSS! Gon talks to Ging on the phone and informs his father that he is not able to bring any aura out. Ging replies to this by saying that while (Gon's) aura most probably is coming out as it was when they were together atop the tree, he just can't see it himself. Pretty much Meaning that Gon had now returned to 'normal' or just a normal human state. He then states to him that he should be thankful as that is all that happened to him, he could have easily lost a lot more. He then advises Gon to take this opportunity to figure out what he can do as he is now. Gon heeds his father's advice and returns to Whale Island, reunites with Mito, and helps her with the housework just like he used to wayyy back at the begining of the series, Man I love the nostalgia hit this lil island gives me, I havent seen the hxh anime in years but it was one of the first series I ever completed, just knowing now that our man makes it home to fully wrap up his story is perfect. Anyways, during dinner, Mito questions Gon, asking him if he was bummed out for not being able to go with Ging. Gon replies to this by stating that even if he did go with Ging, he would probably get in his way, however it probably would have been a different matter if he could still use Nen. He then confesses that he now realizes that he really didn't want to meet Ging, but that finding him was just his goal. When Mito agrees with Gons explaination of his father, she says that Ging didnt have the qualities of a father and Gon cheeckily replies that it must be father like son and maybe he wasnt actuall cut out to be a son, to which Mito violently rejects. Gon cracks up laughing aswell before explaining that he was just joking. When he calms down, he stares into his glass and says that it didnt cross his mind that he should stay with him because he’s his dad, BUT if he had been able to use nen still and had felt how truly awesome and powerful he is, then he wouldve most likely wanted to go with him. Mito sums their conversation up by stating that he was now stuck with her and leaves the room, only to return with two huge piles of papers, informing the poor young man that these books were all the documents Gon was going to have to fill in, to which Gon recoils screaming out in a comical manner not realizing he ever had to do desk work within the associastion. Having ended the call with Gon, Ging encounters a member who informs him that the Expedition Team had divided into two groups, those who won't take Ging's money and those who will, yet since Pariston considers him No.2 they wont object to him being second now!. BUT then states that all this disunity will lead to chaos, so to avoid it they decided to not listen to any of his orders until atleast everyone accepts the money. As Ging had also guessed they were hired by Beyond through Pariston, Ging could consider them to be mediators and it did not matter to them if he looked down on them for this. Another member then confesses that even if they ganged up, they would be no match against Ging, Yet Ging kinda feels that somethings just not right with the situation and replies by saying that they dont have to lie, as he knows theyre all indeed experts. As Ging states his reasons to believe that the members of Beyond's expedition team are specialists, pretty much just explaining the entire dynamic of how their group works and so on, Pariston confesses to himself that Ging's thought process was similar to him and that this was the first time he had actually started to grow to hate someone. Ging then drops a damn bomb and says that the ten of the members here obviosly isnt everyone in the group, so to solve that initial issue of payments, he tells Pariston to tell the others he’ll pay them upfront aswell! As Pariston replies, telling him he’ll let everyone know, he thinks to himself that he wants to see what he’d do to someone he truly HATES! Meanwhile over in a banging dance club, two seci ass peasent females are invited to the hotel room of the price who has the Scarlet eyes's. After a quick glance to eachother the girls both accept the invitation. Arriving at a massive hotel entirely owned by the prince of Kakin, they are filled with awe at the pure beauty of his house, asking if the Prince lived here all by himself. The Prince replies to this by saying that he never really feels lonely, as he always invites people on over and asked the girls to tell him about themselves. Yet as the majority of you probably foresaw, Tserriednich is later seen having a shower, then later a bath while talking to someone named Mark on the phone. He complains to him about how the girls were oblivious to what was happening around the world and were only interested in fashion. Sitting there with the floor soaked in blood, the prince then asks him to send in another pair of women. (this is probably the dark side of the price that Mizaistom was refering too when talking with Kurapika, most likely due to the dues overwhelming influence within the Kakin family they cant arrest or probably even tell him to stop his vile acts) Meanwhile in her office, Cheadle is ordered by the IPA Director to make Beyond sign a contract saying that if he breaks the rules even once, he will spend his entire life in jail. He states that he doesnt want to imagine what would happen if Beyond does