The Entire Solo Leveling Dungeon and Prisoners Arc Explained...

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hey everyone Deo here and today we are going over the best Arc yet inside of the solo leveling Mana the dungeon and prisoners Arc it might just be because the entire like solo Ling series is new to me and everything but each time I start a new arc with this series I'm drawn in and blowing away with how the author has managed to make the seemingly average idea of a character who can level up so Dam and thring I'm constantly engaged and have to literally hold myself back from continuing and reading the full series before completing it here on the channel and this Arc we watch as Jin wo armed with daggers in an enigmatic skill set confronts the morally ambiguous landscape of Revenge and Blood Money the battlefield transforms into a dance of Shadows and steel revealing the protagonists unprecedented strength and a thirst for growth that transcends the ordinary but that's not all in a similar scenario to the previous Arc unforeseen emergencies arise testing Jin Wu's resilience in a life and death trial as people's true selves are revealed and the aftermath Echoes with the haunting realiz ation that every stride towards strength Demands a Sacrifice so of course subscribe if you are new around here and hit that like button and push this video to 4,000 likes so that I know you all want more kicking things back off inside one of the Korean Hunter Association buildings an agent reports to wuin chol the events that happened inside the insect dungeon according to him in the C rank dungeon eight Hunters were killed in the action and the only survivors were a d rank and an e- rank Hunter wuj and Cho looking over the information thinks that they just ran away however his assistant tells him that this isn't the case instead they were able to clear the dungeon themselves the d rank yoen Ho's equipment was extremely expensive so it's possible that a c rank boss was defeated by him still the Gina rnid shouldn't have been much of a threat to an organized party so he finds it odd that eight people died on top of that the other Survivor was no one other than Hunter S Jin wo from the original double dungeon incident ginch does agree that there seems to be some suspicious Parts going on but they already checked him the magical strength device used on Jinn was a super high class one that drops from a rank monsters plus Awakenings aren't even that common so there really isn't any need to be suspicious of them once again however after hearing that one of the members of the expedition was hang dong so's older brother comes to a conclusion that he actually can't ignore this back in our boys apartment Jin R is excited to see her brother getting back home with some food as they relax in the living room Jin a asks Jin Wu if something good happened but Jin just replies that he isn't sure if it's good or bad yet remaining silent Jin Wu thinks that he'd like to drink his problems away but the feeling isn't coming seeing the alarm pop up Jin Wu is notified by the system that a harmful substance has been detected passively activating a buff called cure poison the harmful substance is removed and he slowly begins healing when jyn first completed the double dungeon secret Quest his first reward given was was the great spellcaster Candi aru's blessing this gifted Jinn with a special blessing that meant he would always be healthy and strong during his lifetime along with a temporary effect that healed all dismembered limbs he also gained another permanent Effect called Longevity this effect cures all diseases poisons and status effects plus sleeping will drastically increase his regeneration coming to realize something Jin wo makes his way to his bedroom and removes recy Venom from his inventory he thinks that of stat effects are automatically healed then the item's debuff would also be removed as well not dwelling on the thought for too long JY slams back a mouthful of the Venom instantly a screen appears letting them know that a substance has been detected then just as he thought would happen cure poison activates cleansing the system since the snake's effect of weakened muscles has faded it means that the other effect of physical damage reduction is still active giving Jin a 20% damage reduction without any downside moments later jinar pops her head through the door asking if her brother happens to know someone called Jen ho as he's currently calling on the phone leaving jy's apartment and making our way into town we see Jin wo meeting up with the previously mentioned Jin ho beginning to sit down Jin questions how it was he managed to find his number to which Jin ho explains that he's got a few Connections in the association telling his boy that he's a savior Jin Wu replies that he never expected to see him again however since he let Jen have all of the crystals and hasn't said a word about him going to tachy mode inside of the dungeon thinks that it's fine to stick around pointing out that those douchebags actually tried to kill them first he goes on to say that it was merely a fight among Hunters still under the impression that Jin Wu is a false ranker and a psychopath who enjoys taking the lives of weaker Souls jinho reminds himself that this isn't someone he should ever become involved with cutting his thoughts off though Jin Wu asks why it was that he requested to meet with him getting ready for a proposal of a lifetime jinho stares into the eyes of his fellow Korean and tells him that he's currently planning to create a personal Attack Force declining without even taking the time to hear the details jinu explains that he doesn't even need to hear what he's going to say since he's creating an Attack Force he wants him to enter the only reason he came out here to start with was because he was curious however he isn't going to just play around with some rich brat if there isn't anything else then he's just going to leave screaming back just 20 times no jho corrects himself to ask his fellow Hunter to on another 19 raids with him if he does this he promises to give him a fair share of rewards speaking up jimu reminds him on the previous raid and how Hunters can not only kill monsters but humans just as easily raids aren't just extreme sports still he can't fathom why it is jinho wants to create an Attack Force after seeing such a terrifying scene realizing something he stares back at the younger Jin questioning if it was because he wanted to become a Guild Master trying to keep Jin from leaving he elaborates that it's not even that hard for someone to receive a Guild Master license all the hunter needs to do is participate in a raid at least 20 different times since they went through one together last time all Jen ho needs to do now is complete 19 more of course there's also a big examination that they have to complete but jinho is perfectly comfortable when it comes to completing that since dude knows he has a massive brain remembering that he was the son of yoen architectures Jin Wu questions him some more jinho reveals that him becoming a guild Master is actually related to the family company as well simply his father wants to create a guild dungeons are dangerous still the amount of treasures they contain trumps the dangers every time magic crystals or Mana crystals are just touching the surface of what someone could receive even the monsters corpses can be used as materials to decorate a house so there's literally nothing useless inside of a dungeon thinking Jin wo knows that if the hunters who work at the company complete these Dungeons and the company itself takes the rewards it could make your entire business self-sufficient affirming that he is correct jho explains that his father is planning to employ a srank hunter and set him up as the master of the guild his older brother will then take the role of Vice master and operate the guild under the Mas grade of contributing knowing that only nine s-rank Hunters are in Korea and if he plans on employing someone who isn't registered in a guild then it only leaves the recently retired men beond gu Jin wo tells his mate that its likely friction between the two leaders can't be avoided due to such a large gap in Authority being there agreeing with this himself