The ENTIRE Jujutsu Kaisen Gojo Vs Sukuna Fight Explained...

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the ending of Eva eisen's reveal the Super Saiyan 1 transformation one piece is gear 5 and Naruto confronting pain there are moments for me and all shows that make student series great and I think the end of this battle is another one of those everything we thought we understood about the series has ultimately flipped on its head throughout this fight here so it's time today we are diving back into Jujutsu Kaizen and the most recent complete section of the story more specifically the decisive Gojo vs sakuna battle and the uninhabited demon infested District of Shinjuku well I guess I need to kind of take everything back to the exact moment where the fight kicked off and of course massive manga spoilers for anyone who's an anime only and having to stumble across this fight anywhoes as all of these Sorcerers were lacking out discussing how to give Gojo a boost of confidence as it's the first time they've ever really needed to do so Gojo himself a company by Gramps and utahime or with looks of determination then roll up and get ready for battle with everyone around filling his Aura Yuji great to Sensei wholeheartedly and lets him know that he can't even get close because his techniques in the way goju is slightly surprised by this but after a moment ends up laughing while telling his boy to give it to him causing Yuji to jump up and slap his Sensei on the back then following on the same path every other sorcerer padded Gojo on the back as he rolled through the group on his way to the battlefield walking through a skyscraper with Gojo now ajichi knows that it feels like ages since he was last here yet in reality it's only been just over a month now wanting to know what like the realm felt like Gojo explains to him that the president realm was like when you're mad busy with work that it flashes in a week however they're feeling so draining that you'd never want to experience it again after a few moments Gojo inquires about the people in the basement of shibuyu's metro station where all of that chaos had started back in the Shibuya incident Arc if like we're being specific that's where Gojo came across choso Hanami and jogo and they tried you know like teaming up on him and whatnot even though Gojo only fought them for a very short period of time at least remnants of Gojo's cursed energy that made cursed Spirits avoid the entire floor which is actually insane when you think about it like this man is so strong his residuals managed to secure off curse Spirits which is I just I still can't fathom it like I don't think anyone else is on this level ajichi also reveals that the people who were affected by a 0.2 second domain are all fine and those who were affected return to normal walking it behind Gramps in otahime now Atop The growth Gojo and ajichi arrive as the Day of Reckoning has begun elsewhere a roommate asks what time the fight is going to take place twitch sakuna reveals that they didn't really specify a time but is as he says that he's able to feel Gojo's Aura emanating in his Direction back in the hallway and just moments before they made it up to the roof and Chichi confronted Gojo on why he always wanted him to construct the barriers for him turning back and looking at his close friend Gojo tells them that it's because he trusts him more than anyone else now atop the roof and slamming his hands onto the ground in preparation for his barrier ajichi just thinks on how he's someone who's always fled no someone who didn't even have the courage to flee and was given the courage to run by a friend despite everything ajiji braces himself and knows that he must live up to Gojo's expectations either that or die trying in front of the two and while using her curse technique called solo forbidden Arena it's explained that any Sorcerer of her choosing including usahime herself will have their curse energy reserved and output temporarily enhanced as long as they remain within range to excel at Jiu Jitsu is to excel at subtraction the degree to which a sorcerer can emit Cadence movement and other elements that relate to the occurs technique determines their skill and ujahime leaves nothing out words gestures dance music elevatingly simple techniques that of a ritual boosts its Effectiveness by 120 percent udahime's curse technique allows you to boost the chosen sorcerer's curse energy and as Gojo himself also began chanting to add to his own technique nine ropes polarized light Crow and declaration between front and back as revealed that just like our girl Gojo has also never left anything out and with the combination of the Trio's curse in G he shoots fourth his 200 Hollow purple as goju's ability blasts forth sakuna manages to take notice of it and throws up his hands trying to block the entire attack with the buildings all around him exploding due to hollow purple zakona's defenses are undoubtedly braged as the building he was standing on is completely demolished causing that to fall to the ground below uramae who was like next to sukuna at the time of the attack has also not been seen since this moment so like it correct me if I'm wrong or anything but after this moment she seemingly vanished from reality so if she's either gone or she sneaked off managing to like survive that attack probably healing up somewhere either way as these smoke slowly Fades it's made evident that Judah ajichi's barrier sakuna actually misread Gojo's first move like even though he knew where he was he didn't sense the insane curse energy output until the last moment bursting through the smoke sukuna with one less hand somehow managed to tank the first attack leaving the true battle between history and today's strongest Sorcerers to continue so skipping back just before the blast sakuna and uramae were located at the Shinjuku Center which is around four to five kilometers away from the Shibuya building Gojo was currently on with his team having strolled or probably just teleported across that distance in a matter of moments Gojo sets the brickles straight and tells the king of curses that he's the Challenger here the Challenger though sukuna standing there finds it are sleep pathetic that goja would stay there after landing a surprise attack in his eyes and as he brings his hands together Gojo is no more than any fish atop its chopping board one slightly fresher but still a nameless fish flaring up his curse energy sukuna just remarked that it's time he starts peeling back Gojo scales Gojo asks him why he's still wearing that face and guesses that sukuna's original thought was to steal megami's body so he'd hold back during the fight unfortunately for him our man's been through a specific set of training that allows him to go all out on anyone who resembles any sort of resemblance to the great toji fushiguro considering that Gojo himself trained Mega me he probably knows exactly how many hits this student could take before he dies and given that sakuna had survived death while possessing juji's body God you thought it would be prudent to only start worrying about migami's welfare after he kills the person in control initiating the conflict the duo darted each other both just narrowly dodging each successive strike dropping to the floor just out of range of sakona Gojo flicks out his hands straight into his opponent's nut sending them shooting into the side of a nearby building and out the other side crashing into some stairs behind it hitting up he's instantly Rest by Gojo who stomping in this direction proceeds to kick him in the gut so he's perfectly placed in the middle of an overpass Bridge platform continuing to stomp down Gojo collapses the platform sukuna was on making his footing extremely unstable taking the opportunity to catch him off guard Dojo activates his infinity and levitates the bridge into the sky before tossing it directly at a large skyscraper resisting the force of the platform sukuni uses dismantle or what I assume to be dismantled to cause this structure to collapse then making it over to a nearby roof in the flesh of an eye sakuna pulls up his hand and sends a massive slice using dismantle to cut the building directly behind Gojo in half while they are man turning around to look at it zakuna quickly rushes him thrown a fat right Hawk that catches Gojo off guard however as the punch connects with his Infinity he decides to deactivate his technique in order to physically take sakuna inside of the collapsing structure following him up the hallway Gojo quickly opens a door for a moment that blinds the two from seeing exactly what ability they're about to throw at each other catching them both off guard though the building crashes into the ground below bringing the previously intense fight to a brief pause walking out of the debris will all of this smoke slowly starts to disperse Gojo jokes that well he's just gonna pin all of this destruction on sakona once he gets out of here sukuna though points out that he really can't say anything quickly making God you'll realize that Meme is actually streaming this entire fight to the world when it comes down to Gojo's Limitless technique it allows him to be completely Untouchable to get around this and in a similar way to what Hanami and jogo did sukuna is using domain amplification to neutralize his curse technique confuse slightly on what domain amplification is he explains to everyone while they watch the fire that he saw something similar in mikamaru's footage he pretty much said like what I exactly said before about Joko and an army using domain amplification to nullify like Gojo's technique and everything Curry points out that it does seem like Gojo's domain has been neutralized but he's still confused how the old G kusakave lets them all know that it's more of a refined version of a simple domain if one sheaths himself in a domain without imbuing your own curse technique you'll allow the opponent's technique to flow into that empty space thereby neutralizing Earth Angel points out that the