How I Edit and Retouch Fashion Portraits - Photoshop Tutorial

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hi guys Jessica here in today's tutorial I'm gonna be showing you guys how I retouch and color edit this portrait real quick guys before we start the tutorial this video was sponsored by Squarespace you guys know as a photographer it's really important for me to have my work and Brandes played professionally online Squarespace really makes it easy to do you can do things like claim a domain you can build a website you can market your brand and it's done through their all in one platform it's really easy to use they have a lot of beautiful templates for a lot of different projects so even if you're not doing photography you still have a lot of options and you can also create an online store to sell products like presets which is what I currently do on my website I do it through them or if you want to sell a service you can also do that and if you ever run into an issue they have 24/7 award-winning customer support that's always there to help so it's just it's all-in-one and it's really easy to use and it's it takes the intimidation out of making a website and that's why I recommend it to not only my viewers but also to my close friends you guys can check out for a free trial and when you guys are ready check out Squarespace calm slash Jessica to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain let me know what you guys think of it and with that being said let's get straight into the video so first things first this is a raw file and I've gotten this open into Camera Raw and Photoshop now I do think it's important to shoot in RAW there's a lot of a lot of benefits if your photo is not a raw file you're not gonna see this window so what happened is I had a folder with this image I double clicked it and it opened directly into this panel again it's called Camera Raw so that is where I'm gonna be doing the first couple of edits now I'm doing this just to add a little bit of a base you know tweak the colors just a little bit before we officially open it into Photoshop I definitely think this panel is really useful I'm sure if you are shooting in RAW and you've opened this in Photoshop you may be you just you know closed out of it or just bypass I used to do that but it really is useful in setting a good foundation you can tweak colors do little adjustments before opening it into Photoshop like before it makes its grand entrance on the red carpet now the first step is to bump up the shadows so I'm just I just try to bring back a little bit of those details like for instance in this hair area over here the next thing that I like to do is bump up the clarity now I don't like to do this too much I'm not trying to sharpen the image or add a huge amount of clarity like this I think something subtle works and I think the purpose of me going into the Camera Raw panel is again to do very subtle edits you don't want to you don't want to edit the photo right here you know I mean unless that's your unless that's your thing god bless you I could I couldn't I'm very indecisive so next thing we want to do is go on over to the profile Corrections now this just gets rid of any distortion I'm shooting this with a 24 to 70 lens so there was a little bit of vignetting as you can see around the edges again it just gets rid of the distortion some of that if you prefer that type of look you can definitely keep that and then I'm going to go to HSL hue saturation and luminance and what I'm gonna do now is really change up the colors in the background because the colors that I want to add are not going to apply well with these saturated greens so I want to change that just a little bit so what I'm gonna do is start with the hue focusing on yellows greens aquas a little bit of the blues right now so the first thing we're gonna do is toggle the yellow and what I want to do is just lower this to about 18 and then as far as the green goes I'm lowering that all the way and as you can see it already made such a huge difference pay attention maybe over here and as you can see I'm toggling that and let me show you guys the other side what it does so I'm toggling this back and forth aquas I'm lowering that as well and I'm going to toggle this back and forth so you guys can see the difference that it that that it's making and then let it let's head on over to the saturation what I want to do now is just bump the yellows up very slightly to about plus for the greens as well plus let's do plus like 26 and as you guys can see I just want to toggle that back and forth so you guys can see again what that is doing now the reason I'm saturating it a little bit more is because I want the colors to stick a little bit better like my adjustment layers in the future future Jessica wants to cover herself make sure we all the bases are covered she's gotta win this game she got to pay the bills bad joke baseball-reference I didn't I don't I've never been to a baseball game but I want to last one is luminance and let's just bump so yellows up luminance just kind of add adds brightness and going to be increasing it for both the yellows and the greens and let me show you guys that so far so that was before and that's after last thing that we're gonna do in this window here the raw window is I'm gonna go on over to calibration and we're only gonna toggle the green primary now the hue I'm going to set it to negative 24 and I want to saturate it to about 13 butter and I just really wanted the greens to pop out more because I feel like the colors will will go on better and don't worry too much about the skin tone I know right here you know we have some yellow seeping through but we're gonna fix that in Photoshop when we open this up so I think this is looking pretty good as a base again let me show you guys a full before-and-after just in Camera Raw so that's before that's after and then we're gonna go ahead and open this in Photoshop oh hey you guys made it welcome back and now we are officially in Photoshop the first thing I'm going to do is retouch this image if you want to watch me do it feel free if not I'm going to have a time stamp to where you can fast-forward to the actual color editing portion of this so without further ado I'm going to use my frequency separation action and start retouching this image before we apply all the layer just nuts you so that wraps up the retouching portion this is the before and this is after now if you're wondering how I retouch this I used a technique called frequency separation I'm going to have a link in the description if you want to learn how to do it I was gonna try to retouch the hands but then I realized I hadn't come to a point in my life where I retouch hands so and it's not that good at it I didn't want to ruin anything so I'm like well just keep as as it looks it looks good it's fine so now we're gonna get started with the color editing portion of this so I'm gonna go ahead and make a new group name it color it so the first thing I'm gonna do is just tweak the skin tone make it all cohesive just because I feel like there's a little bit of redness and some areas and it's not matching all the way through so what I'm gonna do is go to layer new adjustment layer and then in gradient map and I've already created this nude peachy type of gradient and I was trying to find the words to say but you know my vocabulary these days so this is the color palette and I'm gonna go ahead and press ok and then what I want to do is go from normal to color then as you can see it tends to the entire photo so what we want to do is just mask out her skin so what you want to do is invert this mask so we're gonna flip it we're gonna hide everything so