The Phantom Troupe VS Hisoka (HXH 2022)

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the Phantom troop want to have a party but they're missing a centerpiece so event planner extraordinaire crawler Lucifer suggested the perfect thing when he demanded that the troop bring him hisoka's dead and severed head pretty dark but hey to be honest hisoka kind of deserves it and the Phantom troop are going to turn this entire ship upside down searching for that one dead head hello and welcome to the new order of your source for an assortment of psychotic spiders my name is Liam and I come from Australia which makes me the most qualified to talk about spiders in any sense and the basic rule is if you see a spider in Australia you run which is a similar philosophy that we can apply to our manga spiders the Phantom troop also known as the world's most notorious and Unstoppable group of criminals their simple presence aboard the Blackwell one threatens anything and everything to do with our dark consonant voyage and this video is going to be part 5 of a recap series designed to give you all of the knowledges you need to jump straight into hunt Hunter when it returns later this year and one of those previous videos was very important because it lays the foundation for everything Happening Here deal Dr killing Soaker in Heaven's Arena crolo summoned the troop to me to board the black whale 1 where the plan was going to be to rob the various Treasures of the khakin Empire however two troop members never made it aboard due to being killed by a now Undead and or re-life tisoka and the troop did not like this at all at all each of them were able to secure passage on tier 5 of the black whale also known as the place where all of the poor people are which means that the Phantom troop really do fit right in because most of them are from meteor City so if anything these conditions I would say is something of an upgrade for them also this video is sponsored by nordvpn the world's leading VPN and easy to use service with over 5500 servers in 59 different countries allowing 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thing but for now back to you me upon boarding the ship head Spyder crolo met up with spider Dr marchy both of them absolutely enraged about these hisoka related developments to the point where Machi tried to call dibs on killing hisoka but crolo said the classic thing about the troop is that all members are theoretically equal and disputes are always settled with a coin flip however in this case each and every troop member wanted to brutally kill murder hisoka which means that we would have needed some sort of 10-sided coin to settle things in the traditional way Banner a 10-sided die like you know with d10 like this could have happened they did not try hard enough one thing to note is that Machi has much more personal stakes in this matter than most of the troop do because it's heavily implied throughout hunter hunter that she and hisoka have something of a complicated clown romance happening so in machi's case think of this as your creepy boyfriend murdering your almost as creepy brothers so things are very personal for machi personal and creepy inevitably the remaining 10 members of The Troop reunited around a lunch table in the peasant dining hall a move that would go on to cause a shocking amount of controversy but for now the troop introduced a new member being a certain illumi zoldik and according to illumi hisoka put out a hit on himself and had illumi join the troop in order to put all of his spider eggs in one black Whaley basket illumi took on spot number 11 which was uvokin's previous number but ilami is not the only zoldek Trooper here as Carlito's old dick Still Remains a member and you may or may not remember probably not but kawato's motivation for joining the troop was to quote save my brother we still don't know which brother that is or how joining The Troop helps matters in any any way shape or form but I would say that Carlito is the only one not necessarily 100 aboard the hisoka murder train should say that this also isn't the first time that crawler has worked with illumi either illumi was hired to murder the ten Dawns back in York New City so they do have something of an established working relationship however I do want to highlight one big red raging throbbing flag which is that it's entirely possible that this this is not illumi and it is in fact hisoko in a clever disguise keep a very careful eye on Mr zodik because he's acting very out of character to say the least and hisoka's new post-mortem and abilities would certainly allow him to mimic the bodies of others much like how illumi's needles allowed him to transform into hisoka during York New City I have a whole video elsewhere detailing that theory but I am close to 100 convinced that this is not illumi anyway we don't get too far because our meeting is rudely interrupted by mafioso determined to claim this particular lunch table and this is where things start to get complicated so these dude guys are members of the Chara family one of the three Mafia groups that collectively control tiers 3 4 and 5 of the black whale and being world famous criminals each Mafia group actually recognizes the Phantom troop and certain mafia members are actually Fanboys like we have inner monologues of them going oh my God oh my God oh my God the troop but more importantly everyone recognizes them as a threat after a brief conversation with crolo old man with rose on face that's that's the only name we have because he doesn't have one in any case he becomes stoically terrified that the troop have no interest in obeying the unspoken rule of net that unspoken rule being she can't speak it but the troop aren't even trying to hide their Aura and that threatens the very delicate balance of this Jenga tower that the family subscribed to play and protect in any case rather than cause some sort of scene crawler relinquishes the table but he says that they will be back well more specifically we want to have a party but there's no cake we need a special order to place at the center of the table bring me hisoka's head and from there The Troop disperse into five separate groups each on the same mission to find and kill hisoka and the first of those groups is team crawler now troop leader doesn't get too far before shizuku and banal enough request to team up because allegedly their nun abilities are a very bad matchup against hisoka's bungee gun they say allegedly because banolinov is a dude that can literally summon the planet Jupiter and Chuck it at people so who would have thought the heart counter to such power would be children's candy but crolo agrees on the condition that he be the one to actually kill hisoka which is met with no objection in fact shizuku and banolanov both plan to act as Scouts she's a coup through assaulted dress-ups and Bernal enough through assorted he reveals a special addition to the battle cantably Arsenal called metamorphism which supposedly allows him to transform into a wide variety of quote things however Bernal enough fears that he does not have the Strategic mind to properly make use of it meanwhile crolo definitely does and in fact being able to transform into different things and people was a core part of the