manage to escape and then on top of that make a discovery known to the whole world declaring it as something he found on his own. If this was to be the case he threatens Cheadle, telling her that her future wont be so bright if this happens.. Heading backdown to the cells with the new contract, Cheadle hands it to Beyond and tells him to read it. He agrees with the rules of the contract reading the majority of it aloud, saying that it was exactly like he had already predicted. With him not objecting Beyond ends up signing the contract before striking the pen into the contract, causing it to stick into the pad below him. He then ominously explains that only three more things remain! Qualifications, The Means and A contract! Back in the car, Mizaistom asks Kurapika what he’ll do with the prince after they take the Scarlet Eyes back, to which Kurapika replies that he’ll yeild to most demands, all he wants is to get the eyes back. Mizaistom questions him again, this time asking him what he will do if the prince resists. But Kurapika replies by saying that he’s encountered two people in the past who said that they would rather die than give him what he wants.. He states that none of them were dead but both of them had a 'change of heart', and states that he was sure that the prince will follow suit. Big brain heart chain choking technique, Hisoka walking around right now sulking cause Chrolo cant use his nen! Having reached the Hunter Association's office the due and are greeted a by a surprised Leorio and Cheadle whos also with him. Cheadle leads them to the room in which the other Zodiacs are seated, and the meeting with the two new Zodiacs begin. She then begins the meeting by informing the Zodiacs that these specific nations are the ones that make up the V5 which because of Kakins recent mess has now been turned into the V6 with them as the sixth seat. She then states that the V6 had tried numerous times to enter the Dark Continent but have failed each and every time due to those "Five Threats" ive brought up multiple times throughout the video. She then proceeds to inform them that the danger rank of the Five Threats has risen from rank B to A, which even surpasses the Chimera Ants who were a B level threat. Cheadle then reveals their objective: to capture at least one of the Five Threats, survive the trip back home and deal with Beyond in the process, which if you think about it is just pure insanity as the BIG MAN NETERO himself was barely able to defeat Meruem in their battle with the help of man made weaponry, I dont know the strength of the other members in the Zodiacs as of yet, but this is just insanity to me at the moment, I just cant picture Leorio being able to take down or even assist in defeating a A rank threat... Anyways Cheadle then inquires asking anyone has a question to which Kurapika raises his hand stating that he has a few. When given permission to speak, he asks all the Zodiacs if they had identified all of Beyond's allies who are inside the Association. He then proceeds to explain the reasoning of his question, stating that as Beyond was expecting his father's death instead of having to defeat him himself, so he must have planned his involvement within the association with someone beforehand. He also on top of dropping that bomb manages to confirm the theory that Pariston and the Temp Hunters were some of Beyond's allies. Mizaistom, realizing that Kurapika's statements could lead to certain complications, leads him outside and reveals that he and Cheadle had come to the same conclusion as he (Kurapika) did, and requests him not to mention anything about moles infront of the Zodiac again (as it would put the mole on alert), to which Kurapika agrees. When the two return, all of the Zodiac members reveal the roles they will be playing in their voyage to the Dark Continent. BUUUT WE AINT GONNA GO INDEPTH ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR NAMES AND WHY THEY ARE APART OF THE ZODIACS BECAUSE THIS VIDEO IS ALREADY EVOOOLVING INTO SOMETHING WAY LONGER THAN IT SHOULD BE. LIKE HAVING NEVER READY HXH BEFORE THE AMMOUNT OF INFORMATION STUFFED INTO THIS MANGA COULD EASILY CREATE A NOVEL ITS JUST THAT INDEPTH AT POINTS! Soo enough of my crazy ramblings, now we actually skip ahead one month and find ourselves back in Beyonds lair as Ging shows the people there a cheeky little trick called (Pip-Play). Which just the ability to manipulate pip msized balls of nen into lilttle animals. While the other members try to master the trick, Curly approaches Ging and challenges him on a vocabulary match to see who knew the most words of the Ancient Kappe language that began with 'N’. Ging as you could imagine comfortably wins the contest and inturn Curly finally accepts him as Number 2. Pariston then suddenly shows up and informs Ging that all the assassins that were sent in the 289th Hunter Exam failed and acknowledges the ability of his replacement in the Zodiacs (obviously big Kurapika as he had been able to easily pick them all out). Just then, Muherr, along with 2 other Hunter Exam participants, arrive and comment that he (Kurapika) is rumored to be able to read minds. When questioned about his early arrival, he states that he didn't even need to see the results to know that he didn't pass. Having sat down he then orders Ging