Tucker: Michigan AG arrested guest after appearing on this show

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oh the promo the state of michigan has some of the most dangerous cities americans have great state is beautiful but there's some very dangerous places detroit is the most famous obviously but it's not the only one muskegon heights kalamazoo jackson ypsilanti all have crime rates far higher than the national average as do other michigan cities in detroit violence escalated to new and terrifying levels over the last year more than a thousand people were shot in detroit in the past 12 months so dana nessel is the attorney general of michigan as the state's chief law enforcement officer you think she would be very concerned about all those people getting murdered in her state but she's not concerned nor is nestle bothered to investigate her governor gretchen whitmer who like andrew cuomo is responsible for the deaths of so many nursing home residents from covit gretchen whitmer is dana nessl's political ally so she's getting a pass completely data nestle has better things to do than stop murders or figure out why elderly people are dying she has instead marshaled the full force of the state to crush a single disobedient restaurant owner a polish immigrant called marlena pavlos hackney whom we've had on the show pavlos hackney's crime was disobeying state corona regulations so last week nessel had her handcuffed and arrested in a sting operation she drove to work keep in mind that there is no proof that pavlos hackney is responsible for a single covet infection not one no proof but dana nessl sent her to jail anyway and then issued a highly self-righteous press release bragging that she did it pablo's hacking was released from jail yesterday but only because officials determined that her highly dangerous restaurant had been completely closed down it's hard to imagine a more disproportionate response than this but for those who've watched dana nessel for the past two years is not surprising dana nestle is out of control she's an ideologue she cares only about partisan advantage she should be impeached by the michigan legislature for her many abuses of power she's that corrupt but she's also a bit of a dim bulb not a super genius and that's why when she was asked why she put marlena pavlos hackney in jail nestle actually admitted the real reason she didn't make up some fake legal principles she said straightforwardly that marlena pavlos hackney had dared to come on this show at 8pm and complain about her that's no longer allowed and to compound the offense pablo hackney tried to raise money for her own legal defense and that too is now a crime in dana nessl's michigan sound like america to you oh no it doesn't it sounds like dictatorship didn't nestle is a threat to the rule of law the law that she is charged with enforcing and she should be removed immediately when people like this take positions like attorney general it's not a joke well
Channel: Fox News
Views: 988,276
Rating: 4.8727684 out of 5
Keywords: carlson, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, tucker, tucker carlson, tucker carlson monologue, tucker carlson monologue tonight, tucker carlson tonight, tucker monologue, tucker monologue tonight, tucker reacts, tucker tonight, dana nessel, fox news dana nessel, dana nessel tucker carlson, tucker michigan attorney general, michigan AG, michigan attorney general, michigan, tucker carlson guest
Id: P84Fcid0Fvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 36sec (156 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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