main drawback to domain amplifications is that you can't simultaneously use your own enemy Technique No One not even sukuna is an exception to this rule so and her eyes if sukuna has another way to deal with them unless other than domain amp then Gojo will 100 lose confused on whether don't just use the domain expansion maybe what inquires as to why she knows that immediately following their domain once technique becomes unstable so oh my God so it would make sense for sukuna to challenge your domain first Carrara notes that it is easy to say there but depending on the outcome of that domain battle the fight would be over which in both of the girl's eyes is the correct battle strategy Yuji though having been told something by Gojo reveals that he's pretty sure the domain sure had effect negates Gojo's technique to begin with picking up wee-wee wonders if it's because sukuna doesn't think he can win in a domain expansion against Gojo still shoko points out that yeah you are right but Gojo probably would have opened one if that was the case so she finds it hard to believe that Gojo wouldn't be able to foresee that as well standing near chosu Ponders the question of what would happen if God George domain did clash as from what he was told sakuna's domain is a burialist domain here in this bizarre statement everyone just reacts shock unable to believe that his domain doesn't even have a barrier as an example of like just how impossible this is kusakabe asks me what to toss him that water however after she gives him the bottle he throws it back telling her to give him the water not the bottle confused maybe we'll just facials the absolute hell out of kuzakabe while and behind him Mason explains they're expanding their domain without a barrier it's like trying to hold water without a bottle with no container can you even accumulate water can you paint on thin air without a canvas with no stem roots or leaves can a flower bloom from a seed Maggie Compares it to using software without even having a PC to run anything on as frankly unfathomable in their eyes it's completely impossible even still she notes that Mickey Mouse domain was neither enclosed within a barrier and having heard that before Mega Millions given his great promotion kusakave explained that to use it he actually had to use an existing structure to enclose his domain Naruto shikemo or like as we know him now good or kinshaku was able to pull it off by himself so it does prove that it can happen choso who actually fought during that battle pointed out that they're prepared to use a simple domain on hinjaku while tinken dismantled his domain from the outside however because of the burialist domain it was this simple domain that was torn apart miwa who's confused over what exactly would Clash in the slight attack states that the short effect is imbued within the barrier itself so it could only clash with another barrier she also realizes that well everyone's talking as if their domains are a given but domains devour an insane amount of curse energy so wouldn't avoiding using them make sense and yumaki speaks up and notes that well it doesn't really matter since Gojo has an infinite amount of curse energy and your nose had that like fact isn't actually true and it's just due to how he's skilled at using his specific technique if his cousin energy consumption rape ends up being less than what he actually replenishes then it could technically run out that's just working under the assumption though that he's using it like normal if he changes things up and starts using domains executively then they could be completely different story now I haven't even mentioned what sakuna is actually capable of as well in fighting kashimu speaks up to state that the sharpness of his techniques activation is unparalleled the way you can switch things up in a matter of milliseconds from innate techniques to domain amplifications is utterly amazing if Gojo literally wasn't who he is then zakuna would comfortably be winning in terms of cursed energy utilization what's more his total curse energy output is probably even more than yota's from what he can physically tell he'd say it's probably double the amount that he actually has Momo who's been pretty quiet this entire chat speaks up and feels that maybe nobody not even them knows how this is going to play out if Gojo and tsukunu's domains do Clash who knows what could possibly happen then right on that exact moment and after all of this insane buildup that we just went through hecarima signal that they are about to begin the domain clashes back in Shinjuku bosakuna and Gojo throw up their respective hand signs to simultaneously open the infinite void and malevolent crying was a Kona now appearing above his Shrine and Gojo standing a few feet back it's explained that the two are evenly matched they form a perfect pair within Gojo's barrier which in turn meant they're both guaranteed hits overlapped each other then canceled themselves owls in this battle and as the two expand their domains should either one of them sustain severe damage it will cause the collapse of their domain and the other ones sure hats will immediately take effect back at the TV room kuzukabe and meimei both reacts in shock as somehow even with their domains active they're still evenly matched and Shinjuku the pure force of the two overlapping domains caused the surrounding area to start getting atomized sadly for Gojo the effective range of sukuna's domain reaches even beyond their of a barrier and just as Eugene knows that a domain expansion is weak from the outside goju's domain cracks and shatters as it's showing that below it sukunu's domain now sit perfectly fine with no protection against the Kona short hit technique the effect immediately flies forth and seemingly cuts down the strongest culture of today having taken the slash to the neck Gojo nonchalantly activates his reverse curse technique watch everyone Becca the layer reacts to hagaruma states that as long as Gojo stays in range the slashes will never stop coming chosu who assumes escaping is probably the Port of Call for Gojo has backed up by hakari who someone agreed with him however it's more that Hikari assumes Gojo will make a dash for the exit whereas fusukabe realizes that teleporting is out of the question since it's an application of the Limitless technique due to the use of his domain expansion and it being destroyed it's plausible that for a moment he can't use his curse technique which like they State means he's in store for one hell of a beat down back inside of sakuna's domain expansion Gojo is relentlessly slashed over and over again by the short head effect of the domain somehow though Gojo manages to calm himself as he knows for a fact that when it comes down to techniques Limitless is far better having been able to consistently overpower sukuna's short head effect with his use of reverse curse technique Gojo just like what everyone else had expected make a dash for the excerpt sukuna immediately makes a dash to keep up with him while remarking that he isn't going to just let him Escape grabbing his leg though Gojo still will constantly getting slashed pulls him in and nasikuna into the floor towering over him got your potential and a curse energy Infuse overhand but misses only cracking the floor as sukuna manages to quickly weasel his way out standing there and looking at his opponent sukunu remarks that Gojo's still moving pretty well considering that he's been activating his reverse curse technique at full output in order to survive the constant slashing goju on the other hand notices something extremely important to him it looks like malevolent Shrine itself is the heart of the domain not sakona back inside of the headquarters Yuji Ponders what would happen if someone did destroy the heart of the domain or like the shrine specifically the Big Bang kuzakabe brings up their objects inside of domains don't tend to hold any special meaning or significance so think of it as like it wasn't even there to begin with Mason thinks that if it is a symbol of the domain then you wouldn't even be able to destroy it and even considering Gojo's insane skills it doesn't look like he's taken any measures to actually try to destroy it suddenly Gojo activates the new Shadow style simple domain taking kusakaya Bay by surprise as he probably didn't expect to see this one Yuji though noted that Gojo said one time he could use it but wasn't able to actually teach her during the battle he was able to use the simple domain to counter the short head effect while simultaneously using reverse curse technique to heal its body confused Yuji wonders how one even manipulates their own curse energy while reverse curse technique is active again Gojo activates another use of this simple domain before darting at sakuna and attempted to strike him in an instant he's once again pounded by the short head effect layering Gojo with a plethora of cuts though again he activates another use of simple domain and reverse curse technique causing sakona to call us all a little bit tedious right now randomly though everyone back at the headquarters is taken by surprise when they see Gojo started attacking sakona once more without using reverse picnic to heal himself someone wonders if he's running low on cursed energy but you to refutes this as it's it's frankly impossible there's no limit to go just curse energy even though there totally is speaking up though Eno mentions that like I said before the Assumption rate could currently be off right after domain expansion he started using reverse curse technique and maximum output which uses up twice as much curse energy and that's not even taken into account the fact that sakuna is also rushing at Gojo himself with the two powerhouses of this series also rushing at each other once again and he cuts not stopping for Gojo everyone wonders if Gojo is about to lose jumping on sukuna though and rabbing his hands around the back of his head Gojo activates his curse technique reversal before leaning back and