The Tragic Rise of Hunter X Hunter: Manga's Darkest Open Secret

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Hunter Hunter is one of the greatest series of all time the world it creates is as interesting as it is complex I've spent more than a decade watching reading and researching all things anime and manga so I'm qualified when I say that yoshihiro Togashi is a creative genius his talent as a word Smith has conjured a resume so impressive that he is now the fifth richest manga of all time leading Naruto's Kishimoto by 5 million dollars and considering he did Inspire Naruto Jiu Jitsu kazen and many more will cover by the end of this video this isn't surprising Togashi is your favorite manga author's favorite manga author but a candle that burns twice's bride Burns half as long until gashi is as talented as he is influential but what happens when you mix an artist that is so passionate about his craft that the fear of letting down his fans will compel him to sacrifice his own physical and mental health with a money hungry industry that would encourage the deterioration of its own Talent you get one of the most controversial stories in manga history I'm the pirate Diaries I create weekly anime documentaries and today we are taking a deep dive into the beautiful but tragic story of manga's darkest Open Secret Togashi was born on April 27 1966 in senjo Yamagata Japan a region filled with beautiful Springs and breathtaking mountains it is home to several of the most famous onsen's in the entire country tagashi claims that he had a decently Pleasant childhood he was raised in a family of five who all helped run their family's Paper Shop the paper shot was modestly successful and remained so to this day it is currently being ran by his mother tugashi's love for manga started before he can even walk he had already began drafting his own manga ideas during his first two years of elementary school when he got a little older he got really into video games and board games as a teenager he continued to work on his art but he had started to draw inspiration from some new interests he had become obsessed with the occult and horror films this love will be reflected in many of his works and would carry on into his adulthood with two of his favorite movies being don't look up a 1996 Japanese horror film and the 1979 American horror film Dawn of the Dead tagashi stated that one of his biggest influences is the legendary Visual Arts designer H.R Geiger the artistic genius behind the costume designs for the alien movie and various other iconic designs by the time tokashi had entered high school he had began drawing manga in most of his free time and he even joined the final Arts Club at his school but he never actually planned on drawing becoming his career he saw it as more of a side hustle and he will submit his short stories to various magazines his true dream was to become a teacher a noble ambition of developing the minds of future Generations After High School he enrolled in Yamagata University he would be studying education during his time in college he would develop a fascination with baseball he not only watched it but played the sport as an escape when he really needed some downtime around this time he would also see his first notable success as an artist when Japan's most prominent publisher Shonen Jump shiratia would pick up a collection of his short stories and feature them in an offshoot of their Flagship magazine it was called a young jump unlike Shonen Jump young jump focused more on Saiyan's rather than shonen's Shonen manga typically Target a teenage boy audience they are filled with action and adventure but this story is wrapped around our protagonist characters developmental Journey the Zero to Hero Stories it is by far the most popular genre in both Manga and Anime Naruto one piece my hero Academia all fall into this category sane and Aldo can have very similar Concepts often Target a more adult audience implementing things like politics drama and Gore they often have a through line of a philosophy or lesson that the author is trying to get across series like Ben land Saga Kingdom and berserk also under this genre because of togashi's obsession with the cool it's no wonder that many of his Works reflect the more mature content Togashi was very grateful to shoaisha for acknowledging his talent but he never thought anything would come out of it the teacher paths seem more plausible and it seemed to be going very well after he graduated he was offered a full-time job as an elementary school teacher but an unfortunate incident would occur on his very first day tagashi showed up the class very prepared and extremely excited I mean why not this was his dream he had been trying to achieve most of his life so he walked up to the front of the class he opened his mouth but nothing came out he was frozen he didn't know if it was nerves or anxiety but all he could see was years of hard work going down the drain it was really soul-crushing but unknown to him simultaneously his works that he had submitted to shuisha had started to make small waves in the manga industry the same year he would get a call that he had been nominated for the Hop stuff award an award that is granted to inspiring mangaka that