Adobe Photoshop Tutorial: EVERY Tool in the Toolbar Explained and Demonstrated

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[Music] hey what is up this is Josh McDermitt a fun and exciting Photoshop tutorial working in Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 and today we're gonna look at every single tool in the tool bar now if you want to follow along we're going to go ahead and go to window workspace make sure you're on essentials and then you can also go ahead and reset essentials just to make sure on the same page and I like to work a little bit differently at least for today so what we're gonna do I'm gonna take layers and I'm just gonna grab it and drag it over here and just kind of minimize everything else like so and the first two were of course going to look at is the move tool or V on the keyboard that's the default shortcut and what we can do with the move tool is if we have an unlocked layer which in this case this layer is locked so we're gonna unlock that we can grab this layer and just kind of drag it around simple as that probably the most used tool in Photoshop the move tool next we're gonna look at the artboard tool so you just hold down on the move tool icon and you select the next one down artboard and we're gonna drag click and drag on our canvas and you say it's made a new artboard now what's the point of an artboard well you can actually create more artboards and just kind of make them go on forever and the point of an artboard is just to have different designs or photos in the same canvas so you have one Photoshop file and you can have all kinds of different comp in that Photoshop file so that's a feature that it was brought over from illustrator and it can be very handy if you're doing multiple variations on the same project next we're gonna go down to the rectangular marquee tool or M on your keyboard and what we can do with that is we can just click and drag and make a selection we can go and we can create a new layer via copy we can create a new layer via cut which should we do that and hide that new layer you can see we just completely cut that out or we can hide the other layer and we're left with that different things you can do with that obviously we're going to undo that next elliptical marquee tool again a selection except this time it's a circle so we can cut that out using our keyboard commands and paste it on to a new layer and now you have a lovely circle cut out all right we're gonna undo that and just to reference this photo this photo was actually taken by my wife Alicia for our travel and adventure blog terror drift and we also have a youtube channel so if you want to check that out if you're into that kind of thing go ahead and check that out there's a link at the top of the video there definitely check it out subscribe and if you're into 360 we recently did some 360 videos that are on there that are pretty cool of the Grand Canyon next we're going to take a look at the single row marquee tool now what this is is a selection tool that only selects one pixel at a time except because it's a single row wherever you click it's going to select that row so I'm going to zoom in really close you can see it's only selected a single row of pixels next there's a single column marquee tool which does the exact same thing except of course with a column or vertically which makes a vertical selection next we have the lasso tool and the lasso tool is a selection tool that allows you to freehand select so we can just click and drag around these folks right here or one of them and then you have a very rough selection we can then go back to our move tool and we can actually just cut them straight out of that and move them around next we have the polygonal lasso tool and what this does it's a freehand more-or-less selection tool but instead you have anchor points so by clicking I've just created an anchor point and then I'm gonna pull out my selection tool and I'm gonna click again that makes another anchor click again another anchor and I can just keep going like that all the way around and then again I can go to my move tool and just cut them straight out or I can paste them onto another layer etc etc next we have a magnetic lasso tool this one's really cool so if we go to this rock right here the magnetic lasso tool is going to detect edges and so you can actually click and it'll just try to find that edge that contrasts and follow that all the way down so you can see I made a mistake right there it didn't hit the rock exactly so I'm going to hit my backspace or my delete and it'll back up a little ways and then I can go back and start over again with a little bit more accuracy this time and then once I've gone all the way around I click on the original anchor just to close that selection and then I can cut and paste that on a new layer drag it around replace it with something else whatever I want to do all right next we're done with our lasso tools the next tool is the quick selection tool now how you use the quick selection tool is you want to click and drag over something that you want to select so let's say I want to select this rock it's going to attempt to roughly detect what area I want to select and using contrasts and Colour information it's going to try to find the edges of that as you can see it did not work terribly well here I'm gonna deselect that let's find something with a little bit more contrast and let's try this rock down here so it more or less selected that rock the top of that rock there if we go to this logo here we can actually try out thistle and get a little bit better result because these lines are so crisp so I'm going to just click and drag