pulling his hands up in preparation to end the fights Blown Away with what he's just witnessed he'd wonders if it's even possible in his mind the reason he wasn't able to heal himself for a moment was because Gojo was using reverse acoustic knee to heal his exhaust acoustic technique unleashing red goju shoots forth a blast of review technique propelling sakuna back into the shrine that makes up the center of his domain noting that like he somehow managed to survive the blast goju activates reverse curse technique to heal and jokes that damn this tutor's really turning into a pain on the ass going into like more depth on the insane feet Gojo just did you do explains that acoustic neck which has been burned out by using domain expansion as an entirely different matter than physical damage it's like when a machine overheats if it isn't broken you have to let it cool down or it won't work again interpreting this Maki makes it easier to understand by saying that reverse curse technique can repair damage but it can't help with the cooling effects of Earth however it looks as if this understanding of the ability is completely wrong back in Shinjuku and having made it out of the effective range Gojo asks that sukuna is able to expand the size of his area not even giving Gojo a second to thank sukuna until he expands the size of the malevolent shrine's domain expansion to its maximum in this same moment Gojo to the shock of everyone also expanded his his infinite void for a second time with everyone watching they wonder if God is really dumb enough to just fall into the same Travis before May notices it first though and hegaruma who by the way like for a new sorcerer is so big brain state that Goku switched conditions on the external and internal conditions of his barrier which and simple enough terms for myself and Yuji to understand means that Gojo this time is able to protect himself against the attacks from outside of his domain re-initiating the better once more both Gojo and sukuna trade hands back and forth but not once for the hurts actually end up landing on either side jumping back Gojo is absolutely blown away as he understands that somehow sukunu was able to use his domain expansion and amplification at the exact same time on top of that he's becoming more comfortable inside of his own infinite void and his curse energy output is only increasing so and usual Jiu Jitsu Kai is in combat you cannot use nna technique that is etched into your body while using a domain amp but if you go in and view your domain well they technique itself then this is an entirely new situation throw any punch tsukuna manages to dodge back out of the way however as he pushes trying to strike Dojo the six size Maniac manages to evade the strike and thump the side of sukunu's body managing to spin out of Gojo's side he quickly understands that somehow and while inside of his own domain zakuna turned off his short head effect knowing that the only ones who are unaffected by infinite void are Gojo and anyone he touches sukuna's plan is to expand his effective range and increase the power of The Binding vowel even further than he did in Shibuya with mega Me by using it by new vowel sukuna is able to further increase the power of His domain outside of Gojo's domain he does that by removing his short hit guarantee inside of the domain or simultaneously also keeping himself safe from infinite void by touching Gojo due to all of this and again just like last time Gojo's domain collapses and the man is followed by plethora of strikes that seemingly knock him away from sakona with everyone back at like the TV station he caught his place whatever it honestly is I don't clue what to even call it reacting horror to what's going on in the current battle how do you most stay instead of Gojo dies here he's going out to fight next so don't even try and stop him over in Shinjuku Gojo activates another technique that he notes he hasn't used much since he mastered his domain seeing this kusakabe spits out of smoke in awe of just having the same Gojo use the falling Blossom emotion for those of you who forgot because I think it's only been used like maybe two or three times throughout the series it's a secret art of The Big Three Families an anti-domain technique all in all it's an application of curse energy that automatically repels anything you touch it wouldn't even be able to do something against the complex domain like infinite void but if you're up against something like simple slashes it's pretty useful jumping in Shoku says that he most likely used it so he can heal his burned out curse technique or at the least buy some time again though like what is this the third time now Gojo blows them all away as he activates another use of infinite void unlike all of the previous uses though the time it's completely massive in comparison and akashimo's eyes it looks as if Gojo was trying to encapsulate all of sukuna's domain within his own barrier May thinks that it's a bad move trying to expand her domain to that size as it'll drastically lower its Effectiveness and like her guruma States even if the domain isn't destroyed as still pointless unless he wins the battle inside of it suddenly Gojo's domain cracks putting everyone on edge and making them think that it's about to fail Momo though quickly speaks up that no it's not broken in fact the barrier is quickly changing size and now it's only a fraction of the original size with Gojo's domain only like the size of a basketball now because it can't be remarked this is this is frankly impossible because he made to joke about how many times they've said these words today Marky curiously questions its outward appearance and if the inside is dead of a similar size kusakabi agrees with her as that's why when you're usually trapped inside one you can't get out unless you find the edge of the barrier even if you find their Edge a normal domain is resistant to attacks on the outside so Escape is extremely limited what's most important when it comes to a barrier technique is a concrete image usually if you try and envision a barrier too small enough to hold yourself and an opponent it would just collapse just like the prison realm though and probably due to his time being confined in a small space there as now allowing Gojo to take that and implement it into his domain during the battle still kuzakabe can't grasp the process around how he's able to change the conditions of his domain each time he uses it barriers particularly domain barriers typically have a set of internal and external parameters by discovering their own blend of these parameters every sorcerer is able to establish their own domain confused and piping their heads up as obviously this wasn't how Higa Roma and Hikari figured out their domains like they open their domains by default as a part of the occurs technique in any case they aren't usually things that can be changed easily kuzuki Ponders if he changed the size of his domain because it was too difficult to maintain the larger surface Mass so we had to compress it to make things easier or maybe it was because he wanted to see if he could cover all of the middle Shrine with an even larger barrier with goyo's domain beginning to shake back and forth it's such a tremendous speed the Earth itself begins to rumble May points out that even still Gojo's domain has managed to hold a new to state that zakuna has also decreased his domain so he could increase the output of his curse technique so pretty much now if this version of Gojo's barrier does end up breaking they'll enter a stalemate however Gojo will actually end up being on the back foot as he will run out of options technique wise flashing back over to Shinjuku sadly once more Gojo's domain is getting shattered and tsukuna emerges Victorious for a third time in the domain struggle it's it's either the third or the fourth now I'm honestly losing track throughout the script here having watched his Sensei reappear Yuji screams out for him however in that moment all of the other sorcerers are flabbergasted as they witness the kona's malevolent Shrine start to crumble and fall to pieces on top of that it's shown that at some point throughout the domain struggle Gojo was able to lend a clean blow to the chest of sakona causing in the king of curses to finally take some proper damage seeing this over their monitors all of these Sorcerers screaming Joy believing that goju still has a chance to win in this battle funnily enough it was actually simultaneous at the exact same time zakuna destroyed Goku's domain from the outside Gojo had actually destroyed sakuna's domain to the point that he wasn't able to maintain it any longer yelling at me were kusakabe asks if she was able to keep track of what's going on in this fight or if anyone kept track of the time that Gojo's barrier was active speaking up Mei reveals that it was active for three minutes and 9 seconds but if it was more specifically after the moment that it was minimized then that was exactly three minutes hikarumo believes that now the domains have collapsed neither of them will be able to use the curse techniques anymore if that is the case monkey thinks Gojo can make the first move since he can restore his burnt out curse technique just like he did before but sadly sukuna can also do the same with reverse curse technique and speaking of himself now that he knows how how it works you know theorizes that he could probably do it too though like he mentioned earlier it can't be used to heal a burnt out curse technique but it actually can he's just like he's just tripping right now the reasoning that Gojo actually showing this to sukuna is a terrible problem for everyone is because back in the past zakuna was able to split his Spirit 20 times into 20 different objects called zacona's cursed fingers after seeing this ability just once in the past sakuna learned how to turn himself into a cursed object and now that he's seen this new ability it's most likely he'll also be able to restore his burnt out curse technique and Shinjuku