to go away as he was previously on the association's side. Yet, Ging corrects him by saying that when it comes to the idea of how freedom is considered, he was more closer to Beyond than the association. He then states that he’s glad to help Beyond be free but he cant give Pariston a pass as his true goal is to help beyond and deter the sname Pariston. Muherr replies to this by saying that he didn't buy it. But Usamen interrupts him, affirming Ging's claim that he wasn't on the association's side. Musher becomes surprised by the member's testimony, asking him since when did he accept Ging as a friend. The member replies to this by saying he still hated the dudes guts but lets just sit back and see how it goes for a few days. Just then the other Hunter Exam participants arrive saying that they wont be waiting as beyond is there only boss they don't care about some irrelevant number 2. They then present Ging and Pariston two options, either Pariston leaves the expedition team, or Ging leaves the expedition team. Neither Ging nor Pariston agrees with either of the options. Instead, Ging produces a third option while Pariston produces a fourth, either the assassins will leave, or the assassins will die. Instantly Muherr's henchmen use conjured guns to shoot aura bullets directly at Ging and Pariston, who easily manage to dodge out of the way and escape through an underground passage. Ging complains about them having a bad temper, to which Pariston says that he’s not as crazy as expected. Ging tells him to shut up aswell as Pariston actually provoked them in the first place. Hearing this the sly ray cheekily jokes that he was just going along with what Ging had said. After gaining a bit of distance between the two, Pariston asks if they should fight back, to which Ging agrees, but wants to do it "gently". He analyzes their abilities noting that their emitters who have to conjure guns to fight. Seeing him preparing to attack, Pariston asks if it is okay for him to watch use his ability, but cause Gings literally a Chad and not a dad he responds affirmatively saying that it aint no problem. Watching with a gaze of amazement, Pariston witnesses Ging reproduces Leorio's "remote punch" by continuously slamming the ground over and over again allowing him to send a blast of aura thru the ground towards the approaching brutes, before suddenly reappearing above the surface and pummelling the trio of unsuspecting mercenaries'. Pariston asks if his ability is the copy kind but Ging explains that he just has this random talent to be able to imitate someone's ability if it is a physical type and he has been hit by it. Continuing on his brutal shows of dominance, Ging surmises on how leorio must've been palpating his patients and using his aura like an ultra sound. Through this he assumes that his Nen ability was the result of experimentation with aura and tapping. Then literally flexing on pariston some more he again uses the same ultra sound like technique to discover two enemies on the other side of a wall. Imagining those said enemies have a tumor or a blood clot that can't be reached with normal medical equipment, he shoots two aura bullets through the wall completely taking down the unsuspecting henchmen. After using that Same ability again, he confirms that there are no more enemies coming after them. Pariston speculates it is because they have given up, but Ging disagrees, stating they must assume the mission was completed. He reveals he has known all along the whole thing was actually staged by Pariston, and the biggest mistake in his attempt to fool Ging was that the angry guy with the Mohawk didnt bring up the faith possible choice of both Ging and Pariston leaving; although he admits that he might have gone with it if it had been presented so it was probably wise to not offer it. He states he’s gone along with Pariston's show only because he felt bad for the ones who were forced to play it, but he says that if the former Rat wants to see his real abilities, he has to come at him himself. Back in the lounge now as the henchmen clean up the remnants of the couch they blasted to bits before, Muherr expresses his perplexity about their scheme having been figured out, since he thought his acting was good. Ging mocks him, plainly imitating one of his lines, and irritating the mercenary in a joking manner. However, Ging states that Muherr should be more worried about his soldiers than his acting since they are too weak to face the Dark Continent alone, maybe only backup reserves at the best. Sipping his drink, the mercenary replies that's exactly what they are and the soldiers who also add in their two cents state their duties are limited to reconnaissance, artillery support, and covering fire, while the shooting itself will be covered by golem. Ging recognizes him as a symbiotic type Nen user which Muherr confirms before explaining that Golem himself conjures a powerful, heavy weapon that is manned by an Emitter who creates the bullets: this way, both the weapon and bullets are stronger than they would be separate. Ging understands Golem was also the one who gave the firearms to the henchmen and praises the adaptability of the tactic. Muherr continues explaining, for mid to long-term group warfare, carrying real guns loaded with Nen bullets greatly increases