just press command I and then it goes back to normal so I'm going to take a brush and as you guys can see the mask is black so what you want to do is use the opposite of that which is white in this case and we're going to choose what shows through the mask by simply coloring on this white color so anything that you paint on here is going to show through if you're using white on a black mask hopefully I'm I'm not confusing anybody so we're gonna go and just bump this opacity up let's just do 104 now so you guys can kind of just see and I'm just coloring and as you can see the mast we just created shows through only in the parts that I'm coloring with this white foreground color I know some people bust out the pen tool and try like I've not run into the pencil if you make a mistake for any reason go on over with the black color to erase also one thing as well I don't want the eyes to be affected so I'm going over that as well there we go so you're gonna get something that looks like this and all you have to do now is just lower this opacity and there it is look at that look at that difference and again we're just trying to you know correct the skin tone maybe there's this coloration for some reason you can also have a little bit more subtle just by lowering the opacity even more so it just depends on what you're really looking for so now that we've done that and also by the way you guys there are so many different ways of doing this this is just one way that I prefer to do it let's go on over to layer new adjustment layer black and white we're gonna make sure that this tint is checked off and we're gonna bump up the Reds to about 200 and then yellows we're just gonna decrease that okay we're doing okay I guess I selected all the way okay so then what you want to do is just set this to soft light and then decrease the opacity and let me show you guys what that did and then what you want to do is going over to curve so layer new adjustment layer and then curves and I drew this curves layer so hopefully I can redo it here so it's just a simple curves layer and going upwards and then going going almost back down just like my it was my life it would be like this like oh Jessica had a good day not the next day you only get one so that's how it's looking me my bad jokes right just like I got to add them in there I mean sprinkle I sprinkle them in sometimes you know I'm like it's like I'm serious and that BAM bad joke okay so that looks pretty good and look what difference that made it just brightened up the photo you went from like you know winter and Detroit boom you're in Miami okay this is what we just did with this curves layer and then we're gonna do is go on over to the blue and I'm bringing this all the way back so we're just adding a little bit more blue to the photo and we're using that same curves layer we're doing this all all on the same curves layer don't want to make it too much okay I think that looks pretty good and we're keeping this to 100 next what we want to do is go on over to layer new adjustment layer and then gradient map this one you don't have to do this stuff bump I don't know it just adds a little bit extra to the picture so literally what I did is I just went to a red to green gradients and then I went from normal to saturation and look you guys look at this it's like we're back in like the 60s 70s I don't I don't know what this is so I just lowered the opacity to about seven and let me just zoom in real quick so you guys can see this it just adds in a little bit of color and then what I did next is layer new adjustment layer photo filter and for this one I was playing around with it so instead of doing the warming filter which is the default what I did is I went to the deep yellow and then I just lowered the opacity to about 37 and that's it just add it in that little bit of color and let me show you guys and one is we're getting close here we're all we're getting to know each other to it as you guys can see even right here and in the skintone we're just adding in that yellow see how it was kind of blue I'm trying to be like the bill bill and I have like photography I did it I'm not though but I'm just I guess I'm just trying to give you guys like a reason this time as to why I'm doing things I'm not really a technical photographer but there are some reasons why I add certain layers so I just wanted to kind of explain that okay so now that we've added the photo filter one of the last steps will be to add selective color so layer new adjustment layer and then selective color since we're already on the neutrals tab what I'm going to do is just add in a little bit of black and then going over to the black tab and the only thing I'm going to be toggling here is the cyan I hope I'm pronouncing that right but I'm probably not you can roast meat in the comments it's okay I love this because it just adds in like this nice tone of green and blue so then afterwards we're going to go on over to the yellows tab this this tab right here is going to make the biggest difference as you can see me already doing that let me show you guys I'm gonna zoom out I haven't even touched the rest of them and this is what it's doing I think it just looks great and then what we're gonna do is just add a little bit of magenta and then yellows we're gonna bump them up to about 40 and that's what it's doing so far and then the last one is black and then I just added just up a little bit so this is what we got so far now for this one again we're going to mask the model out and I already created a mask on the first one so what we do is just press command until I see this little selection box I'm going to select this election that book yeah just trying to be cool with that one just delete this mask and then reapply with the selection now as you can see the table is that of what we wanted to do so again just invert that mask and then everything but the model is selected I do have to just mask out the eyes and then also I want to just mask out her hair and that is looking pretty good if you want like if you if you want you can you can take your brush set it to like 11 percent opacity and lightly go over the model to add just a little bit of color so let me guys let me show you guys it before and after so that's before and that is after I just love how this layer transformed so much of the picture one last thing I'm going to do is just add a curves layer and I'm setting this from normal to luminosity just to add a little bit of brightness you don't have to add this layer if you don't want to but I like adding this in as a as like a final layer so there it is okay that looks so good I'm proud of myself okay so let me show you guys need full before and after for the color edit this is before and this is after and then we're gonna show you guys we we as in just me I'm going to show you guys a full before and after so that is before and that's after so I really hope you guys enjoyed this portrait retouch and color edit let me know what you guys think below in the comments and as always thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: Jessica Kobeissi
Views: 785,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography tips photography tricks portrait tutorial tutorial editing, portrait tutorial, portrait editing, skin retouching, portrait retouching, professional skin retouching, professional photography tutorial, photoshop tutorial, photoshop editing tutorial, outdoor photography tutorial, fashion photography, beginner photography, photography tricks, photography tips, photography techniques, photography retouching tutorial
Id: QMETGsIgobg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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