strategy that originally killed hisoka shizuka also requests that crolo read their fortunes again like he did in yorkner however rather shockingly crawler reveals that the lovely Ghostwriter ability has disappeared from his skill Hunter book essentially confirming that somehow neon Strat has died which could have happened in a couple of different ways I mean after losing her ability her family would have been very easy targets for their Mafia Rivals but also in a much much darker twist neon may have actually killed herself either way shizuku then chooses this moment to make a black joke the crawler skill Hunter is kind of like a Death Note because recently everyone whose abilities have gone into that book have died shall not cortopi the meteor City Elder and now even neon meanwhile the bulk of this story right now actually takes place what team thinks a group of Heavy Hitters consisting of fata Nobunaga and of course the aforementioned Finks even though individually each one of them are supremely confident in their clown slaying prowess they wanted to team up to make sure that hisoka has no chance whatsoever in order to get things going though Nobunaga and feitan need their weapons which were checked into a storage facility in order to initially get aboard the ship so they go to the warehouse in this this is where things get wild immediately stumbling into a conflict between the three mafia families being the Char who run operations on tier 5 and a representative of the hail Lee family who have command of tier three so it's time to finally do this quick Mafia breakdown each of the three families is directly connected to one of the kakin princes who serve as their benefactor aka the money these families are led by illegitimate in royalty for example the Char R and zeu families are led by the hilariously named onior and broccoli or broccoli who are the illegitimate half-brothers of king nasabi that's why they've got scars on their faces by the way the two scar system is used to Mark someone's legitimate illegitimacy meanwhile the Hailey family is led by one of nasubi's illegitimate daughters Morena prudo and Morana is a problem like a big big problem earlier I stated that the objective of The Three Families was to maintain balance however that was before Mirena staged a coup and installed herself as the new Haley leader or the hail leader for short and morena's goal is now essentially to destroy everyone and everything she's not happy she's not happy at all and she also has a terrifying net ability called contagion whereby she can infect up to 22 people who then enter a fun nen game that nen game involves killing whenever an infected member kills they level up and after a certain number of levels they manifest their own unique nun ability and if they make it to level 100 AKA killing 100 people then it allows them to infect a further 22 people just as Miranda did so this is basically a way of speed running building and then Army what he needs to do is kill and you will be granted more power bringing us back to the troop now they witness a man named to luinia member of the Haley family desperate desperately leveling up to the point where he has quickly developed his own teleportation style netability meaning that by the time we encounter the weenie he has killed at least 20 people that's that's a lot but at this point the troop get caught by the Char and the boss whose name is hilariously Wang however both groups do something I would say shockingly reasonable which is they talk out the situation logically instead of jumping to conclusions and commencing a fight battle and as a result team Finks actually end up forming a temporary alliance with the Chara family offering to kill both luini and Morena in exchange for being able to take passage to the upper decks to search for hisoka and whilst under boss Wang does agree in the background he's plotting something something quite Sinister as his inner monologue alludes to divorced from balance unreserved with no allegiances they move how they want and they have the power to execute on it as I feared they are a risk factor that must be eliminated and not only that but oniar and broccoli also decide that in order to preserve the balances they ought to find and kill hisoka before the troop do and also Mirena they also want to kill Moreno in fact the very last thing that happened in chapter 390 was the GU and the boss Henry bigendofner being ordered to launch an attack on the Hayley family and launch he did because his inability allowed him to turn guns into snakes and then have the snake shoot their snake bullets at the people holding the gun took cool but brutal meanwhile another part of the troop that splinted off with his old dick siblings who somehow made it all the way up to tier 3. I say somehow because that's a big part of why Finks and the others agreed to help the mafia because there was seemingly no other way up to the higher tiers but the zaldics accomplished it only to be caught in the midst of a tier-wide lockdown the two were then intercepted and interrogated by the Zodiac muzai storm who essentially his cow pants upon realizing that the entire Phantom troop was aboard the ship which has also given me zeistan a bit of a wrong impression here he thinks that the trooperable boards take revenge on karapika which is a fair enough assumption just like hisoka krapika also killed two members of The Troop right now mizai storm is struggling with the decision of ah whether or not to tell krapika because from his perspective krapika's life might be in very very danger very Danger however his life is currently already in very danger due to being caught up in the succession war and does karapika really need more on his mind right now but as for the last we know of Carlito and olami they have been confined to special Quarters on tier three and ilami specifically requested a room with a shower which is a very unillomy-like thing to ask for however it would be a very standard hisoka need now electing to engage in the complete opposite strategy is one Franklin Bordeaux who is doing nothing but sitting and waiting patiently he knows that hisoka is also on a mission to kill the troop so Franklin reckons while I bother searching he'll find me which I think is fair enough really the only troop member that we have yet to check in with is Machi U VI the process of elimination is assumed to be on her own very interesting meta point right now originally Machi was supposed to be dead Togashi had initially planned on killing Machi after hisoka vs crolo however for as of yet unknown reasons Togashi felt compelled to let Machi live and aside from crolo himself Machi is definitely the member with the most stakes in this conflict and a ton of room for emotional exploration as opposed to someone else we really haven't touched on yet a certain emotionally devoid rat man who is suspiciously visually absent but is also currently making his way to the Dark Continent along with long-time deadly rival Jing freaks which we will be exploring in the next video
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 227,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: EhgcYbBaAqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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