so couldn't boost his way up onto a bridge giving a moment of pace before noticing that random parts of the road start to get smashed up from below quickly jumping off the bridge and onto some railing nearby secunda notices Gojo break his way up through the bricks behind him then turning back around realizes that his Escape rope was blocked by a ball of rocks that Gojo had perfectly floated there using his Infinity with absolutely nowhere to go saguna throws up his hands to block and takes a kick that seems sliding back along the side wall taking a moment to think about the fight got your wonders why sakuna has been stubbornly avoiding using any other curse technique than his own even when the strength of the barrier was lowered and Gojo had flipped the conditions on it he didn't try to destroy it from the inside instead he took the riskier option while they canceled out each other's short head effects from within the domain squid had no other choice but to use his domain amplification in order to beat his Limitless curse technique which was actually a massive Advantage for our man still as he saw earlier within a domain sukune is unable to use buildings to attack in fact until after kojo's domain was destroyed he technically had the upper hand for over three minutes yet in spite of that he can't seem to understand why sukuna didn't ever attempt to make use of something from the 10 Shadows technique or maharaga while in a domain he has the memory of Mega me and the conversation that happened between them so he knows for a fact that someone of the exact same power died to a person like Mega me goju just Ponders if he's scared he'll beat maharaga in one shot however in that exact same moment the wheel turns and blood begins to drip from his own nose [ __ ] nosebleed though God you was baiting out damn ass with that one and in an instant both him and sakona throw up their hands and reform another domain Clash yuju points out that again they activated it at the exact same time an angel who's right next to him brings up there's a Kona can now restore his burnt out curse technique or maybe just decided to hide the fact that he could until now because Abby knows that within the next three minutes that actually takes a Kona to destroy Gojo's domain from the outside Gojo will need to damage the Kona City point he can't maintain his domain from the inside shoko joking that they probably shouldn't talk as if Gojo was only back foot yet brings up that if sakuna is hit At All by unlimited void then man is completely done for due to this it's Susan that if Gojo was able to destroy the malevolent Shrine within the next three minutes then he will win this battle inside of Shinjuku and having fled up his curse energy fists goju pounds sukuna with a barrage of punches that really only bruises the king of Kirsten's arms jumping up sakuna tries to quickly get over his Shrine however he's knocked into the floor then while incapacitated is grabbed by Gojo's infinity and pulled towards himself having been flung towards Gojo zagona just manages to block a devastating stomach punch randomly though and I'm assuming man's used like yuji's Divergent punch to delay the like hit of his cursed energy sukunism malevolent Shrine is completely destroyed while in the exact same moment Gojo's domain also ends falling to the ground and looking up as evident that this time sukuna took a serious blow as half of his face appears to be missing with everyone believing that when it comes down to domain struggles goja was Stronger they all hope deeper than themselves that he can when beckon the battle and throwing a fat right hook Goku scenes to kuna straight back into the side of a bridge pillar breaking it in the process I don't know I don't even know what we're at now like this is utterly insane and in that moment Gojo and sakuna launch another set of domain struggles yet unlike all of the previous battles something is actually different here for the first time and Utah can't help but feel like maybe just maybe Gojo was able to expand his domain earlier inside of the domain struggle it is revealed that zakuna was indeed busy healing his body and because of that it was late restoring his curse technique it was less than 0.01 seconds but unlimited void landed on him as an infinite set of infinite information rushes into the cerebral cortex of History's Strongest Sorcerer And the king of curses El man today's current demon rushes forth and pierces the chest of Darkness incarnate only 2 minutes and 40 seconds after they expanded their domains Gojo was able to collapse malevolent Shrine within his innate compound with nothing not even the friction in the ear available for zaconus to use now he stands there dumbfounded as the full effects of saturno Gojo's infinite Foy connects with its brain not done yet himself Gojo lets everyone know that crushing his heart was only the beginning now he's gonna take everything from him however before he's able to even connect with sakona a set of prolific words are spoken with this treasure I summon eight-handled sword Divergent sylla Divine General maharaga Skitty now with the fact that like sukuna managed to summon him in that moment because who just assumes that it hasn't had time to adapt to unlimited void yet so surely he can destroyed and one short activating curse technique reversal Gojo is just baffled when he Witnesses maharaga literally not Kia and instead with this sort of extermination slashes down completely destroying Gojo's infinite void falling to the ground now Gojo can only gasp as he realizes that somehow Maharaja had already adapted to his domain expansion allowing him to freely attack from the inside realizing that maharaga had been summoned Jose points out that it has the ability to adapt to any attack even unlimited void using reverse curse technique and with maharaga by his side secunda knows that Gojo was well aware of the sugargami's abilities any battles so far both of you guys have had the domains cancel each other's out a total of five times go to short head effect targeted everything within their domain whereas succonus your head effect targeted everything inside the domain with the exception of himself this means that this short had effect targeting sukuna was still in place crazily enough one of the duo was able to take on unlimited void a total of five times we'll walk shouldering the burden of maharaga's adaption this person wasn't sukuna though no it was someone else entirely blowing away with the Revelation Gojo quickly figures that somehow he managed to adapt to unlimited void within 0.01 seconds of his domain opening doing some more crazy deductions he figures that like I said somehow sukuna overcame the burden of maharaja's adaption ability then realizing he's wrong states that the one actually taken the damage was migami's Soul deep inside the conscious of migami's mind we see him barely awake with maharaga's wheel floating directly above him seeing Gojo now and wondering what's on his mind sukuna asks what's up to which God just says nothing really it just warms his heart to see him using such fraudulent abilities replying to his underhandedness scooter states that unlimited void is an ability that Gojo activated once inside of his domain he originally expected it to be a pain in the ass trying to figure out this technique and at the start of the fight he had planned to neutralize it first so while unable to use amplification within the domain sukunu used migami salt to adapt to unlimited void using his own tin Shadows technique as a result he wasn't able to use anything other than what was originally imbued into his own domain knowing that origami took then was the process of adaption not led the full effect of infinite void itself goju begins pulling up his hand and remarking that tsukuna hasn't actually adapted Mega me soul itself to unlimited void and if he opens his domain once more he'll destroy him in one attack not phased over this though sukuna kinda just laughs and taunts Gojo while telling him that he's no longer able to open his domain instantly and as he tries activating it once more but I'd begin streaming from his nose and everyone back at headquarters still watching new monitors begins freaking out over the possible outcomes by the way who do you guys think has left from the headquarters like we can see a few people are still there from like flashing around between now and like what's released I have a few thoughts in my life will I where's takaba I haven't seen him since the uh the start of their conversation I'm pretty sure back at like 220 something anyway anyway get back to the story having found a way in now securing remarks that using reverse curse technique to heal is exhausted innate technique looks to restrain his physical brain quite a bit to him it's evident that his brain more specifically the prefrontal cortex for the information on curse techniques is located has been destroyed and repaired far too many times using reverse curse technique to heal his burnt out curse technique now oh my God man the amount of times I have said curse technique reverse curse technique throughout this video like I am so confused and I've probably messed it up like once or twice I I probably have anyway anyway terrified at the fact that Gojo had been using such a wild technique you usually just screams that this is way too risky they all know that the brain especially that section of the brain is the most important and you can't even compare it to Simply repairing someone's normal bodily damage Shoku speaks up nervous over the fact that she kind of assumed by now that Gojo had gotten used to this effect on his brain however it looks like he's beginning to suffer on top of that second has actually done it fewer times so he's in a much healthier better condition back in Shinjuku and as Gojo drops to one knee Schooner states that Gojo has reached his limits even if he could have expanded his domain again he would have lost the instant that he did not to mention the fact that he wouldn't even be able to