Electricity / Lightning Effect in Photoshop

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today we will have fun with electricity / light in the back in Photoshop so let's start hey guys it's nemanja and welcome to another really fun episode today I will show you how to create this electricity / lightning effect in Photoshop so without further ado let the fun begin alright guys today we will use this image and we will apply that electricity / lightning effect on this image to make it even more interesting so first what we need to do is to create that lightning effect there are a few different techniques how you can create that in Photoshop and I will show you a few of them first and maybe most known method it's to use render clouds in Photoshop so to do that you will need default colors black and white if you have some other colors here on color palette as foreground and background you just need to press D on the keyboard as default or just click on this icon above I will press D on keyboard and now I have before colors so we have two ways we can go to filters render and clouds to render this clouds and then we can go again to filter render and difference clouds alright and we will have something like this as you can see we have something like lightening shape here in a black parts and we need that to be white so we will invert the layer by pressing ctrl or command I like this and now we have this white lightening but we have a lot of other stuff here that we don't want to have so we will use the levels to review or you can use curves of course is the same to remove unwanted parts I will just press ctrl or command L on a keyboard to load levels here and I will go and move those blacks all the way to the right until I have those lines and this is something that we we can use we can press ok and we can choose a lasso tool here and just select something that we want to as lightning inverse the selection with shift control I or shift command I on and back and delete everything else as you can see we have something like a lightning shape and we can put this layer into screen blending mode and that's that's it we can play with this we can put maybe hue and saturation adjustment layer on top of that and clip it press here colorize and just change the color maybe to some bluish you can change the saturation and don't mess with this because you have black down below that will become visible if you make it brighter okay and that's it that's one way how you can create another way how you can create same effect using difference clouds it's to create a new layer go to gradient tool and just put some gradient across alright use don't use radial use this linear gradient right put it across like so and then again go to filter but this time go to render and like right away to difference clouds okay and you will have a little bit different effect you can press multiple type control or command F now that you apply this filter and if you'll apply again and again and again until you're satisfied with the result and when you're satisfied you can invert the layer with ctrl or command I and again use levels or curves control command L or ctrl or command M depends what you want use levels or curves and just make it darker and then choose any part of this and apply it as that effect alright guys this is one way how you can create a lighting effect in Photoshop and I rarely use this method because I like to create this effect from a real-life lightning so for that you will need an image that contains contains the lightning in it and you can find a lot of free stock images online so download any of them and I will show you what to do with it so so when you have an image with lightning in it like I have here you need first to convert this image into black and white there are a lot of ways I will use a keyboard shortcut shift control you or shift-command you on a Mac to make it black and white and now I will use levels again press ctrl or command L and just move this slider all the way to have only light invisible or sometimes you will need to move black a little bit than these mittens even more depends of overall look of the sky and so on so I will have something like this and this is looking nice maybe to make why it's even brighter let me see this is not bad at all and now when I'm satisfied with that I'll press ok and I need to invert this again like I did in a previous example so to invert it just press ctrl or command I every how really nice black lightning so we will now convert this into a brush to convert this into a brush you can clean this up a little bit if you want you can use a white brush press B on a keyboard use white color and maybe clean something that you don't want to be visible maybe I don't want this like so and I'm pretty satisfied how this looks now I will go to edit and define brush preset okay and just name this brush like lightening number I have already feel like mix waiting before I created before I start this tutorial I think I have five or six of them now I don't know let's rename it lighting number six okay and now I have really nice lightning here that's great and I can play with with this brush and anytime I want I can access this brush really quickly and apply this kind of effect to an image so it's better render lightening is white and now we will apply this lightening on our image so let's start creating this effect first let's treat new layer and I will use just regular brush regular brush here harder brush make it smaller like this great and I will just catch what I like to create I like to create few lightnings from each of those fingers like so and create some a fact that the lightnings are emitted from the fingers and maybe then create some lightnings here like so like just simple effect maybe we can create some lightning going like there's something then here maybe maybe around the buttons we will see you can play with this however you want you can use any of your images and just apply this effect to make it a little bit interesting so this is just our sketch layer I will create a new layer and now I will go right click and go to my custom created brush as you can see I already have few lightning here already created I will lose one of them maybe lightning number one first start and just press and click here then I will press ctrl command T and move this move this here and position it to follow my sketch something like like this and then I will use lasso tool and I will just select everything that I don't need and I will press shift ctrl J to cut this layer and to make a new layer from a cut so shift ctrl J or shift command J on a Mac and now I have a new layer with this cutted part and I will use this press control command T I'll use this to put it on another finger like like this okay and Dad I can hide this layer and then I will put the mask on both layers okay I will go to brush and just use regular brush go back regular hard brush and just delete let me see delete unwanted parts here I don't like this to be visible and I don't need it so here I don't need at all okay maybe I don't need this or this and now let's go and create a new layer and again create a new lightening I will use another one that I created before I record this tutorial so you can use a lot of different images and just create different lightnings from from them to have different brush and that's really nice to have lightening brush included for my patreon friends you can download all of those brushes that I created for this tutorial and complete PSD file finish PSD file on a patreon you will have link there as usual so don't worry about that ok I would create mask go back use brush and just remove unwanted parts here that's great and now I will repeat that for two more fingers I will speed up this because it's completely the same procedure for every finger so you don't need to to watch me doing this alright see you in a few seconds all right guys now we are with this let's add an arrow Hermes just to clean up few things here like this and add a layer mask right here and let me see right here I would create a new layer above all these Lighting's layer layers right and I would just use the softer brush white color and just put circle right here like some energy circle right and this is first effect I will group all this into one