the efficiency on the battlefield. Golem and the other 10 men with assault and recon duties make up the "Stone Wall" squad, the legendary unit which came out of the Lubo civil war without a single casualty. Ging is impressed by Golem's abilities and asks it its real name, but a distorted voice replies that "Golem" is how it is called by its comrades and declares that further enquires will not be answered. Confused and curious, Muherr informs Ging that he has known Golem for over three years, and still does not know anything about who pilots it. Ging admits that he was expecting it, as Golem has been giving off that "don't talk to me" vibe. Getting down to business now, Ging asks Muherr to convince the other members of Beyond's group to take his money since he’s in charge of all the divisions. The mercenary responds that he was fine with having the Hunter as number 2 until he offered to give them money. Him along with all his mem think soldiers value each other's trust more than anything, the rumor that some of them could be bought would lead to them being ostracized. The fact that Ging was tossing his money around as if it had no consequence was a cause of great anger to him as, like the title of a book or the place where the remote is put on the table, something had already been decided in merit, and trying to change it so carelessly only had negative repercussions, to the point many members even considered quitting. Muherr then demands that Ging explains himself, but the Hunter can't. He can only say he is sorry and, since he can't take back the money from those who have accepted it as that would just add to this mess, suggests to settle the matter with donations to the Norwell Fund, for the families of fallen soldiers. Which is this whole trust fund type foundation that supports the families of fallen mercenaries. So obviously this hits home for muherr. Taken by surprise, Muherr asks him if he is serious, as by opening a grandchild account, he won't be able to refuse requests by the grandfather account. Ging replies that it's for the best, as it shows his determination and won't risk stirring up any weird rumors. Muherr inquires why he is so keen on giving them his money, and Ging admits that he doesn't know. He often ends up in the kind of situation where he talks a lot and then wonders why he's done it, but probably the main reason was that he knew the expedition members aren't the kind of people who would be bought by money, so he thought that if they were to take it, it would mean they have accepted him. Perhaps it was also because he was happy there were other fools like him around. He confesses he had planned to go to the Dark Continent on his own, but the fuss caused by Beyond's own expedition had made it impossible, so he was very angry, but at the same time aware that Beyond had been preparing for even longer than he has. When he came to his base, he had not straightened out his feelings yet, and only wanted to blow off some steam. He does not even remember how the whole money topic originated. Mascher though, remember that thumb looking dude, well he jumps in to give his take on what happened. Mascher explains asked Ging himself, while he was arguing with Pariston. Initially, Mascher believed he was just a troublemaker with a provocative facade and the tendency to try to manipulate others, but during the discussion, he heard the two former Zodiacs speaking about Isaac Netero, Ging's feelings toward the Dark Continent. Mascher and Marione were ready to fight in the event disorder rose, but since they prioritized solving the problem, they recognized that Ging's lead had undeniable merits. Muherr still doesn't exactly understand how this is related to the money, Ging though admits he was just trying to be cool about it, at the time he didnt foresee that it would cause such an uproar. Although his relationship with Pariston is complicated, he is not concocting anything: he just wants to thwart Pariston's schemes and help Beyond be free. Golem joins the conversation, asking Muherr why he had not told them sooner. The mercenary awkwardly responds that, in order to quell the disorder, he had to get Ging to acknowledge his shame. He urges Golem to try and understand his feelings, yet, to no avail causing Ging to feel like that too is his fault. In the end, Muherr accepts and says he'll talk to the soldiers, provided the money goes to the Nowell Foundation. Plus, despite Ging being the number 2 in the operation, it will be the mercenaries that will give the orders to everyone on the battlefield and those orders are absolute. Ging agrees and salutes, while comically answering "Sir! Yes Sir!" Which helps reminds me of Gon, honestly dude is just a grown up Gon on that world smoke. Anyways with the matter finally settled. Muherr asks Pariston if the ones who are returning to the base will accept Ging, and quickly receives an affirmative answer. Pariston tells Ging that, since the infiltration failed, he may now send his money to the list of contacts he is transmitting him and congratulates him for getting the cemented position amount the group. However as we know Ging is a multiverse level theorist and states that his authority is only in name as everyone will continue to do what he says, either way, he is willing to let Pariston lead, as he