jinho says that his brother is extremely talented however without being reawakened he probably isn't strong enough for the seat of a Guild Master pointing out his lack of experience in age jinu asks if he's planning on doing these 20 dungeons to gain some knowledge of dungeons then consult his father on how everything works to what he affirms standing up and screaming out that no matter what the fact that Jin Wu hides his abilities will be kept a secret with him ever still if he plans to hide his abilities Jin ho thinks that he needs an Attack Force to enter dungeons From jyn's perspective raiding with a low-ranking hunter and safely completing all raids would be a much larger achievement than being carried through them by an S rank thinking for a moment Jin Wu guesses he's at least B rank or maybe even higher than that he might be an e- rank Hunter by record but he dispatched a c rank boss in several C rank Hunters without receiving a scratch if jinho raids with a bunch of idiots he could lose his life but Jin wo here is seemingly trustworthy to him he may seem a little messed up in the head yet he saved him once from a spider and a second time from Wang dong suck questioning what it is then he gets out of it jinho slides a clipboard across the table picking it up slightly confused Jin Wu is stunned to Silence with what he reads in front of him at a park now Jin Wu and jinar are doing warm-ups before jogging as they run across the park jinu asks his sister what she would choose to do with 3 billion W Janar struggles to answer and says that she'd either deposit it or purchase a house questioning why 3 Billy to hear the numbers seem a little bit too unrealistic jinwu thinks that it really isn't before boosting off into the distance fleshing back to the previous night's happenings jinho explains that they are currently constructing a building and plan on using it as the guild office the estimated price is 3 billion however it will rise over time just clarifying that he'll get ownership of the building he helps Jin ho complete 19 more raids the Young Buck then confirms it for Jin Wu wondering what he should do now Jin knows he'd never normally refuse 3 billion however he like literally is different even among special cases of the reawakened hunters he is unique since nobody has heard of a hunter that can level up and grow stronger if Jen is able to continue down this path it's possible that he could reach S rank maybe even something stronger than that if that happens then 3 billion is absolutely nothing coming to A conclusion jinu says he has one condition only him and jinho will enter the dungeon no one else will come with sweating balls and just needing confirmation jinho asks if he means they have to clear the dungeon by themselves letting him know he understood what he said perfectly well jinho reminds him that they need at least 10 members to even enter rank gate planning to do what hang did previously though jinu explains that all they need to do is offer up a reward for just filling up the head counts if they do that people will surely be lining up convincing him even more he elaborates on how if they fully complete 19 raids after making an Attack Force they become an Attack Force with a 100% safety rating surely that will also be helpful when it comes to showing his father his skills skipping back to the park now as the alarm B out letting him know that he's completed his daily Quest jinu immediately stops running realizing he overdid it slightly while he was stuck in thought bringing up his screen and noticing it wly hasn't stopped recording his workout even after completing the initial Quest Jin begins stretching and wondering if he should just fill up the stats as much as possible 20 minutes later and with him noticing everything ceases at 200 out of 100 Jin curiously wonders if he could also do the same for running seeing his sister finally arrive Al dude then bursts off into the distance fixated on completing another 10 km elsewhere and back in the good old us of a we find Dongo on the phone asking someone to F some information regarding the two dungeon survivors entering the room and asking what he's doing up at this hour for Dongo instead asks her if it's all right to ask a question replying anything he inquires as to what would happen if he killed someone in Korea slightly peeved she asks if he's serious when it comes to Korea they are yet to conclude the Indian Treaty of criminal Hunters since dong so is technically from America and not Korea he will receive a trial in America and the most likely won't be too many issues regarding government negotiations pleased with this Intel dong turns to face her and remarks that some absolute douchebags killed his brother and if he doesn't at least catch a glimpse of them then he won't be satisfied from what he's heard all seven Squad members from his brother's team died with only two very low ranking Hunters surviving he knows that his bro isn't the type of person to go and put his life on the line for his weak teammates Plus what's even weirder is that they were fellow members not even a part of the actual Squad with all of this dong assumes that they must have set up a trap and killed his brother turning around he tells Lola to clear up his schedule as he needs to go and visit Korea for a little while reminding him that if he leaves all of a sudden though the guild will become severely paralyzed dong asks when she's able to free up some time for him to leave hearing that he needs to wait at least 2 weeks the big man tells Lola to free up his schedule after that point wondering if everything will be okay dong lets her know that more than anything right now he wishes that the ones who slain his brother will still be alive when he arrives in 2 weeks back in Korea later during the same night Jen stands there with his dagger already drawn ready to face his next challenge since he completed the daily goals twice over the usual daily Quest turned into a headen one instead analyzing the key that he received demon Castle key item class s Jin knew he was going to get a better item but to think it was an S-Class one is crazy curious if hidden quests are only given when daily ones are completed in excess he thinks that this is a good chance to find out some more information plus what even better is that since he picked up the Blessed random box he wasn't able to obtain the cursed random bar plunging the key forth into the doorway in front of him a bright yellow and orange light begins to emerge from the world that stands before him walking forwards into the fiery landscape Jin thinks that if a Keys's variety is proportional to the dungeon's difficulty and this is truly a srank dungeon then he has absolutely zero chance of survival of course there's no true indication that the items class is equivalent to the dungeon's difficulty however from his previous experience an instant dungeon with a rarity of e was as easy as an e- rank gate wondering what he should do he knows that he has the hearth stone he never used in the last dungeon so if things do get dangerous he can use that instantly for now he just has to try his best as from this point onwards he needs to clear C rank dungeons with jinho and to do that he needs to know his current strength walking forth and seeing the eyes of a Three-Headed Beast slowly begin to approach Jin tells himself he can't give up because he's scared if he does that he'll never become stronger towering above him hell's gatekeeper Cerberus flaunts its overwhelming presence it's a name red showing just how much of a strength difference there still is between him and JY JY stares at the three-headed demon and tells it that he can't lose his life in a place like this instead he's going to become much stronger and level up even more and solo living after B rank the difficulty of gates rise explosively luckily for Jen the chance of high ranked Gates opening drops with every level so only a handful of srank Gates have ever opened one of these gates to open though opened on juu island after the srank dungeon gate broke it became a wasteland where humans are unable to live even if srank Hunters were to create a team it's unknown if they would be able to clear an srank gate plus with the current state of Deployable Hunters clearing an