there and as you can see that solid color has now been selected I'm going to deselect that and go back to this image our next tool is the magic wand tool now this works in a similar fashion but it's a one-click selection tool so for instance if we wanted to select the sky let's just single click and see what happens so you can see because this is a gradient the sky's gradient it's only been able to detect one slice of that similar color now we can up the tolerance up here at the top I'll set it to like 100 and we'll try it again and now you can see it selected a much wider range of colors but still within a certain gamut so let's take that down to 50 and try it again so now it's selected more of the sky more of that blue color and again if we go over to our logo and we do one click you can see that it's selected those colors again now you see it's actually selected this here this o which is that blue and if we hit contiguous up here and we try that again you see that it's selected within the bounds of this object so it's not selected this o and that's important to note in the future so back to our image we're going to deselect that we're done with our selection tool there crop tool so the crop tool obviously crops things so up here we can select what ratio we want to crop the image at we can select a width a height and a resolution or we can select a preset such as an eight-and-a-half by 11 photo at 300 PPI we select that we can just kind of drag this around and if you have a keyboard that has a number pad you can either hit enter on the number pad or you can go up here and hit the checkmark and it'll crop that for you I'm gonna undo that next up we have the perspective crop tool now this is a really interesting tool because what it does is once you click and drag over what you want to crop you can grab the anchor points on the side and you can stretch them out move them in out and what will happen is let's say I want to make this image crop this image to this plane I'm gonna hit okay and it'll crop the image and stretch it out to match that perspective I'll do that really interesting tool the slice tool you go around and you can make selections and you can see it's by clicking and dragging you can make these slices this is a tool that's used in web design and I can slice up an image so that when I save it it can be put back together in a website kind of like a puzzle and then if I go to my slice select tool which is the next tool in there I can select this particular slice that I made or if I have multiple slices that I've made like so I can use that slice select tool and select them and move them around gonna undo those changes next up we have the eyedropper tool now the I bet dropper tool can be used to select a color and move it into your color palette so I'm just gonna select that blue sky and you can see down here in our color our foreground color that's the color we've just selected it's very handy if you want to try to match a color or get an idea for what the x value or RGB values are for a particular color we're gonna skip over the 3d material eyedropper tool because we're not working with anything 3d at the moment but we're gonna go down to our color sampler tool and if we just single click you can see this little dialog comes up and number one which is this is number one here it gives us our RGB value for that now if we click on the little eyedropper in the dialog box we can actually select if we want to see lab color CMYK HSB web or grayscale also 32 and 16-bit so that's a handy thing to note if you're trying to sample multiple colors to see what kind of a color scheme is or something like that next we're going to go to our ruler tool now the ruler tool is handy if you're trying to measure the distance between two objects so if we zoom in here let's say we want to measure between this person and these people up here I'm just going to click and drag and you can see the lion one we have one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three point three one pixels and our angle is fifteen point three degrees so it'll even tell you your angle there let's go ahead and clear that and we'll zoom back out now I'm going to free transform this and just skew it ever so slightly go back to our ruler tool and let's say we took a photo at an angle like this we don't necessarily want to crop it but we want to straighten it out well take your ruler tool click and drag and try to match the horizon line with the line that you're creating and then up here at the top hit straighten layer and it's gonna straighten that back out don't get it quite perfect but you get the idea alright next we have the note tool now the note tool is great if you're collaborating or you just want to make a note for yourself it'll just click here and this little notes dialog comes up and we can say remove these people then you have that little note that whoever comes into this Photoshop file they'll see that and they can zoom in they can click on it and they'll see the note here you can even add an author up here at the top next we have the count tool and I'm actually going to go to another image for that so the count tool is exactly what it sounds like so let's say we want to count how many computers and electronic devices we have here so we're just going to click and we have a little number one and actually adjust the marker size quite a bit and the label and we will change the color so we can see it a little bit better maybe something like Bart bright red 2 3 4 5 6 so as you can see it's very straightforward just a simple tool for counting next we have this Spot Healing Brush tool let's go back to our New Zealand photo here and we're