make it precise enough to actually be a threat to sukona taunting him like the demon he truly is secular lets Gojo no then next up he'll bring the circumference of his domain and woods from there he'll be left with nowhere to run and as he carves him up he'll simultaneously adapt to his Infinity say in his final goodbyes he states that Gojo was born into an era without sukuna and was hailed as the strongest of that era yet and the end he just turned out to be plainfully ordinary saying those prolific words domain expansion One Last Time sakuna proceeds to unleash his domain however in that exact moment all of his eyes began bleeding profusely and the domain fails so crazily enough from the time of the previous domains this last conversation had happened in 10 seconds and yet just like Gojo sukuna's brain had sustained enough damage to now make an expansion impossible jumping up and laughing at sukuna after saying this gotcha just noticed it it looks like it's hitting him pretty hard now then pointing at maze crows he knows that all of his students are watching him put his life on the line so he's gonna go ahead and keep showing off for them jumping forth with a speed that sukuna is unable to keep up with Gojo throws a fat right hook to let his opponent know that he still has a long way to go to defeat him over inside of the main group's Hideout kuzukabe asks who there had been seriously punched by Gojo before a few people speak up noticing there well he didn't hit them but they tried their best to punch him as hard as they could and it was physically impossible due to only like a few people taking a hit though kusakabe who I'm assuming has as well says that his fists are enhanced with curse energy and only moments of impact blue repeatedly absorbs the surrounding space that feels as if you're being counter-attacked after preparing for a regular blow Herrera wonders if it heard and Hikari along with you to both reveal that they puked after the head they took the Naomi once told Yuji that if he planned on continuing as a sorcerer then he shouldn't compare himself to Gojo he stated that he put a massive deal of effort behind his critical hurts but Gojo could casually perform them as if it was an everyday thing putting them all back on track though and what kuzakabe was mainly trying to explain was that from here on out when it comes to straight hands he doesn't have a clue what Gojo was doing back in Shinjuku at Sean that Gojo is completely dominating sukuna in a physical fight he boosts any building was smashing zakuna until every level before turning around and tossing them over the road when zakuna lands Gojo uses all of the rubble that had previously broken away from their building to entrap the king of curses and started break coffin exploding out of the reinforced brick scooter darts forth and quickly dust a head kick from Gojo hitting core under his trap though Gojo slams his leg down only the sea sakona flip out of the way and prepare his own X Kirk all of a sudden he stops though as he sees what seems like Gojo running at such a high speed it's begun creating a circle of after images thinking that he has the upper hand now go through darts and a strike but sukuna manages to spot the real image and grab his hand before following up and punching him straight in the face being sent backwards Gojo clearly regains his orientation and lets he top and nearby street lights walking towards him sukuna explains that furu's Incarnation used to like manifest maharaga along with a wheel represents complete circulation and Harmony once maharaga has been attacked the wheel turns and the adaption begins with that said the Will turns and maharaga seemingly adapts got your nose that winter Cooney uses domain amplification and touches him the wheel turns black so it's safe to assume then in his eyes that it interrupts the adaption process as tsukuna can't activate his domain but can use amplification that's probably because the area of his brain originally damaged was in charge of barrier techniques over the sakona now as he slowly strolls forth he thinks that Gojo is most likely only using laps to avoid having his other techniques adapted which makes perfect sense in his eyes as the lights think go green the two of them rushes each other once more clashing in the middle of the road with a light Gojo was just on falling behind sakuna he quickly grabs it and Buffs it towards Gojo however it freezes as the object connects with his Infinity they go for the main group now as they all note that its random maharaga hasn't reappeared they suppose that it had already adapted once unlimited void was used for a fifth time taken like their knowledge in carry the doses that maybe the wheel has to turn a few times in order for zacona to adapt to Gojo's limit technique then just like they assume and asukuna asked if Gojo had been paying attention to his ability Alman explains that he needs four spins in total which technically means only three more spins of the wheel and to maharaga fully adapt to kojo's Infinity walking towards each other again sakuna jokes that they now have a countdown to win Gojo's idiotic smirk will be wiped from his face who's now go to smile right back and tell him the same damn thing in fact Gojo takes it one step further saying that he'll beat him dead before he even makes it to the third spin still eagerly watching the battle Hannah questions if God was just forgotten about Mega me to watch Yuji says that man might really have hearing them and looking ready to throw some hands himself kashimo jokes that it's fine let him forget megaming leading to fikit Mickey Mika's uh man's in a slightly tight spot right now Yuji watches as maharaga's wheel spins for the second time meaning that is only two more spins until Gojo's Infinity will be fully adapted too turning his hands into perfectly constructed orbs of glucose energy Gojo flings amitsukona making him acrobatically flip out of the way as the ability burns the bridge from existence capturing sukuna within his range Gojo sticks both of his hands forth and creates more cursed energy orbs that Circle his Target leaving him with nowhere to escape somehow escaping though sakuna manages to dug down before darting off causing all of the orbs to immediately change direction and start tracking his new position boasting it around one of the nearby pillars goju flies up and quickly blocks akuna's Kirk having gained the advantage now he follows up by kicking his opponent down towards the road below while falling the wheel spins for the third time making everyone back at the TV room get more and more nervous over the impending adaption Yuji curiously wonders if it's time that's needed for the wheel to adapt or if it was Battle experience realizing what Yuji was trying to say kusakave solidifies his question by also pondering if a does it take one attack think time for the wheel to understand then adapt or B as it adapting after taking multiple blows still not even sure himself he points out that hasn't used anything other than Labs so he doesn't even know and compounding that kashimo states that either option is actually possible that's the reality of the situation following the king of curses through one of the nearby buildings Windows got your remarks that from now on he's going to give him hell in his eyes he's convinced sakuna that all he's using is blue so with this timing he won't be able to react pulling up his hand and firing a point-blank shot of curse technique reversal red Gojo just watches as the wheel turns black signifying that sakona had activated his domain amplification as the technique hits and because of what I previously just mentioned zakuna was just barely able to minimize the damage in time activating his reverse curse technique to heal sukuna thinks that he expected this even Earth amplification can neutralize the low output of Limitless it can't fully cancel out blue or the Reversed reared Yuji and kusukabe both react in abject horror as they realize that at this rate zakuna will fully adapt his technique looking heavily beaten and bruised secunda turns around to Vermont that Gojo is sloppy and questions are the greatest Sorcerer of today had lost his call once his hand was read randomly though Goji doesn't attack and instead he just tells his opponent that you know like the ready shot back before well it hasn't actually exploded yet suddenly taking one of the hardest back shots in the figure of world that is Jiu Jitsu Kaizen sukuna gasps in pain as he realizes that hey the king of curses was taken from behind quickly calculating the building's layout he figures that Gojo must have planned from the start to have red strike after one full lap not giving him a chance to recover Gojo follows up and pounds to kuna so damn hard with a black flash that physically knocks Akuna out for a moment everyone back at the TV room just watches an ore as they never expected such an ability to land let alone be as successful as it was back in Shinjuku blood pours from sakuna's mouth and the wheel Falls symbolizing the defeat of History stronger sorcerer randomly though the wheel picks up speed and Spins for the final time while at the exact same time a stun JoJo falls into a pool of darkness and maharaga's demonic hands reach out for him with nowhere to go maharaga grabs Gojo and slices his chest with the sword of extermination leaving everyone's hope of survival on the brink of death beads of sweat drip from everyone's head as they worry about how things could have taken a turn for the worse with Gojo since maharaga like has arrived now it means that he's completely adapted to Gojo's technique Yuji however stays hopeful as in his eyes maharaga only adapted to the infinity which means it's only an equal fight now and Gojo can heal up right away using reverse curse technique standing nearby and looking absolutely stressed shoko explains that she's been smoking a ton during this battle sadly she thinks it isn't just a case of healing up a game instead it's more that Gojo's healing is gradually becoming