Huggy Wuggy vs The Most Secure House - Minecraft

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[Music] oh man we're in trouble tonight we're gonna be attacked by the blue monster what a monster what do you mean for right now we need to focus on putting a security system in place let's survive we have until tonight to build our security system i have a plan i know something about the monster oh it's very tall and slender so that gives me an idea like what he's tall right let's take advantage of that all right so here's the plan we'll build a long narrow hallway that puts him at a disadvantage now i like that plan yeah yep okay let's start around here with a little of this and that then this for something like that a hallway oh wow i made a long hallway whoa yep neat it's so narrow that it's an advantage to be small right i see the monster's gonna have a tough time yeah next let's make it a little like a maze for example this way yeah just watch something like this you're good at that another hallway i extended it quite a bit this is cool this goes this way and right or left you'll have to pick a direction all right the right one is definitely a trick oh okay cool okay looking good hurry we have to finish before nightfall let's make the hallway narrow [Music] yeah that's better oh if we can't finish building before night time the blue monster will definitely be the end of us sounds like trouble hey let's cover this wall with cross marks oh yeah good thinking not bad looks great now let's work on the left that's the correct choice oh this is a tight squeeze if you're tall right awesome what we have so far isn't too bad for a security system totally okay now that we have the foundation built we can start leveling up the security i have an idea mikey where's a good spot to put this well what is it i call it the floor is lava security system no time to waste let's build it how about further down here yeah [Music] we're using lava yep that's crazy is it this guy doesn't stand a chance um first we need dispensers to go on the floor oh then we'll put buckets of lava inside of each one [Music] that's good okay that should work just a bit more [Music] then we clear out the sides why for the redstone circuit of course [Music] and levers oops i won't forget the repeaters we're ready to hook it all up watch just like this oh is that right the next thing [Music] see how i hooked it up around the sides yeah oh i don't need it here nope next step connect the lever and we're done [Music] already yep we just have to cover it up that's it [Music] it's done we did it wow the floor is lava is complete if we pull this lever oh those dispensers pump out the lava what a good idea yeah it's the best thanks now from here the path is splitting to continue on you need to turn left yep i see now just in case yeah if the monster gets past our lava trap i think we should install a second security system over here okay what's the plan our next project is very simple right here okay that's better fill these up with arrows oh i'll fill up these dispensers with lots of arrows yeah you're probably wondering what i'm building place redstone dust and a comparator then hook them up with a clock function now put a lever here that's neat now we have a security system that can't be beat it's an arrow trap wow what a good trap wanna test it out yeah ready three two one whoa that's brutal no way he can get through that yeah it's definitely effective wow it's gonna be really hard for the monster to make it past our trap definitely now what else can we build hmm there's more i'd like more security sure um maybe like this over here yeah i built another hallway look what's this one for well if the monster makes it past the lava and the arrows then we'll want to run down this hallway then we can make a safe getaway i'm thinking of building an escape device an escape device we want our escape to be as quick clean and simple as possible right yes first off uh we'll put a platform here and now we'll start with this a large glass pipe wow look how high it goes that's ginormous whoa yeah i built this pipe for a reason but jj why a pipe mikey just wait and see what are you making first we need to place some soul sand at the bottom sure and then right here we're gonna put up a few signs [Music] now we'll fill it up with buckets of water i don't get it just wait actually maybe i should use commands to fill it up like this i just filled the whole thing with water what is this this is a water elevator the soul sand at the bottom is making all of those bubbles floating up see if we get in the bubbles will carry us to the top really quickly we dive right in just like this check me out mikey so fast yeah cool isn't it yeah and if you start swimming you go even faster whoa really wow i'm already at the top now if the monster breaks through our security we can take the water elevator up to safety he'll never catch us up here right so we're safe if we can get to the elevator right what a good plan hmm but still that monster mikey just in case he follows us all the way up here yeah we should have one last security measure another one yep what is it now isn't this enough no we need more just watch okay first we need to make another path here extend the path out this way it should be wide enough okay about like this now for the next part i want to use a tricky building material can you tell what it is no exactly it's snow oh but this is no ordinary snow what do you mean it's powder snow it's so soft and fluffy you can