group by selecting all layers and press ctrl command G and now I have this effect I will duplicate the group ctrl or command J like so and I will move it to this to this arm here and I will tweak it a little bit I'll rotate it and then I will go layer by layer and move and we get to match the finger so I will fast forward this because it's a little bit boring process alright guys that's it we have let's rename this this is right hand and this is left hand alright and now we can create a new adjustment layer sorry new layer not adjustment layer and just use any of those lightnings that we created before and just put it here rotate it make it smaller and just put it here maybe this one will be smaller right no like so okay and I will create another one and I'll use them different this one is not bad so I'll rotate it and put it right here we'll make smaller one that's it maybe maybe to rotate it a little bit Oh like this okay now that we created this we will add some outer glow to this to have this effect even better so how to how to do that this is really easy and really fun I will go to first the right hand here to this group okay and I will double click to enter this layer style dialog box if you cannot do this on a group if maybe you're using older version of Photoshop you can merge this group into one layer by pressing ctrl + E now we have everything in one layer and then you can double click and do the same effect okay I will just do it on a group because I'm using new version Photoshop I will go here to outer glow click that we can choose a color I will use the bluish color in this case let's assume this maybe this color and then we can play with those effects with opacity right spread if you want bigger spread or not I like spread to be on 0 for this effect and maybe make it like this that's great and we can just copy this effect the same effect on another layer or a group by holding alt or option key just dis effect and put it here that's great so we can now create select both of those layers press ctrl command G or to group it or we can do something even better we can move both of those layers to correct corresponding corresponding groups all right this is right hand so we'll move it into right and it will already have that effect and this is for left and move we will move here and you can see this is really really nice effect already so the next steps are really optional you can add a lot of those Lightning's around the hand here and another hand and on the body and so on and so on I will do that really quickly in a fast-forward so you don't need to watch me so long doing this but it's completely the same procedure like I did all those lightnings so just choose lightening brush place it modify it place it modify it and that's it so see in a few seconds you alright guys this is it now I will group all of these layers together let me see yes and I miss one more list okay I will group all of these together press control/command G and I will play it apply the same effect on it this is really really nice I can of course play with the opacity or the color of this effect on maybe it will be a little bit lighter on the arms like so alright and we can create some circular of fact I will show you that really quickly just use another again new layer choose lightening maybe this one and make it smaller something like this and just go and use rectangular marquee tool alright press shift and create Square and put this lightening approximately in the center of this square like so and go to the filter distort and distort and go to polar coordinates alright and wait a few seconds alright and just press ok it will make some circular shape and we can make this smaller and put around the button here and you can apply that on a several different let's create another one right click choose another lightning shape maybe here with this one why not no it's too big let's make smaller a little bit now let's use rectangular marquee tool approximately in the middle go to filter distort and for coordinates press ok and now we have this circular shape we can make it smaller and put in an arrow button just as small details here that's really nice you can add some small lightnings here if you want to try as the details but I will leave like so I'll group both of them and I will apply this effect but I need to tweak this effect because Lighting's are a little bit smaller so I need to go like this and maybe this is okay this is really okay and that's basically it guys now you can play have fun with the color correction of this you can add even more effect if you want you can do whatever you want you can maybe go and create a new layer at the top of that put it in overlay blending mode use the regular soft brush let's go to soft brush the first one okay and you can choose some bluish color maybe lighter bluish color like this and you can paint maybe with 30% err so right here on the skin or maybe around here just to emphasize this a little bit okay and what I like to do here you can be more precise this is just for this is just me showing you what you can do and I like to create a new layer I will use really really white color or all the way white 100% opacity but I will use flow maybe 10 or 20 percent let's use 20 percent ANSI and I like to make the top of the fingers wide - with soft brush like this to have impression that this is really going from the fingers this effect is from the top of the fingers okay and let's go here a lot of lightnings okay of course be a little bit more precise and doing the this really fast just for tutorials sake but you can do it a little bit better let me see this is really nice now we have this crazy effect like it's going from from the fingers all right it will electrify somebody okay and now I can group everything into a lay actually merge everything into a layer by pressing shift ctrl alt e' or shift command option e on mac okay and find do a final color correction I will just go to filter Camera Raw because this is the fastest way and I like it I will add some contrast I will add some clarity lower saturation go and decays it a little bit add some we yet maybe right in the shadows and boost the whites a little bit maybe right and everything let me see before and after before after not bad and I will just go and add some bluish tint into the shadows and some yellowish tint into the highlights have some small split toning effect see no bad I'll press ok and you can see this is it you can go even step further and create a new layer use rectangular marquee tool and I'll add those bars at the top fill it with the black if the black it's like it is here a background color you can press ctrl or command with the backspace and fill it with black now I will copy this with ctrl command J and move this all the way down so I have this cinematic effect and that's basically it guys let me show you one more time this is before and this is after before and after really nice touch to an image to add it a lecturing electrifying or lightening effect alright guys that's it for today I really hope that you liked this tutorial and that you learned something new from this episode have fun experiment create few of those custom lighting brushes and play with this effect it is really easy to create it and it can be really powerful on your images if you have any questions you got into this episode please leave them in the comments below I will be glad to answer them if you want to support me in this channel to make it even bigger and better you can do that by visiting my patreon page the link is down there in the description and in return depending on the supporting level you will get my free brushes PSD files chat with me and so on and so on just go there and check it out so thank you guys for watching this one and see you in the next one episode bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 482,213
Rating: 4.9507427 out of 5
Keywords: Electricity, Lightning, Effect, Photoshop, Tutorial, Lightning bursh, Custom brushes, How to create Lightning in photoshop, Lightning effect, How to create electriciry effect in photoshop, How to make lightning in photoshop, Lightning in photoshop, Electro man, Fun, Creative, Nemanja Sekulic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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