Hunter Biden caught in new 'bizarre' scandal; 'The Five' reacts

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there's a new scandal with joe biden's son hunter secret service reportedly got involved in a bizarre case back in 2018 involving his missing gun hunter's then girlfriend his brother beau's widow halle reportedly lost his weapon after tossing it in a grocery store trash can because she quote thought he was going to kill himself with it secret service agents allegedly got involved by trying to obtain the paperwork involving the gun sale from the owner of the store that hunter bought it from but were unsuccessful and then there's this hunter may have broken the law the report says he answered no to a question on the background check form about using drugs and lying on the form is a felony so jesse you know this is a very bizarre story the gun was tossed into a trash can and found by a man who was rummaging through it and it was across from a high school could have gotten someone could have gotten severely injured if the gun had been loaded and it was in the trash can that man found it um but hunter just seems to leave things around like he left the gun in his truck hallie went and took it to the to the grocery store left his laptop at that computer repair shop and it gets him in trouble everybody cleans up after him that's the story of hunter's life imagine if don jr left a firearm in a trash bin across from a school and then the secret service swept in and tried to cover it up oh man i can't that's something chris cuomo would be allowed to report on i guarantee you biden's just a chaotic person you know he's it's he's he's been like this his whole life he's been drug addicted apparently he was suicidal he's reckless the woman obviously who he was with at the time was incredibly irresponsible to just have a fit and throw the gun at a place like that and it but delaware is a small state people take care of each other there joe's been there in office for 40 years his his son was a.g there you know law enforcement all knows each other the secret service of course is going to take care of a former vps family haydar the hunter's definitely on their radar i can guarantee you that so i'm not surprised this was covered up and i'm not surprised the media isn't saying oh guns danger uh prosecute he'll never get prosecuted well juan that's the big question here right so we're hearing a lot from joe biden about the need for more gun safety measures and here we have hunter biden lying on an atf background check form which is a felony and for normal people if they're prosecuted it's 10 years in prison at 250 000 fine well you know the what strikes me about this story is first i guess it was the girlfriend the widow of the brother who threw the gun not him uh but you know i think you know the drugs the computer yeah i don't know about that i don't know what exactly is the i don't know what the technicality is katie but you shouldn't lie on these forms i will say this i don't think there's any cover up i sure don't think that i think we're hearing about it we don't know the details of this story but with the computer and now with the gun there's no evidence that anybody acted to cover up anything with regard to hunter bite in fact i think he's written a book his his troubles are pretty public greg i mean yeah he loses a laptop here he loses a gun over there he impregnates a stripper the guy can't keep anything in his pants but you know the the big ques the big point here and you bring it up how can you push for gun control when your own kin can't control his own gun and here's a gripe that but this is what bugs me every family has a hunter somewhere could be a cousin but the law isn't that kind to a you know a drug-addled sex addict loser right you don't get this many breaks i mean this guy he's not just the black sheep he's the whole flock but he his deviance is allowed to prosper because his privilege allows him so many chances to keep going i mean there's no way a minority kid could have gotten away with this resume of escapades i mean this is truly elite privilege and that suicidal mention i you know i don't know what's going on but that's generally a lot of times it can be used as manipulation when your lifestyle is threatened by a loved one if they say they want to they want to take away your drugs or they want you to they want you know they're gonna they want you to seek help you'll go no i'll kill myself because that will maintain you know your your uh your kind of gratuitous lifestyle so um he's a prime manipulator that's what he is hurt a lot of people dana for me yeah dana for me this this is really about hunter biden getting away with lying on a federal form that would be a felony for any other person while joe biden and democrats are preaching that we need even more laws and yet we're not willing to prosecute hunter biden it just seems like an unfair standard of justice uh indeed and also this so uh juan says that we're hearing about it well when are we hearing about it we're hearing about it in the spring of 2021 we're not hearing about it um in october of 2020 um and why is that and also the u.s secret service um joe biden wasn't i believe he wasn't under their protection at the time in 2018. so were the u.s secret service acting on their own were they acting unofficially will the biden administration encourage an inspector general investigation of this and keep their hands clean of it uh and and be transparent about it i think that would have been a great question at the press conference today it would have been dana you're absolutely right well i hope that there is some follow-up because there should be the same legal standard for lying on background check forms for everyone else as there is for hunter biden okay
Channel: Fox News
Views: 892,862
Rating: 4.9109917 out of 5
Keywords: biden, biden gun, breaking news, fox news breaking news, hallie biden, hunter biden, hunter biden breaking news, hunter biden gun incident, hunter biden gun purchase, hunter biden gun story, hunter biden lied, hunter biden scandal, hunter biden story today, hunter buden gun, joe biden hunter biden, joe biden press conference, politico hunter biden gun, the five, the five hunter biden, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network
Id: 3aGsCid4rgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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