wants to watch, but the latter declines, wanting to see how he indeed handles things. Ging smirks back and declares that he will not hold back. BTW just gonna cut myself off here, since the next arc after this one may never be completed depending on how frequently Togashi releases chapters, hopefully these next 33 that are confirmed will complete it ,but if not, be sure to let me know what fights throughout the succession arc you want me to cover and honestly push this video to like 5k likes and ill break that arc down into parts so I can cover at least some of it. Annnyways back over with Big C At the final part of the 289th Hunter Exam. There she asks the applicants whether they knew about Beyond's expedition to the Dark Continent, and if they knew, how and when did they get access to that information. The participants were also asked how they would explain their information in the best way to a person that did not know about this and on what the merits of receiving this information beforehand were. In another room, Kurapika and Mizaistom are trying to verify what the applicants say. He concludes that the first examinee doesn't know, the second Muherr has mixed truth in with lies, and that the third one is hiding extremely important information. Kurapika is surprised at the number of people that have cleared the thermography and lie detectors. He then explains his abilities to Mizaistom, and the limitations it has. Obviously I'm not gonna bore you all with repeating stuff that was explained ages ago in the anime. So after that he thinks about the possibility that if the enemy has someone on their side that can manipulate another's memory, then his chain would likely not work as that person wouldn't even realize they were lying to begin with. Skipping away over to Prince T with the crazy name. Well he gets a call from his elder brother Benjamin who's this jacked ass dude and mans also wrestling with a damn lio. Benjamin informs him that their father has decided that whoever survives this expedition becomes the new king. Thankful of God, Tserriednich warns his brother that he is the one who is going to be the king. After the call ends, Tserriednich then gets another one fom one of his bodyguards called Theta, she informs him that all five of his staff have passed the hunter exam. She explained that if they lied or hid any information from the Hunter Association, they wouldve been rejected. She then confirms that the bodyguards of the princes that haven't participated in the exam were Benjamin's and Tyson's or the first and sixth princes respectively. On top of that all of the bodyguards from the seventh prince, Luzurus, failed the exams, having heard everything Tserriednich orders Theta to return to her defensive duties and to tell everyone to get an understanding of the Black Whale. Back at the Hunter Exam, Mizaistom confirms that there is no one within the Zodiacs that has powers to manipulate somebody's memory. He continues to say that within the Zodiacs, there were three factions, with Ging and Pariston being exceptions. He knows all of the powers of the Hunters of his own faction (which includes Botobai, Cheadle, and Ginta) but doesn't know the powers of the other members. The duo are obviously suspicious of Juhnde and Muherr, and wonder if they were purposely sent in as decoys by some powerful spies. Mizai infers that the spy may be a traitor within the Zodiacs, since Pariston left so soon after losing the presidential election. Hearing this Kurapika volunteers to find the traitor using his chain ability and will wait in a nearby room while he confronts them. Suddenly re-entering the room Mizaistom abruptly confronts the Zodiacs about there being a possible spy within the group. He asks everyone to once again reveal their abilities, but before he can proceed any further Kanzai starts raging out. Not fazed though the cow zodiac Explains that he would've actually helped Beyond if he had met him before, he would've gladly tried to help make his dream come true and wouldn't have changed his mind after seeing the chairman's final video. However its a question of sequence, not betrayal and that's why he’s asking him to reveal their abilities… continuing Mizai reveals his abilities to them all and explains how it works exactly. Elsewhere the megabrain Kurapika watches the whole thing on a monitor in a separate room via a hidden camera. He uses his sneaky ability to quickly scan the zodiacs, passing off the ones who aren't spies, however he eventually finds out that the traitor is the monkey Saiyu.
Channel: Diavolo
Views: 396,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hunter x hunter, dark continent, hxh, hunter x hunter manga, anime, hunter x hunter anime, manga, hunter hunter dark continent arc, the entire hunter x hunter story explained, hunter x hunter dark continent tagalog, hunter x hunter dark continent, hunter x hunter dark continent expedition arc, hunter x hunter ging explains dark continent, ging, gon, netero, kurapika, leorio, hunter x hunter narration, hunter x hunter dark continent arc explained, hxh dark continent, hxh story after anime
Id: LoR9qea_4LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 48sec (3108 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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