srank gate is near impossible due to this and with Jin still being of a lower level he made the previous decision to obstain from entering srank dungeons which is probably a good decision when you know man was literally an A- ranker in the past obviously this is because from his perspective though he isn't able to compare the danger of multiple srank monsters to anything that has come up against in the past bursting from the ground and slashing at the weaker points of the monster jyn was curious to see if his attacks would work on a monster of this level Vanishing from sight and becoming a beam of blue light an alarm rangs out signaling that the wolf slay buff has activated following this Sprint is activated increasing his speed by 30% allowing Jen to comfortably slash Cerberus multiple times jumping back and activating his bloodlust scale an alarm rings out letting him know that the enemy's resistance was too high canceling out his effects before they could activate seeing that it's not working Jen thinks that the base he's facing is a good matchup when it comes to his current skills however none of his attacks are having an effect looking up at the monster he's sure that this dungeon has to be S rank two more alarms then suddenly ring out signaling to JY that the gatekeeper is using a skill called wrath wrath will last for exactly 3 minutes and in turn double the stats of Cerberus for that time period instantly the Beast lunges at Jin flashing up into the air alboy plunges his blade into one of the beast's heads sadly an alarm rings out letting him know that the Beast felt absolutely no pain startled Jin tries to jump back out of the way however he isn't fast enough and the three-headed animal is able to sink his teeth into his arm crashing into the ground a bunch of alarms rung out telling Jin that his health is falling extremely quickly Jude to him then falling below 30% Health skill perseverance activates reducing all further damage by 50% gen certain that in a dire situation the system will still help the player as much as possible to keep them alive this is because it's problematic for the ideal player s Jen Wu to die willing himself to get stronger he is sure this is different from a normal Reawakening seeing the Bas of attempt to bite him again and feeling as if he's become someone's personal Avatar due to the system makes the decision to exceed that person's expectation Devour the system speaking Jin asks for reward one condition healing to be activated all of a sudden a beam of light strikes him from above refreshing all of his Grievous injuries and giving him the strength to catch the attacking gatekeeper's head without hesitation Jin rotates the first head before instantly jumping towards the next two and slashing at them both screaming and putting all of his might into his attacks and alarm finally brings out notifying Jen that he has been able to slay Cerberus hell's gatekeeper as the Smoke theme begins de cleare Jen thanks the Beast for this battle since he was able to realize what his true level is looking at the doorway behind the creature's corpse it's obvious to him that he will die if he continues to go further into the hell Castle so instead of opening it decides to return once he has gotten a little bit stronger du to Jen taking out the gatekeeper he received the warden's necklace a Class A item that gives him plus 20 agility and sense along with that he obtained the castle door key a key that allows anyone to open the demon Castle's door at any time I'm curious as well what rank do you currently all think jyn is do you think after him beating this creature here that probably like the creature was he's a rank or do you possibly think he's higher or do you possibly think he's lower I right now 100% think he's around B rank it just makes sense to me and whatnot but either way moving forward I'll sweat at night a disheveled man meets with someone from the hunter Association the agent inquires as to what job requires this random dude to talk to him saying that he's heard everything that happens in the dungeon stays in the dungeon the agent asks what he's implying slamming a brimming bag onto the table packed with 20 billion W he tells him that he's pretty sure the hunter can already understand what he's trying to say shaking he begins to plead with the man to please kill those bastards the agent doesn't reply though instead asking for an additional 10 billion to take care of the other Hunters it isn't an issue for him to kill the insects he initially mentioned however there are always are hunters in the Dungeons and he has to deal with those fools as well the agent points out that if someone is to become a bank Hunter they become separated as a high class one and even receive some calls from major guilds asking the disheveled man if he knows why he endured starvation and entered the monitoring Department of the hunter Guild slashing at his own neck with his finger he tells him that it's a lot more fun to kill real people rather than fake monsters elsewhere a one-armed man fends off a bunch of strikes from another member of the dojang dojang by the way is just like the Korean version of a dojo it's just an area where everyone comes and does their martial arts as the Bel then comes to an end and the two men take off their gear the student compliments his master that he skilled like usual joking that he needs to train this old body of his so it doesn't become useless song chel tells him that it's obvious he was going easy on him questioning if he was putting less strength into his thumb out of consideration for his own wounds the student jokes that he wasn't even adding a handicap and if song still had both arms cutting him off though and telling him to stop song reminds him that he's still bringing it up even though it's been a few months now randomly his phone then rings out notifying the C rank hunter that there's been an emergency call out meaning that the training will have to stop here for now asking his master if he RAR plans on postponing his retirement song tells him that well he isn't really sure how long he's got to live at the moment and with his remaining life he wants to stay useful to this world it's already surprising to him that an srank Hunter wants to be taught the way of the sword by a low rank like him moving forward and into town now song thinks on how it's a d rank dungeon he's been called out for this time sadly for song his Awakening didn't affect his strength and his sword skills don't work on Monsters he questions why it was a swordsman like him awakened as a magic Hunter clinching his fist out of desperation he thinks that there must be a reason for all of this stopping he notices someone familiar next to him walking over to him a surprise song asks if he happens to be Mr s Jan Wu realizing that it was indeed him the old dog tells Jin that he didn't recognize him at all and the entire trace of his old self has completely vanished unable to believe how much he has changed he asks what happened to him beating himself up though for asking such a stupid question song looks down and is immediately stunned to see his torn leg now fully healed explaining that when he came to his senses everything was fine for him gentel song he isn't really even sure what happened even though you know man totally knows it was about the blessings he received slapping him on the shoulder though while happily exclaiming that it's good a young man like himself didn't become disabled he tells Jen to not worry about his arm to be honest he's lucky to have even kept his life with the few skills he had funnily enough song even heard the rumors that jyn was safe but he still isn't fully able to believe it after seeing him with his own eyes standing there Jen asks if song is also joining the raid because of the Guild's orders to you know like what she affirms making their way past the no entry tape that Joo spot another three members getting ready for the dungeon laughing at the Ridiculousness of it in front of them son can see that all members from the double dungeon have shown up for this raid noticing Jen work tears form in ji's eyes and she calls out to him surprised to see her himself Jin Wu also points out that the traitor Mr Kim sang shik is Here song also guesses that Kim probably