slower than usual it was extended use of red if the already prolonged Fight Continues and might end up with him not being able to use his curse technique reversal to heal as quickly therefore he could actually lose though she does pose that that situation is probably the exact same for sakona Gojo's opponent is the king of curses initially when the battle kicked off everyone thought that it would be impossible for Gojo to win and now with what they've seen that thought is slowly creeping back in even Gojo himself has begun thinking the same thing wondering how long it's been since he felt like this it reminds him of a battle 11 years earlier against toji fushiguro and how now he's beginning to feel the same satisfaction from fighting that's pushing him to an even higher degree throughout the special being the strongest sadly comes with the title of also being the loneliest and now the only thing that will truly satisfy him flying forth God your head to maharago with a direct hit that pushes the god chickagami back instantly following up he tries to activate red in order to finish him off but sakuna jumps back in and uses megami's rabbit escape to cover maharaga and allow him to prepare for the next attack having watched his opponent try his best to obey every attack Gojo moksukuna asking him how long is going to rest for after taking the black flash and that it was pretty obvious it's a fix are still hurting him suddenly sukuna mixes things up and throws a fire extinguisher to cover himself and make an opening for maharaga to attack Gojo as Gojo was caught up in his fight with biggie zakuna uses a new application of migami's Max elephant chikagami to shoot a blast of water that mirrors choso's piercing blood technique just as Gojo defends himself against maharaga sakuru's attack lands and wounds his arm flying backwards Gojo realizes that tsukuna is mainly waiting for his Infinity ability to vanish meaning that the fight would eventually turn into a pure 2V1 if it continues annoyed he wonders how sakuna is even able to use the abilities of the tsukigami without summoning them in the first place like migami has to go through this whole procedure where a sakuna can wear the wheel and summon the sugargami with what I'm assuming are just his thoughts here Gojo knows that sensokuna was able to adapt to his Infinity ability he's going to have to use more curse energy that's why he's been simultaneously using the shukigami however he does explain that asakuna wants to adapt to red and will take much longer to do so katina's brainstorming off though sakuna beams his way back into the picture while stating that this isn't a 1v2 numpty I'm the fraudulent one moving his hands together Sakura summons a brand new got me cold they come here a based agito making this previously 2V1 a now 3v1 battle and putting Gojo even further onto the back foot according to take what I've seen online and everything since the chapter drop Chimera base is a mixture of new way and totality which is probably a combination that I never actually saw coming and leaves so many other weird and wacky hybrids of creation of the future but obviously you know moving forward goes your own self even jokes that with those two Giants standing there sakuna looks like a lost child and a flash the two beasts had the fight once more with Gojo just barely being able to dodge the initial attacks randomly and stealing some more of megami's techniques sakuna pops out of Gojo Shadows with his hands aimed like a pistol and shoot another water blast like piercing blood from Max elephant's ability but Gojo Dodges there too so I'm in his fists down Gojo just misses asukuna backflips out of the way allowing his boys to follow up with a dual hook from either side somehow dodging each of these large creatures and arriving behind maharaga Gojo proceeds to blast him with red but his Bill even effective enough to burn the creature now figuring that man's probably stuffed if he doesn't do something completely insane here Goji deduces there he has to use this damn technique in order to be able to finish off maharaga in one shot at a mess of risk is zakuna will most likely notice the race output but it's a risk he's willing to take with a glimmer of hope and a cheeky grin on his face Gojo's face that he's got no other choice it's time to use the unlimited Hollow technique gripping his blade tightly oh my what did I why did I start like anyway you just speaks up and tells the group that he's going to join the battle to help Gojo not pleased to hear this as he stated that he was going to be the first to leave kashimo Sparks up his cursed energy and warns Yuta to not interfere as it's him who will go and fight next seeing his boy's cursed energy flare up hakari asks you to to calm down and says Gojo had initially asked him to tag in when he starts to lose the battle or gets overwhelmed but yulu rebukes her saying that since okuna's domain expansion is now disabled he can help Gojo out by handling natosha kagamis with Riker speaking up Mucky tells kashimoto to not forget his overall role in the special if he's defeated then some of the backup insurance will be gone you know it's just like but bruh if we go for it now and take this Gamble and win against sakuna then the insurance won't be needed at all probably just eager to test this new body swapping ability Yuji takes you to side and encourages him to go for it I love her like this backup plan of theirs really hasn't even been discussed at all we kind of skipped over that month as I've been over in the past fast like we know for a fact kashimot city is going to be the next enter but we have no idea when that's actually going to be at this point but was this even spoken about beforehand with Gojo Yuda kind of made it seem like they've all had this chat in the days before this battle so I'm assuming there is an underlying plan that our team does have not just going into this not having any plan at all but anyways anyways they'll think that because sakuna isn't able to give us everything and Gojo is at his best when he doesn't need to worry about others the setup they currently earn has the highest probability of winning getting slightly bummed out with this both Yuji and you to sulk after realizing that they're probably just going to be a hindrance if they enter pulling them back to reality though kashimo tells them that that's not exactly true at the end of the day this is Gojo's fight and it would just be lame as hell if they all interfered Carrie himself suspects that sakuna might actually have a trump card and is preserving it for later so if the sorcerers do act too quickly and reveal their hand so kuna might end up using that trap card on them skipping away from our guys though and back inside of Shinjuku the two Massive shikigami Attack Gojo in a combination attack however Gojo evades the attacks with ease and lands his own counter-attack black flash jumping back it's shown that a guitar wasn't even phased by the hurt and instead sends its tail to attack which is in fact a miniature version of the Great Serpent proving that this base was probably made up of even more sugargami than originally thought ripping off the head of the serpent tail got your watches as maharaga quickly pushes the other shikakami aside to protect it as it heals pondering on this new base and more Gojo thinks that agito is most likely made up of nue which firstly inherited the Great Serpent then the mourn tiger and round deer still none of that even matters in the larger scheme of things since agito hasn't adapted to Limitless like maharaga has got your plans to destroy it in one short stepping away for like what the second time now another random reveal that I almost completely missed the first time around but what even is this mourn tiger surely that's the 10th shikagami from the 10 Shadows technique that we haven't actually seen yet the lines across agito's chest could resemble the Tiger's markings I initially thought it was something to do with sakona love to know like what you guys all think and if we'll ever actually get an explanation on the shikagami in the future placing his blade on the floor maharaga flicks it at Gojo causing a line of rubble to get thrown up into his face locking the rocks with his Infinity Gojo then proceeds to dodge out of the way of the shikigami's follow-up attack continuing dead then launches a fat head kick that pushes the creature back turning around goldra quickly activates his infinity and brings his second shakigami in closer having seen agito use RCT to heal its tail before godger realizes that it'll be Troublesome if it also heals sakona during the battle so his plan is to firstly deal with Earth elsewhere inside of his dank shadowy wield saguna starts creating a plan to not let Gojo use his prolific Hollow purple he knows that the last time Gojo used her the attack was amped up to 120 percent still he was able to take it head-on with somewhat minimal damage since it was coming from such a large distance however due to everything that happened since then if Dad does hit him with even a 100 Hollow purple right now then it will be fatal knowing that maharago wasn't showing him everything sakuna speaks up and asks his shikagami how long it's going to make him wait he's not dumb and knows it's no longer making me shadow so demands that it shows him what it's got following those orders maharaga's wheel spins and sends forth an ability that looks exactly like sukuna's dismantle which slices the greatest Sorcerer of today's arm right off not leaving his shadowy realm sakuna Chuckles and Praises Maharaja for its Adept use of his technique while simultaneously a bunch of the sorcerers all scream in pure panic shoko personally knows that this isn't great timing at all as Gojo's healing is currently weakened re-emerging from his shadows and taking the advantage sekulu punches Gojo before quickly following up with a wicked snap kick that since God you're directly into the path of a gator who'd begun flaring up its own cursed energy a geekso then proceeds