gonna zoom in to these people here again make sure I have my layer selected and with this tool I'm just going to click and drag over this person and as you can see content-aware which is what the setting is for this currently it filled in that space with image data it collected from the surrounding image so we're just going to click and drag again over this person and see if it does as good of a job and sure enough they're gone and I do have a reflection here that I'll take care of real quick not bad and sometimes if you click and try to get out the rest of that image it works alright I'm actually going to switch to the Healing Brush tool which is the next tool and this tool is based on a selection that you make so I'm going to hold alt on my keyboard alt option click and make a selection in the water here and then I'm going to use that selection to try and get rid of this reflection and what it's going to do it's going to try to copy that information over that person that reflection and it worked moderately well it's a little smudgy I actually like how the Spot Healing Brush tool did that a little bit better so I'm gonna go ahead and undo all of that now let's move on to our next tool the patch tool so with the patch tool and zoom in to somebody else it's kind of like the freehand marquee tool we're gonna just draw around these folks right here and you have a choice you can either do source or destination so I'm gonna select source and what that's gonna do is replace that selection with anything that I dragged this other marquee on top of and then it's gonna blend it so if I deselect that you can see you can sort of see the edges there but it's done a pretty good job of getting rid of those people I'm gonna undo that next I'm going to select destination I'm going to grab this and as you can see I'm taking that image and moving it someplace else so I'm going to move them right here and it's going to try to blend that as best as it can so when I deselect it's not a pretty good job of copying them and blending the edges I'm going to undo that next we have content aware move tool now this is actually very similar to the patch tool with a couple different options now I'm going to drag them over and hit OK now the difference being that it literally moves whatever you've moved and then replaces it with content-aware fill undo that the red eye tool now this should be fairly self-explanatory we've had red eye tools and software for ages I'm gonna take this old photo of myself with some serious red eye and I'm just gonna click right on my people and it does a pretty good job out of the box getting rid of that red eye there's some pupil size and darken amount settings here that you can play with if it doesn't do what you want right out of the box but that is the red eye tool next we have the brush tool very simple you have all kinds of brushes you can select from you can select the size the softness of the edge on the brush right now it's down to maximum softness if you will I'm going to make a red brush and just paint very simple very easy next we have the pencil tool which reminds me of something right out of Microsoft Paint just a very rudimentary very basic kind of tool for drawing alright so next we're going to use alright so next we're going to select the color replacement tool and let's try a different image here we're going to select bright red and as you can see it's attempting to find the edges on whatever I'm painting and it's going to blend whatever color I've selected with the current color go ahead and undo that next we have the mixer brush tool and with our red still selected we'll just drag over this and as you can see it's trying to mix the two colors and you even have a little bit of a natural brush feel when you're doing that this is a nice tool if you are doing some digital painting next we have the clone stamp tool we're gonna go back to this image and to make a selection with the clone stamp tool I am going to hold alt click right on that guy's head and as you can see it's giving me a preview of what I'm cloning so I'll just click and drag and paint them into place over here so of course with your brush settings you can again control the hardness and the size and there are a lot of other things that I won't go over now that you can try like sampling all layers and that sort of thing and I do that next we have the pattern stamp tool and we find a different image here and let's say for some strange reason I'm gonna make a new layer by the way for some strange reason I want a pattern all over my face well let's select a pattern and then I'm gonna just click and drag this pattern on my face and it's just gonna paint right on top of my face now since I have this on a new layer I'm going to go to my blending modes and I'm gonna select multiply and that's going to make everything that is bright translucent and then I'm going to take the opacity down quite a bit and then for some reason I have this pattern all over my face not sure why exactly but there it is next we have the history brush tool so let's say that you made a few modifications let's use the Spot Healing Brush tool say we get rid of these guys and we'll get rid of this guy but you decide that you really only wanted to make a change by ticking those people on the top of the hill out so let's grab our history brush tool and just click right on top of those people there and they're back and it's left this area undisturbed that guy further down the hill that we erased let's undo that next we have the art history brush tool now this is a really interesting tool that I don't really use but what it does is it kind of artifice if you will the image that