isn't the happiest to see them especially after he pointed a blade at him with the intention of using song as a sacrifice telling himself that he also has no right to speak because he left Jen behind in the end he remarks that he originally never thought the scenario would happen they all returned from the double dungeon alive as her tears begin to run down her face ji asks if it's really him it's just he's changed so much she can barely recognize him now replying he's a bit late in regards to obviously messing up with her again jei says she looked for him everywhere so why is it now that he's showing up why has he grown so much plus his leg should be in a horrible condition and it isn't confused she asks what in the world happened cutting them off though a random vanan pulls up and a man dressed in Orange overalls begins making fun of the isual tension between jei and Jin cacl like a deranged Muppet he questions if the hunters date each other these days telling them to shut up though the previous agent from the monitoring section of the hunter Association tells them that this isn't a damn picnic walking forward and smirking as he passes jei the criminal asks her to take care of them today confused with the criminal showing up chill questions what's going on here sneaking his way over the agent's assistant nervously asks if they happen to be Jin Wu and song before beginning to go over the raid procedure cutting him off though to get confirmation on what exactly is happening here the little man begins to explain that those men are rehabilitators that will join them with the raid enraged over the fact that he has to coading with criminals the assistant reminds song that even if they are criminals now they were once hunters in the past he should know that it's not rare for hunters who committed crimes to serve time and dungeons to reduce their sentences slapping face in anguish the assistant continues telling song that this is only due to the significantly lower numbers of hunters in the area so they've had to resort to these sort of measures also he isn't a need to worry as the monitoring Department's Hunter Kang T shik will be joining them in the raid the criminals themselves are actually all C rank whereas Hunter K is B rank for the criminals to even have a chance in taking them down they need at least 10 C rank Hunters to take part in the dungeon to even be able to land a scratch remarking that something just doesn't feel right about this jinu asks ji to please drop out of the raid making a question what is going on about glancing at her Jen remarks that he's going replying instantly she says that well she's going too then looking around at everyone and seeing the criminals begin to enter the gate or head over towards that direction son can't believe that he has to go and raid with this lot of weirdos walking forth himself he feels like this this is probably just fate though guiding him forwards once more to the the dungeon unlocking the prisoner's handcuffs one of them asks if it's fine for him to treat them like slaves telling him to shut up once again he leaves the criminals and walks up to song and Jinn while introducing himself knowing that they heard the explanation from his assistant Kung tells them to not worry about the criminals since he can keep an eye on them wondering who will lead the raid song offers up his leadership once again turning back to Jin Wu he double checks to make sure he's okay with him being the leader again to watch Jen affirms bowing down he thanks him for giving him another chance if it was his fault that 11 people died then it was thanks to JY that six people managed to survive song's responsibility was the greatest when it came to not being able to protect everyone he bows now not to apologize but to thank him in place of all of the hunters who survived asking song to raise his head the old dog then yells out to Kim making sure he has no complaints if he's the one who leads the raid looking utterly broken like dude scena ghost or something Kim just walks forward telling song to do whatever he wants flashing inside of the dungeon one of the prisoners goes absolutely NATO and pummels one of the Goblins into the floor another slices one and two while recommending that the creatures attack them in packs for a bit chance of killing them song having watched them all turn into beasts can't seem to tell who's the monster and who's human sensing something behind him he turns around and Sparks up his light magic before incinerating and attacking Goblin instantly two more and attack the one armed man from another angle protecting this he quickly pulls his hand up to his face and annihilates the fod creatures turning to Kim he asks if it's fine for a swordsman's swing to be as weak as his making him remark that song always seems to act like the leader saying that they should all be positive song points out the fact that all of the survivors from the incident are now reunited even JY has managed to improve a lot wondering where he got such a good Dagger from he joke said it's strange to see the barehanded Jin wielding a blade now ji even points out that she didn't need to heal him at all and asks have he's sure he didn't train some martial arts while he was gone or something saying that he's just started doing some daily exercises song examines him and thinks that he initially said this all as a joke but it's obvious to them all he's changed a lot from the Jin wo they used to know not only his appearance has changed but his Aura is completely different in the past jyn used to have a hopeless disposition about him but now he has a relaxed sense to him as if he's truly Bloss into a proper man on the other hand jei seems afraid for one to be afraid of me goblins in this dungeon is almost laughable sadly her Trauma from the first dungeon still runs deep it's sad but song thinks if she continues down this path then she'll have to retire extremely soon suddenly the group all comes to a stop as the city dungeon branches off into three different sections Kang proposes that since the uh difficult difficulty of the dungeon is super low they should split up into groups and search each tunnel if they do this the danger might increase however the time to clear the dungeon will also significantly decrease agreeing with him to split up Kang let song know that he'll bring the criminals down the rightmost path so if by chance he happens to find the boss first he can quickly come and run over to them examining the tunnels in front of him and seeing a blue flame appear inside of the leftmost tunnel Jen speaks up and asks song to come down the left one with him after a short moment where both Jin and Kang's eyes meet the Des designated groups or make their way down the tunnels due to his sense stats JY knows that the boss is at the end of this pathway since goblins actually haven't been able to give him much experience so far he'll at least have to kill the boss to obtain some more more importantly than that though Kang T shik Jin just feels like there's something off about him that makes him feel slightly worried over with Kang T and his band of criminals dude explains to them how goblins usually have lower strength and health than a civilian man their size and intelligence are are those of a child but they are annoying foes who will use sneak attacks and attempt to overwhelm their targets of course though even if you give a weapon to a human child they would be just as annoying because even a child can kill a man with a weapon in reality countless child soldiers are armed and attack people on the other side of their own planets King Tay doesn't think there's a single difference between humans and monsters from his perspective they're both in sex asking his men if they can take out a kid one of them tells to not ask such a boring question intrigued King reveals that from this point on in the dungeon the men will meet a 100 bloodthirsty children they've all been starved for months and want to eat the hunters down to the bone once more he asks if they can take these things out smiling the band of criminals or gloat that they can easily do it letting Darkness overrun his mind Kang says the answer is that technically you have to kill anyone to live thinking up something he mentions that he to