people in the industry should keep their eyes on he would go on to win the competition the one shot that would win him this award was called Sensei tosashita a comedy manga about a high school teacher who leaves education due to pregnancy and a new substitute teacher who was on the extremely short side would take over the class for a day but because of his short stature the students didn't respect him but he didn't really stress it because he was only supposed to be there for one single lesson but all the other teachers would lead to school for various reasons and the substitute teacher would become the teacher for all the classes you could see why there's lots of room for chaotic hijinks but I don't know if it was poetically ironic or some kind of Eternal signaling about his fear of teaching but I found it interesting that his first successful manga was all about an anxiety riddle teacher at the same time he would go into lose his job over a similar situation winning this award taught him that hard work does pay off so he would create and release his next trip manga almost immediately this one was called geronomeduki which released in 1987 a fantasy story that revolved around a supernatural schoolgirl a manga directed for showing a jump who had been keeping his eyes on tagashi was blown away by how much his character designs and World building improved in such a short time because of this Togashi would receive a second award in honorable mansion in hop step magazine he was starting to feel more confident and would set his sights on the more prestigious tazuka award so he Blended his love for baseball and comedy together and created by Toby straight it would release the very same year in 1987 but Toby straight followed a very violent and impulsive boy whose goal was to become a captain of his school's Baseball Club to me this is where he would really start to get a grasp of the designs and character traits that would become a staple of his song a style that was starting to win over many of the manga Elites and which would allow him to achieve his dream he would win the 34th tazuka award less than a year after he made it his goal the judge's commentary Terry really showed the potential they saw on him the first judge would say the main characters are powerful and they have an energetic spirit that is exhilarating there's something really great about this author's abilities another would say that his protagonists are good characters and that if he can make them his own it will be even better but the last statement really summarizes what a ghost you could be quote the fact that you can portray a story with such a ridiculous setting but still have such great seriousness while also still getting your point across is just amazing Togashi was riding a high from all his years of hard work being validated he was starting to feel less depressed about his original Dream slipping away manga was becoming his escape and he would dump everything he had into it every second of every day he would be drawing or brainstorming ideas he practically became a hikamori he stopped hanging out with his friends and he even stopped contacting his family to God she would release two more mangas in 1987. Tonda birthday present and the Occult tontidon if you're a hunter hunter fan you may be foaming at the map with jealousy over this Rapid Release schedule that the early Togashi fans were being blessed with if you were unaware of the hiatus hiatus meme trust me we will get to that later Togashi had abandoned any ideas of teaching at this point he was putting all of his effort in the manga which was risky because competition is high in Japan for aspiring manga artists but he is just an obsessive and now here decided to believe in himself this belief as well as his insane work ethic would pay off just a few months later he would receive a call from an ambitious editor that worked for Sean and jump the editor was reaching out to him to offer him a full-time job creating manga as long as he was okay with moving to Tokyo immediately tagashi wasted no time and he hopped on the next train to the manga capital of the world he was now professional mangaka and he was about to give his dream everything he had if you would like to help me accomplish my own dreams of becoming the king of anime YouTube just like And subscribe for weekly anime documentaries the lock go for this video was 199 his first professional release in Shonen Jump will be a collection of comedic short stories called I'm not afraid of the wolf it would recede very well because of this who would be granted an official reoccurring slot in the magazine this was incredibly rare and exciting opportunity for him this is where he would debut his next manga called tempered Cupid and Heaven it ran from 1989 to 1990 it was a romance etchy mystery and it followed a romance between a normal human boy and a beautiful devil girl he seems to really have a thing for protagonists to have attitudes it's a really fun read but it definitely wasn't his strongest genre and it would ultimately get pulled from serialization but Togashi wasn't about to give up he decided to take an analytical look at the current landscape of the manga Community what was and wasn't working he realized that he had been