Psaki blasted for claiming she never heard about Hunter Biden report

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welcome back you're watching the fox business network we're coming into the bottom of the hour joining me now is former top congressional investigator sam dewey hey sam it's always great to have you back on white house press secretary jen saki getting blasted for trying to claim she did not know about a widely publicized senate report by senators ron johnson and chuck grassley on hunter biden's shady overseas business dealings when gensake talked about this same report in december why is she claiming she doesn't know about it but i re i really don't know and it is you know quite odd to have talked about a report in december and now claim uh that you don't know about it i i you know can only speculate i can say that generally that sometimes a strategy that's used when there's a report out that's thorough and detailed like the one that chairman johnson and chairman grassley put together to try to ignore talking about it to try to minimize it not discuss it because if you get drawn into discussing it sure you may disagree with a conclusion here sure you may disagree with a legal premise here but generally if you're discussing it on a thorough report like that uh you're taking damage so it's really uh something i've seen quite frequently a common uh public relations avoidance scheme well she's working for the taxpayer she doesn't work for the president she works for the taxpayer that means you have to be honest and truthful in your answers as she was in december when she talked about this same report when the reporters cited the september 2020 senate homeland security report as evidence saki replied i'm not familiar with it at all let's listen to what she said so there was a report last year from the senate finance and homeland security committees it claimed that the wife of moscow's former mayor paid a company associated with the president's son 3.5 million dollars there was no explanation for this alleged payments and i'm wondering if you could tell us if that claim is accurate and if so what the 3.5 million dollars was paid for not familiar with that claim doesn't sound like it's backed up by a lot of evidence if you have evidence or specifics happy to discuss the senate committee's report so you have been asked about this i'm not familiar with the report at all okay social media really blasting this as an incompetent response because the senate report was based on treasury documents like suspicious activity reports that was tracking shell companies used by hunter biden so the claim that she was not familiar with the report when she talked about in december it just doesn't stand up no no i mean i don't think it does it's clear and there's a double issue with the answer first claiming you don't know something uh that you had seen before and then second the notion of give me evidence when the reporter was asking her if she would uh read the evidence and i'd point out you know consistent with the high quality of the work chairman johnson did and chairman drastly did you know all they said was there was this payment that looked suspicious they didn't draw any wild or unfound conclusions they stated what they could prove and left the rest of further fact findings so i think they made a very responsible claim as you pointed out grounded in documents and it's disappointing there wasn't more engagement with that claim by the press secretary yeah and senator ron johnson is tweeting back at jen saki's with the link to the report uh the senate report saying we hear you didn't hear about it uh here's a link to it so you could read it uh so this is sort of feigning ignorance at a really weird time in the news cycle when that story has been out there for months that hunter biden got three and a half million dollars wired to him by the former uh the mayor of the wife of the former mayor of moscow so again when you stand up and you say claim ignorance about something that's been out there isn't that a red flag that something else might be going on i think so because it's again just a failure to engage with the facts and it's a common method to avoid uh engaging with something that you don't want to engage with you know the report has as i said is very thorough uh chairman johnson staff did a great job it is full of footnotes two specific documents many of them which are you know completely non-controversial records and if you don't even want to engage with that that raises the question of why so you know this this indicates that something else may be going on with hunter biden that if they're trying to shut down information about it in such an incompetent way sam you gotta wonder something else is boiling beneath the surface about hunter biden your final word i mean i think you're correct this is a common avoidance strategy to shut down a story and you have to ask questions uh you know what is going on why is this being done got it sam dewey it's good to see you come back soon
Channel: Fox Business
Views: 1,489,211
Rating: 4.8912139 out of 5
Keywords: Fox business hunter biden, Hunter Biden, fox business jen psaki, jen psaki, psaki, psaki biden, business news, elizabeth macdonald, evening edit, fbn, fox biz, fox business, fox business channel, fox business network, fox business news, fox business the evening edit, liz macdonald, liz macdonald tonight, the evening edit, the evening edit tonight, biden administration, joe biden, hunter biden investigation, attorney general, hunter biden ron johnson, jen psaki hunter biden
Id: p-uJUVeOvjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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