report this to the Hunter's Guild all these criminals were met by a group of 100 Rous goblins over with Kim and the other dude forgot his name now it'll probably come to me at some point I doubt it though man will probably die soon they both agreed that it'd be great if the raid ended with nothing major happening reflecting back on the past Kim doesn't think anything will happen if the weakest Hunter came to their Dungeon Because that also means it should be weak at least that's what they used to say however it didn't turn out to be exactly correct coming to a decision of his own Kim stops in his tracks and says that after this raid he's going to bow to Jinn and apologize for what happened asking the other dude if he feels guilt he reminds him that them who people call Hunters both ran away he thinks that they can't just act normally after leaving a teammate behind and if they are going to continue being Hunters they need to get used to something as small as bowing their heads even if he refuses their apology he will still bow his head and apologize saying that they should you know probably go now the Jo then end up making their way to the end of their own tunnel wondering if the others all finished up their tunnels and left Kim rounds the corner only to be stunned with whatever it is he's witnessing moments earlier and stuck in his own thoughts Kang wonders if he slightly overdid it the job was to kill them with as much pain the job was to kill them with as much pain inflicted as possible well either way he thinks that the entire experience was good fun so it's not like he can do much about it after all they're telling him to kill them all quickly round in the corner Kim then sees a violent scene Kang T having slain two of the criminals with the third being held tightly in his grip asking what the hell the other Hunters are doing here Kang starts removing his dagger while assuming that the paths must have ended up connecting somehow silencing the last criminal he confirms to himself that the boss's room is down the LIF most tunnel meaning he doesn't need to roam around aimlessly after he's done here ring his blade Kang tells Kim and the fellow hunter that his schedule has slightly changed skipping over to Jin Wu DED snaps and the other direction as he hears a bunch of Screams coming from a nearby tunnel feeling the killing intent he and song make the decision to head back and find out what's going on leaving the tunnel and quickly going down the far right one the group rushed to what EV laser head noticing something out of the corner of his eye Jin instantly throws out his hand to the left blocking the sneak attack that Kang had set up asking him what what the hell he's up to the B rank Hunter jumps back and commends Jin for his sharp senses and being able to stop the attack he explains that his orders weren't to get into fights with the others but it looked like the B rank healer was going to be an issue so he purposefully aimed to take her out first however once again he needs to change his damn plans Christi what he's doing Kang tells jei that he's going to slay them all just like the fod losers all laid out around him screaming out song asks why it is a guild member is doing all of this glancing behind them chin suddenly notices something on the floor stuck in thought and laying there on the ground a man thinks to himself about all of the times his wife has tried to stop him from continuing work as a hunter all of the times his children have asked him if he was truly a hunter and how all of the kids at school ask about what he does this man was only one out of 5,000 someone who awakened and received a rank higher than e many people's lives rest on his shoulders even though he's a hunter though he knows that at the end of the day he's just a husband to his wife and a father to his kids so making the decision Kim states that he cannot die today nor tomorrow sitting in a pool of blood and unable to even move he says that he can't he cannot die here looking as if he's seen a ghost Jen asks if he's okay before quickly realizing the gravity of the situation and getting je to begin healing him starting the healing process Kim tells him that they can't save him anyway it's actually better if they stopped as sadly he's just lost too much blood and there's no possible way of recovery now screaming out that he has to live Jin reminds him that he sit he needs to live for his family no matter what he also needs to live so that Jin can hate him for what he's done looking up at Jinn Kim apologizes for everything that he did in the double dungeon sadly he explains that he never really wanted to apologize like this he wanted to apologize like song with this head bowed down yet if he was to put his head down in this moment he'd die taking his final breath Kim gasps Gathering as much strength as he can must before smiling and telling Jin Wu that he is sorry for what happened really really sorry dropping his head down having left the Mortal realm Jen can't help but feel overwhelmed by this entire situation fixating his violence towards a specific man though he questions what exactly Kang Tay did to Mr Kim reply find that you know he doesn't even know it was probably some monsters K goes on a Rite about how sometimes people get overrun by the monsters to him it's as if it was a natural catastrophe in fact he just thought of a fantastic story on the spot it was initially a massacre story that involved goblins overrunning everyone but now he's guessing he should change it up a little bit the story now consists of the criminals who broke free and tried to escape after they then killed all of the remaining members of The Raid they tried to take out Kang who was at that time busy fighting the boss sadly for the criminals big Kang Tay was far too much and managed to overwhelm them making him the Lone Survivor of the dungeon he asks the others what they all think about his story and if the outside world would believe its authenticity getting annoyed Jen calls him out however song stops his boy and lets him know that he's not someone he'd be able to beat instead he will do it himself song knows that he's a b rank so it's unlikely he'll even be able to land a magic blast plus dude's in a type meaning that song is completely outclassed speed wise plus you know he's he's an old man as well he's not not exactly spry in age anymore picking up Kim's sword man's sword comes in handy more than bloody he did oh rest in peace King either way other way picking up Kim's Sword song assumes Kang probably has a weak defense if he can make an opening with the blade who knows what might happen if he can spark him with a shot from his magic joking that it's been a while since he used the blade song asks for jei to Grant him a physical strength buff instantly she complies lighting the old dog up with an aura of yellow light smirking Kang T asks what the hell a magician is doing wielding a blade song replies that he knows physical strength Buffs on a magician are pretty damn useless but for now he's willing to try it pointing his blade forth song Gets Ready To Face Down the drastically stronger foe as his true self a swordsman since song is a magician he's aware he needs to watch his enemy strength stamina and agility extremely close here even if he is protected by jei it's like installing an engine on a bike and pedling as quickly as possible it's pretty damn hard it's kind of like a downhill race if he doesn't control his speed and take the time to dodge when he needs then he will probably die lunging at song Kang strikes at him with his dagger however he manages to easily block clearing down the B ranker knows magicians are at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting assassins so it's probably a good idea he picked up that blade from just before in the end though he's still just a magician if song's physical rank wasn't even able to reach that of a d ranker Kang T proposes that holding the blade won't even make a difference here reversing the situation jyn is stunned as he watches song FL the dagger away before slicing straight through the B rank Hunter quickly appearing on the other side of the room Kang applauses his movements and asks if he has perhaps practiced in the past with a blade you guys have no idea how hard