niching down too hard his talent was there but he didn't Target a big enough audience he discovered that all the most popular manga were all shown in mangas the two series that Royal Japan at the time was Dragon Ball and slam dunk which both fell under this genre he was hesitant at first because action manga are heavily carried by their art and he felt that his action scenes were his weakest area as an artist but he took a shot anyway and he would combine his various and unique interests for his next project while also changing his delivery in a way that could be enjoyed by the masses which is how the paradigm shift in manga uu Hakusho was born you you honka show tells the story of yusuke urameshi 18 delinquent who was struck and killed by a car while attempting to save a child's life after a number of Tears presented to him by cuinma who is the son of the ruler of the underworld yusuke is revived and he is given the title of spirit detective he must investigate various cases involving demons and apparitions oh when he kicks plenty of ass while doing it pagashi fused his love for the Cold War films and mixed in some Inspirations from the Buddhist mythology to me you Hakusho was a genre of bending Masterpiece it perfected many of the Shonen tropes that came before it while simultaneously creating many of the future tropes that later would become the norm as mangaka after mangaka tried to recapture the magic of togashi's first hit in a quick hot take Yu Hakusho is definitely the best isaka of all time I'm not sure if many anime fans would even classify this one being that it predated many of the tropes that make up the current isekai format but before reborn in another world anime like rizio reincarnated as a slime and Overlord took over the anime Community you had yusuke urameshi who died was reborn and his adventures through the spirit realm the series did many things well World building Slow Burn twist character development and the best damn tournament Arc and all of Manga and Anime also tagashi doesn't get enough credit for his character's fashion sense his outfit designs are so cold and even 20 years later they are dripping on many of the newer anime characters plus I'm just a botan Sim Sheila is good in anything she wears especially that red jacket I know the cool thing because his characters actually change clothes this series feels so different than anything that came before and after it was more adult than its contemporaries but still had the flashiness still was a staple of Shonen Jump's biggest hits it could be enjoined by anyone of any age the protagonist felt so different than your typical hero yusuke perfectly told the lines between being an and being likable he was mean but he was funny he still wanted to root for him this is where he also prepared to one of his best abilities crafting outstanding villains so many of his villain or villain groups are just awesome when he wanted you to hate somebody oh you really hated them and when he was creating an anti-hero one that he wanted you to hate but understand it was done beautifully tragic way before there was a pain there was a taguro he also became a genius that committed delivery by this point and I feel like comedy is the hardest thing to transfer culturally most jokes are very localized and this is why there isn't many mainstream comedy animes even the big ones like gantama get dropped a lot in their very first season and it's because most of their jokes only make sense if you understand local Japan culture or politics but I remember watching the first episode of Huey hockey show and actually laughing out loud especially at corabara he is hilarious and deserves more love plus his name is a callback to tagashi's love for baseball as korbara's name is two baseball players names put together the Chemistry Between the characters feels so natural and realistic they are flawed people but they learn a lot from their Journey but not always sometimes they just have to accept their flaws they are just living their lives day to day trying to overcome the difficulties that have been placed in their last path this is so true in the real world as well life isn't always easy all you can do is make the most out of it he had put everything he had into the manga and it would pay off it was a smash across Japan ultimately selling 78 million copies this was way before manga was popular worldwide so these numbers are extremely impressive and it has since become a Coke classic over the years even though one of his next Works would be even bigger in popularity many people still love his breakthrough series to this day tragically the success of EU Hakusho will ultimately start the clock until gashi's downfall both physically and mentally he had already been burning the candle at both ends for years now at this point he was already skipping entire nights of sleep because he couldn't risk missing his deadlines dress was now becoming a factor for the first time as now he actually had people to let down because he was now practically of her Clues he didn't really have any friends to vent to so this all weighed very heavy on him a scary result of his Relentless work schedule is that he was developing back pain which was odd because he was still in his early 20s the