Former Secret Service agent exposes Hillary Clinton

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first right now his former Secret Service agent and the guy who has written the new book called crisis of character regarding Hillary Clinton and and his time watching Bill Clinton as he worked outside the Oval Office Gary Byrne Gary before we talk a little bit about your new book which is a runaway bestseller but you were posted in Turkey are you surprised that John huddy is able to get that close I mean they've already opened up the airport we've got some live images right there there's one of the bullet holes right there in the glass actually what you're seeing there is something I actually experienced years ago in the early 1980s when I went to the Ankara airport there had been an attack in the 70s and the bullet holes were still there right it's so important to tell the terrorists we're to go back to business and they did the same thing in Israel to open up the cafe hours after the attack serious yeah the Turk the Turkish mentality is tough there's strong people and I wish them the best okay let's talk about some of the some of what you saw years and as a Secret Service agent Hillary Clinton in your book that's chronicled in your book crisis of character first off you open up talking about Bush 41 yes and you pretty much echo what many people say solid class new expected to see the same thing in the transition to the Clintons who were the Clintons how was it different so when I first started working protecting the Clintons actually they were running for office and we heard all these rumors from Arkansas and what rumors rumors about the president affairs and about the state police that protected him being forced to help him facilitate these Troopergate yeah that kind of thing and we also heard these stories about their their behavior with each other volcanic all kind of dangerous and actually I talked to this this sheriff down there one time and we were joke I was joking on though I said there's no way this guy could ever get elected and he looked me like he was looking right through me and he said let me tell you something guy believe everything you hear and they will get elected and they'll stay there for eight years he said this is unbelievable he said they can spin manure in the gold the first chapter is called the vase yes the vase story so I came to work one morning and as the Secret Service uniformed division officer and before I went to my host I went over to see a buddy in the ground floor of the White House and he had said there'd been a huge fight the first round we have Mr mrs. Clinton had a huge fight upstairs I know this sounds like silly like you were eavesdropping but you have to put yourself in that position that the White House is huge it's old it's the sound travels right down the stairwells in the elevator shaft so anyway he said during the fight there was a crash and when it was investigated they found a blue base now and is this has been reported before as a lamp but it was that's not true I saw the base because after he told me the story knowing how the White House worked I walked right down to the curators office which was a couple doors down opened the door and looked in and there I saw the crush you know broken blue base in a cardboard box in the archives room in the curators office yes ma'am the president yeah so later later on the next time I saw the president over at the Oval Office when he came in he had a mark under his eye and I was a black eye and but you could see they were trying to conceal it with makeup and I said to his assistant Nancy hunter I can Betty Kerry what's that mark under the president time and they said Nancy said oh he's allergic to coffee and I stood under one eye and so as Nancy walked into her little part of the office and I started to walk out I turn to Betty Kerry and I said you know I'm allergic to the back of his somebody's hand yeah no kidding and I was just trying to spark a reaction to figure out well you know what was going on yeah they weren't going to spill the beans but Gary given the fact you described it has been described there the relationship between Hillary and Bill Clinton volcanic very loud at some point you had conversations with other Secret Service agents about what do we do we're here to protect the president United States what happens if his wife right it's the troubleman right that was that was a topic of discussion it kind of started out one day in particular I remember is like we were joking about it and then all of a sudden the agent I was talking on it's like what would we do I go well you got to protect the president I mean if she walks in when he's doing something he shouldn't be and that you know you got to protect the president got to protect her and whoever the poor person is is there they're kind of on their own so you know the scenario was if she walked in on the with one arrived women right right it was a concern and they and then when you when you take what we what I experience and whatever other people experience about her dangerous angry behavior and put that together it's you know it's the recipe for domestic violence she hate to see you guys she basically jump into a closet to stay out of her eyesight well we were supposed to I would tell you that I never did and and it it got me in a couple jams once in a while like on the road but yes there was this this guideline that they didn't want she didn't want to see people and and here's an example check out this quote from your book she said once through a Bible at an agent on her detail hitting him in the back of the head a sign assignment or detail was a form of punishment handed down by passive-aggressive middle management when her detailed past missus couldn't expected everyone to just disappear she didn't want to see anyone in the White House halls if the whole place where the personal Executive Mansion it was insulting she hated uniforms yeah you were giving up your life or could be potentially giving your life to protect her right my experience with them is they don't like the military and they don't like law enforcement and my personal feeling based on what I saw is she does not like men sure so what about Lewinsky affair and what you did to short-circuit it and she overcame it it was unbelievably sloppy about it I tried to help them when I could when it was clear to me that Monica Lewinsky was trying to put herself in the president's path all the time I went to Evelyn Lieberman and I asked her to take some steps to have her removed and she understood what I was saying and I actually said Evelyn look if I'm overstepping my bounds then they in followed complaint but I think it's that important and Monica got removed for about a week and then magically she came back not an intern now but with a hard White House pass that allows her to go most anywhere but their private living quarters I tell us the falling story so one day Monica manipulated herself into the oval office area and she walked by my post and President Clinton exactly in george stephanopolous office which was just past his dining room and he was conferring with George and he stepped out in the hallway and he saw Monica coming down the hallway and they had you know a few words you know like no hi how are you a pleasant reason and I was standing there and this time like I've been trying to usher Monica out you know so anyway as they were talking I closed the gap a little bit and you can see she could see me coming so she started walking away and as she walked past she had this dress on and she looked back and made sure the president was looking at that she flipped up the dress and showed him her blue font I felt like I was it it was just bizarre like a night like you're in Cancun yeah why you're doing this why you're telling you I'm telling my story because I want the truth to come out you know I have to look my kids in the face like everybody else and when you when you experience the things that I did two years three years ago I to sit down on the couch like we are with my kids and I had them search on google my name Bill Clinton's name of Monica Lewinsky's name I wanted them and I wanted to tell them what had happened because they were going to study about it in school and let's face it some of the things that are now our history are r-rated and you're in it yeah and I wanted my kids to know it from their father what had happened and I want people to know that this image I realized all politics has a little bit of you know over the top you know about their candidates but this image of mrs. Clinton that she's a leader is completely wrong and you're sorry mrs. Clinton's machine is trying to unbook you see it is already unbooked you guys none of the networks will touch you you just mentioned George Stephanopoulos you think they're going to tell a story on GMA no and the funny thing is when people come out like this retired Secret Service Association comes out and says I never had access all's you have to do is go as George Stephanopoulos I stood right outside his door for years I was friends with with his coat with his assistants everybody knows who I am Gary gray the truth we all know who you are definitely Gary Byrne wrote the book it's called crisis of character if you want to pick it up on radio in a little while thank you
Channel: Fox News
Views: 6,202,947
Rating: 4.7866068 out of 5
Keywords: Ainsley Earhardt, Brian Kilmeade, Steve Doocy, Fox Friends, Elections, Democrats, Presidential, Apple News, Scandals, On Air, Personality, Politics, Primary Politics, Special, Fox News, News
Id: Az33CK79b_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2016
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