perhaps practiced in the past was for some reason that was like a tongue twist of tongue twisted k out oh my God watching from the side JY knows it was only for a select moment but song managed to catch up with him if he's able to increase his speed just slightly more then he might have a chance dodging another Slash from song K compliments his fast and precise movement along with abandoning his magic to use a weapon against him Landing an attack though the purple head freak tells him that it's just if he thinks a little he might realize whether there aren't any magical swordsman users throughout the entire mass of hunters seeing him get healed by jei though he notes how much of a pain she truly is knowing that he can't really let this battle become one of endurance he rushes towards the Healer screaming out that he's going to eliminate her as fast as possible appearing directly behind him song slashes down on the hunter while telling him that no one should ever turn their back on a swordsman managing to whip his body around Kang blocks the blade and notes that it doesn't seem like he's just some regular old dude sweating with determination song elaborates on how it may not look like it but he actually has an s-rank student slashing through Kang's block he screams that even if his body cannot keep up his skills will Vanishing from sight and instantly appearing behind the c rank Hunter Kang T tells him that there's always a limit to one's strength asking if he truly believed a magician would be able to keep up with an Assassin's speed he slashes at song who just barely manages to block turning into a ray of blue light the B ranker darts around the room slicing at multiple different spots on song's body and leaving him screaming out in pain slowing his movements down Kang T says that if it was anyone else then he probably would have won here but B rank is far too Superior to his own seeing song drop down in pain Jui runs up behind however the old man Chucks his hand up getting her to stop gleeful over his apparent Victory the B ranker asks if he finally realizes it's all futile raising his hand to end the man's life he promises to kill him painlessly and return without hesitation song then glances up before activating a magical circle from his hand below all of a sudden a large ball of light forms around K that quickly erupts into a tornado of fire destroying everything within that vicinity looking forwards and wondering if his attack worked song's hope is slaughtered as the B rank Hunter appears to his left and begins going over exactly what he did in order to lay the trap suspecting that this here maybe his final Moment song Here the freak tell him to die however just before his attack lands a sneaky man man blocks the attack from out of nowhere diving in behind song and protecting him jyn's presence enrages the hunter as he questions what the hell he's doing here asking who he is and what his rankers s Jin Wu introduces himself as the e- rank hunter that he currently is jumping back to create some space between the two groups Kang T doesn't actually think that it's possible he's that lowly ranked if he's a power type then unleashing all of his strength in one go might have allowed him to block the attack however after seeing his his reaction speed he knows that he isn't normal since he's managed to block two of his attacks he asks if he might be an assassin type but quickly shoots that down instead he knows that JY has been hiding his true strength not as a fake ranker that from his perspective doesn't work since it seems like jy's known the others for a long time Plus fake rankers wouldn't let anybody live if they saw their true power so to him the only answer is that Jin Wu has been reawakened observing the surprised reactions of his opponent Kang and quires if it's because he has only recently reawakened receiving no answer he dismisses the question and puts it aside bringing out his other dagger instead fully prepared he gears up to impart a lesson to Jin Wu as his true Superior UNC concerned Jin Wu stly asks the hunter why he did this specifically referring to killing all of the prisoners along with the other two Hunters confirming that chin Wu meant everything so far K clarifies and lightens up slightly as he explains that he was paid 2 billion1 which is a lie I swear it said 20 billion before plus another 10 billion but it says 1 billion here now which is so confusing to me either way one to kill one of the prisoners responsible for traumatizing a man's daughter the daughter's suffering led to her taking her own life sadly and the mother is still hospitalized unable to overcome that trauma which is honestly pretty damn sad after learning that the man is now unable to sleep King promised to deliver a service worthy of a three or 30 billion one payment for not exactly sure here boys the Revelation sheds light on the motives behind Kang's true actions here adding complexity to the moral landscape of the story obviously at the end of the day I think Kang is just a little bit of a nutcase and he really enjoys just taking people out like that seems to be his thing in the room now though Kang weirdly offers the trio a way out saying that if they promise to not speak of today's incident he'll let them all go uncertain as to why he's offering this to them now Jin Wu points out that the man's expression tells him a completely different story Vanishing from sight once again King appears right in front of Jin and slashes at him however Jin effortlessly blocks the strike looking down on the e- ranker Kang taunts him stating that it's pretty pitiful how all of them will die alongside those insects and a calm and assertive response Jin wo calls him pretty damn pitiful as well revealing that it's Kang not him who's actually going to die soon slashing away while stuck in their Jew Kang says that he doesn't exactly know how how many ranks he rose since e rank but this won't be as easy as he thinks seen his opening Jin Wu slashes forth but sadly misses as K appears nearby mocking how slow his attack was stating that he's pretty fast himself both of the hunters then vanish from light and take on forms of light as they move at such a fast pace song wonders how it's even possible they moving this fast and that the sunin woo he once knew no longer exists back in the bout Kang chokes that this is much to work for only 3 billion one he never expected to meet a hunter of this level in a simple daring dungeon since both of them realize that they're moving at the same speeds now K questions if this is as fastest speed thinking he might be falling behind Jui activates her magic EMP powering Jin Wu with an aura of glowing light energy activating haste and burn booster Kang remarked that he can't play around anymore picking up the speed both Hunters clash in an array of blue light that Sly bounces back and forth of each wall never ceasing Kang assumes that even if they have similar specs and skills the difference in their experience is too vast and that simple fact will lead to Jin Wu's defeat remarking that if he going to protect his healer he needs to do it correctly Kang biffs one of his blades towards the stun J he and a flash song appears in front and manages to deflect the blade saving our girl having fallen for his trap though Jin Wu glances back at K as he unleashes a bunch of slashes that directly hit his opponent noticing that not a single drop of blood fell though can compliment Jinder extreme durability speaking of himself jimu asks if it's possible that he lower his killing intent you see this thing is just so damn sensitive and it activated on its own again like last time the emergency Quest extermination has activated if Jin Wu does not kill the one player that stands before him then his own heart will cease to beat pulling his dagger up to his face and stating that he's coming Kang T gets confused as he's sure that he currently holds the strength Advantage so he can't seem to figure out what what are the world Jin's thinking thankful for the system for once Jin acknowledges that it allows him to somewhat distance himself from what he has to do to this creep and a flash both of them vanished from where they were standing and Clash blades sending a pulse of wind and Sparks throughout the room recognizing