sharp pain was a result of him being hunched over in his work chair for so many hours on end but he pushed through it because it wasn't bad enough to impact his work when tagashi wasn't creating manga he was practicing his drawing abilities he had improved a lot but he still felt that his action panels fell short of other Shonen Titans but he just didn't want to let his fans down having the weakest art of all the big series but just a few arcs into the series he was really starting to master the concept he was getting really good particularly your action perspectives and negative space drawing by the Dark Tournament Arc his drawing skills could hang with the best of the genre he also cleverly doubled down on his strengths of character development and diverting expectations I think this was a wise idea instead of just improving his weaknesses he got better at his strengths as well this made people fall in love with specific characters giving them their own individual fan bases thanks to his methodical planning and hard work dragon ball slam dunk and YuYu Hank show was now seen as equals the three was carrying Sean and jump on their backs during the early 1990s and in 1993 Togashi was selected for the shoga kukan manga award this was the most respected in an oldest award in the entirety of manga but YuYu Hakusho fans would soon be heartbroken while still at the peak of his popularity the series would end up roughly only one year atatogashi would win the career-defining award this left many fans confused and wondering why he would abandon his hit series I mean technically it had two endings because depending on how you consume the series you got a slightly different one because the anime altered the ending they tried to Remini the controversies of the mangas finale but to no avail both endings but incredibly rushed when compared to the brilliant pacing the togashia became known for the true reason behind the controversial ending of YuYu Hakusho would be revealed Years Later by Togashi himself the author stated that he was mentally exhausted and he had been battling his Publishers to get later deadlines for years just so he could recover from the damage he had done to his body he said that straight up refused and wouldn't even entertain the notion sadly his story isn't uncommon in the manga industry manga Publishers could throw 100 percent of the negotiation power there is only a couple major players in the industry so if you get blacklisted by industry toddler Decades of hard worker flushed down the drain your career is over just like that with the newcomers it's even worse because they can end your career before it even starts with competition being so high they can replace you very easily so they have no problem denying you vacation days or deadline extensions even if it's for health reasons togashi's case was particularly detrimental because his health decline had already been going on for years at this point and it would only get worse the primary cause was being hunched over for hours on end in his work chair while skipping meals and not to sleep which is both needed to help your body recover it's a popular theory that Publishers create impossible to meet deadlines on purpose so that authors have no choice but to be creative 24 7 and just focus on their work togashi's current deadlines had him working seven days a week and having many sleepless nights and even then he was still barely making them if you're wondering why he didn't stand his ground he said that he felt like he couldn't argue because he was still so new to the industry so he had a fear of having his dream taken away from him ironically if they would have allowed him to have his recovery period he might have been able to continue the series way longer which would have benefited both parties more in a q a we learned that because of this slave-like work schedule he actually wanted to end the series way before we even thought with the intentions of ending it on a high note after one of his favorite arcs then he would have time to feel better and then continue with a healthy minding body but when he recommended this to Shonen Jump he was told this wasn't allowed because it was just too popular in an unofficial manga he admitted quote I wanted to end the series after the chapter black art it would have been a great way to end on a high note and allow me to some rest but they just forced me to keep going and drawing around this time he did another interview when he was asked what was the most painful thing that happened while he was writing your you hunka show he replied quote around the time yusuke was fighting sensory was when I just didn't want to draw anymore and I asked the editorial office if I could quit you hook a show for the very first time something about the way he worded this statement doesn't sound like he means physical pain but that the most painful thing to him was that the company that he had poured Blood Sweat and Tears into that he thought cared about him at least a little bit wouldn't even entertain him stopping or slowing down even if it could save his health or life it just made him incredibly sad all because they might make a little less money this really shows the tremendous power that Shonen Jump holds over its authors