to absolutely Pummel Gojo's head with a fat right Hawk however a hole into the surface of Mars Gojo looking completely manic looks into its eyes while creating an orb of condensed blue and tells a gito that for a while now it wasn't worthy enough to be considered an opponent in this battle smashing his left hand down now Gojo effortlessly thrashes around the pathetic curse looking at sakona and maharaga he submits arguto's uselessness as he catches it completely within his new blue maximum output and seems a pathetic creature hurling towards the Kona and maharaga dodging out of the way of the blast zakuna can only watch as the amalgamation of shikagamis is seen hurling through Shinjuku before it is eventually crushed and destroyed under the pure force of Gojo's maximum output technique 41 seconds later Gojo's purple has also wrapped its way through the battlefield in Shinjuku gods and the envious because become mortal to any moment might be our last everything's more beautiful because we're doing in history there can only ever be won the moniker of the strongest is something passed down from Titan to Titan something only a very talented and blessed individual is capable of achieving hard work and determination means nothing at the basis of how you build your strength is shaky to begin with luckily for saturu Gojo his infinite potential is built upon a ground far stronger than that of a stolen child's corpse having completely annihilated agito who he didn't see is fit to belong in his prisons it is said that with Gojo having also landed a second black flash his intensity increased and as he felt a rush of exhilaration flow through him he activated his reverse curse technique allowing him to comfortably heal that previously failed arm on the other hand and for the first time in 1 000 years the king of curses ryoming sakuna finally begins to feel the weight of battle reignite in the fight godro stuns everyone as he lands his third black flash but this time on maharaga dating back hitting takes Akuna by surprise as he appears directly in front of him saguna tries to throw a fat right hook but Gojo comfortably Dodges it and grabs the king of hers's hand before adjusting his polarity and throwing him into mummy maharaka not giving him a moment to relax as well Gojo follows up with his fourth black flash luckily for sakona maharaga was able to block the strike with the sword of extermination still the impact from Gojo's punch smashed the wall behind him and sent them sliding back through one floor of an office building floating outside that seat office building Gojo raises his hand and begins chanting in preparation for his next technique phase preparation pillars of light and Jujutsu a spark is the curse energy that swells up inside a sorcerer just before they go and activate a technique and the moments before a domain activation short hit technique and other powerful abilities there will be without exception a spark even the great Gojo with his immense curse energy isn't an exception to this rule this fact doesn't change instead it's all the more obvious for his hollow technique purple and side of the building and based on the incantations that were said by Gojo along with the scale of curse energy pot into those set incantations tsukuna believes that they spark currently before his eyes was that of the curse technique reversal red so what's a kona's plans are in preparation for the attack as to have maharaga Tankard then on top of that adapt to Red to put Gojo in his place however sukuna's judgment on this next attack was by no means incorrect activating curse technique reversal read Gojo blasts his ability straight upwards into the sky completely confusing sukuna as he obviously thought he was going to shoot it at him after a second thought though he quickly comes to realize the magnitude of what's happening and calls forth maharaga blasting up through the levels of the building maharaga shatters each window as his speed of his movement increases in an attempt to catch Gojo's red moments after red was fired sakuna figured thereby merging the lapse of blue and the reversal of red Hollow technique purple is formed producing an imaginary mass that rushes forth shooting itself outside of the building now as shown that just ahead of maharaga the red Gojo had previously fired was headed directly at the perpetuated technique that had crushed the gator earlier blue in a general sense the technique red falls into a standstill before it will explode sakuna was able to figure this out because of the ability Gojo used on him last time you know when he gave him the fat back shot maharago was sent up by him to prevent the abilities from merging firstly what's a cone had planned for the shikigami to do was to attack blue and completely erase it as it like had already adapted to Blue beforehand all that ran through the beast's mind as it tried to do this was a yearning to fulfill orders traveling up at a rapid speed though and using the attractive force of his own blue satsuru Gojo flung himself between his blue and maharaga blue chooses its targets without bias and because its attraction is an effect in the adapted maharaga as a side effect it causes adaption to actually backfire lunging fourth goju lands a fat uppercut on the shikigami that leaves sukuna with no one to defend him as he prepares his own last-ditch attack pulling up his hands to perform another goose of his piercing blood like ability shukuna plans to disrupt emerging by causing the explosion of breed first before it can merge shooting off his ability Gojo quickly follows up and punches the king of curses in his side looking up and seeing that as a belief who was able to shoot forth and that it was about to clash with gojos sakuna confidently remarked that he was too slow unfazed by this all Gojo quickly rattles off the Incarnation for blue FaZe Twilight eyes of plunger and such a short period of time that an utterly stunned sakuna glancing at his attack again he watches as it passes into Gojo's steadily merging technique not affecting it and the slight Hurst the reason that it didn't actually disrupt red right there is because gochu in those last like milliseconds before the uh technique was about to hurt reactivated and restored his outpod following the incarnations that he just previously said which is actually insane when you think about it like I don't even know how man did that anyway floating there with both foes on each side of him Gojo starts his incantations for the legendary Hollow technique purple nine ropes polarized light Crow and shomio the gap between within and without what is in the battle of the century back at the TV room Yuda apologizes to kusakabe for what he had said previously as to him it's pretty obvious that if a burden touches himself entered the battle then Gojo wouldn't have been able to do this with both colors fully combining and the purple light of the Gods themselves getting ever brighter Gojo looks upon both of his terrified opponents faces and finishes the incantation purple instantly following the implosion of the two techniques an imaginary force of Unstoppable curse energy exploded outwards destroying maharaga along with anything and its path and completely bury in all of Shinjuku under a carpeted layer of rebar and Rubble Barefoot and barely able to stand now sukuna having survived the blast holds himself up against a broken wall and front of him Gojo states that well this was an unlimited purple not bound by any specific Target so it even damaged him however as we kiss see it's obvious that there's a difference in a level of their damage Gojo assumes that it's just because his curse energy pull is just that large so in the end all's well that ends well in his eyes he even jokes that he totally crushed the Kona in the improvisation Department with that use of remote purple and that is the first time his ever had to actually blow himself up and then repair himself which again is mental like how how do you even do that I know like you can already see but as long as you keep that part of the brain there so I'm I'm imagining right now God you blew his entire body up apart from that one section of the brain and it completely rehealed his body I don't know man that's actually insane when you think about it if you're confused like icon of am right here and how in the world Goji was able to start using curse energy again well it's like kusakave says here and how we all learned earlier on back in the series when our boy Yuji landed four of them Gojo was able to regain his reverse curse technique because of his use of black flashes so you know like miracles happen when people start Landing these black flashes pretty much much you know they they reach their true potential and stuff so now what's the Kona hope has slowed healing no maharaga and an inability to do any more damage it means that for sure 100 Gojo wins the battle of the strongest Sorcerer And the history of the Jiu Jitsu Kaizen universe suddenly it all goes dark ing through the unsettling quiet get all yours out to a familiar someone saying yo looking up with like a stupefied look on his face Gojo groans confused with his current predicament leaning back in his chair goju tells his man that this is probably the worst he could have got hearing this ghetto moans obviously not happy with his best mates initial reaction to seeing him again before telling him that he's been a bit rude kind of annoyed gaju says he told his students that when you die that's it you are alone so he hopes this is all just a part of his current imagination I'm concerned even if it is ghetto asks why it even matters to him but God replies that it does matter because of because of his father however he also realizes that things are all set up for Shoku to handle either way so it's actually okay curious on what the battle was like you know asked how strong the king of curses was remembering the tough Fort battle Gojo answers that sukuna was damn strong and it didn't even go all out for the win and effect he's not even sure he