jyn's specialization in dagger's agility and close range assassination attempts Kang points out that he is a great counter to Jinn and response Jin remarks that he is indeed learning a lot from this bed including the fact that talkative people in bed are generally trash longer in his head and activating his skill Sprint Jin Wu vanishes from sight sending rocks flying everywhere as he increases his speed by 30% realizing the increased speed of his opponent Kang throws up his daggers to block but Jin manages to break through his defenses flab GED the B rank Hunter questions if Jin also uses skills in battle acknowledging the heightened prowess displayed by his opponent randomly a cut then appears on the side of Kang's face causing all of Jin's effects to land and stop the hunter in his tracks knowing it was the dagger that applied some interesting effects the bank Hunter flexes his Aura easily dispelling all of his stuff weighing him down turning to JY and beginning to phase into the environment around him Kang starts showing off one of his own skills confused because he's unable to sense his Target's presence JY quickly manages to throw up his dagger blocking an attack that came from seemingly nowhere complimenting Jin Wu's ability to block even though he was hiding in his presence Kang Tay begins to elaborate on the main skill he uses stealth this ability allows him to erase his shape smell sound and even Aura only a minuscule amount of Assassins even earn this rare skill that being said no one in the hunter Association actually knows he has the skill stealth the reason being no one has ever survived after seeing the skill of his used in battle dting past Jin Wu K slashes the tendon at the bottom of his left leg seen jei screaming out for the wounded Hunter Kang notes that she'd be able to heal him quickly if it was directly but at this range only basic healing spells would work half reappearing the freak looks towards the others and tells them to shut up and stay where they are after he finishes with Jin here he will then see to the other weaklings not moving now song knows that if this keeps going jyn's stamina will run out he can't currently help in battle itself however he needs to try and figure out a way to buy enough time to get Jin healed mocking him now King asks if jyn can even withstand any more text since his body is so frail plus even if he can stand up he won't have the speed he used to have glaring back Jin just tells the Fe that he talks too much activating status recovery our boy has quickly enveloped an array of yellow flares and sparkles that stun absolutely everyone else in the room Kang instantly starts rethinking his previous analysis initially he assumed that jyn was an assassin type yet an offensive class Hunter with healing spells actually seems to be standing in front of him right now speaking of himself Jin notes how Reliant on his status recovery definitely has its limitations and in the future he needs to try and think of other solutions to his problems actually kind of like that from the author there recognizing how repetitive a part of this story could become and literally telling the readers that he's going to do better in the future anyways anyways Ken questions if it was a trick or perhaps faked confidence by jyn not being able to tell exactly how many times he could use the spell he comes to the conclusion that Jin is extremely dangerous covered by the Shadows JY glances at his opponent and simultaneously feels another emotion of his die stating that even anger itself is a waste on people like Kang the B rank deviant rushes Jin down once more seeing through his stealth skill Jin slashed back aiming directly for the hunter however he just managed to dodge and jump back out of the way having gained some distance from Jinn Kang finally realizes the true difference between Jinn and the other Hunters he took the raid worth smirking like the crazed goona he is he States that it's because Jin's killed before isn't it there are many ways of life and death the determination to change one's Destiny even at the cost of their own life King is able to tell that Jin Wu was forced to make an insanely difficult decision in a very short period of time in turn it looks like his appearance wasn't the only part of him that took a drastic change speaking out loud he explains that such unexpected power increases like in an Awakening will certainly change the rules of their society new exclusive rules are always created for hunters but he thinks there is any need to be Shackled by laws or morals instead from his perspective the words of the strong are the lore and for this very reason he is going to unleash his full power atomizing into nothing but a wave of forceful ear Kang bombards Jen with a plethora of strikes from a variety of different angles however our boy easily blocks every single one of them Grine with a reality of the situation Kang figures out exactly how he managed to see through a stealth skill stealth will hide someone's presence when activated but when Kang tries to attack with a high blood lust his presence is exposed for a fraction of a second he knows that Jen's waiting for this moment to strike yet there really isn't any way that Jen would be able to know where he was going to strike from needing to break the flow that he's falling into Kang looks ahead at Jin Wu who's now completely shrouded in Shadow activating skill blood lust and steering down his opponent a wave of dark energy rushes throughout the room frightening his intended target who all of a sudden begins running through a shadowy like substance wondering what the hell this is Kang looks up to see that the darkness that covers his eyes and the room is coming from the menacing shadow that Towers in front of him unable to sense death approaching Jin Wu plunges his fang into the chest of Kang taak and looks down on him as he collapses to the floor below he who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a Monster Hunters are those who Witness countless deaths as well as take lives themselves this is obviously because it's usually a life or death situation they not only fight against Monsters but amongst themselves as well Kang elaborates that they already were perfect killing machines one wouldn't lump hunters and ordinary humans into the same category he will now die here because he lost wanting to ask one final question though he asks what Jin is an assassin class with healing magic and debuff abilities he's never heard of anything like it replying that he isn't quite sure either Kang jokes that himself being a babble mouth might be a detriment but having a lot of Secrets isn't that great either getting weaker and closer to the end both of Jin's bleed and paralysis effects start taking a hold of Kang T continuing to speak either way he tells him that he won't be able to hide his new skills now that he's killed him still not replying Jin Wu just stands there looking down at the fading Hunter below him finally speaking up and proposing the idea that he's a hunter who grows stronger from each fight he asks K how strong he thinks he could eventually get kind of stun with like what he's just heard Kang tells JY that his shadow is connected to the darkness behind him in turn he will become as strong as his Shadows depth in the dark following this jinu completes his emergency Quest and receives a new reward five step points pulling up his hood he knows that he has certainly gotten much stronger but as he sees the blood at his feet feels like something within him gets lost every time he gets stronger coming up behind him ji thanks Jin Wu for saving him once again and song jokes that they would have died if he wasn't here as well Jui questions what they should do now wondering if they should leave and report it to the guild Jin however points out that first they need to close the dungeon gate blowing song away who still hasn't 100% come to grasps with jy's new Strength moving over to K and removing the dagger that was still there you know he notices a small glowing light from his chest pulling it out an alarm rings letting him know that he has received the stealth Rune to use this skill all Jen has to do is break the stone and it will become his this makes him question if he's able to obtain multiple