once he started getting chest pains he realized that he had to end it anyway he also mentioned that he still loves and cares for the manga to this day and ending it the way he did is one of his life's regrets that he even had a vision of one final tournament Arc but by then fight scenes have become too demanding man can you imagine how awesome that art would have been trying to jump you kind of took that away from us as a perfectionist he stated that he feels like he could have told a much better story if he was just given a little more time by his Publishers you can sense how frustrated he was at his bosses by the statement all in all Togashi said that he has about 50 reasons he came up with to end your you Haka show but most of them can be summed up by three major categories one was the destruction of his body the second being thoughts about what it really means to draw manga and last but the absolute darkest being that he had a desire to do other things besides work anything else but he fears that point three is out of the question for professional Margaritas he would go on to say quote basically I wanted to indulge in some Hobbies meet some friends and rest or sleep as much as I can toward the end of uu Hakusho I would actually try to get a bit of sleep but I would immediately fall behind on my work schedule this conundrum would cause him to fall into a deeper despair he would end the statement sharing his deepest fear quote I don't want to die from overworked if I die I want it to be while having fun or when I'm drawing manga for fun not while I'm being forced to work by threats of being fired he actually thought he might pass away from how hard he was working let that sink in the creator of bleach even spoke out about the a situation happening to him too while working on his first professional series zombie powder Kubo admitted he had a mental breakdown because of his impossible to meet deadlines when he did finally miss a submission his series would be canceled I will cover all of this in my bleach video if you guys want it so let me know in the comments if it interests you the idea of working yourself not alive isn't uncommon in Japanese culture it's so normal that there is even a word for it called kararoshi that literally translates to overworked death corporate life in Japan can be so intense that many salary men often pass out on the sidewalks or even on train rides home from Pure exhaustion throughout researching Kara roshi you will learn about the horror stories of people passing away while still working or Japan's unalive yourself pandemic after this video if you want to learn more about this specific topic or the 24 year old mature Takahashi whose unfortunate demise would have a positive outcome on this overworked culture i dedicated an entire segment to it in my intra odor video if you want to check it out skip to 20 minutes and 4 seconds in if you only care about that part being terrified of this fate for himself Togashi took a full year off to her over from his back pain but he missed having a creative Outlet so as soon as he could handle drawing again he created and released his next series a comedic science fiction manga called level E it ran from 1995 to 1997. this time he was on a monthly release schedule instead of a weekly one which was perfect for him he was only able to get this schedule because uu hakusho's popularity continue to grow in his absence this granted him that bargaining power he needed to leverage better hours level E follows the misadvantage of the alien Prince Baka who crashed lands on Earth and forcibly begins living with a high school student and baseball player however Prince Barca gradually realizes he is being targeted by aliens from other planets but he uses his clever whiz to maintain World Peace each time the manga had a much more realistic art style than his previous works and it got pretty dark but somehow it focuses a lot more on humor as well it's pretty funny and in 2011 it even received anime adaptation I only watched a few episodes of preparation for this video but I definitely feel like it's going to be a Hidden Gem so I will check it out because I'm personally going to finish it later the year was now 1997 and level E was in its final season Togashi was trying to start socializing more and would go to a party for racial artist it was hosted by kasushi hagiwara creator of the series bastard during this event tagasha was in a truce to narako takayuchi the creator of the legendary series Sailor Moon one of the most popular mangas and animes of all time the two would hit it off and go on several dates over the next year on January 6 1999 the two would get married at this time Togashi was famously an introvert who barely even left his house which is where we get this famous photo of him and his room playing Dragon Quest surrounded by his film so many Spectators Wonder like how did he pull such a beautiful talented and outgoing wife well in a video interview Narco stated her traits for a perfect man number one she said it is very important that he is kind and to God she is well known for just being a really nice and sweet guy I couldn't find one person that had anything bad to say about him even his employees love working for him this explains