you're working on so you have different styles that you can select from I'm gonna select dab and I'm just going to work on the sky here and it's just gonna kind of DAB that sky for me and I'm gonna click and drag over this area and it's gonna take the colors the primary colors that it detects from your image and it's going to create this kind of artistic rendering of course I don't pretend to have any finesse when it comes to this tool so I'm just gonna leave it at that play with it see if you like it next up is the eraser tool and guess what it erases things but you can also go up here to your brushes and you can change the hardness have softer edges when your erase you can also change the flow the smoothness next up we have the background eraser tool and we're gonna go to our logo for this and if I just try to forget right on that edge you can see that it's detecting that edge and it's only erasing everything behind it or next to it snow oh I made a mistake there so if the brush goes on top of that object too much then it will start erasing it because it thinks you're targeting it so that's the background eraser tool next we have the magic eraser tool and this is kind of similar to the magic wand tool so it detects edges and colors contrast basically and it'll erase whatever you're clicking on and you can change the tolerance of course or if we just click on the white undo that let's uncheck contiguous try it again and now you see it's erase the entire background all right so we're moving right along next we have the gradient tool now if you're a photographer you may use a graduated filter from time to time but inside of Photoshop you can also use a gradient to replicate this filter I'm going to create a new layer make sure my colors are black and white there and I'm gonna click and drag from the top of my image all the way to the bottom and then I'm going to go to my blending modes and set this to multiply and as you can see it's made the top very dark all the way to black and then gets light again so I'm going to decrease my opacity and if you have a really bright sky and you want to try to even it out a little bit you can use this technique I'll delete that otherwise you have some other settings here you have a radial gradient an angle gradient a reflected gradient and a diamond gradient very cool stuff next we have the paint bucket tool and let's go back to our logo let's say I want to change this grounds very quickly we'll go ahead and select now let's select red just for fun and we'll just single click and as you can see it's changed the whole background to red and if we hit our contiguous setting there radial button click these two spots of light three spots of white have not been touched next we have the 3d material drop tool but since we're not working with 3d materials we're gonna skip that and move on to our blur tool so we're gonna go to this image let's say you know what I don't know who this is I'm gonna blur his face out I'm just gonna click and move my mouse back and forth over his face and it's going to blur that out and the more I move back and forth over that object it's gonna blur it out more and more very nice I'm gonna undo that next we have the sharpen tool let's say you know what I want to sharpen up these eyes a little bit let's go ahead and click on those a couple times you can see it's it really sharpens the detail ups the contrast a bit next we have the smudge tool so you say you know what I actually want this guy to look a little bit like oh I don't know a vampire or pixie or something I'm just going to take the smudge tool and I'm going to click and drag on his ear right here give them some funky pointed ears and [Music] pull his nose out a little bit and maybe lengthen his mouth now you can see that this is entirely destructive it's really blurred the skin so not a great way to use this tool a better tool to use would be under filter liquify but that is a tool for a different show all right next we're going to go to the Dodge tool so if we zoom in to these eyes again you can see if I click and drag over those eyes the Dodge tool is actually going to increase the brightness of those eyes so it's kind of like a spot treatment whiten the teeth a bit that is super creepy but that is what that tool does so I'm just gonna undo that next we have the burn tool the burn tool does the exact opposite of the Dodge tool so I'm just gonna get in the eyes right there click and drag zoom back out and now I have creepy black ice so it's just a tool for darkening can darken my scalp slightly alright next we have the sponge tool and there are two different modes for the sponge tool you can desaturate or saturate so let's say I'm looking a little pale I can saturate the skin spot saturate the skin a little bit I'm gonna make those cheeks a little more rosy or I can change this to desaturate and totally desaturate the eyes for instance next we have the pen tool so let's go back to our logo so with my logo let's say that I want to take this JPEG and I want to turn it into a vector shape so the first step I'm gonna take my pen I'm gonna click at the top of my logo right at that point and then I'm gonna click again at the bottom of this curve but I'm gonna hold that and I'm gonna drag out and you can see it's creating a curve there I'm gonna match the curve up the logo and then I'm gonna release next I'm going to hold alt I'm gonna straighten it out make it match my logo and then I'm gonna click down here at this point to create another Anchor Point and I'm just going to do this very quickly now we have a couple options we can right click we can say I want to make a selection out of that there's your selection