could have won even if sakuna didn't have migami's curse technique meaning that even without maharaga zakuna would have somehow won Blown Away with this information ghetto was surprised that sukuna made Gojo of all people had met that he was truly weaker and feels sorry for him Gojo says that he used to think that him more than anyone else would be able to empathize with sukuna about the loneliness of being the strongest however he still loved everyone and wasn't ever truly feeling loneliness somewhere along the way though a line was drawn between himself and other people or rather living beings he notes that you can grow and love flowers over time but what he rather wanted from it was for those flowers to understand him not gonna lie that's actually one beautiful analogy for Gojo wanting all of the young ones that he's teaching to see him and how he does it so they can learn themselves then grow from it anyways anyways clutchina's first in desperation God just says that he gave us everything to try and win his train body the techniques he learned throughout life the talent he brushed upon others inspiration and unparalleled explosive Powers he says he wanted all of him to reach the Kona and hopes that he somewhat left an impact on the king of curses absolute strength the loneliness that comes from it Gojo believes that truly someday someone will teach him to love calms down now and with a bit of a grin on his face he just states that in the end the better was fun for him though he just mainly feels sorry for sakona because he wasn't able to feel the same feeling and give his all to Gojo looking at his best mate now suguru says that Harry all of this made him feel slightly jealous but if Gojo is truly satisfied with her then he's also on the same page as um satisfaction with only one thing missing in his eyes goju told him that he would have loved if Guido was also there to give him a slap on the back and motivate him along with everyone else before battle maybe then he could have truly been satisfied in the end either away and pushing their thought aside he stays there he's glad what killed him in the end wasn't time or disease but someone's stronger than him grossed out with that level of strength though anami perks up and asks Gojo which Samurai General he currently is says him on the airport chair behind him then Army continues there what goja was just saying is something that no one in the Modern Age would ever say and guesses that it's also why he was able to live longer than him in the end speaking up and making his short re-entrance into the story as well you hire virus says that the timing was just a tad different for the big man in an army obviously referring to their deaths and stuff so like nanami died in Shibu yeah and then only a couple months later God he was passed away so he's saying their timing wasn't too different anyways anyways while telling Gojo to stop roughing up his hair in an army my dad says he once talked with ghetto about leaving all of the work at jujuts who take to Gojo in the end though he returned because he knew Gojo didn't consider Jujutsu as something to live for or to protect rather he knew that Gojo was mentally perverted and only use sorcery to satisfy himself High bar are looking happy as always adds that it's something everyone noticed but didn't exactly have the courage to say out loud curiously as obviously we don't even know what happened an army says he won't justify Gojo's last moments but instead feel sympathy for him to which Gojo thanks to Nami for it here is himself he also asked what it was like in an army but you jumps in revealing that man actually made his own appearance during the nami's passing an army also drops another bomb revolving around sorcery as according to him curses sometimes even help keep people alive in regards to Gojo's question an army answers there he had once asked Maison about where to head in the afterlife and she suggested to either move north if you were looking for a new side of yourself or move South if you want to stay who you are I think it's fairly evident just looking at all the other vengeful curses we've seen that naoya probably took the northern path and this also finally lets us know that it's a bit more straightforward if someone does actually want to watch achieve vengeful curse State I'd imagine the consequences that come with it though are probably reprehensible like no afterlife or a cursed one that they have to exist in when they do go back to it anyways back to the sadness obviously and I never expected any otherwise from my dad an army says he chose South without any doubt when the time came but for a moment even gambled on a better future his last moments and his eyes went bad at all though thanks to his best mate making his reappearance and telling him what way to go lastly and screaming out at the big masamichi Yaga who instantly covers his ears to protect himself Gojo jokingly mocks him for sane earlier in life that there wasn't any death Without Regrets as a sorcerer obviously meaning that man probably doesn't have any regrets right now looking around at everyone else gathered with him inside of the airport an army you masato who toji must have sadly also killed plus you know there is that little ghostly figure in the back that might actually be told you so that is hilarious Rico as well who's there masato and finally his best mate sugadu Gojo then also cracks his best smile yet and hopes to God that this isn't a dream in reality Gojo who was just deemed the strongest Sorcerer And Jujutsu Kaizen history is shown to be in half and no longer capable of breathing with his eyes movement stopping and debate of his heart ceasing saturu Gojo loses and rest in peace big man it had to happen at some point but thank you Giga it was absolutely amazing the way it did happen as dust particles then fall from above blanketing the entire Battlefield sukuna the king of curses explains what truly happened under maharaja's adaption once maharaga receives an attack from someone it'll gradually adapt to it over time as we saw with Gojo's technique some took more spins than others but the more attacks maharaga takes the faster it'll adapt that sitability even after it adapts it will further analyze the technique and continue to do even more depictions tsukuna says he expected maharaga to be an example to him an example which passed through Gojo's infinity and showed him how to do it himself throughout the battle maharaga was first adapting to Gojo's Infinity then it would change its own cursed energy over time so that it could neutralize Gojo's Infinity the second time maharaga adapted was exactly what he expected it wasn't the same as sakuna slash technique instead it expanded the target for the acoustic technique more specifically expanded the target of the slash to not just Gojo but this space the world and then cut it in front of sukuna now it's evident that there is no physical way Gojo is going to be able to recover as he has been completely disembodied by zacona's technique slash sakuna explains that Infinity doesn't matter as a technique if the world exists the world will be divided it doesn't matter if Gojo or even his Infinity exists they will be sliced sukuna note that it was difficult for him to pull Loft but a great example for him to work on bringing Gojo's watch to fruition sukuna with a fat smile on his face then thanks him for the Magnificent battle while saying that he will never ever forget about him turning and seeing someone approaching him at a high speed now sukuna tells them that he better not let him down flashing into the sky we see that without any time for anyone to mourn or feel sorry for Gojo's death the one that came in to take his place against the king of curses was no one other than the Thunder God Hajime hashimo and what an amazing fight that was all the cope I've seen from Gojo fans since the spoilers Trump is actually honorable but I don't see any way or any like possible Universe of him even getting back up anytime soon I'm curious as to how fast Kona will be able to take his technique and what he will do with Gojo possibly take his own body in the future that would be extremely interesting I highly doubt it but I do truly feel bad for shoko and ajichi now as they are the only two from Gojo's time in school to like still be around I hope they make it through somehow throughout the rest of the story but who knows at the moment I love this freaking battle man and I think it was fairly obvious that from day one Gojo was most likely going to lose this just for the narrative we need our goats Yuji and you to actually running the series and being the ones to finish it not their teacher it's time to let them shine and I can't wait to see them start growing in actual strength like Yuji might finally get his own technique who knows anyways if you guys have enjoyed the video and want to see a bunch of stuff just like this but for a variety of different series do remember to subscribe also leave a like and try and push this video to 10K likes plus let me know your thoughts on everything that just happened in the skyjo versus Kona battle and some other fights or series if you want me to cover them in the future either way for now it's been your professional to generate dear Volo and I will see you all in eight Birds bye
Channel: Diavolo
Views: 979,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, gojo vs sukuna, jujutsu kaisen manga, jjk sukuna vs gojo, sukuna vs gojo, jujutsu kaisen satoru gojo vs ryomen sukuna, jujutsu kaisen fights, gojo vs sukuna manga, mahoraga vs gojo, jjk sukuna vs gojo manga, full fight gojo vs sukuna, sukuna, jujutsu kaisen gojo vs sukuna explained, gojo vs sukuna full fight, jujutsu kaisen explained, death of gojo, gojo death, gojo death explained, sukuna kills gojo manga, ryomen sukuna, sukuna vs gojo full fight explained
Id: ub_kvtXpup8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 59sec (4319 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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