different skills after taking the lives of people which is kind of messed up if you think about it over the other side of the room song yells out saying that they're going to headit out and Report us to The Guild but we'll wait for him outside telling him that they shouldn't worry as it won't even take that long Jinn then walks over to the other side of the cave where Kang initially started his Onslaught commanding that the criminal get up Jin asks why he tried to act dead was it that he was going to try and run off without anyone noticing seeing the cut on his vocal CS though and realizing how brutal K was to them he remarks that he probably would have killed them in the most painful way possible after ensuring that they couldn't scream grabbing him by the Scruff of his collar he knows the criminal is going to bleed out at this rate so mentions the idea of taking him to ji and asking her to save him dragging him now Jen tells him to stay still however the criminal realizes that this isn't the way to the exit opening the door to another room of the dungeon the terrified man stands there looking at all of the ravenous goblins in front of him speaking up from behind Jin asks if he remembers all of the names of his victims before calling him trash beyond that of K T shik for Jin there's no way he'd ever take a monster like this criminal back outside dribbling staring and ready to devour their prey all of the bloodlusted Goblins Rush forth and completely destroy the disgusting criminal following this a silent whale echoed throughout the distance of the cave recapping the fight Jen wo remarks that defeating the Hobgoblin boss wasn't too damn difficult at all then after finally leaving the dungeon Mr song and ji explained exactly what happened to The Guild employee after the employee realized the situation was massive and out of her control she called her superiors to come to the scene arriving at the scene now wuin chill asks his assistant how many minutes have passed since the dungeon was cleared hearing that it's been about 40 minutes L understands he has around 20 minutes left before the gate closes and commands the assistant to go inside and recover as many bodies as possible within 8 minutes then return back walking forth towards the survivors he questions if they still manag to clear the dungeons themselves to which the young lady confirms pondering the situ situation W's been told that Kang tried to kill the remaining Hunters during a contract assassination if that is indeed true then it's likely Kang would have intentionally left corpses behind but instead he deliberately closed off the dungeon confirming to woo that he was hiding something glancing to his right as he walks forth and seeing who he thinks might be Hunter S Jin Wu he remarks that he really didn't recognize him at first fully introducing himself to the group as the head of the monitoring division wuin chill apologizes for the harm one of his employees might have doubt them stuck in thought himself Jin Wu wants to you know kind of gas himself up cuz it's the first time he was able to take down such a strong opponent however he never knew before how strong wuin troll actually was just looking at him now he can tell he is in a completely different League most likely an a ranker wanting to ask Jin woo a few questions woo asks if he'll cooperate and allow them to figure out what might have happened inside the dungeon to which Jen agrees asking them all directly w wonders who it was that actually killed the B rank Hunter Kang T shik realizing he most likely won't be able to hide that he's been reawakened now and will have to void his contract with Jin ho JY is suddenly taken by surprise as big song steps up stating that it was him bluntly asking if song could tell him his rank the big dog lets him know that he's a c rank making the hunter confused as to how a weaker rank defeated Kang pointing out the b rank Hy behind him woo states that he guesses it is possible have he received some sort of like support from her he knows though that Kang was someone the association even had a hard time controlling so he finds it difficult to believe that a one-armed man really beat a skill B rank assassin in combat which is so true man wanting more he asks for song to come back to the association with him as he's going to need to help him file some reports to do with the incident seeting The Association members go to leave Jen quickly pulls song to the side and asks why it was he lied for him telling the younger Hunter he just assumed that he had a reason to hide his abilities song asks if he was wrong to do so he also points out that you know Jen probably won't be able to escape the investigation that does end up happening but this was the least he could do to pay him back for now getting Jin Wu's attention woo tells him he doesn't think it's possible an e- rank could have defeated a b rank like K T he also doesn't think it's necessary to suspect him of Reawakening again however he lets him know one thing something so important that if he does not take it seriously his life may end sometime soon wondering what he could have possibly meant woo reminds him how he was the only Survivor along with obviously Jin ho from hang Dong's assault team the problem with this is that hang's younger brother dong so might seek the Joo out in order to get revenge stunned with this knowledge jinu asks if he means the srank hunter hang dong so to which It's Quickly confirmed according to woo it doesn't even matter what happened during the dungeon raid the only import important factor is that he survived and Dong suak didn't since dong so is an S rank the laws can't really bind him either they're living Miracles and at the same time devastating calamities if we were him he says it'd be in his best interest to keep his eyes peeled at all times because he may end up being hunted by someone who even the monsters Fear 3 hours later after the incident involving the murder of Kang T shik took place the gold Company CEO ended up turning himself in justifying the action taken by the Association a few moments later and as the Epistles Begin to Fall around her ji pulls out the original e- rank Crystal Jen gave her and asks if he happens to remember this well that there finally brings us to the very end of the sixth solo leveling Arc Jen's finally getting his Zs now man's about to level up in another department other than just strength or agility for once so you know I'm happy for him I'm happy for him if you guys have enjoyed the video as well then make sure you all do leave a like And subscribe if you our new around here as it really helps out with pushing my content to a bunch of new amazing people plus if you do want to get early access to the next video that's already live up on my patreon then I will leave a link down in the description below and thank you again to all of my amazing patreons who do support the channel and keep me being able to hire editors and put out content at a faster Pace than I normally do either way we've got a bunch of stuff coming out in the near future working on obviously the jju kais and stuff at the moment along with more solo leveling along with one punch man and probably chainsaw man that I need to do as well and I just like there's just so many things that I'm trying to get done right now it's actually crazy so make sure you are subscribed so you don't miss out on any of it but for now it's been your professional degenerate deolo and I will see you all in a bits bye what am I doing why am I backwards
Channel: Diavolo
Views: 26,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, sung jin woo, solo leveling anime, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling manwha recap, solo leveling episode 9, solo leveling story explained, solo leveling dungeon and prisoners arc, dungeon and prisoners solo leveling, solo leveling arc explained, solo leveling arcs, kang tae shik, b rank hunter, solo leveling manga, all of solo leveling, sung jin woo vs assassin, sung jin woo vs kang tae shik full fight, solo leveling sung jin woo vs kang, jin woo vs kang, jin
Id: a9HU85TI2yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 45sec (3705 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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