Dan Bongino on 'explosive' new details in Hunter Biden 'scandal'

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tonight we're also learning more we're learning more about the bizarre 2018 gun incident surrounding hunter biden and his late brother's widow haley involving a firearm that was reportedly tossed behind a wilmington delaware grocery store because according to the new york post texts from hunter biden himself suggest that the secret service was involved in the incident despite contrary claims from the agency quote she stole the gun out of my trunk lock box and threw it in a garbage can filled to the top at jansen's then told me it was my problem to deal with end quote hunter wrote according to messages obtained by the new york post hunter then continued quote then when the police the fbi and the secret service came on the scene she said she took it from me because she was scared i would harm myself due to my drug and alcohol problem and our volatile i don't volatile relationship end quote there's even more because according to politico a new documents obtained by the federalist hunter may have lied on his federal form 4473 about his past drug use when he answered no to question 11e about drug and substance abuse and today senators grassley and johnson have sent letters to the secret service the fbi and the atf demanding answers about the incident we've reached out to hunter biden's lawyer for comment but have yet to hear anything back the secret service has denied the agency was involved in the gun store incident joining me now for reaction house minority whip steve scalise along with fox news contributor charlie hurt congressman i'll go to you first uh this is just contributing to the growing perception in america that there are two sets of rules for the bow tie wearing elites um and for everyone else i mean this can't possibly be received well we're reading hunter biden's own text it's not like we made this up yeah dan there there are a number of really serious concerns that are raised when you read that political article frankly it mentions multiple potential violations of federal law not the least of which as you mentioned if he lied about drug use on the federal forum but also just throwing a gun in the trash can if you read the article about some of the conversations he had with police it almost sounds like he was getting tested with police because they were asking him basic questions uh he there was slurs that were made about people here from mexico i mean a lot of things in that police report that are very alarming but again you've got president biden right now talking about passing more gun control making it harder for law-abiding citizens to get a gun and yet here you have a case of his son who from all appearances broke multiple laws and gets off scot-free and like you said what does the secret service even have to do with this joe biden wasn't vice president he didn't even have secret service protection at the time and yet the secret service went and tried to pull the gun records from the gun store luckily the gun owner didn't give those records over to him but again what are they doing trying to get those records a lot of serious questions that ought to be raised but we shouldn't be passing gun control to make it harder for law-abiding citizens stop people who break the law uh from getting away with it scot-free yeah i mean the the irony here is so thick uh it's impossible to ignore charlie and and one other component to this you know charlie if this was a story forget about don junior this was a story about don jr's cousin's friend's neighbor and don had a hot dog at his house 30 years ago this would be a front page story everywhere all over the cosmos and yet because it's a story about hunter biden it'll receive a light touch everywhere no the it's a the massive cover-up for the bidens is something that we've never witnessed before in in modern uh american politics it's just appalling and by the way i know a lot of gun owners all three of us we all know lots of gun owners i don't know anybody who would first of all throw a a weapon away in a trash can in a a in a high trafficked area like that uh in the first place in the second place i don't know anybody who would ever lie on one of those forms uh and the fact that you have you know a clear questions about whether hunter biden did lie on those forms raises all kinds of very important questions that that obviously need to be answered um but but of course the biggest the most appalling part of all of it is the fact that here we are at a time where as you point out uh joe biden and democrats are talking unlike they've talked ever before about going after law abiding gun owners and making it harder for law abiding gun owners who would never do any of these things to prevent them and to curtail their abilities to protect themselves protect their families to protect their neighbors but this is just the way that apparently the way the bidens roll and it's it's disgusting and and we have to get to the bottom of it and i think a big reason why politicians often do this sort of thing they they uh go for the shiny object and try to come up with new rules that they want to go after is because it's an admission that they have failed to enforce all of the laws that are currently on the books and that's usually how bad things wind up happening yeah good point charlie congressman is there any appetite whatsoever on the hill to investigate this family anymore i mean how much is this guy going to get away with talking about hunter i mean the accusations here are are the stuff of almost legend payoffs from russian oligarchs i mean this is the kind of stuff again if it involved anyone even close to the trump orbit it would be a cosmic scandal from like an avengers movie is there any appetite to investigate here yeah dan and you can see there's already requests being made for this to be investigated i'm waiting for the biden justice department to investigate but again if you replaced the words biden with trump and then you read that article the political article that really goes into detail about the police report alarming questions all throughout if that was trump instead of biden every newspaper in the country would be all over it would be the lead story on all of the mainstream media outlets and yet crickets like everything else but people are watching this it's like the double standard you see with so many of these democrat officials who break the rules they tell you to live by one set of rules they're living by another they're trying to take away your freedoms when they're not even complying they're trying to take away our gun rights as we speak in washington and the president of the united states himself is talking about going nuclear and blowing up the filibuster in the senate to get gun control and make it harder for you to get a gun and yet his own son looks like violated multiple laws why don't you force the laws that are on the books instead of going after people who aren't breaking the laws like hurt said yeah well congressman thanks please follow up on that i mean really america needs accountability here so we really appreciate it charlie congressman thanks a lot absolutely coming up
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: Hinter Biden, bongino, charlie hurt, dan bongino, fox news hunter, gun store, gun store hunter biden, hannity bongino, hunter, hunter biden dan bongino, hunter biden drug use, hunter biden gun, hunter biden gun story, hunter biden texts, rep steve scalise, secret service, secret service dan bongino, secret service hunter biden, steve scalise, fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, new york post, breaking news, fox news breaking news, breaking
Id: uV3Z_edhcw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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