only walk over it if you have leather boots on oh the monster is barefoot so he'll fall through see that's it try it again with leather boots on oh okay now that you have leather boots you won't fall through the powder snow wow you're right nice yeah as long as we're geared up we can walk across the snow no problem but the monster won't be able to follow us he'll fall but if we're running where do we put the boots good question let's build an auto equip mechanism let's see first we need some of these like that oh here and here then place the redstone dust and now the armor a leather helmet the boots all right and over here the chest plate and the leggings what else should we put here golden apples yeah all right going in finally the button it's finished if you stand here and press the button then no it automatically equips you with a full set of leather armor then we cross here perfect yep are we done not yet we have a final security system what's next well after he falls through yeah the monster will still be able to run wild true we don't want that it's dangerous that's why we're going down below to build a containment trap for him like a cage exactly a little of this yeah oh that's interesting the base of it is gonna be obsidian ah then we'll do this okay all right how about how's this perfect okay this is the blue monster's cage there's no escape i wouldn't want to get stuck in here right whoa the walls are really high to prevent any escape good idea see the powder snow fall through that and you're in here yep then you're trapped in the cage are we done not quite yet wow really well we can't just trap the monster we have to destroy it so mikey let's start hey is this enough maybe make it this high so yeah we'll blast the monster to bits using repeating tnt launchers like this [Music] over here looks great thanks okay we can watch from here have you figured out what we're doing uh not really it's time to make the rapid fire tnt launchers right trap him in the cage and destroy him with lots of tnt we can win now let's start our final build oh thanks how's that good wow it's almost done so close we still need comparators okay and a lever hmm [Music] oh that should work awesome almost done [Music] [Applause] yeah so when you pull the lever tons of tnt will pour down into the monster's cage and he'll be destroyed in the explosion uh right one thing we need a way down there [Music] what's that just wait over here [Music] this side [Music] like this that goes there huh oh okay when we pull this lever we'll fall from here okay wow that was the perfect spot then for down here how about we use slime blocks hey that was my plan too great minds think alike everything is ready the monster will fall through the snow then we stand here on the gold and pull the lever then we fall out then we'll land on the slime blocks oh we won't take ball damage nope now we're on the tnt launchers impressive and from here we can see the monster blown to bits our security system is complete now we just sit and wait until nightfall we're all ready that monster doesn't stand a chance against us yeah [Music] well it's night time but there's no sign of the blue monster so we're looking around uh maybe he's not coming no i guess he's not coming hey what are those villagers doing out in the middle of the night i don't know it's not safe to be out yeah here watch out what really huh the villagers it's the blue monster stop he got them come on we need to run [Music] we need [Music] hurry get inside he can't get in he's too tall right yeah huh he's walking like it's nothing he's coming in mikey hurry oh good job mikey it's lava time take this he's in the lava we win all right it should destroy him [Music] and follow me mikey we have to use our next security system get a taste of these arrows oh man sorry mikey i'm not jj i didn't mean to no way oh no come on we have to go up i'm not gonna make it don't say that maybe the monster won't be able to follow us let's go right behind you you okay i think so what it's him the monster he's behind us i'm scared me too man we need to go are we gonna make it really hurry up i need gear over here okay pray mikey okay ready you shouldn't be able to cross [Music] we did it it worked did he fall in think so oh yeah should we check good idea let's drop down there i'm really glad we had this backup plan if we didn't we'd be monster food i was oh whoa [Applause] i saw something we dropped all the way down here without fall damage yeah now wow there he is the blue monster fell right into our trap yes he's trapped in a cage of obsidian that means it's time to pull that lever and dump a mountain of tnt on them do it okay mikey you get to pull the lever go ahead all right oh man whoa that looks crazy it's okay i landed in the water how is it i don't know did we i think so really whoa oh hang on huh whoa wow we did it he's down that was crazy but we won it looks like he could start moving again though be careful i agree i'm a bit scared of it but we won we survived the blue monster all because we took the time to build our security system thanks for watching today's adventure please like and subscribe see you later if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like and subscribe plus you can check us out on twitter instagram and tick tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 12,399,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: Do3sFxEpgg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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