why so many of his stories promote compassion and empathy and number two he has to be capable let's be honest they might not be a more capable person out there many authors go their entire lives trying to create a masterpiece and Togashi has created two of the most iconic series of all time and him and his wife would later create their own children's book that would also perform very well during this time tagashi was flourishing both mentally and physically but Shonen jump on the other hand was struggling they had lost all of their Flagship series back to back uu Hakusho ended in 1994 Dragon Ball in 1995 and slam dunk in 1996. the magazine was struggling to find its new identity they would take a shot on a unique pirate-based manga called one piece in 1997 and we all know how that would turn out but one piece hadn't become a hit yet but lucky for them Togashi had been working on a new manga in private with the help of his wife so in 1998 Togashi would release the iconic manga Hunter Hunter their story follows gone a young boy who discovers his absentee father is actually a famous Hunter and he decides to become a hunter himself and hopes of finding him in the universe Hunters are professionals who get to decide what they want to do in life and what they are passionate about and then become that kind of Hunter like you can become a disease Hunter and focus your talents on finding cures for diseases or like a gourmet Hunter who tries to find the best ingredients for gourmet food which brings me to a theory I have if gone's goal is to find his dad who is a hunter and gon is also a hunter himself that would literally make gone a hunter hunter which is where I think the series got its name now tagashi has admitted that the whole concept of a hunters came to him because he's a collected himself somewhat of a hoarder but that doesn't explain the second Hunter when the first volume released it was pretty much an instant hit until Goshi would make sure to let his wife know how grateful he was for her helping him by leaving a special message thanking her at the end of the volume while creating Hunter Hunter tagashi tried to create something truly special he would no longer let outside forces influence his vision or release schedule the World building is immaculate the character designs are top tier and he might have created the best power system in all of anime his characters were so good that it's hard to pick a favorite in some parts it felt like kilua was the main character instead of going and in others it felt like kropica was Hunter Hunter somehow feels nostalgic and simultaneously like it was ahead of his time I appreciated how many mature subjects were implemented into the story when I started Hunter Hunter based on the art style I expected your typical run-of-the-mill Shonen but some parts were so dark I was actually shocked and others were so emotional I shed a tear togashi's riding is just so immersive I even enjoyed the B stories like when we would follow villains like the Phantom true or Miriam as we mentioned Togashi decided to create a hunt-based manga because he himself loved to collect and find cool stuff so much so that the aforementioned photo of him playing Dragon Quest surrounded by trash he used as a self-insert in the Green Island art Hunter Hunter was pretty much a Smash Hit almost immediately and it would go on to be one of the most beloved but controversial mangas ever as of the time of this video it has sold over 84 million copies and received not one but two anime adaptations one in 1999 and one in 2011. they both have their own charm this is very impressive especially when you factor in that the series never technically had an ending many of togashi's health issues would start to resurface after the first Arc the Damage Done to him in his early years as a mangaka had apparently had lifelong repercussions he would soon start taking longer and longer hiatus even though Shawn and jumped rightfully allowed it this time it made many of his fans sad that the chapter break weeks turned into break months and eventually even break years the breaks became so frequent it became a meme to call it hiatus hiatus instead of Hunter Hunter there is even entire websites dedicated to tracking the break weeks and various stats of Hunter Hunter's release schedule they even used charts and graphs he tried to work through the pain as much as he could because he was just so excited to be creating again but by the time he reached the Chimera anarch his drawings had deteriorated into Doodles and he had stopped drawing background art almost entirely but the story was just so good that people celebrated each time a chapter dropped regardless of the art the longest Hiatus would be around four years when his health was at its worst he recently admitted that during this period he was bedridden and even needed help using the bathroom so for four years Hunter Hunter Fan still all hope was lost then on a magical day in 2022 something happened an anonymous Twitter page with a Bart generated at name started posting the corners of manga panels and drafts and some of them you can make out like a tree sketch but very soon fans that do today was yoshihiro Togashi the goat himself had made a Twitter account and was hinting