or I can say I want to define a custom shape so there's your shape you can save it and it'll be inside of Photoshop for you to use at a later time and underneath the pen tool there are a lot of other tools that you can use however if you go down here past the text tool to the path selection tool you can take that path and just move it around easily or you can use the direct selection tool and if we click off of that for a second we can change the path anchor points and create something entirely different so we're going to delete that next we're going to go to the horizontal type tool that's exactly what it sounds like I'm just going to click and start typing you can switch to the move tool and just move that around delete that next we have the vertical type tool again exactly what it sounds like now what about these other two tools the vertical type and horizontal type mask tools well let's try the horizontal mask tool and we're gonna hit okay and as you see it's just made a selection in the shape of the text so then by going to our select menu we can go down to transform selection and that will allow us to move this around hit OK and now we can do a couple different things we could add a mask to this layer or if we undo that we can hit delete or backspace on our keyboard deselect that and as you see it's cut those letters out of our image moving on from the text tool we have the shape tools the rectangle tool you can fill it with any color you like you can also add a stroke to it or just an outline if you will you can adjust this size of the outline so right now our hand have it at 10 pixels and we're just going to click and drag and there's our shape now if you'd like to create a perfect square with this selected just hold shift and drag and there's your square next you have the rounded rectangle tool and if you go over to the radius here that's going to change how rounded the corners are so we're gonna leave it at 100 and we're gonna click and drag and as you see we have a hundred pixel radius on that corner delete that ellipse tool create circles if you hold shift you can make a perfect circle next we have the polygon tool so if you go up here to sides you can select how many sides you like your shape to have so if we type in 3 click and drag we can create a triangle or if we add five we can create a Pentagon or you can add 20 next we have the line tool and on the line tool this is based on weight so if we have a 50 pixel weighted line I'm actually going to take the stroke off of this one there's our 50 pixel line or we can do a 5 pixel line there's our 5 pixel line custom shapes these are shapes that you've either imported or are built inside of Photoshop Photoshop comes with all these shapes and a bunny rabbit here and as you can see each shape has anchor points so that you can mess around with so I can go to my direct selection tool and just grab one of these anchor points and pull it out and modify these shapes as I choose next we have the hand tool now the hand tool its whole purpose is to move your canvas around very simple rotate view tool let's zoom out a little bit so let's say oh well I wonder what this logo would look like if it were sideways well you can take this tool and rotate it and if you hold shift while you rotate it'll actually lock into I believe it's 15 degree increments something like that so there it is on its side and then you can also reset the view next you have the magnifying glass or the zoom tool by default it's a magnifying glass so you just click on what you want to magnify if you hold alt option on your keyboard you can click and it will D magnify or zoom out next we have our color panel here these little guys here they will change your colors back to the default black foreground white background colors you can also do this by hitting D on your keyboard and if you'd like to switch the foreground and background colors you can hit X below that we have the quick selection mask tool so once you have that selected go ahead and take a brush and you can brush overtop of whatever you want to mask out and then if you click that again it'll give you a selection and then let's go down here to the layers panel and hit add layer mask and it'll mask that out lastly we have some view options we have standard screen mode full screen mode with menu bar and full screen mode now I usually just choose F for these because that's the keyboard shortcut now if we hit F once you can see we still have our toolbars but the user interface is slimmed down significantly if we hit it again we have full screen mode this might be handy if you're painting and what little as a little distraction is possible hey guys thanks for watching that's all for now be sure to subscribe and hit the little bell so you get notifications of future tutorials and if you enjoyed this video please give it a like and let me know what is your favorite tool in Photoshop we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Josh McDarris
Views: 758,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop tutorial, photoshop tutorial for beginners, adobe photoshop tutorial, adobe photoshop basics, photoshop basics, photoshop basics tutorial, photoshop basics tutorial for beginners, adobe photoshop tutorial for beginners, photoshop, cc, photoshop cc tutorial, photoshop tutorial 2018, photoshop tutorial beginner, photoshop tutorials for beginners, photoshop tutorials, how to use photoshop, photoshop cc beginner, photoshop cc tutorials, 2018, new
Id: 2cQT1ZgvgGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 41sec (2741 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 24 2018
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