Biden and Harris suffer 'cringeworthy' moments over the weekend

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joe made more creepy remarks about a very young girl in the audience then of course he stammered and stumbled and bumbled like he usually does but yeah this was particularly creepy i'm especially honored to share the stage with brittany and jordan and nathan and margaret catherine i i love those barrettes in her hair man i tell you what look at her she looks like she's 19 years old sitting there with her like a little lady in her legs meanwhile vice president harris she had a cringe-worthy moment of her own during a commencement address at the u.s naval academy on friday she obsessed about green energy made a woke joke that almost nobody found funny except for her and then she did what she usually does starts laughing somewhat uncontrollably somewhat uncomfortably look you are electrical engineers who will soon help convert solar and wind energy into power convert solar and wind energy into combat power and just ask any marine today would she rather carry 20 pounds of batteries or a rolled up solar panel and i am positive she will tell you a solar panel and so would he [Music] it wasn't funny that was hannity on fox news mocking the biden administration hannity poked fun at the cringeworthy moments that both president joe biden and his vp kamala harris had suffered over the weekend the pair also came under fire for their disrespectful tweets for the memorial day weekend but for joe biden kamala harris oh it's just a nice long weekend have a great long weekend no joe and no kamala on friday biden kicking off the national holiday tweeting a picture of himself with an ice cream cone and a caption that reads stay cool this weekend folks and not to be outdone as kamala harris tweeting a picture of herself smiling from ear to ear enjoy the long weekend with no mention of why we have a long weekend which would be memorial day whatsoever many social media users quick to remind her that the weekend was a time to remember and honor the millions of americans who lost their lives while serving in the u.s military lauren wrote care to mention why we're having a long weekend kamala kyle said is this intended to insult the memory of the fallen because that's how it reads and kimberly said long weekend i know many are upset and saying this is disrespectful but i believe you are really just stupid social media also took aim at biden's tweet arguing it was a real misfire from the president one user wrote do you know why we are having this long weekend joe to memorialize our falling heroes who died to make this country great you sir are not one of them
Channel: Sky News Australia
Views: 2,929,896
Rating: 4.790771 out of 5
Keywords: 6257022773001, fb, msn, usa, world, yt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 8sec (188 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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