at a 100 Hunter comeback this completely broke the weeps out of the internet every anime YouTube channel and blog was discussing Hunter Hunter's potential return his Twitter gained over 2.1 million followers in less than 72 hours this made him the most followed mangaka on all of Twitter just days after creating an account at the time of this video he says that 2.9 Million followers with second place being my hero Academia kurikoshi who has 2.5 million the speculation that this account was togashi's was actually confirmed when the creator of one punch man said yo that's really him after he looked into it because he was a big fan himself and was just as excited as the rest of us the way that Togashi came out of retirement and instantly became a top dog again is truly impressive he may or never became a teacher but I personally do believe he accomplished his dream of impacting and influencing generations of the youth and adults Togashi truly is your favorite manga author's favorite manga author Kishimoto the creator of Naruto said that he considers Togashi his favorite mangaka in a 2009 interview Kishimoto mentioned that his explain my shadow clone Jutsu was quote significantly inspired by suzaku's approach from YuYu Hakusho suzaku can conjure seven after images but they can actually do physical damage and retain knowledge while also gathering information that helps him fight better Kishimoto idea felt very authentic and extremely Innovative he also liked togashi's idea of introducing many of the main characters in a Zam style art early on as a way to show off their powers and potential hiseka and Orochimaru are both obsessed with kids in a flirty slash Sinister way in the biggest and most obvious influence that Kishimoto got from Togashi is the backstory and ideas for Sasuke Itachi and the rest of the Uchiha Clan they were definitely inspired by tropicus Origins a clan Massacre magic red eyeball Powers some people who tried to collect said eyeballs and a soul survivor's quest for revenge and I'm also pretty certain that Sasuke was influenced by kilua and he a speed darkness and lightning based attacks with a dark attitude that contrasts the happy-go-lucky best friend and an evil older brother the two authors are on very good terms and even did a joint interview together the interview is is a Non-Stop compliment battle with both creators giving each other their flowers Kishimoto explains that he was a big fan of togashi's work before he ever began writing manga he mentioned that he a was his favorite character and how he would think of him whenever he was designing his own characters because he wasn't able to create quote cool characters in the beginning Kishimoto also talked about how he was very lucky as he was able to meet Togashi when he was coming up and that he was very nice that he read some of his work even Naruto's first couple chapters he would go on and give him some tips and even give him a tour of his Studio tagashi explained how impressed he was with Kishimoto and how he was so talented from the very beginning and that he particularly liked the scene of Naruto with Kakashi Fox team 7 while still holding his book and emphasized how impressed he was with kishimoto's drawing skills and just to prove tagashi is still influential to this day Jujutsu Kaizen is one of the biggest manga and animes to come out in recent years and it is so influenced by Hunter Hunter and you you honka show that there are dozens of Articles written analyzing all the similarities and given a cute and funny story that the creator of Joshua casan told in the issuation that jump it's fair to say these theories are Justified he told the story about how he had some visitors come over to his house and they kept commenting on the fact that they were 100 mangas everywhere he said it was quote very embarrassing but he said it in a lot harder way the current status of Hunter Hunter is kind of unknown but God she did release a few chapters after his Twitter posts and they was all received incredibly well but he very soon went on another Hiatus but in one of the tweets he did say that he was finally increasing his stats after many years which should release some of his stress and workload allowing him to work more hours on things he really wants to there were some rumors that he's actually planning on releasing some chapters under a different magazine than the weekly showing jump this would be huge for the manga industry that being said there was one huge and exciting announcement that came out while I was creating this video degasi is set to release kropica's memories part two a follow-up from part one that released in 2013. 100 fans are finally eating once more but if you take anything from this video it's allow artists time to rest and create and you will get a much better story because of it trust me I relate to your frustrations I'm addicted to content as well but it's the least we can do as fans from the entire power Diaries crew thank you for everything and get well soon
Channel: Pirate Diaries
Views: 327,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one piece, pirate diaries, anime, one piece theory
Id: sKNmGc708Ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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